84 research outputs found

    Denominations of 'Squill' in the Balkan languages

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    The paper deals with the particular naming units for plant species of the genus Scilla characteristic for the Balkan languages that have not been sufficiently discussed in previous phytonomastical researches

    Romske religijske reči i izrazi

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    Приказ дела: Vladimir Ž. Jovanović, Romsko-srpsko-engleski rečnik religijskih reči i izraza, knjiga časopisa Теme br. 1, Romske duše, Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, 2001

    Procjena zdravstvenog rizika izloženosti toksičnim elementima u mesu i mesnim proizvodima iz Hrvatske

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    The aim of this study was to measure the concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), aluminium (Al), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) in meat (pork and beef neck) and meat products (meat with beans, breakfast meat, chicken pâté, ham, and pork sausage) purchased from supermarkets in several Croatian cities. Element concentrations were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Mean element concentrations in meat and meat products were measured in the ranges (μg/kg): Al 523-19,179, As 2.25-5.63, Cd 2.02-2.86, Cr 20.8-132.6, Ni 4.78-166.9, Pb, 3.53-7.49. The highest mean concentrations of elements were found in: Al in chicken pâté; As and Cd in ham; Cr and Ni in meat with beans; Pb in pork sausage. All measured Cd and Pb levels were below the European Commission limits of 50 and 100 μg/kg, respectively, and there were no significant differences in these elements between products. Significant differences in the content of Al, As, Cr and Ni were determined between meat and meat products. An estimation of the dietary daily (EDI) and weekly (EWI) intakes of elements associated with the consumption of meat and meat products were calculated. Measured element concentrations in meat and meat products contributed to the provisional tolerable weekly intake level (PTWI) and tolerable weekly intake level (TWI) in the ranges (%): 1.13-43.5 (Al); 0.33-0.87 (As); 0.32- 0.68 (Pb); 2-2.4 (Cd), and to the permitted daily exposure (PDE) values in the ranges (%): 0.03-0.17 (Cr); 0.003-0.18 (Ni). Results of comparison with the toxicological reference values suggest no concern with regard to exposure to the analysed elements for consumers who often consume these meats and meat products. The exception is Cr content, which may pose a problem given the values set by the national legislation. Lower concentrations of As, Al, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in meat and meat products were determined in this study in comparison with the available literature data from other countries.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je određivanje koncentracija toksičnih metala arsena (As), kadmija (Cd) i olova (Pb), kao i aluminija (Al), kroma (Cr) i nikla (Ni) u mesu (svinjska i goveđa vratina) i mesnim proizvodima (meso s grahom, mesni doručak, pileća pašteta, šunka i svinjska kobasica) nabavljenih u trgovačkim lancima različitih hrvatskih gradova. Koncentracije elemenata analizirane su primjenom masene spektrometrije induktivno spregnute plazme (ICP-MS). Srednje koncentracije elemenata u mesu i mesnim proizvodima mjerene su u rasponu (μg/kg): Al 523-19179, As 2,25-5,63, Cd 2,02- 2,86, Cr 20,8-132,6, Ni 4,78-166,9, Pb 3,53- 7,49. Najveće srednje koncentracije elemenata određene su u: Al u pilećoj pašteti, As i Cd u šunki, Cr i Ni u mesu s grahom, Pb u svinjskoj kobasici. Sve izmjerene koncentracije Cd i Pb bile su ispod granica Europske komisije od 50 i 100 μg/kg. Ustvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u sadržaju Al, As, Cr i Ni između mesa i mesnih proizvoda. Nije bilo značajnih razlika u koncentracijama Cd i Pb. Izračunata je dnevna (EDI) i tjedna (EWI) količina unesenih elemenata povezanih s potrošnjom mesa i proizvoda. Određene koncentracije Al, As, Pb i Cd u mesu i mesnim proizvodima pridonijele su privremenim podnošljivim tjednim nivoima unosa (PTWI) i podnošljivom tjednom unosu (TWI) u rasponima (%): 1,13-43,5; 0,33-0,87; 0,32-0,68; 2-2,4. Također, koncentracije Cr i Ni izmjerene u mesu i mesnim proizvodima pridonijele su dopuštenim dnevnim vrijednostima izlaganja (PDE) u rasponima (%): 0,03- 0,17 i 0,003-0,18. Rezultati usporedbe s toksikološkim referentnim vrijednostima ne ukazuju na zabrinutost s obzirom na izloženost analiziranim elementima za potrošače koji često konzumiraju istražene vrste mesa i mesnih proizvoda. Izuzetak je sadržaj Cr, što može predstavljati problem s obzirom na vrijednosti ustvrđene nacionalnim zakonodavstvom. U ovom istraživanju ustvrđene su uglavnom niže koncentracije As, Al, Cd, Cr, Ni i Pb u mesu i mesnim proizvodima u usporedbi s dostupnim literaturnim podatcima u mesu i proizvodima iz drugih zemalja

    Kompetentnost preduzetnika u uslovima krize

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    Starting point in this work is the fact that lately, due to the world economic crisis, the quantity of entrepreneur activities stagnate in almost every country. When this problem was analyzed in detail it was found out that the main cause for many firms to be closed is the fact that their owners are not competent enough. It is assumed that the solution to this problem is the model of necessary entrepreneur competence in which there are features and knowledge for the modern entrepreneur to gain and so to survive in the market that is very risky. In addition to this, it is concluded that it is necessary to change the way in which the entrepreneur handles the basic business functions. The most important one is the function of planning which should be innovated the most. It is unavoidable to consider the factor of risk when planning any, middle term or short-term, business plan. The main conclusion is that the classical risk appraisal of future business should be broaden and should include the analysis of how capable the entrepreneur is to react on time and effectively when there are unexpected market changes.Polazište u ovom radu je činjenica da poslednjih godina, usled dejstva svetske ekonomske krize, obim preduzetničke aktivnosti stagnira u gotovo svim zemljama sveta. Podrobnijom analizom ovog problema konstatovano je da je glavni uzrok propadanja velikog broja preduzetničkih firmi u nedovoljnoj kompetentnosti njihovih vlasnika. Stoga je, kao pretpostavka rešenja u radu koncipiran model potrebne preduzetničke kompetentnosti u kome su diferencirano strukturirane osobine i znanja koje savremeni preduzetnik treba da poseduje da bi mogao da opstane na sve rizičnijem tržištu. Pored toga, konstatovano je i da je potrebno u velikoj meri promeniti i pristup preduzetničkom vođenju osnovnih poslovnih funkcija. Pri tome je posebno apostrofirana planska funkcija kao oblast u kojoj treba uneti najviše novina. Tu se pre svega misli na neminovnost uvažavanja faktora rizičnosti kod izrade svakog, bilo srednjoročnog ili kratkoročnog biznis plana. Osnovni zaključak jeste da je neophodno klasičnu ocenu rizičnosti budućeg poslovanja proširiti i analizom sposobnosti samog preduzetnika da blagovremeno i efikasno reaguje na nepredvidive tržišne promene

    Insecticide fipronil in poultry products in the European Union

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    Fipronil je insekticid širokog spektra djelovanja koji se ubraja u skupinu fenilpirazola. Prvi je insekticid koji je djelovao ciljajući GABA (gama-aminomaslačnu kiselinu) receptor i imao povoljnu selektivnu toksičnost prema insektima, ali ne i sisavcima. U skladu s uredbom (EZ) br. 1107/2009. fipronil nije odobren u sredstvima za zaštitu bilja te je zabranjeno tretiranje životinja namijenjenih za prehranu ljudi u Europskoj uniji (EU). Najveća dopuštena količina (NDK) fipronila ustvrđena je prema Uredbi 396/2005. o maksimalnim razinama ostataka pesticida u i na hrani i hrani za životinje biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla te za jaja i meso peradi iznosi 0,005 mg/kg. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) klasificirala je fipronil kao umjereno opasan pesticid II klase. Konzumiranje malih količina fipronila izaziva mučninu, glavobolju, povraćanje, bol u želucu, slabost i vrtoglavicu. Nakon apsorpcije u ljudi distribuira se u tkiva i oslobađa aktivne metabolite koji se nakupljaju uglavnom u masnom tkivu. Eksperimenti na miševima pokazali su da produljena izloženost visokim dozama fipronila prouzroči rak štitnjače u mužjaka i ženki. Pojava fipronila u jajima u EU zabilježena je 2016. godine u Belgiji. Kao posljedica ustvrđene zlouporabe fipronila na farmama pilića, države članice EU i Europska komisija dogovorile su provedbu ad-hoc monitoringa na ostatke insekticida fipronila i drugih akaricida u jajima i mesu peradi. Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) objavila je izvješće o rezultatima monitoringa te su u ukupnoj količini od 5439 uzoraka jaja i mesa peradi u zemljama članicama EU i Islandu u 742 uzorka (13,6 %) ustvrđene količine veće od zakonski dopuštenih. Većina nesukladnih rezultata odnosila se na fipronil u uzorcima kokošjih jaja i masnog tkiva kokoši nesilica. U uzorcima iz Republike Hrvatske nisu ustvrđeni nesukladni rezultati. Uzorci koji su prekoračili zakonsko ograničenje bili su podrijetlom iz Nizozemske, Italije, Njemačke, Poljske, Mađarske, Francuske, Slovenije i Grčke. Članice EU su u kontroli proizvoda koji se upućuju na tržište EU nesukladne rezultate fipronila prijavljivale u razdoblju 2017.-2019. putem centralnog sustava brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje - RASFF. Ukupno je prijavljeno 128 različitih proizvoda s nesukladnim koncentracijama fipronila, a najviše se obavijesti odnosilo na jaja i proizvode od jaja. Pri tome je u okviru poduzetih mjera za čak 45 prijava provedeno povlačenje kontaminiranih jaja s tržišta, obavljeno je po 9 zapljena i 9 službenih pritvora. Na temelju ustvrđenih nesukladnih nalaza fipronila Europska komisija je prema Provedbenoj Uredbi Komisije (EU) 2019/533 uvrstila njegovu kontrolu u okviru koordiniranog višegodišnjeg programa kontrole EU za razdoblje 2020.-2022.Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide that belongs to the phenylpyrazole group. It is an insecticide that acts by targeting the GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) receptor and has favourable selective toxicity to insects rather than mammals. Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009, fipronil is not authorized in plant protection products and it is forbidden to treat animals intended for human consumption in the European Union (EU). The maximum permitted residue level (MRL) of fipronil is 0.005 mg/ kg for eggs and poultry, as established under Regulation 396/2005 on maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on food and feed of plant and animal origin. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified fipronil as a mildly dangerous class II pesticide. Consuming small amounts of fipronil causes nausea, headache, vomiting, stomach pain, weakness and dizziness. After absorption in humans, it is distributed into tissues and releases active metabolites that accumulate mainly in adipose tissue. Experiments in mice have shown that prolonged exposure to high doses of fipronil causes thyroid cancer in males and females. The occurrence of fipronil in eggs in the EU was reported in Belgium in 2016. As a consequence of the identified misuse of fipronil found on chicken farms, EU Member States and the European Commission have agreed to carry out ad-hoc monitoring of fipronil insecticides and other acaricides in eggs and poultry meat. In a monitoring report published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 742 samples (13.6%) of a total of 5439 eggs and poultry samples in EU Member States and Iceland exceeded the legal limits. Most inconsistent results were related to fipronil in chicken eggs and fat of laying hens. No non-compliant results were found in samples from the Republic of Croatia. Samples exceeding the legal limit originated from the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, France, Slovenia and Greece. EU Member States reported non-compliant fipronil results in the control of products marketed in the EU during 2017-2019 via the Central Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). In total, 128 different products with non-compliant fipronil concentrations were reported, with the most reports regarding eggs and egg products. In the framework of the measures taken, as many as 45 complaints were filed to withdraw contaminated eggs from the market, and nine confiscations and nine official detentions were carried out. Based on the identified non-compliant findings of fipronil, the European Commission has listed its control under Commission Coordinated Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/533 under the coordinated multi-annual EU control program for the period 2020-2022

    Ensuring quality in primary production of meat

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    Sažetak U ovom radu prikazana je važnost uspostave sustava temeljenog na načelima analize opasnosti i kritičnih kontrolnih točaka (HACCP). Danas, u Republici Hrvatskoj Zakon o hrani (N.N. 46/07) zahtijeva od subjekata u poslovanju s hranom uspostavu sustava upravljanja sigurnošću hrane temeljenog na HACCP principima. Putem sustava predstavljena je primjena preventivnih mjera koje će koncept analize rizika smanjiti na najmanju moguću mjeru. Preventivne mjere, ako se učinkovito primjene na poznate kritične točke, smanjuju vjerojatnost pojave rizika na prihvatljivu razinu. HACCP sustav sastoji se od 7 načela a njegova implementacija provodi se u 12 koraka. Neposredno nakon uspostave sustava nužna je edukacija i osposobljavanje zaposlenika, no pravilno dugoročno funkcioniranje sustava može se osigurati samo kroz redovito revidiranje dokumentacije i HACCP plana, kako bi bili aktualni s nastalim promjenama.This paper gives an overview of the importance of setting up a system based on the principles of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). In the Republic of Croatia today, the Food Act (OG 46/07) requires food businesses to establish a quality control system based on the HACCP principles. The system presents the application of preventative measures which reduces the concept of risk analysis to the lowest possible level. Preventative measures, if effectively applied to known critical points, reduce the likelihood or appearance of risk to an acceptable level. The HACCP system consists of seven principles, and its implementation is carried out in twelve steps. Directly after the establishment of the system, it is necessary to educate and train the employees. However, a long-term functioning of the system can only be ensured through the regular revision of documentation and the HACCP plans in order to keep it up to date with any changes that have taken place

    Ferro – posizioni tossicologiche e nutritive nell’organismo

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    Sažetak Željezo je najzastupljeniji prijelazni metal na Zemlji bitan za mnoge oblike života. S druge strane željezo i spojevi prisutni kao onečišćivaći u atmosferi mogu uzrokovati štetne učinke u ljudi i životinja te na materijale. Živi organizmi su prisiljeni usvojiti djelotvoran način transporta željeza i njegov mehanizam skladištenja da bi održali ravnotežu između štetnih i korisnih učinaka željeza. Raspored željeza u ljudskom tijelu reguliran je kompleksnim mehanizmom kojim se održava homeostaza. Tijekom djetinjstva, trudnoće ili gubitka krvi povečava se potreba za željezom, a ujedno i adsorpcija. Željezo se apsorbira u cijelom probavnom sustavu te se najbolje asimilira iz hema (80 % topivog željeza u mesu) i fiziološki veže za specifične proteine stvarajući reverzibilne, spojeve željeza i proteina odnosno proteinske komplekse. Željezo sudjeluje u raznim metabolitičkim procesima u organizmu, uključujući prijenos kisika, sintezu DNA i prijenos elektrona. Poremećaji metabolizma željeza spadaju u najčešća oboljenja kod ljudi te obuhvaćaju široki spektar bolesti s različitim kliničkim manifestacijama od anemije do neurodegenerativnih bolesti. Akutno trovanje željezom uglavnom uvijek je posljedica ingestije lijekova obogaćenih željezom i dešava se najčešće kod djece. Kronično trovanje željezom je česti problem kod odraslih. Željezo je katalizator u reakciji nastajanja hidroksilnih radikala iz vodikovog peroksida te povećava oksidacijski stres koji u konačnici povećava koncentraciju slobodnog željeza. Ovaj proces može dovesti do oštećenja lipidnih membrana i u konačnici do oštećenja organa jetre, bubrega i slezene. Nedovoljna prisutnost željeza u hrani povećava mehanizam crijevne apsorpcije željeza iz tjelesnih skladišta te se zalihe brže troše nego što se željezo apsorbira iz hrane, što može dovesti do njegova nedostatka u organizmu. Nedostatak željeza je još uvijek endemski prisutan u nekim područjima Zemlje. Suvremeni postupci oplemenjivanja ili pojačavanja prehrane željezom danas razmatraju i potencijalni rizik interakcije između mikronutrienata koji može utjecati na apsorpciju i biodostupnost željeza.Iron is the most common transitional metal on Earth and it is essential for many life forms. On the other hand, iron and its compounds are present as atmospheric pollution, which can cause harmful effects in humans, animals and materials. Living organisms have been forced to adopt an efficient system for iron transport and a mechanism for its storage in order to maintain the balance between the harmful and beneficial effects of iron. The distribution of iron in the human body is regulated by a complex mechanism that maintains homeostasis. During childhood, pregnancy or blood loss, the need for iron increases, as does its adsorption. Iron is absorbed throughout the entire digestive system and is best assimilated from heme (80% soluble iron in meat) and physiologically binds with specific proteins, forming reversible compounds of iron and protein, i.e. protein complexes. Iron participates in various metabolic processes in the body, including oxygen transport, DNA synthesis and electron transport. Iron metabolic disorders are among the most common illnesses in people, and include a broad spectrum of diseases with various clinical manifestations, from anaemia to neurodegenerative diseases. Acute iron poisoning is almost always the result of ingestion of iron enriched medicines, and occurs most commonly in children. Chronic iron poisoning is a more frequent problem among adults. Iron is a catalyser in the reaction that creates hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen peroxide and increases oxidation stress, which ultimately increases the concentration of free iron. This process can lead to damage to the lipid membranes and ultimately to the liver, kidney and spleen. Iron deficiency in the diet increases the mechanism of intestinal iron absorption from the body’s stores, and reserves are spent faster than iron is absorbed from food, which can lead to its deficiency in the body. Iron deficiency is still an endemic issue in certain areas around the world. Contemporary procedures to enrich food with iron today also consider the potential risk of interaction between micronutrients that can influence the absorption and bioavailability of iron.Zusammenfassung Eisen ist das meist vertretene Übergangsmetall auf der Erde, grundlegend für viele Lebensformen. Andererseits kann das Eisen und dessen Zusammensetzungen als Verschmutzer der Atmosphäre verschiedene Schaden an Menschen, Tieren und Materialen verursachen. Lebende Organismen sind gezwungen, sich eine wirkungsvolle Transportweise von Eisen und dessen Lagerung anzueignen, um das Gleichgewicht zwischen den schädlichen und nützlichen Wirkungen von Eisen zu erzielen. Die Verteilung von Eisen im Menschenkörper ist durch einen komplexen Mechanismus reguliert, wodurch die Homeostase aufrecht erhalten wird. Während der Kindheit, der Schwangerschaft oder des Blutverlustes wird der Bedarf an Eisen größer, gleichzeitig auch die Adsorption. Das Eisen wird im gesamten Verdauungssystem absorbiert. Es wird am besten aus „hem“ (heme iron) (80 % auflösbares Eisen im Fleisch) absorbiert, physiologisch an spezifische Proteine gebunden, dabei reversibile Verbindungen von Eisen und Proteinen, bzw. Proteinkomplexe bildend. Das Eisen nimmt an verschiedenen metabolischen Prozessen im Organismus teil, einschließend die Übertragung von Sauerstoff, DNA Synthese und die Übertragung von Elektronen. Die Störungen des Eisenmetabolismus gehören zu den häufigsten Erkrankungen bei Menschen, sie umfassen ein breites Spektrum von Krankheiten mit verschiedenen klinischen Manifestationen, von Anämie bis zu den neurodegenerativen Krankheiten. Akute Eisenvergiftungen sind immer die Folgen der Ingestion von Arzeneien angereichert mit Eisen, besonders häufig bei Kindern. Die chronische Eisenvergiftung ist ein häufiges Problem bei Erwachsenen. Das Eisen ist der Katalysator bei Reaktion der Entstehung von Hydroxilradikalen aus Wasserstoffperoxid, vergrößert der Oxidationsstress, der endlich die Konzentration von freiem Eisen vergrößert. Dieser Prozess kann zur Beschädigung der Lipidomembranen führen, dann endlich zur Beschädigung der Organe: Leber, Nieren und Milz. Die ungenügende Anwesenheit von Eisen in Nahrung vergrößert den Mechanismus der Darmabsorbtion von Eisen aus körperlicher Lagerung, so werden die Reserven schneller verbraucht, als das Eisen aus der Nahrung absorbiert wird, was zu Mangel von Eisen im ganzen Organismus führen kann. Mangel an Eisen ist immer noch in einigen Erdgebieten endemisch anwesend. Zeitgenössische Verfahren der Anreicherung und Verstärkung der Nahrung mit Eisen stellen heutzutage das potentielle Risiko der Interaktion zwischen Mikronutrienten dar, was die Absorption und Biozugänglichkeit von Eisen beeinflussen kann.Sommario Il ferro è il più abbondante metallo all’interno della Terra, ed è mportante per molte forme di vita. Dall’altra parte, il ferro e i suoi composti sono presenti come contaminanti nell’atmosfera e possono causare gli effetti dannosi sull’uomo, gli animali e gli materiali in generale. Gli organismi viventi sono costretti di addottare il modo efficace di trasporto del ferro e il suo meccanismo di immagazinamento per mantenere l’equilibrio tra gli effetti utili e quelli dannosi del ferro. La distribuzione del ferro nel corpo umano è regolata dal meccanismo complessivo con il quale si mantiene l’omeostasi. Durante l’infanzia, gravidanza o perdita del sangue cresce la necessità del ferro, e al contempo il suo assorbimento. Il ferro viene assorbito per tutto il sistema metabolico e si assimila ottimamente dall’emo (l’80% del ferro solubile nella carne) e si connette fisiologicamente con le proteine specifiche creando quelle reversibili, i composti di ferro e e proteine, cioè i complessi proteici. Il ferro fa parte di vari processi metabolici nell’organismo, trasporto di ossigeno, sintesi del DNA e trasporto di elettroni inclusi. Le disordini metabolici del ferro appartengono alle più frequenti malattie umane e fanno una vasta gamma di malattie con varie manifestazioni cliniche, dall’anemia alle malattie neurodegenerative. L’intossicazione acuta col ferro di solito è la conseguenza d’ingestione di farmaci e succede spesso ai bambini. L’intossicazione cronica col ferro è un problema che succede spesso agli adulti. Il ferro è catalizzatore nella reazione di formazione di radicali idrossili dal perossido di idrogeno e fa aumentare lo stress ossidativo che alla fin fine fa aumentare la concentrazione del ferro libero. Questo processo può danneggiare le membrane lipidiche e nella fase successiva fare un danno serio sugli organi seguenti: fegato, reni e milza. La carenza del ferro negli alimentari fa crescere il meccanismo di assorbimento intestinale del ferro dagli depositi del corpo e questi depositi si consumano più velocemente che il ferro viene assorbito dagli alimenti, e perciò è possibile la sua mancanza nell’organismo. La mancanza del ferro nell’organismo è ancora presente nel modo endemicamente presente in alcune parti della Terra. I procedimenti moderni che aggiungono l’alimentazione col ferro oggi osservano il probabile rischio di interazione tra i micronutrienti stessi che può avere influsso sull’assorbimento e la biodisponibilità del ferro

    Content of cadmium, mercury and lead in bovine and porcine kidney tissue

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja teških metala kadmija (Cd), žive (Hg) i olova (Pb) u bubrežnom tkivu 78 goveda i 45 svinja iz ruralnih područja Republike Hrvatske uzorkovanih tijekom 2009. godine. Sadržaj Cd i Pb je određen metodom atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije primjenom gratne tehnike, a Hg direktnim spaljivanjem na živinom analizatoru. Količine Cd, Hg i Pb određene u bubrežnom tkivu goveda bile su znatno više u odnosu na količine utvrđene u svinja. Dobivene vrijednosti Cd i Pb podudaraju se sa re- zultatima u goveda i svinja, dok su utvrđene količine Hg u obje vrste životinja niže od količina utvrđenih u ruralnim područjima drugih zemalja Europske Zajednice. U 13 % uzoraka bubrega goveda utvrđene količine Cd su više od najviše dopuštene količine od 1 mg/kg, dok su u svega 1,15 % bubrežnog tkiva goveda utvrđene količine Pb bile više od najviše dopuštene količine od 0,5 mg/kg. U bubrezima svinja nisu utvrđene količine iznad najviših dopuštenih količina. Najviše dopuštene količine Hg nisu određene legislativom Europske Zajednice odnosno Republike Hrvatske te su dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni sa literaturnim vrijednostima. Samo u 1,15 % uzoraka bubrega goveda količine Hg su prelazile 0,03 mg/kg, dok u svinja nije utvrđen niti jedan takav slučaj. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju potrebu kontrole količina Cd, Hg i Pb u bubrežnom tkivu goveda na liniji klanja. Istovremeno bubrežno tkivo svinja je pogodno za konzumaciju široke populacije jer su utvrđene količine Cd i Pb ispod najviših dopuštenih količina.The paper presents the results of the study of heavy metals: cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in kidney tissue of 78 cattle and 45 pigs from rural regions of Croatia, sampled in 2009. Cd and Pb levels were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry by application of graphite technique, and Hg levels by direct burning on a mercury analyser. Cd, Hg and Pb levels determined in bovine kidney tissue signicantly exceeded the levels established in pigs. The obtained results of Cd and Pb corresponded to the values from rural regions of other EU countries, while Hg levels were lower in comparison to other EU regions. In 13% of bovine kidney samples, Cd levels exceeding the maximum permitted levels (1 mg/kg) were found, while only in 1.15% of bovine kidney tissue, Pb levels exceeded the maximum permitted ones (0.5 mg/kg). Levels exceeding the maximum permitted quantity were not found in porcine kidneys. Maximum permitted Hg levels are not set forth in EU or Croatian legislation; thus the results were compared with reference values. In only 1.15% of bovine kidney samples, Hg levels exceeded 0.3 mg/kg, while no such case was found in pigs. The results have conrmed the need to control Cd, Hg and Pb levels in bovine kidney tissue on slaughter line. At the same time, porcine kidney tissue is suitable for consumption by general population as Cd and Pb levels were below maximum permitted ones