18 research outputs found

    Uporedno ispitivanje koncentracije atrijalnog natrijumuretičkog peptida kod domaćeg brdskog konja, arabera i engleskog punokrvnjaka posle različitih tipova fizičkog opterećenja

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    Heart failure is one of the most important factors responsible for the reduction of working capacity of horses. This is primarily related to sport horses, which are often exposed to extreme physical stress during which they can manifest subclinical forms of the disease which can not be determined during the rest. Symptoms resembling cardiac insufficiency can be provoked with excessive work load in clinically sound horses, especially in untrained ones or not well trained ones. In human medicine, atrial natriuretic peptides are used as biomarkers of cardiac insufficiency and they are released in blood in alleviated quantities during periods of increased heart rate and stretching of cardiocytes in atrial walls, which is the reason we can detect higher levels during rest and work. Finding laboratory indicators of heart failure and assessment of their connection to physical workload, and level of fitness, would lead to a simplified procedure for diagnosing subclinical disease in horses. In order to better understand connection between the release of atrial natriuretic peptide and work load in clinically healthy horses, testing was performed on 36 horses in total, divided in three groups Group A, Group B, and Group C. Group A consisted of 12 arabian horses 5 males ( 2 stallions 3 geldings) and 7 mares, between 6ā€“12 years of age, group B consisted of 12 english thoroughbreds (6 male 6 female) , between 3 and 6 years of age and group C consisted of 12 domestic mountain ponies (7 geldings 5 mares) between 8 and 12 years. All horses were tested for changes in ANP concentrations in blood before workload and after selected workload: Arabian horses were tested in endurance race on 80 km of length (long lasting, aerobic exercise), English thoroughbred horses ran race of 2000 m 6 (short maximal aerobic effort) and domestic mountain ponies were tested in moderate work load (aerobic anaerobic effort of moderate intensity and duration) had to carry logs uphill on steep terrain...Insuficijencija srca je jedan od najvaÅ£nijih faktora odgovornih za smanjenje radne sposobnosti konja. To se pre svega odnosi na sportska grla, koja su ĉesto izloÅ£ena ekstremnim fiziĉkim naprezanjima pri kojima se mogu ispoljiti i subkliniĉki oblici bolesti koji se u mirovanju ne mogu utvrditi. Simptomi nalik na insuficijenciju srca pri tome mogu biti isprovocirani prevelikim stepenom opterećenja i kod kliniĉki zdravih konja, naroĉito ako nisu dobro utrenirani. U humanoj medicini se kao biomarkeri insuficijencije srca koriste atrijalni natrijumuretiĉki petpidi, koji se u većoj koliĉini oslobaĊaju tokom ubrzanog rada srca i istezanja srĉanih Å”upljina, zbog ĉega se povećane vrednosti u krvi mogu registrovati i za vreme mirovanja i posle opterećenja. IznalaÅ£enjem laboratorijskih indikatora insuficijencije srca i procenjivanjem njihove povezanosti sa fiziĉkim opterećenjem i stepenom pripremljenosti za fiziĉko opterećenje u velikoj meri bi bio pojednostavljen postupak dijagnostikovanja subkliniĉkih oboljenja i kod konja. U cilju boljeg upoznavanja veze izmeĊu stepena oslobaĊanja atrijalnih natrijumuretiĉkih peptida i opterećenja kliniĉki zdravih konja, ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno Ī³6 konja rase domaći brdski konj, araber i engleski punokrvnjak, podeljenih u tri ogledne grupe: A, B i C. Grupa A se sastojala od 12 konja rase domaći brdski konj (7 kastrata i 5 kobila), u starosti od 8ā€“12 godina; grupa B se sastojala od 12 arabera: 5 muÅ”kog pola (Ī² pastuva i Ī³ kastrata) i 7 Å£enskog pola, u starosti od 6ā€“12 godina, dok se grupa C sastojala od 1Ī² konja rase engleski punokrvnjak, 6 muÅ”kog pola (pastuvi) i 6 Å£enskog pola, u starosti od 3ā€“6 godina. Koncentracija atrijalnog natrijumuretiĉnog peptida je isptivana u mirovanju i posle razliĉitih oblika fiziĉkog opterećenja. Araberi su testirani dugotrajnim aerobnim opterećenjem niskog intenziteta 4 ā€“ u ā€œendjuransā€ trci na 80 km, engleski punokrvnjaci su bili podvrgnuti kratkotrajnom opterećenju veoma velikog intenziteta ā€“ u galopskoj trci na 2000 m, dok su domaći brdski konji bili podvrgnuti opterećenju meÅ”ovitog ā€“ aerobno/anaerobnog tipa umerenog intenziteta i duÅ£ine trajanja ā€“ u testu iznoÅ”enja tovara drva na leĊima uzbrdo..

    Ethiopathogenesis, diagnostics and therapy of foal neonatal septicemia

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    Sepsis is very frequent cause of neonatal foal deaths. It is systemic inflammation developing after infective agents break into in the foal circulation with progressive disturbance of health not responding to intensive therapy. Systemic inflammatory response and development of the shock in first phase of the sepsis development lead to massive organ damages and progression of organ dysfunction syndrome further promoting loss of homeostatic mechanisms and death of foal. During the period of three decades high mortality rate of newborn foals have been reported. Among most frequent causes of foal deaths beside EHV1 infection, bacterial sepsis mostly accompanied with insufficient colostral immunity transfer was documented. Fast development of the non-specific symptoms and shock in foals are often misleading diagnostics thus prolonging the onset of specific therapy. Therefore the effective clinical procedures, beside close observation of newborn foals, depend upon fast recognition of mechanisms of infection and shock development. Since time-consuming procedure is necessary for identification of the causative infective agent and the evaluation of its susceptibility on antibiotics, the therapy if symptomatic and include intravenous administration of fluids in aim to correct glycaemia and acid-base disturbance, antibiotic and antiendotoxic treatment, and substitutive treatment of immunoglobulin deficiency in all cases of passive immune transfer failure involved in sepsis development.

    Comparative study of natriuretic atrial peptide concentration in domestic mountain horse, arabian horse and english thoroughbred horse after different types of work load

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    Insuficijencija srca je jedan od najvaÅ£nijih faktora odgovornih za smanjenje radne sposobnosti konja. To se pre svega odnosi na sportska grla, koja su ĉesto izloÅ£ena ekstremnim fiziĉkim naprezanjima pri kojima se mogu ispoljiti i subkliniĉki oblici bolesti koji se u mirovanju ne mogu utvrditi. Simptomi nalik na insuficijenciju srca pri tome mogu biti isprovocirani prevelikim stepenom opterećenja i kod kliniĉki zdravih konja, naroĉito ako nisu dobro utrenirani. U humanoj medicini se kao biomarkeri insuficijencije srca koriste atrijalni natrijumuretiĉki petpidi, koji se u većoj koliĉini oslobaĊaju tokom ubrzanog rada srca i istezanja srĉanih Å”upljina, zbog ĉega se povećane vrednosti u krvi mogu registrovati i za vreme mirovanja i posle opterećenja. IznalaÅ£enjem laboratorijskih indikatora insuficijencije srca i procenjivanjem njihove povezanosti sa fiziĉkim opterećenjem i stepenom pripremljenosti za fiziĉko opterećenje u velikoj meri bi bio pojednostavljen postupak dijagnostikovanja subkliniĉkih oboljenja i kod konja. U cilju boljeg upoznavanja veze izmeĊu stepena oslobaĊanja atrijalnih natrijumuretiĉkih peptida i opterećenja kliniĉki zdravih konja, ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno Ī³6 konja rase domaći brdski konj, araber i engleski punokrvnjak, podeljenih u tri ogledne grupe: A, B i C. Grupa A se sastojala od 12 konja rase domaći brdski konj (7 kastrata i 5 kobila), u starosti od 8ā€“12 godina; grupa B se sastojala od 12 arabera: 5 muÅ”kog pola (Ī² pastuva i Ī³ kastrata) i 7 Å£enskog pola, u starosti od 6ā€“12 godina, dok se grupa C sastojala od 1Ī² konja rase engleski punokrvnjak, 6 muÅ”kog pola (pastuvi) i 6 Å£enskog pola, u starosti od 3ā€“6 godina. Koncentracija atrijalnog natrijumuretiĉnog peptida je isptivana u mirovanju i posle razliĉitih oblika fiziĉkog opterećenja. Araberi su testirani dugotrajnim aerobnim opterećenjem niskog intenziteta 4 ā€“ u ā€œendjuransā€ trci na 80 km, engleski punokrvnjaci su bili podvrgnuti kratkotrajnom opterećenju veoma velikog intenziteta ā€“ u galopskoj trci na 2000 m, dok su domaći brdski konji bili podvrgnuti opterećenju meÅ”ovitog ā€“ aerobno/anaerobnog tipa umerenog intenziteta i duÅ£ine trajanja ā€“ u testu iznoÅ”enja tovara drva na leĊima uzbrdo...Heart failure is one of the most important factors responsible for the reduction of working capacity of horses. This is primarily related to sport horses, which are often exposed to extreme physical stress during which they can manifest subclinical forms of the disease which can not be determined during the rest. Symptoms resembling cardiac insufficiency can be provoked with excessive work load in clinically sound horses, especially in untrained ones or not well trained ones. In human medicine, atrial natriuretic peptides are used as biomarkers of cardiac insufficiency and they are released in blood in alleviated quantities during periods of increased heart rate and stretching of cardiocytes in atrial walls, which is the reason we can detect higher levels during rest and work. Finding laboratory indicators of heart failure and assessment of their connection to physical workload, and level of fitness, would lead to a simplified procedure for diagnosing subclinical disease in horses. In order to better understand connection between the release of atrial natriuretic peptide and work load in clinically healthy horses, testing was performed on 36 horses in total, divided in three groups Group A, Group B, and Group C. Group A consisted of 12 arabian horses 5 males ( 2 stallions 3 geldings) and 7 mares, between 6ā€“12 years of age, group B consisted of 12 english thoroughbreds (6 male 6 female) , between 3 and 6 years of age and group C consisted of 12 domestic mountain ponies (7 geldings 5 mares) between 8 and 12 years. All horses were tested for changes in ANP concentrations in blood before workload and after selected workload: Arabian horses were tested in endurance race on 80 km of length (long lasting, aerobic exercise), English thoroughbred horses ran race of 2000 m 6 (short maximal aerobic effort) and domestic mountain ponies were tested in moderate work load (aerobic anaerobic effort of moderate intensity and duration) had to carry logs uphill on steep terrain..

    Uporedno ispitivanje koncentracije pojedinih frakcija serumskih proteina i imunoglobulina klase G u krvnom serumu kobila i novorođene ždrebadi jugoslovenskog kasača

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    The comparison of some serum protein concentrations was performed on 12 Yugoslav Trotter mares and their newborn foals. The mares included in the evaluation were divided into two groups of 6 each. The mares in the first group were vaccinated against equine herpes virus 1 and 4, in the 5th, 7th and 9th month of pregnancy, while mares in the second group were not vaccinated at all. Pregnant mares were clinically observed during the last stage of pregnancy and blood for biochemical evaluations was sampled immediately after foaling. Foals were clinically observed for seven days after birth and blood samples were collected immediately after foaling (before nursing), and 24, 48, 72 and 168 hours after birth. Foals included in the evaluation were divided into two groups according to the group allocation of the respective mares. All mares gave birth to normal foals in expected terms. Biochemical examination revealed slightly lower total gammaglobulin and IgG values in tested mares compared to the values obtained in other horse breeds. The antibody titres against equine herpes virus-1 reached the level that provides sufficient protection in vaccinated mares. Gammaglobulin and traces of IgG were present in the blood serum of foals tested immediately after birth and before nursing. A significant increase of IgG and gammaglobulin concentration was revealed in all foals after the first 24 hours of life. The observed first day increase of concentration was followed by stagnation of gammaglobulin and IgG levels in all foals. Total protein values showed a significant increase 24 hours after the first intake of colostrum in all foals. Immunoglobulin G concentration established by semiquantitative test was considered low positive in 16.67% and in 33.34% of foals from vaccinated and unvaccinated mares, respectively. Turbidimetric analyses of the same samples revealed sufficient Ig transfer, i.e. Ig concentration over 8 g/L. Comparison of the results obtained by the two methods indicates that semi-quantitative field test results were clinically valid. There were no antibodies against EHV 1 in foals immediately after birth and before the first colostrum intake, and a highly significant increase of serum antibody level was recordered 24 hours after the onset of nursing in foals born from vaccinated mothers.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na 12 kobila rase jugoslovenski kasač i njihovih 12 ždrebadi. Prva grupa od Å”est kobila je trokratno vakcinisana protiv EHV-1/4 tokom graviditeta, dok je druga grupa bila nevakcinisana. Od svih kobila su neposredno posle ždrebljenja uzeti uzorci krvi za biohemijski pregled. Novorođ ena ždrebad su klinički opservirana tokom prvih 7 dana života, uz uzimanje uzoraka krvi pre uzimanja kolostruma, zatim nakon 24, 48, 72 i 168 časova. Kod svih kobila su utvrđene neÅ”to niže vrednosti gama globulina i IgG od vrednosti koje su zabeležene kod drugih rasa, pri čemu su vrednosti titra antitela na EHV-1 kod vakcinisanih kobila bile na nivou koji pruža zadovoljavajuću zaÅ”titu, za razliku od nevakcinisanih kobila koje su bile ili seronegativne ili imale minimalan titar anti EHV-1 antitela. Kod većine ždrebadi je neposredno posle rođenja a pre prvog napoja u krvnom serumu ustanovljeno prisustvo gama globulina i IgG u tragovima, pri čemu je statistički značajno povećanje i gama globulina i IgG ustanovljeno posle prvih 24 časa. Primenom semikvantitativnog testa za određivanje IgG kod 25% ždrebadi utvrđene su niže vrednosti IgG (slabo pozitivne - Å”to ukazuje na vrednosti od 5-8 g/L), iako je koncentracija IgG utvrđena imunoturbidimetrijom i kod njih bila veća od 8 g/L. Pre prvog unosa kolostruma u serumu ždrebadi nema antitela protiv EHV-1

    Transfuzija krvi kod konja

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    Fluid therapy includes blood transfusion which presents the most efficient manner of treating hypovolaemia caused by blood loss, even though whole blood can be used as a therapeutic means in other cases as well - in deficits of the blood coagulation factor, exhaustion of the antiprotease system, hypoproteinaemia, primarily hypoalbuminaemia, and others. The application of fresh blood has an advantage over preserved blood, which does not lessen the importance of setting up a blood bank, in particular in cases when the blood groups of the donors are precisely determined. .Deo terapije tečnoŔću je i transfuzija krvi, koja predstavlja najefikasniji način lečenja hipovolemije izazvane gubitkom krvi, premda se puna krv može koristiti kao terapijsko sredstvo i u drugim slučajevima - kod deficita faktora koagulacije krvi, iscrpljivanja antiproteaznog sistema, hipoproteinemije, hipoalbuminemije itd. Primena sveže krvi ima prednost u odnosu na konzervisanu, Å”to ne umanjuje značaj formiranja banke krvi, naročito u slučajevima kada su krvne grupe donora precizno utvrđene.

    Neonatalna septikemija ždrebadi - etiopatogeneza, dijagnostika i terapija

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    Sepsis is very frequent cause of neonatal foal deaths. It is systemic inflammation developing after infective agents break into in the foal circulation with progressive disturbance of health not responding to intensive therapy. Systemic inflammatory response and development of the shock in first phase of the sepsis development lead to massive organ damages and progression of organ dysfunction syndrome further promoting loss of homeostatic mechanisms and death of foal. During the period of three decades high mortality rate of newborn foals have been reported. Among most frequent causes of foal deaths beside EHV1 infection, bacterial sepsis mostly accompanied with insufficient colostral immunity transfer was documented. Fast development of the non-specific symptoms and shock in foals are often misleading diagnostics thus prolonging the onset of specific therapy. Therefore the effective clinical procedures, beside close observation of newborn foals, depend upon fast recognition of mechanisms of infection and shock development. Since time-consuming procedure is necessary for identification of the causative infective agent and the evaluation of its susceptibility on antibiotics, the therapy if symptomatic and include intravenous administration of fluids in aim to correct glycaemia and acid-base disturbance, antibiotic and antiendotoxic treatment, and substitutive treatment of immunoglobulin deficiency in all cases of passive immune transfer failure involved in sepsis development. .Sepsa je bez sumnje jedan od najčeŔćih uzroka uginuća novorođene ždrebadi. KarakteriÅ”e se sistemskim inflamatornim odgovorom organizma na prodor infektivnog agensa u cirkulaciju, sa progresivnim pogorÅ”avanjem zdravstvenog stanja uprkos intenzivnoj terapiji. Kao posledica sistemskog inflamatornog odgovora organizma i Å”oka, koji čine prvu fazu sepse, u drugoj fazi dolazi do obimnih organskih oÅ”tećenja (sindrom organske disfunkcije), koji su odgovorni za slom homeostaskih mehanizama i brzo uginuće. Tokom poslednjih tridesetak godina u Srbiji je registrovan visok procenat uginuća novorođene ždrebadi, pri čemu je uz herpesvirus tip 1 u značajnom procentu uzrok uginuća bila bakterijska sepsa, najčeŔće u vezi sa nedovoljnim transferom kolostralnih imunoglobulina, Å”to je u viÅ”e slučajeva potvrđeno. Brzi tok bolesti sa nespecifičnom kliničkom slikom i stanje Å”oka otežavaju pravovremeno prepoznavanje simptoma i preduzimanje odgovarajuće terapije, zbog čega je za efikasnije sprečavanje ovakvih pojava, uz pažljivu kliničku opservaciju novorođenčadi u prvim danima života, neophodno dobro poznavanje mehanizama infekcije i Å”oka. Kako je za potvrdu dijagnoze - identifikaciju uzročnika i ispitivanje njegove osetljivosti na antibiotike potrebno dosta vremena, terapija je najčeŔće simptomatska i obuhvata intravensku nadoknadu tečnosti, elektrolita i glukoze, korekciju acidobaznih poremećaja, primenu antibiotika i antiendotoksičnih supstancija, zatim supstituciju deficitnih imunoglobulina, u svim slučajevima kada je uzrok sepse bio nedovoljan transfer kolostralnih imunoglobulina.

    Indicators of exhaustion and stress markers in endurance horses

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    Prolonged training and physical effort in endurance horses can influence the performance of the endurance horses negatively. The negative impact of the event is especially noticeable if venues are demanding, i.e. bad weather conditions or demanding grounds, high altitude and especially in cases of insufficiently fit horses. One of the most important factors that influence equine performance is abundance of oxygen in the blood, which is directly related to the air oxygen content and changes with atmospheric pressure, so that high altitude and low air pressure demand additional work from horses and accelerate fatigue. The authors goal was to investigate the influence of workload in endurance racing on sport horse organism. A total of 18 trained and competing endurance horses enrolled in a 60 km long endurance race organized on Zlatibor Mountain were included in our survey. Due to the difficult track 8 horses were disqualified due to lameness, and high heart rate and respiration. Only 10 horses completed the race and these animals were submitted to basic physical, clinical and laboratory examinations, in order to evaluate fatigue and stress reaction in endurance horses in Serbia. Results of the clinical and laboratory testing obtained show significant changes in all parameters evaluated which we attributed to physical effort in all 10 horses that finished the race in comparison with the values obtained before the race. In conclusion, 10 horses finished the race and were tested, and they indicated significant alterations in physiological parameters showing stress reaction. The evaluated parameters decreased into physiological interval values during the 5 days following the race. Ā© 2021 Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych. All rights reserved

    Laboratorijski profil sinovijalne tečnosti kod Ŕest radnih konja različite starosti

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    Inflamatorni i degenerativni procesi na zglobovima konja se mogu postepeno razvijati, pri čemu klinički znaci patoloÅ”kih promena često nisu vidljivi. Cilj ove studije je bio da se na osnovu rutinskog pregleda sinovijalne tečnosti (ST) poreklom iz metakarpo/ metatarzofalangealnih (MCP/MTP) zglobova radnih konja, koji su bili upućeni na klanje i njenih biohemijskih karakteristika utvrdi da li je postojala lokalna inflamacija. Studija je sprovedena na 6 konja starosti 3 do 12 godina (medijana 8), odnosno 24 MCP/MTP zgloba. Post mortem, iz svakog zgloba je uzorkovana ST. Kliničkim pregledom pre klanja, nisu uočene promene u izgledu i funkciji miÅ”ićno-skeletnog sistema. Urađen je rutinski pregled ST kojim je opisana boja, prozirnost, viskoznost i broj ćelija. Određena je koncentracija sledećih biohemijskih parametara: ukupnih proteina, albumina, aktivnost alkalne fosfataze (ALP), aspartat aminotransferaze (AST), kreatin kinaze (CK), kao i koncentracije haptoglobina (Hp) i ceruloplazmina (Cp). Kod svih uzoraka, ST je bila bistra, providna, viskozna i blede do bledo žute boje. Najmlađi konj, star tri godine, je u sva četiri pregledana zgloba imao ukupan broj ćelija 200-890/Ī¼L, Å”to odgovara fizioloÅ”kim vrednostima. Dva konja su imala povećan broj ćelija na jednom, odnosno dva zgloba (1 400-2 560/Ī¼L), dok su tri konja imala promene na sva četiri zgloba (1 100-2 200/Ī¼L). Ispitivani biohemijski parametri se nisu razlikovali u uzorcima ST iz zglobova sa ukupnim brojem ćelija u okviru fizioloÅ”kih vrednosti i onih kod kojih je broj ćelija bio povećan. Pozitivne, umerene korelacije su postojale između koncentracije proteina i aktivnosti ALP, koncentracije proteina i albumina, aktivnosti AST i CK. Ispitivanjem ST radnih konja, dokazano je da inflamatorne promene u MCP/MTP zglobovima nisu prisutne. Nalaz povećanog broja ćelija u ST bez inflamatornih promena zahteva dodatna ispitivanja

    The oxidoreductase PYROXD1 uses NAD(P)+ as an antioxidant to sustain tRNA ligase activity in pre-tRNA splicing and unfolded protein response

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    The tRNA ligase complex (tRNA-LC) splices precursor tRNAs (pre-tRNA), and Xbp1-mRNA during the unfolded protein response (UPR). In aerobic conditions, a cysteine residue bound to two metal ions in its ancient, catalytic subunit RTCB could make the tRNA-LC susceptible to oxidative inactivation. Here, we confirm this hypothesis and reveal a co-evolutionary association between the tRNA-LC and PYROXD1, a conserved and essential oxidoreductase. We reveal that PYROXD1 preserves the activity of the mammalian tRNA-LC in pre-tRNA splicing and UPR. PYROXD1 binds the tRNA-LC in the presence of NAD(P)H and converts RTCB-bound NAD(P)H into NAD(P)+, a typical oxidative co-enzyme. However, NAD(P)+ here acts as an antioxidant and protects the tRNA-LC from oxidative inactivation, which is dependent on copper ions. Genetic variants of PYROXD1 that cause human myopathies only partially support tRNA-LC activity. Thus, we establish the tRNA-LC as an oxidation-sensitive metalloenzyme, safeguarded by the flavoprotein PYROXD1 through an unexpected redox mechanism

    Comparative study of natriuretic atrial peptide concentration in domestic mountain horse, arabian horse and english thoroughbred horse after different types of work load

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    Insuficijencija srca je jedan od najvaÅ£nijih faktora odgovornih za smanjenje radne sposobnosti konja. To se pre svega odnosi na sportska grla, koja su ĉesto izloÅ£ena ekstremnim fiziĉkim naprezanjima pri kojima se mogu ispoljiti i subkliniĉki oblici bolesti koji se u mirovanju ne mogu utvrditi. Simptomi nalik na insuficijenciju srca pri tome mogu biti isprovocirani prevelikim stepenom opterećenja i kod kliniĉki zdravih konja, naroĉito ako nisu dobro utrenirani. U humanoj medicini se kao biomarkeri insuficijencije srca koriste atrijalni natrijumuretiĉki petpidi, koji se u većoj koliĉini oslobaĊaju tokom ubrzanog rada srca i istezanja srĉanih Å”upljina, zbog ĉega se povećane vrednosti u krvi mogu registrovati i za vreme mirovanja i posle opterećenja. IznalaÅ£enjem laboratorijskih indikatora insuficijencije srca i procenjivanjem njihove povezanosti sa fiziĉkim opterećenjem i stepenom pripremljenosti za fiziĉko opterećenje u velikoj meri bi bio pojednostavljen postupak dijagnostikovanja subkliniĉkih oboljenja i kod konja. U cilju boljeg upoznavanja veze izmeĊu stepena oslobaĊanja atrijalnih natrijumuretiĉkih peptida i opterećenja kliniĉki zdravih konja, ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno Ī³6 konja rase domaći brdski konj, araber i engleski punokrvnjak, podeljenih u tri ogledne grupe: A, B i C. Grupa A se sastojala od 12 konja rase domaći brdski konj (7 kastrata i 5 kobila), u starosti od 8ā€“12 godina; grupa B se sastojala od 12 arabera: 5 muÅ”kog pola (Ī² pastuva i Ī³ kastrata) i 7 Å£enskog pola, u starosti od 6ā€“12 godina, dok se grupa C sastojala od 1Ī² konja rase engleski punokrvnjak, 6 muÅ”kog pola (pastuvi) i 6 Å£enskog pola, u starosti od 3ā€“6 godina. Koncentracija atrijalnog natrijumuretiĉnog peptida je isptivana u mirovanju i posle razliĉitih oblika fiziĉkog opterećenja. Araberi su testirani dugotrajnim aerobnim opterećenjem niskog intenziteta 4 ā€“ u ā€œendjuransā€ trci na 80 km, engleski punokrvnjaci su bili podvrgnuti kratkotrajnom opterećenju veoma velikog intenziteta ā€“ u galopskoj trci na 2000 m, dok su domaći brdski konji bili podvrgnuti opterećenju meÅ”ovitog ā€“ aerobno/anaerobnog tipa umerenog intenziteta i duÅ£ine trajanja ā€“ u testu iznoÅ”enja tovara drva na leĊima uzbrdo...Heart failure is one of the most important factors responsible for the reduction of working capacity of horses. This is primarily related to sport horses, which are often exposed to extreme physical stress during which they can manifest subclinical forms of the disease which can not be determined during the rest. Symptoms resembling cardiac insufficiency can be provoked with excessive work load in clinically sound horses, especially in untrained ones or not well trained ones. In human medicine, atrial natriuretic peptides are used as biomarkers of cardiac insufficiency and they are released in blood in alleviated quantities during periods of increased heart rate and stretching of cardiocytes in atrial walls, which is the reason we can detect higher levels during rest and work. Finding laboratory indicators of heart failure and assessment of their connection to physical workload, and level of fitness, would lead to a simplified procedure for diagnosing subclinical disease in horses. In order to better understand connection between the release of atrial natriuretic peptide and work load in clinically healthy horses, testing was performed on 36 horses in total, divided in three groups Group A, Group B, and Group C. Group A consisted of 12 arabian horses 5 males ( 2 stallions 3 geldings) and 7 mares, between 6ā€“12 years of age, group B consisted of 12 english thoroughbreds (6 male 6 female) , between 3 and 6 years of age and group C consisted of 12 domestic mountain ponies (7 geldings 5 mares) between 8 and 12 years. All horses were tested for changes in ANP concentrations in blood before workload and after selected workload: Arabian horses were tested in endurance race on 80 km of length (long lasting, aerobic exercise), English thoroughbred horses ran race of 2000 m 6 (short maximal aerobic effort) and domestic mountain ponies were tested in moderate work load (aerobic anaerobic effort of moderate intensity and duration) had to carry logs uphill on steep terrain..