832 research outputs found

    Forenzička lingvistika u kriminalistici

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    This work presents the short history of linguistic application in investigation and court procedures, and the history of development of particular disciplines in the scope of forensic linguistics as a subspecialist field; the sources of analysis and fields of application are marked; the methods of analysis used for separating forensic markers are given in various levels of linguistic structure, and it is especially discussing about types of individual speech and language characteristics which are used as forensic markers in determining and verifying speakers. The possible forensic markers in determining linguistic profile of an unknown speaker of a crime are presented. The possibility of forensic analysis of written language samples is also noted.U radu je izložen kratak istorijat primene lingvistike u istražnim i sudskim postupcima, kao i istorijat razvoja pojedinih disciplina u okviru forenzičke lingvistike kao subspecijalističkog područja; naznačeni su izvori analize i polja primene. Navedene su metode analize prilikom izdvajanja forenzičkih markera na različitim nivoima jezičke strukture, a naročito se raspravlja o tipovima individualnih govornih i jezičkih karakteristika koje služe kao forenzički markeri prilikom identifikovanja i verifikovanja govornika. Izneseni su i mogući forenzički markeri u određivanju lingvističkog profila nepoznatog počinioca krivičnog dela. Naznačena je i mogućnost forenzičke analize pisanih jezičkih uzoraka


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    This paper discusses a basic construct in the study of contemporary fatherhood ā€“ father involvement, focusing on different methodological approaches to studying father involvement in the upbringing of children. The paper emphasizes the great importance of fatherā€™s involvement, analyzed effects and causes of (non)involvement. Various aspects of paternity research examined in numerous studies were selected and analyzed in order to suggest a new theoretical and methodological support, inspiration, as well as the directions for further research. The obtained results of the research proved that a variety of methodological approaches could be devised only by understanding the idea of the multidimensionality of the construct of father involvement in the upbringing of children. Some of the most popular quantitative and qualitative approaches and their techniques were highlighted and described in more detail. The paper highlights the limitations of both approaches, stating that a systemic perspective in understanding and in a methodological approach to measuring the involvement of fathers could be perceived as the solution. The data presented in the paper were based on the scientific knowledge. Namely, research methods may have several modalities, comprising a number of research techniques. The presented paper uses the method of theoretical analysis based on literature analysis of various theoretical and empirical findings of the involvement of fathers in the upbringing of children.U radu se raspravlja o osnovnom konstruktu u proučavanju suvremenog očinstvaā€“ uključenosti očeva, usmjerenona različite metodoloÅ”ke pristupe proučavanju uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece. Rad naglaÅ”ava veliku važnost uključenosti očeva i analizira učinke i uzroke (ne)uključenosti. Različiti aspekti proučavanja očinstva u brojnim istraživanjima odabrani su i analizirali kako bi se pružila nova teorijska i metodoloÅ”ka podrÅ”ka i inspiracija, kao i smjernice za daljnje istraživanje. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se niz metodoloÅ”kih pristupa može ostvariti samo uz razumijevanje ideje multidimenzionalnosti konstrukta uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece. NaglaÅ”avaju se i detaljnije opisuju neki od najpopularnijih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pristupa kao i njihove tehnike. Rad ukazuje na ograničenja oba pristupa i utvrđuje kako bi se sistemska perspektiva razumijevanja i metodoloÅ”ki pristup mjerenju uključenosti očeva mogli smatrati rjeÅ”enjima. Podatci prikazani u radu temelje se na znanstvenoj spoznaji. Naime, metode istraživanja mogu imati nekoliko modaliteta te sadržavati niz tehnika istraživanja. U prikazanom radu koriÅ”tena je metoda teorijske analize koja se temelji na analizi literature različitih teorijskih i empirijskih nalaza o uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece

    Corticosterone level alters optimal heat shock protein 90/glucocorticoid receptor ratio in hippocampus of stressed rats

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    Hippocampus (HIPPO) is one of the key brain structures, rich in glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a transcriptional factor involved in negative feedback of hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in response to stress. Heat shock proteins accompany GR maintaining its optimal conformation, ligand binding ability and translocation to the nucleus. In order to evaluate the expression of GR, Hsp90 and their ratio we exploited three diverse types of stress (acute immobilization, chronic isolation and combination of the two). Our results indicated the same pattern of expression and compartmental distribution for both proteins, as well as for their ratio, under acute and combined stress when the level of corticosterone (CORT) was high. On the contrary, when CORT was low, such as in chronic stress, Hsp90/GR ratio exhibited opposite pattern of expression and GR was not translocated to the nucleus.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Prevalence and characteristics of endometrial polyps in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background/Aim. The prevalence of endometrial polyps (EPs) in the general female population is about 24%. Abnormal uterine bleeding is frequently the presenting symptom of EPs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics of EPs in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods. The prevalence and characteristics of EPs were investigated in 961 patients with abnormal uterine bleeding who underwent dilatation and curettage between January and December 2006. Regarding histopathological features of EPs (presence of atypical hyperplasia or endometrial carcinoma), patients were divided into two groups: group A - patients who had EPs and EPs with hyperplasia without atypia (n = 204) and group B - patients who had EPs with atypical hyperplasia and EPs with carcinoma (n = 7). Results. In 211 (21.94%) patients EPs were found with abnormal uterine bleeding. Histopathologically, there were 175 (82.94%) EPs, 29 (13.74%) EPs with hyperplasia without atypia, 5 (2.37%) EPs with atypical hyperplasia, and 2 (0.95%) EPs with endometrial carcinoma. Contrary to the patients with EPs and EPs with hyperplasia without atypia (group A), patients who had EPs with atypical hyperplasia and EPs with carcinoma (group B) were older (p < 0.05), and more commonly postmenopausal (p < 0.05) and with hypertension (p < 0.05), all of statistical significance. Conclusion. The prevalence of endometrial polyps in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding according to our data was 21.95%. Atypical hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma were rarely confined to a polyp. Older age, postmenopausal period and hypertension may increase the risk of premalignant and malignant changes in endometrial polyps

    Effect of different types of stress on adrenal gland parameters and adrenal hormones in the blood serum of male Wistar rats

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    In the present study, we examined gross changes in the mass of whole adrenal glands and that of the adrenal cortex and medulla in mature male Wistar rats subjected to three different stress types: acute, chronic, and combined, i.e., chronic followed by acute stress. These parameters were correlated with adrenal activity as judged from serum levels of corticosterone and catecholamine, respectively, as well as with serum levels of ACTH and glucose. Under all three conditions, we observed bilaterally asymmetric and stress-type-independent hypertrophy of whole adrenals, as well as adrenal cortices and medullas. Under acute and combined stress, adrenal hypertrophy was followed by increase of adrenal hormones in the blood serum. However, under chronic stress, both cortical and medullar activities as judged from low or unaltered levels of the respective hormones and glucose were compromised and disconnected from the input signal of ACTH. Since all of the studied adrenal activities could be restored by subsequent acute stress, it is concluded that chronic isolation can be viewed as partly maladaptive stress with characteristics resembling stress resistance rather than the stress exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome

    Procena socijalne kognicije i neurokognicije kod bolesnika sa shizofrenijom i bipolarnim afektivnim poremećajem

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    Procena socijalne kognicije i neurokognicije u neurorazvojnim bolestima i endogenim psihozama je od fundamentalnog značaja u rasvetljavanju kognitivnih i bioloÅ”kih osnova bolesti. Istraživanje ima za cilj poređenje neurokognitivnih i sociokognitivnih performansi bolesnika sa shizofrenojom i bipolarnim afektivnim poremećajem, markiranje interkorelacije psihopatologije i stepena kognitivnog oÅ”tećenja, kao i ispitivanje uticaja kognitivnih deficita na funkcionalni ishod. Istraživanje je dizajnirano kao neinterventna komparativna klinička studija preseka, koja je uključila bolesnike sa shizofrenijom (30) i bipolarnim afektivnim poremećajem (31) i zdrave kontrole (31) odgovarajućeg uzrasta i pola. Shizofreni bolesnici procenjivani su primenom Skale pozitivnih i negativnih simptoma. U grupi bolesnika sa bipolarnim poremećajem primenjena je Jangova skala manije i Hamiltonova skala depresije. Kod sve tri grupe ispitanika procenjivan je neurokognitivni status upotrebom Mini Mental State Examination, Go/No-Go testa i Trail Making testa B. Sociokognitivni status procenjivan je primenom Foux Pas Test i Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. Testovi socijalne kognicije su prevedeni i adaptirani za srpsku populaciju u okviru validacione strudije koja je obuhvatila ukupno 336 ispitanika, kako iz opÅ”te tako i iz kliničke populacije. Poddomeni funkcionalnog ishoda procenjivani su primenom upitnika Svetske zdravstvene organizacije o kvalitetu života i skale globalnog funkcionisanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da bolesnici za shizofrenijom i bipolarnim afektivnim poremećajem imaju kognitivne deficite i tokom perioda remisije osnovne bolesti. Stepen neurokognitivnog deficita je veći u grupi shizofrenih bolesnika. Subklinička patologija pokazalo se ima značajan uticaj na kognitivne performanse. Funkcionalni ishod i kvalitet života u obe ispitivane grupe koreliÅ”u sa kognitivnim postignućima. Adaptacije testova socijalne kognicije na srpskom jeziku imaju dobru pouzdanost. Homogenost neuropsiholoÅ”kog profila deficita koja koreliÅ”e sa klinički heterogenim prezentacijama ukazuje za zajedničku neuropsiholoÅ”ku osnovu ovih deficita, Å”to implicira sličnost neurobioloÅ”kih korelata ova dva entiteta. Uticaj kognitivnih deficita na funkcionalni ishod i kvalitet života impilicira potrebu uvođenja neuropsiholoÅ”ke rehabilitacije radi poboljÅ”anja ishoda lečenja.The assessment of social cognitive and neurocognitive disorders in neurodevelopmental diseases and endogenous psychoses tends to be fundamental to elucidating both the cognitive and the biological basis of the specific disease. The aim of this study is to compare the neurocognitive and the social cognitive performance exhibited by schizophrenia patients and bipolar affective disorder patients, analyze the inter-correlation structure between psychopathology and the degree of cognitive impairment, and examine the impact of cognitive deficits on the functional outcome. The study was designed as a non-interventional comparative cross-sectional clinical study comprising schizophrenia patients (30), bipolar affective disorder patients (31) and 31 age/gender-matched healthy controls. Schizophrenic patients were assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). In the group involving bipolar affective disorder patients, the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) were applied. In each of the three groups of subjects, the neurocognitive status was evaluated using the MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination, the Go / No-Go Test and the TMT-B Trail Making Test. The social cognitive status was evaluated using the Faux Pas Test and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. The respective social cognitive tests were translated and adapted for the Serbian population within the scope of the validation study which included a total of 336 subjects, from both general and clinical population. Sub-domains of functional outcomes were assessed using the World Health Organization's Questionnaire on the Quality of Life (WHOQOL) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale applied accordingly. The results of the present study demonstrate that patients suffering from both schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder tend to exhibit cognitive deficits during the underlying disease remission period. The degree of neurocognitive deficit appears to be higher in the group comprising schizophrenic patients. Subclinical pathology has been shown to have a significant impact on cognitive performance. Functional outcome and quality of life in both groups examined appear to be correlating with cognitive achievements. Serbian-adapted versions of social cognitive tests seem to have high degree of reliability. The homogeneity of the neuropsychological deficit profile correlating with clinically heterogeneous presentations, indicates that these deficits share a common neuropsychological basis, which further implies an underlying similarity consistent across the neurobiological correlates of these two entities. The impact of cognitive deficits on functional outcome and quality of life suggests the necessity of a neuropsychological rehabilitation introduced for the sake of improving the overall outcome of treatment
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