69 research outputs found

    Utjecaj ispaše, sukcesije i košnje na proljetnu faunu danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na suhim krškim livadama i pašnjacima

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    Karst meadows belonging to the class Festuco-Brometea are regarded as species-rich habitats of national and European importance. Biodiversity in these areas is relatively high, but unlike most other semi-natural habitat types, it is highly influenced and facilitated by human activities. In the present study we document the presence and estimate abundance of butterfly species from three sampling plots in Kraški rob (SW Slovenia): two dry karst meadows and one pasture, which also includes an overgrown area. Over 16-day sampling occasions in May and June 2012, 63 species (including species complexes) were recorded. Nearly all of the species were recorded from dry karst meadows (60 ssp., 95%), while pasture (34 spp., 54%) and the overgrown site (28 spp., 44%) were less diverse. The abundance of butterflies was the lowest on the overgrown area. Although both grazing and overgrowth result in a decline in the number and abundance of species, we believe that traditional land use positively affects butterfly diversity, as it maintains open grasslands, a habitat that is preferred by most butterfly species to the later phases of succession. We therefore recommend the maintenance of a mosaic landscape structure, as it supports a wide range of butterfly fauna.Krške livade razreda Festuco-Brometea su vrstama bogata staništa od nacionalne i europske važnosti. Bioraznolikost na tim područjima je relativno visoka, no u suprotnosti s nekim drugim poluprirodnim staništima, njihova bioraznolikost je pod velikim utjecajem ljudske aktivnosti. U ovom istraživanju smo zabilježili prisutnost i procijenili brojnost danjih leptira na tri uzorkovane plohe na Kraškom rubu (jugozapadna Slovenija): dvije krške livade i jednom pašnjaku koji je uključivao i zarasla područja. Tijekom 16-dnevnog terenskog istraživanja u svibnju i lipnju 2012., zabilježili smo 63 vrste leptira (uključujući i komplekse vrsta). Gotovo sve vrste su bile zabilježene na suhim krškim livadama (60 vrsta, 95%), dok je na pašnjaku (34 vrste, 54%) i na zaraslom području (28 vrsta, 44%) raznolikost bila manja. Brojnost leptira je bila najmanja na zaraslim površinama. Iako i zaraštanje i ispaša imaju za posljedicu opadanje u broju vrsta i brojnosti, smatramo da tradicionalno korištenje zemlje pozitivno utječe na raznolikost leptira. Razlog za to je prije svega sprječavanje zaraštanja livada, koje leptiri preferiraju više od staništa u kasnijim fazama sukcesije. Zato predlažemo održavanje mozaične strukture krajolika, jer će na taj način on biti primjeren za veći broj vrsta leptira

    Obilježja hotela s pet zvjezdica grada Zagreba

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    U radu se analiziraju obilježja hotela s pet zvjezdica grada Zagreba. Pojmovno se određuje hotelijerstvo, hoteli i hotelski lanci te obilježja hrvatskog hotelijerstva od 2009. do 2017. godine. Zatim se pojmovno određuje kategorizacija ugostiteljskih objekata iz skupine „hoteli“ u Republici Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na minimalne tehničke uvjete i strukturu hotelske ponude od 2009. do 2017. godine kroz primjere hotela s pet zvjezdica u gradu Zagrebu, a to su sljedeći hoteli: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, The Westin Zagreb Hotel, Sheraton Zagreb Hotel i Le Premier boutique hotel.The paper analyzes the characteristics of a five-star hotel in Zagreb. The hotel industry, hotels and hotel chains, as well as the features of the Croatian hotel industry from 2009 to 2017 are first defined. Next, the categories of catering establishments from the "hotels" category in the Republic of Croatia, reflecting the minimum technical conditions and structure of hotel deals from 2009 to 2017, are determined by means of examples of the five-star hotels in Zagreb. The following hotels are Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, The Westin Zagreb Hotel, Sheraton Zagreb Hotel and Le Premier boutique hotel

    Povezanost sindroma niskoga trijodtironina, stanja kronične upale i malnutricije s komorbiditetom i smrtnošću bolesnika u terminalnoj fazi kronične bubrežne bolesti [The correlation between low T3 syndrome, state of chronic inflammation and malnutrition and morbidity and mortality of patients in end-stage renal disease]

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    In this observational prospective cohort study of prevalent hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, we studied the correlations of low triiodothyronine syndrome, protein-energy wasting and chronic inflammation, alongside other known confounding factors, with morbidity and mortality. 94 prevalent dialysis patients were followed for a median of 39 months. The demographic, anthropometric and biochemical parameters (including thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone) were collected at baseline and after 6 months. A univariate and multivariate analysis was done using the Cox regression analysis. ROC curve analysis using survival status as classification variable was performed with the goal of determining optimal cut-off values for numerical variables. In our population, multivariate analysis was done after adjustment for confounding factors. It showed that low total triiodothyronine (HR 2.19, P=0.038), a catheter as a vascular access (HR 2.76, P=0.023), higher vintage (HR 1.01, P=0.014) and higher Charlson comorbidity index (HR 1.28, P=0.017) were statistically significantly associated with inferior survival. This study shows that in our group of steady-state dialysis patients, total triiodothyronine seems to be the strongest predictor of inferior survival among thyroid hormones. Taking the parameter mentioned above into account, it is possible to identify patients with increased risk of death even after adjustment for other prognostically relevant variables. We conclude that it would be of great benefit to consider using triiodothyronine as one of the confounding factors in survival studies on end-stage renal disease patients

    New records of the rare dragonfly, Black Pennant - Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) (Insecta: Odonata) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In 2012, we recorded a Black Pennant, Selysiothemis nigra, at two sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. in the surroundings of Klepci village and in Hutovo Blato Nature Park, Neretva River. These are the first recent records of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had previously been known only from the entomological collection in the Museum of Sarajevo. As this species had previously been recorded on the Croatian side of the Neretva River, these records fit into the distribution area of the species. With the confirmation of this record, the dragonfly fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 60 specie

    Prvi nalaz šimširovog moljca, Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) u Hrvatskoj

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    During a light-trap moth survey on 21st June 2012 in the northern part of Istria, between the villages of Valica and Sveta Marija na Krasu, two individuals of the box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis, were caught. This is the first Croatian record of this invasive species. Following the recent records from Slovenia and Hungary, this observation from Croatia indicates the spread of the species towards southern Europe.Tijekom istraživanja noćnih leptira svjetlosnim lovkama 21.06.2012. u sjevernom dijelu Istre, između sela Valica i Sveta Marija na Krasu, ulovljene su dvije jedinke šimširovog moljca, Cydalima perspectalis. To je prvi nalaz ove invazivne azijske vrste u Hrvatskoj. Nakon nedavnih nalaza iz Slovenije i Mađarske, nalaz iz Hrvatske ukazuje na širenje ove vrste prema južnoj Europi

    Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune (Amphibia & Reptilia) donjeg dijela rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    In this paper we present newly collected data and historical overview of the herpetofauna of Neretva River Valley. During two consecutive years (2011, 2012) we collected new data about the presence of reptiles and amphibians in the area, on 25 sampling sites, of which 21 in Croatia and 4 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During our survey we recorded the presence of 21 species of which 18 are listed in the IUCN Red list. The literature records added another 13 species, so the total number for amphibians and reptiles in the area is 34 species, 11 amphibian and 23 reptiles. With such a high diversity, the area of Neretva River is one of the hotspots of the amphibian and reptile diversity in Croatia. Lower Neretva Valley is now days under a strong anthropogenic influence, and most of the area is used for plantations and intensive agriculture. It is of a critical importance to conserve and protect the remaining natural habitat in the future.U ovom radu predstavljamo novo prikupljene podatke, kao i povijesni pregled herpetofaune doline rijeke Neretve. Tijekom 2011. i 2012. godine prikupili smo podatke o prisutnosti vodozemaca i gmazova na 25 lokaliteta, od kojih se 21 nalazio u Hrvatskoj a 4 u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tijekom našeg istraživanja utvrdili smo prisutnost 21 vrste, od kojih je 18 navedeno na IUCN-ovom Crvenom Popisu. Literaturnim nalazima utvrdili smo prisutnost još 13 vrsta, tako da je poznati broj vrsta na području Neretve 34, od čega 11 vrsta vodozemaca i 23 vrste gmazova. Sa ovolikim brojem vrsta, područje rijeke Neretve može se smatrati vrućom točkom bioraznolikosti vodozemaca i gmazova u Hrvatskoj. Donji tok rijeke Neretve je danas pod snažnim antropogenim utjecajem, i veći dio se upotrebljava za plantaže i intenzivnu poljoprivredu. U budućnosti će biti od ključne važnosti očuvati preostala prirodna staništa toga područja

    Povezanost sindroma niskog trijodtironina , proteinsko energetske pothranjenosti i kronične upale sa smrtnošću prevalentnih dijaliznih bolesnika

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    This prospective study in prevalent dialysis patients investigated prognostic properties of low triiodothyronine syndrome, protein-energy wasting and chronic inflammation. Ninety-four prevalent dialysis patients were followed-up for a median of 39 months. Demographic, anthropometric and biochemical parameters were collected at baseline. Univariate and multivariate analysis was done using Cox regression analysis. ROC curve analysis using survival status as a classification variable was performed with the goal of determining optimal cut-off values for numerical variables. In our population, low total triiodothyronine (hazard ratio (HR) 2.19, p=0.038), catheter as vascular access (HR 2.76, p=0.023), higher vintage (HR 1.01, p=0.014) and higher Charlson comorbidity index (HR 1.28, p=0.017) were statistically significantly associated with inferior survival. In our group of steady-state dialysis patients, total triiodothyronine seemed to be the strongest predictor of inferior survival among thyroid hormones. Taking this parameter into account, it was possible to identify patients at an increased risk of death even after adjustment for other prognostically relevant variables. However, after further adjustment for significant risk factors, the impact of C-reactive protein and albumin on survival disappeared due to the overlapping prognostic properties. We concluded that triiodothyronine was an independent prognostic factor in our study group.Cilj je bio istražiti prognostička svojstva sindroma niskog trijodtironina, proteinsko energetske pothranjenosti i kronične upale te drugih poznatih rizičnih čimbenika sa smrtnošću prevalentnih dijaliznih bolesnika. Ukupno 94 prevalentnih dijaliznih bolesnika prospektivno je praćeno kroz medijan od 39 mjeseci. Na početku istraživanja sakupljeni su demografski, antropometrijski i biokemijski parametri. Učinjena je univarijatna te multivarijatna analiza primjenom Coxove regresijske analize. Kako bismo odredili optimalne granične vrijednosti numeričkih varijabla primijenjena je ROC analiza krivulje koristeći preživljenje kao klasifikacijsku varijablu. U našoj populaciji bolesnika su nizak ukupni trijodtironin (hazard ratio (HR) 2,19; p=0,038), kateter kao vaskularni pristup (HR 2,76; p=0,023), duži vintage (HR 1,01; p=0,014) i viši Charlson indeks komorbiditeta (HR 1,28; p=0,017) bili statistički značajno povezani s lošijim preživljenjem. U našoj skupini stabilnih dijaliznih bolesnika ukupni trijodtironin je među hormonima štitnjače bio najjači predskazatelj lošijeg preživljenja. Također, i nakon prilagodbe za druge prognostički značajne varijable vrijednost trijodtironina se i dalje može koristiti u prognozi bolesnika na dijalizi. Nakon daljnje analize prilagođene za druge značajne čimbenike rizika utjecaj C-reaktivnog proteina i albumina na smrtnost je nestao zbog prognostičkih svojstava koja se podudaraju. Zaključno, smatramo da je ukupni trijodtironin bio neovisan prognostički čimbenik u našoj skupini bolesnika

    Utjecaj ispaše, sukcesije i košnje na proljetnu faunu danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na suhim krškim livadama i pašnjacima

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    Karst meadows belonging to the class Festuco-Brometea are regarded as species-rich habitats of national and European importance. Biodiversity in these areas is relatively high, but unlike most other semi-natural habitat types, it is highly influenced and facilitated by human activities. In the present study we document the presence and estimate abundance of butterfly species from three sampling plots in Kraški rob (SW Slovenia): two dry karst meadows and one pasture, which also includes an overgrown area. Over 16-day sampling occasions in May and June 2012, 63 species (including species complexes) were recorded. Nearly all of the species were recorded from dry karst meadows (60 ssp., 95%), while pasture (34 spp., 54%) and the overgrown site (28 spp., 44%) were less diverse. The abundance of butterflies was the lowest on the overgrown area. Although both grazing and overgrowth result in a decline in the number and abundance of species, we believe that traditional land use positively affects butterfly diversity, as it maintains open grasslands, a habitat that is preferred by most butterfly species to the later phases of succession. We therefore recommend the maintenance of a mosaic landscape structure, as it supports a wide range of butterfly fauna.Krške livade razreda Festuco-Brometea su vrstama bogata staništa od nacionalne i europske važnosti. Bioraznolikost na tim područjima je relativno visoka, no u suprotnosti s nekim drugim poluprirodnim staništima, njihova bioraznolikost je pod velikim utjecajem ljudske aktivnosti. U ovom istraživanju smo zabilježili prisutnost i procijenili brojnost danjih leptira na tri uzorkovane plohe na Kraškom rubu (jugozapadna Slovenija): dvije krške livade i jednom pašnjaku koji je uključivao i zarasla područja. Tijekom 16-dnevnog terenskog istraživanja u svibnju i lipnju 2012., zabilježili smo 63 vrste leptira (uključujući i komplekse vrsta). Gotovo sve vrste su bile zabilježene na suhim krškim livadama (60 vrsta, 95%), dok je na pašnjaku (34 vrste, 54%) i na zaraslom području (28 vrsta, 44%) raznolikost bila manja. Brojnost leptira je bila najmanja na zaraslim površinama. Iako i zaraštanje i ispaša imaju za posljedicu opadanje u broju vrsta i brojnosti, smatramo da tradicionalno korištenje zemlje pozitivno utječe na raznolikost leptira. Razlog za to je prije svega sprječavanje zaraštanja livada, koje leptiri preferiraju više od staništa u kasnijim fazama sukcesije. Zato predlažemo održavanje mozaične strukture krajolika, jer će na taj način on biti primjeren za veći broj vrsta leptira

    Diversity of the moth fauna (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) of a wetland forest: A case study from Motovun forest, Istria, Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: The Motovun forest located in the Mirna river valley, central Istria, Croatia is one of the last lowland floodplain forests remaining in the Mediterranean area. Materials and Methods: Between 2011 and 2014 lepidopterological research was carried out on 14 sampling sites in the area of Motovun forest. The moth fauna was surveyed using standard light traps tents. Results and Conclusions: Altogether 403 moth species were recorded in the area, of which 65 can be considered at least partially hygrophilous. These results list the Motovun forest as one of the best surveyed regions in Croatia in respect of the moth fauna. The current study is the first of its kind for the area and an important contribution to the knowledge of moth fauna of the Istria region, and also for Croatia in general