Obilježja hotela s pet zvjezdica grada Zagreba


U radu se analiziraju obilježja hotela s pet zvjezdica grada Zagreba. Pojmovno se određuje hotelijerstvo, hoteli i hotelski lanci te obilježja hrvatskog hotelijerstva od 2009. do 2017. godine. Zatim se pojmovno određuje kategorizacija ugostiteljskih objekata iz skupine „hoteli“ u Republici Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na minimalne tehničke uvjete i strukturu hotelske ponude od 2009. do 2017. godine kroz primjere hotela s pet zvjezdica u gradu Zagrebu, a to su sljedeći hoteli: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, The Westin Zagreb Hotel, Sheraton Zagreb Hotel i Le Premier boutique hotel.The paper analyzes the characteristics of a five-star hotel in Zagreb. The hotel industry, hotels and hotel chains, as well as the features of the Croatian hotel industry from 2009 to 2017 are first defined. Next, the categories of catering establishments from the "hotels" category in the Republic of Croatia, reflecting the minimum technical conditions and structure of hotel deals from 2009 to 2017, are determined by means of examples of the five-star hotels in Zagreb. The following hotels are Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, The Westin Zagreb Hotel, Sheraton Zagreb Hotel and Le Premier boutique hotel

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