92 research outputs found

    Varijabilnost klasa kod kragujevačkih sorti ozimog tritikalea

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    This study shows analysis of winter hexaploid triticale varieties (Kg 20, Favorit and Trijumf) from Kragujevac, Serbia. Varieties were grown in the trial field of Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac during the season 2007-2008. The best parameter of productivity for spike width, grain number in spike, and grain weight per spike was achieved by the analyzed variety Favorit, while variety Trijumf had the best parameter for spike length. Check variety (Kg 20) had the greatest spikelet's number in spike. Highly significant differences were found between the varieties for width of spike and number of grains per spike and significant differences for length of spike. Triticale varieties showed no significant differences in spikellets number in spike.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kragujevačkih ozimih heksaploidnih sorti tritikalea (Kg 20, Favorit i Trijumf). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu tokom 2007-2008. godine. Najbolji pokazatelj rodnosti kod Å”irine klasa, broja zrna u klasu i mase zrna po klasu pokazala je sorta Favorit, a kod dužine klasa sorta Trijumf. Sorta standard Kg 20 imala je najveći broj klasaka u klasu. Analizom dobijenih podataka utvrđeno je da postoje visoko značajne razlike u Å”irini klasa i broja zrna u klasu, a značajne razlike za dužinu klasa između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea. Između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea nisu ustanovljene signifikantne razlike za broj klasaka u klasu

    Istraživanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta novostvorenih NS sorti i linija soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) u području Pančeva

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    Soybean Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia breeds highly productive soybean varieties of high-quality grain in accordance with the requirements of the market. The aim of this study was to determine the most-yielding NS soybean varieties for the agro-ecological conditions of Pančevo area in Serbia. This paper shows the analysis of yield and quality parameters of eight NS soybean varieties of I maturity group. Plot trial was carried out in Pančevo in 2011. All analyzed NS varieties achieved high yields. The highest average grain yield, and protein and oil yield was achieved by the new soybean variety NS Maximus (4,403 kg ha-1; 1,644 kg ha-1 and 1,023 kg ha-1, respectively) and line NS-L-210 391 (4,371 kg ha-1; 1,613 kg ha-1 and 973 kg ha-1, respectively), while the lowest yield was achieved by Diva (3,119 kg ha-1, 1,163 kg ha-1 and 701 kg ha-1, respectively). Average yield for these soybean varieties was 3,701 kg ha-1. NS Maximus recorded significantly higher yield than other tested varieties, except the line NS-L-210391. NS Maximus and NS-L-414260 achieved significantly higher oil content than the other tested cultivars, while NS-L-210385 had the highest protein content.U skladu sa zahtevima tržiÅ”ta u Odeljenju za soju, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad radi se na oplemenjivanju visoko produktivnih sorti soje i sorti visokog kvaliteta zrna. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odrede najprinosnije NS sorte soje za agroekoloÅ”ke uslove Pančeva i okoline. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize prinosa i parametara kvaliteta osam NS sorti i linija soje I grupe zrenja. Mikroogled je izveden u Pančevu tokom 2011. godine. Sve testirane sorte ostvarile su visoke prinose. NajviÅ”i prinos zrna, prinos proteina i ulja imala je nova sorta soje NS Maximus (4.403 kg ha-1, 1.644 kg ha-1, 1.023 kg ha-1) i linija NS-L-210391 (4.371 kg ha-1, 1.613 kg ha-1, 973 kg ha-1), dok je najniže prinose imala sorta Diva (3.119 kg ha-1, 1.163 kg ha-1 i 701 kg ha-1). Prosečan prinos za ispitivane sorte soje bio je 3.701 ha-1. Sorta NS Maximus i linija NS-L-414260 imale su signifikantno viÅ”i sadržaj ulja u odnosu na ostale ispitivane sorte, dok je najveći sadržaj proteina imala linija NS-L-210385

    Application of aromatic plant extract apples in nutrition chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    In this paper we studied the effect of apple aroma as a food additive in a concentration of 0.04% on performance and reduction of fur chewing and basic production parameters. During the experimental period (30 days), the experimental group of chinchillas that was fed with the pellet mixture with the addition of the aroma showed a statistically significant decrease in fur chewing (p<0.01) in comparison with the control group. Also, only 5% of the animals in the experimental group chewed fur out of the total number in that group (20 chinchillas), whereas the percentage of fur chewing with the control group with the same number of animals was 30%. The positive effects of aroma addition were noted for other examined factors as well, since the experimental group of chinchillas showed a bigger increase in body mass (1.36%), better growth (21.18%), increased food consumption (0.48%) and better conversion (17.13%) in comparison with the control group that was not fed with the aromatic additive

    Variability and correlations between soybean yield and quality components

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    The aim of this research was to determine variability and correlations between yield, protein content and oil content in soybean cultivars. The research was carried out on ten NS soybean cultivars in 2008, 2009 and 2010. All of the analysed traits significantly varied depending on cultivar and year. The highest yield in the analysed period was found in cultivar Proteinka (4,947 kg ha(-1)) which was significantly higher than that of cultivars Becejka, Tara, Afrodita and Diva. The highest average yield in 2010 was found in cultivars Irina (5,590 kg ha(-1)) and Bdejka (5,340 kg ha(-1)). The highest protein content was found in cultivars Afrodita and Galina, while the highest oil content was found in cultivars Alisa, Valjevka and Alisa. Significantly higher yield were obtained in 2010, while significantly higher protein and oil content was recorded in 2008. Yield was insignificantly positively correlated with oil content both in 2008, 2009 and 2010 (0.06, 0.31 and 0.17, respectively), and negatively but not significantly correlated with protein content (-0.06, -0.12 and -0.19, respectively). Oil content was significantly negatively correlated with protein content (-0.47(star)) in 2009, while in 2008 and 2010 this correlation was insignificant (-0.25, -0.11). This research is a basis for further breeding of soybeans with improved grain yield and content of protein and oil

    Effects of fertilization on yield and grain quality in winter triticale

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    Study of fertilization effects were conducted in a stationary type of field trial, on a degrading vertisol soil with low pH. Eight variants of mineral nutrition (NK, NP1, NP2, NP3, NPIK, NP2K and NP3K) and untreated control (without nutrition) were tested in the experiment. The rates of nitrogen application were 80 kg N ha(-1), and they were applied either individually or in combination with three phosphorus rates and the potassium fertilizer. The highest grain yields under mineral nutrition involving a combination of three mineral elements were: N, P and K (80 kg N ha(-1), 60 kg P2O5 ha(-1), 60 kg K2O ha(-1)), and under NP2K treatment at a rate of 80 kg N ha(-1), 80 kg P2O5 ha(-1) and 60 kg K2O ha(-1). Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there were highly significant differences in grains yield among years of investigation and highly significant differences at 1000-grain weight and grain test weight

    Genotypic specificity of soybean [Glycine max. (L) merr.] under conditions of foliar fertilization

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    Knowledge of genetic traits that affect yield and chemical composition of soybean grain is vital for the organization of an effective soybean breeding program. Two-year trials (2009-2010) were carried out at the Rimski Sancevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in three replications. We assessed the impact of foliar fertilization with a complex liquid fertilizer that combined macroelements (N, P, K - 12:4:6, respectively) and microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu, B, Zn) on yield and grain chemical compositions of NS soybean cultivars of different maturity groups. The following traits were monitored: 1000-grain weight (g), soybean grain yield (kg/ha), and total protein and oil contents and protein and oil yield in soybean grain. All traits varied significantly depending on variety and year. On average, all cultivars had higher yield and 1000-grain weight in the variant with foliar fertilization than in the control. The highest yield in the control variant was achieved by the cultivar Victoria (5273 kg ha-1 in 2009, while the highest yield in the variant with foliar fertilization was achieved by the cultivar Tea (5333 kg ha-1) in 2010. The average weight of 1000 grains was significantly higher in 2010 (161.2 g) than in 2009 (132.4 g). The lowest average 1000-grain weight was registered for the cultivar Galina (140 g). The cultivar Victoria had the highest protein content in the control variant, while the cultivar Tea had the highest oil content (21.73%). In the variant of foliar fertilization, the cultivar Tea had significantly higher contents of proteins and oil than the other tested varieties. The values of the coefficient of correlation between the studied traits in the variant of foliar fertilization were similar to the values in the control variant. The oil content was significantly and negatively correlated with 1000-grain weight (r=-0.86**, r=-0.80**) and negatively correlated with protein content in soybean (r=-0.42, r=-0.04) in both the control variant and the variant with foliar fertilization. The yield was negatively correlated with protein content (r=-0.36, r=-0.05) in the control variant and the variant with foliar fertilization. The obtained results indicate that the yield, protein and oil content in soybean is a cultivar characteristic, but it is also strongly affected by the environment and affected by the foliar fertilization

    Yield components of the two-rowed barley

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    Istraživanja su sprovedena tokom dve godine na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje značajnosti izvora varijacije komponenti prinosa dvoredog ječma, kao i sorti i linija na bazi ispitivanih osobina i izdvajanje superiornih genotipova. Prosečna dužina klasa za sve ispitivane genotipove dvoredog ječma varirala je od 8,10 cm (2009/10) do 7,64 cm (2008/09), dok je prosečna dvogodiÅ”nja dužina klasa iznosila 7,87 cm. Broj zrna po klasu kod ispitivanih genotipova dvoredog ječma varirao je u opsegu od 20,99 (2009/10) do 23,30 (2008/09), dok je prosečan dvogodiÅ”nji broj zrna po klasu iznosio 22,15.The research was conducted for two years in the experimental field of the Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac. The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the source of the yield components of the two-rowed barley, as well as the varieties and lines based on the investigated properties and the extraction of superior genotypes that exhibit high and stable yields. The average length of spike for all examined genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 8.10 cm (2009/10) to 7.64 cm (2008/09), while the average length of spike was 7.87 cm. The number of grains per spike of the studied genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 20.99 (2009/10) to 23.30 (2008/09), while the average number of grains per spike was 22.15.Radovi sa 33. Savetovanja agronoma, veterinara, tehnologa i agroekonomista, Padinska Skela, 2019

    Istraživanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta kg sorti ozimog tritikalea

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    In this paper are presented results of winter hexaploid varieties of triticale (Kg 20, Favorit and Trijumf) from Kragujevac. Varieties are grown in the trial field of Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac during the season 2007-2008. The best parametar of productivity and grain quality for yield, grain weight and grain yield per plant is achieved by examined variety Favorit, while variety Trijumf had the best parametar for plant height. There is found a significant dependence of the examined components of productivity of genotype from the data analysis. It was found that genotype very significantly influence in grain yield and plant height between the varieties of triticale (P lt 0.01). Among the varieties of triticale showed no significant differences in grain weight and grain yield per plant.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kragujevačkih ozimih heksaploidnih sorti tritikalea (Kg 20, Favorit i Trijumf). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita, Kragujevac tokom 2007-2008 godine. Najbolji pokazatelj rodnosti i kvalitet zrna kod prinosa, mase zrna i prinosa zrna po biljci postigla je ispitivana sorta Favorit, a kod visine biljaka sorta Trijumf. Analizom dobijenih podataka utvrđena je značajna zavisnost ispitivanih komponenti kvaliteta zrna od genotipa. Ustanovljeno je da postoje vrlo značajne razlike u prinosu zrna i visini biljaka između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea (P lt 0,01). Između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea nisu ustanovljene signifikantne razlike za masu zrna i prinos zrna po biljci

    Hranljiva vrednost i prinos zrna ovsa

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    Istraživanje je izvedeno na Oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu, a sprovedeno je sa ciljem da se utvrdi hranljiva vrednost i prinos zrna sa aspekta koriŔćenja ovsa u ishrani stoke. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja kragujevačkih jarih sorti ovsa (Vranac, Slavuj i Lovćen). U dvogodiÅ”njem poljskom ogledu istraživan je prinos zrna, masa 1000 zrna i sadržaj proteina u zrnu tri sorte ovsa. Prosečan prinos zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ovsa kretao se u opsegu od 3,281 t/ha do 4,792 t/ha. NeÅ”to veće prosečne vrednosti prinosa zrna ustanovljene su u 2007. godini. Prosečne vrednosti mase 1000 zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ovsa kretale su se u opsegu od 26,90 do 30,80 g. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje vrlo značajne razlike između ispitivanih sorti, pri čemu se sadržaj proteina u proseku kretao od 11,05% do 12,88%. Za sintezu proteina znatno povoljnija bila je 2006. u odnosu na 2007. Proizilazi da je ovo svojstvo sortna osobina, ali da je takođe pod vrlo jakim uticajem ekoloÅ”kih faktora. Ispitivani materijal bi stoga mogao biti vredan kako sa aspekta gajenja ovsa kao krmne ratarske biljke tako i sa aspekta njegovog oplemenjivanja na kvalitet zrna i produktivnost

    Yield components and genetic potential of two-rowed barley

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    The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the source of the yield variability and components of the two-rowed barley, as well as the varieties and lines based on the investigated properties and the extraction of superior genotypes that exhibit high and stable yields. The average plant height for all examined genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 75.70 cm (2009/10) to 77.87 cm (2008/09), while the average plant height was 76.79 cm. The length of spike of the studied genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 8.32 cm (2008/09) to 8.50 cm (2009/10), while the average was 8.41 cm. The number of grains per spike of the studied genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 22.50 (2009/10) to 22.69 (2008/09), while the average was 22.59. The grain weight per spike of the barley in the area of Zaječar ranged from 1.066 g (2009/10) to 1.122 g (2008/09), while the average was 1.094 g. Correlations between the length of spike and number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike in the examined genotypes of two-rowed barley at the location Zaječar showed a positive value both in the vegetations 2008/09 and 2009/10 of the study
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