528 research outputs found

    Stress effects on the phosphorylation of c-jun-nterminal kinases and on nuclear translocation of hsp70 in rat hippocampus

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    Glucocorticoids have diverse effects in cellular processes in hippocampus (HIPPO) under stress. Beside genomic pathways, their effects are also mediated by direct activation of subfamily of mitogen-activated protein kinases termed, c-Jun-Nterminal kinases (JNKs). We analysed the phosphorylation status of cytoplasmic and nuclear JNK isoforms, and expression of its inhibitor Hsp70 protein in HIPPO of rats exposed to diverse types of stress. Activity of JNK1 in cytoplasm and nucleus was decreased in all types of stress, while the activity of cytoplasmic JNK2/3 was markedly higher in acute stress, and unaltered or lowered in chronic and combined stress. Hsp70 was significantly decreased in cytoplasm and increased in nucleus under all stress conditions indicating its cytoplasmic-nuclear translocation.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200


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    This paper discusses a basic construct in the study of contemporary fatherhood – father involvement, focusing on different methodological approaches to studying father involvement in the upbringing of children. The paper emphasizes the great importance of father’s involvement, analyzed effects and causes of (non)involvement. Various aspects of paternity research examined in numerous studies were selected and analyzed in order to suggest a new theoretical and methodological support, inspiration, as well as the directions for further research. The obtained results of the research proved that a variety of methodological approaches could be devised only by understanding the idea of the multidimensionality of the construct of father involvement in the upbringing of children. Some of the most popular quantitative and qualitative approaches and their techniques were highlighted and described in more detail. The paper highlights the limitations of both approaches, stating that a systemic perspective in understanding and in a methodological approach to measuring the involvement of fathers could be perceived as the solution. The data presented in the paper were based on the scientific knowledge. Namely, research methods may have several modalities, comprising a number of research techniques. The presented paper uses the method of theoretical analysis based on literature analysis of various theoretical and empirical findings of the involvement of fathers in the upbringing of children.U radu se raspravlja o osnovnom konstruktu u proučavanju suvremenog očinstva– uključenosti očeva, usmjerenona različite metodološke pristupe proučavanju uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece. Rad naglašava veliku važnost uključenosti očeva i analizira učinke i uzroke (ne)uključenosti. Različiti aspekti proučavanja očinstva u brojnim istraživanjima odabrani su i analizirali kako bi se pružila nova teorijska i metodološka podrška i inspiracija, kao i smjernice za daljnje istraživanje. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se niz metodoloških pristupa može ostvariti samo uz razumijevanje ideje multidimenzionalnosti konstrukta uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece. Naglašavaju se i detaljnije opisuju neki od najpopularnijih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pristupa kao i njihove tehnike. Rad ukazuje na ograničenja oba pristupa i utvrđuje kako bi se sistemska perspektiva razumijevanja i metodološki pristup mjerenju uključenosti očeva mogli smatrati rješenjima. Podatci prikazani u radu temelje se na znanstvenoj spoznaji. Naime, metode istraživanja mogu imati nekoliko modaliteta te sadržavati niz tehnika istraživanja. U prikazanom radu korištena je metoda teorijske analize koja se temelji na analizi literature različitih teorijskih i empirijskih nalaza o uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece

    Corticosterone level alters optimal heat shock protein 90/glucocorticoid receptor ratio in hippocampus of stressed rats

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    Hippocampus (HIPPO) is one of the key brain structures, rich in glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a transcriptional factor involved in negative feedback of hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in response to stress. Heat shock proteins accompany GR maintaining its optimal conformation, ligand binding ability and translocation to the nucleus. In order to evaluate the expression of GR, Hsp90 and their ratio we exploited three diverse types of stress (acute immobilization, chronic isolation and combination of the two). Our results indicated the same pattern of expression and compartmental distribution for both proteins, as well as for their ratio, under acute and combined stress when the level of corticosterone (CORT) was high. On the contrary, when CORT was low, such as in chronic stress, Hsp90/GR ratio exhibited opposite pattern of expression and GR was not translocated to the nucleus.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Pеrforming Antifascism: Intangible heritage or not?

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    Grasping of what may or may not be considered as Yugoslavia’s heritage proves to be a complex and more often than not a conflicting task. As an intangible property, antifascism has an unquestionably positive connotation, and as such it has been the most problematic value of the former state to be distanced from following the dissolution of socialist Yugoslavia. For a long time it was not to be truly discussed, and then a decomposition of its carriers came and brought new participants in the movement, the new carriers of the ideal and the new victors to the arena of public memory. Taken as a default we do not need to discuss, it never entered the process of heritagization and was never valorized as a heritage object. Nevertheless, appropriation of its meanings and its value took place. The proposed paper aims at investigating the meanders of heritage-based appropriation of antifascism in Serbia since the year 2012. It is based on the analysis of the antifascism- related performances in public space, with an emphasis on the reappearance of commemorative practices seemingly gone from the realms of the public memory. The paper proposes the understanding of antifascism as the only viable value the current state system can share with the only proclaimed values of the EU community it wishes to belong to

    Jugoslavija pamti: mesto, telo i pokret za prostore izvođenog nasleđa

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    Commemorations hold an important position in processes of formulating and maintaining memory and identity of a commu- nity regardless of its size and the point of gathering. Their role in keeping the official narratives of a community has historically been their most recognized and investigated aspect. However, the often overlooked task of a commemoration is to create space in which the values and norms of the community will temporarily take-on flesh. With an aim of investigating them as space-making actions, this dissertation brings the focus to a different aspect of commemora- tive performances – to their three-way corporal conditioning, and therefore to the didactic potential they are endowed with. The latter is done by investigating the basic manner in which commemorati- ons as performances are structured. Commemorations are approa- ched as site-specific performances, and their scripts are analyzed by co-relating their three main segments – the site, body and action. The latter is achieved through analysis of three specific case studies of public commemorations fashioned during the existence of SFRY. Through the analysis of their scripts and the actual performances taking place, the employed official bodily didactics is deconstructed, and the final result – the space made by an educated body – is se- arched for and analyzed, in order to disclose the nuanced changes in the meanings and values put forward by its creators over time, through employment of the body in performance in the same way. The longevity and contemporary relevance of three analyzed public performances – “Great School Lesson” (Kragujevac, Serbia), commemoration of the Battle of Sutjeska (Tjentište, BiH) and cele- bration of “13th of July” (Montenegro) – positions them as items to be inherited, and therefore brings the discussion to the realms of heritage theory and practice. However, when viewed as space-ma- king action, the commemorations cannot be easily simplified to the level of intangible and tangible binary put forward by UNESCO. As the one potential category of in-between, this dissertation provides a further conceptualization of performing heritage. Performing he- ritage is determined as heritage type that deals with these practices and in them used sites as unquestionably dynamic traits of human action. With a goal of honoring their inherited duality (being simul- taneously intangible and tangible), it is proposed to look at comme- morations from the point of the one of its main end-results – the space; therefore, determining performing heritage as heritage of the space-making proces

    Effect of different types of stress on adrenal gland parameters and adrenal hormones in the blood serum of male Wistar rats

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    In the present study, we examined gross changes in the mass of whole adrenal glands and that of the adrenal cortex and medulla in mature male Wistar rats subjected to three different stress types: acute, chronic, and combined, i.e., chronic followed by acute stress. These parameters were correlated with adrenal activity as judged from serum levels of corticosterone and catecholamine, respectively, as well as with serum levels of ACTH and glucose. Under all three conditions, we observed bilaterally asymmetric and stress-type-independent hypertrophy of whole adrenals, as well as adrenal cortices and medullas. Under acute and combined stress, adrenal hypertrophy was followed by increase of adrenal hormones in the blood serum. However, under chronic stress, both cortical and medullar activities as judged from low or unaltered levels of the respective hormones and glucose were compromised and disconnected from the input signal of ACTH. Since all of the studied adrenal activities could be restored by subsequent acute stress, it is concluded that chronic isolation can be viewed as partly maladaptive stress with characteristics resembling stress resistance rather than the stress exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome

    Performances of Memory in the “New Normal” – Commemorations without Bodies in Action

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    Комеморације, као просторно специфични перформанси зависе од вре­менски ограничене интеракције тела која ствара простор за манифе­стацију сећања. Оне, као друштвене праксе, имају за циљ формулисање живог сећања на прошлост, која својим лекцијама може да обликује садашњост. Неопходност контролисане интеракције препозната је као кључна референтна тачка разумевања ових пракси и њихових кратко­рочних и дугорочних последица. Стога, поставља се питање да ли је ова­ко дефинисан перформанс сећања могућ, уколико тела нису присутна на предефинисаном месту и у предефинисаном временском оквиру? У периоду од марта 2020. године до данас, у условима „нове нормалности” сведочимо промењеном односу према интеракцијама у јавном простору, које, у најмању руку, намећу нови вид обавезне физичке дистанце између тела која се у њему појављују. У овом раду, интерпретацијом различитих форми медијских извора, испитује се могућност колективног учество­вања у просторним комеморативним праксама без физичког присуства тела у њима. Посредством одабраних примера, фокус је стављен на раз­личите видове комеморативних догађаја у Србији и Европи у ери „нове нормалности”, а са циљем детектовања судбине простора, пракси и на­ратива сећања уколико тела у покрету нису заједно, на истом месту и у исто време.Commemorations as site-specific performances are dependent on time-limited interaction of bodies that create space for manifestation of memory. As social practices they have a goal of formulating a living memory of the past that can shape the future based on the lesson learned. The need for establishing controlled interactions was recognized as a crucial reference point for deeper understanding of these practices and their short- and long-term consequences. Therefore, the question can be asked if these performances can occur if the bodies in interaction are not present within the earlier defined performance sites and timeframes? Since March 2020 within the framework of “new normal” we have witnessed a change towards interactions within public space, which demands new forms of mandatory social distance between the appearing bodies. This paper analyses possibilities of collective part taking in spatial practices of commemoration without being physically present. Through selected examples of events taking place in Serbia and in Europe during the ear of the “new normal”, the faith of spaces, practices, and narratives of memory without bodies in action being present at same site and at the same time, will be investigated

    Zvučni zapis kao kulturno nasleđe i resurs

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    Rad ispituje potencijale zvučnog zapisa kao kulturnog nasleđa, kao osnove za aktivnu savremenu upotrebu baštine u filmskoj i muzičkoj produkciji. Mogućnosti korišćenja ove specifične vrste kulturnog do- bra biće tumačeno kroz primer arhiva Radio Beograda, kao baštinskog fundusa, i to sa fokusom na dva projekta – produkcija nagrađivanog animiranog serijala Radiovizija i rezidencijalni program čiji je domaćin Radio Beograd. Na osnovu navedenih studija slučaja rad ispituje kako mogućnosti, tako i etičke aspekte upotrebe kulturnih dobara u svrhu produkcije profitnih sadržaja kao osnovne karakteristike kulturnih industrija

    Kompetencije adolescenata sklonih zloupotrebi alkohola u kontekstu REBT teorije

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    Abuse of alcohol among adolescents, as a form of dysfunctional behavior, is the topic of many scientific disciplines while connected to many psychosocial problems which may cause negative consequences in development. In most European countries as well as in Serbia, young people, biologically and psychologically vulnerable, growing up in a surrounding in which consummation of alcohol is traditionally accepted as a normal pattern of behavior, and under the complex combination of economic, social, cultural and educational processes, using irrational patterns of thinking, easily develop a set of risky patterns of behavior thus violating the quality of their lives. Establishing the existence of relation among irrational beliefs, dimensions of personality, inclination towards the abuse of alcohol and competence of adolescents, that is, establishing of factors which are connected to the appearance of alcohol abuse thus reflecting onto the competence of adolescents represents the main goal of this research. Research framework is contained in theoretical assumptions which represent the comprehension of complexity and changeability of human being, of interactive attitude of opinions, emotions and behaviours with special emphasis on differentiating of irrational from rational beliefs; also, dimensions of personality model `Great Five`, competences of adolescents, the quality of relation between parents and children within the context of relation to alcohol abuse in adolescent age. The research has been conducted on a sample of 570 adolescents who belong to non-clinical population. The following instruments have been used: questionnaire for gathering of general data, instrument for self-evaluation of adolescent personality dimensions `Big Five`, scale of general attitudes and beliefs - GABS 55, questionnaire for competence assessment of adolescents - BEL INDEKS, scale for determining of abuse of substances – AUDIT and scale for determining of quality of relation between parents and adolescents – KOBI. Factors research results which contribute to the abuse of alcohol and to manifestation of adolescents competences, to a large degree have shown the existence of common etiological base which is reflected in a complex joint action of many inner factors such as: personality dimensions and adolescents beliefs as well as quality of family interaction, where personality dimensions like openness, rational beliefs, acceptance by a mother and work wise - action competences singled out as the most significant factors which contribute to the development of competences. The most important factors connected to the alcohol abuse among adolescents are: personality dimensions such as: openness, being cooperative, self-devaluation, mother`s acceptance, male sex and school success

    How, why and for whom ? Contemporary collecting, pandemic and digital depots

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    Muzejske prakse savremenog sakupljanja aktivno se razvijaju još od druge polovine XX veka. Zahvaljujući radu COMCOL-a (Međunarodnog ICOM-ovog komiteta za sakupljanje) etički principi sakupljanja savremenog trenutka dospevaju u centar pažnje, jasno ukazujući na drastične lokalne razlike u sistemskom definisanju procesa valorizacije sadašnjice. Takvo stavljanje fokusa na savremeni trenutak nužno otvara pitanje društvene uloge baštinskih institucija i samim tim načina sakupljanja predmeta, što postaje izrazito vidljivo u trenutku suočavanja sa pandemijom i neizvesnošću 2020. godine. Najčešći vid pokušaja da se odgovori na potrebe publike bile su participativne metode. Postavlja se pitanje zašto se participativni projekti savremenog sakupljanja pojavljuju upravo u trenutku dominacije digitalne komunikacije. Da li je njihova masovnost posledica potrebe institucija da očuvaju svoj značaj u trenutku zatvorenosti fizičkih prostora ili se domen digitalnog percipira kao najmanje problematičan način za participativnu sakupljačku delatnost? Da li pogrešno razumemo digitalne kolekcije kao bezgranične depoe koji omogućavaju muzealizaciju nebrojenih predmeta bez nužne valorizacije?Contemporary collecting is continuously developed since the second half of 20th century. Ethical principles of such practices were finally fully emphasized with inauguration of COMCOL, aiming to disclose local differences in museological valorisation of the contemporary and to open the question of social relevance of heritage institutions. The moment of crisis brought by the pandemic and the turbulent year of 2020 made this issue even more urgent. Most common path of responding to the needs and demands of audiences was developing of participative projects. However, the question is why such projects appear in these numbers now when the absolute dominance of digital communication is clear? Is this a direct result of wanting to maintain institutional relevance when physical spaces are closed for the public? Or is digital realm still perceived as a less problematic space for participatory collecting? Are digital collections misunderstood for limitless depots that allow musealisation to occur without the needed valorization