7 research outputs found

    Enzymatic activity and microbiological characteristics of luvic and pseudogley soils in western Slavonia

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    Background and Purpose: Soil microorganisms participate in major processes associated with sustainable soil management and ensure cycling of nutrients required for plant production. Their role is of special importance for the dynamics of generation and decomposition of soil organic matter, and they also take part in other processes that provide soil fertility and health. Different anthropogenic influences as well as mechanical and chemical properties of soil have a significant influence on the presence of functional groups of microorganisms and on enzymatic activities in the plough-layer. The main research aim was to study the microbial characteristics and enzymatic activity in pseudogley and luvic soil types of western Slavonia. Materials and Methods: Soil samples collected from soil profiles differently affected by anthropogenic action, from four localities in western Slavonia were analyzed. Results: Average total number of micoorganisms was 13.90 ´ 106 CFU/g soil in pseudogley and 21.33 ´ 106 CFU/g soil in luvic soil. In pseudogley the proportion of functional groups was poor to medium and proteolytic activity was 6.21 (gelatine units/g soil). In luvic soil very good proportion of aerobic asymbiotic nitrogen fixators and cellulolytic fungi was determined. The average proteolytic activity was 5.08 gelatine units/g soil. Research results for cellulolytic activities in luvic soils and pseudogley show that higher values were determined for endogluconase than for cellobiohydrolase

    Biljni i mikrobni diverzitet zemljišta pod eksploatacijom uglja u rudniku 'Kakanj' (Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    Ecoremediation is one of reclamation methods, using plant-microbes-based technologies, and its application is suitable for mining activities-degraded ecosystems. The aim of this work was to estimate plant and microbial diversity on coal mine field 'Kakanj ' (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The results show the domination of Asteraceae species. In most of samples, bacterial number was higher in rhizosphere comparing to the surrounding bulk soil, while the abundance of fungi was higher comparing to the number of actinomycetes. Lowest microbial activity was detected in waste material. Determination of plant and microbial diversity provide valuable information for restoration of mining activities-degraded environments.Ekoremedijacija je jedna od metoda za obnavljanje ekosistema i efikasna je za područja pod eksploatacijom uglja. Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje biljno-mikrobnog diverziteta na području rudnika mrkog uglja 'Kakanj' (Bosna i Hercegovina). Determinacija biljnih vrsta obavljena je pomoću ključa za identifikaciju, dok su mikrobiološke osobine zemljišta i otpadnog materijala nastalog pranjem uglja ispitane standardnim metodama. Rezultati ukazuju na dominaciju biljaka iz familije Asteraceae. U najvećem broju uzoraka brojnost bakterija bila je veća u zoni rizosfere u odnosu na okolno zemljište. Zastupljenost gljiva bila je veća u poređenju sa brojem aktinomiceta. Najslabija mikrobiološka aktivnost zabeležena je u uzorcima otpadnog materijala. Determinacija biljnog i mikrobnog diverziteta obezbeđuje informacije značajne za obnavljanje ekosistema narušenog eksploatacijom uglja

    Effect of Inoculation and Growth Regulator on Soybean Yield and Photosynthetic Pigment Content

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of soybean inoculation with different Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains and the application of Bioalgeen-S90, as a growth regulator, on photosynthetic pigment content and soybean yield. Regarding the main objective, both greenhouse experiment and field trials were conducted. The positive effect of interaction between Bioalgeen-S90 and seed inoculation with B. japonicum strain D344 on photosynthetic pigment content was determined in greenhouse experiment. The results from field trials showed a significant influence of Bioalgeen-S90 on chlorophyll b and a+b content and soybean yield. Regardless of the B. japonicum strain used, inoculation had a significantly positive effect on chlorophyll a, b and a+b content. Compared to the non-inoculated control variants, inoculation with both B. japonicum strains, showed the statistically significant effect on soybean yield. The simultaneous application of Bioalgeen-S90 and B. japonicum strains caused the highest yield increase

    Effectivenes of inoculation in alfalfa breeding in ecological conditions of the Bjelovar and Bilogora county

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    Razvoj stočarske proizvodnje kao i proizvodnja kvalitetnog mlijeka vezana je uz mogućnost dobivanja dostatnih količina kvalitetne, proteinski visokovrijedne krme. Kultura koja ima vodeće mjesto među krmnim leguminozama je lucerna. Cilj ovih istraživanja je utvrditi mogućnost proizvodnje lucerne na kiselim tlima uz primjenu mjere kalcifikacije i predsjetvene bakterizacije sjemena lucerne učinkovitim sojevima Sinorhizobium meliloti radi uštede na primjeni mineralnih dušičnih gnojiva te isplativije proizvodnje krme za potrebe mliječnih farmi. Poljski pokus postavljen je na obiteljskom gospodarstvu na području Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije. Tijekom dvogodišnjeg istraživanja utvrđen je pozitivan utjecaj bakterizacije i kalcifikacije na postignute prinose zelene mase i suhe tvari. Značajno najniži prinosi utvrđeni su na netretiranim kontrolnim varijantama gdje nije korištena ni bakterizacija niti kalcifikacija. Na svim nebakteriziranim varijantama utvrđeni su signifikantno niži prinosi, no opravdane razlike u prinosim su utvrđene i između pojedinih sojeva što ukazuje na potrebu i značaj selekcije sojeva S. meliloti koji se primjenjuju za predsjetvenu bakterizaciju lucerne. Ukupni prinosi zelene mase u obje istraživane godine iznosili su od 34 t/ha (varijanata bez bakterizacije i bez kalcifikacije) do preko 60 t/ha (varijanta sa bakteriziranim sojem 2011 i bez kalcifikacije). Ukupni prinosi suhe tvari u iznosili su 6,5 t/ha (varijanata bez bakterizacije i bez kalcifikacije) do 15,7 t/ha na varijantama bakteriziranim sojem 2011 bez kalcifikacije u obje godine istraživanja. Rezultati ovih istraživanja potvrđuju pretpostavku da je za uspješan i dugotrajan uzgoj lucerne na ovim tlima neophodno otkloniti nepovoljnu reakciju tla obzirom da je mjera kalcifikacije imala značajan pozitivan učinak na sve ispitivane parametre u obje godine istraživanja. Isto tako, potvrđeno je da predsjetvena bakterizacija ima opravdanu primjenu u uzgoju lucerne na kiselim tlima te se uz selekciju sojeva prikladnih za određene ekološke uvjete doprinosi održivoj proizvodnji krme za potrebe mliječnih farmi.Development and basic existence of animal production as well as production of high quality milk depends upon possibility of sufficient production of quality and protein sufficient forage. Forage crop that satisfies these demands is alfalfa which is one of the most important perennial forage crop legumes. The aim of this study was to enhance alfalfa production on acid soil by liming and alfalfa seed inoculation with efficient Sinorhizobium meliloti strains in order to reduce the use of mineral nitrogen fertilization and enable qualitative and cost effective production of forage on the dairy farms. Field trial was established at family farm in the area of Bjelovar and Bilogora county. During two years experimental period statistically significant influence of inoculation and liming on forage and dry matter yield was determined. Significantly the lowest yields were determined on untreated plots without liming material. In all untreated plots, significantly lower yields were determined, but significant differences in yields were also obtained by inoculation with different S. meliloti strains, emphasizing the importance of strains selection used for alfalfa inoculation. In both experimental years total forage yield were ranging from 34 t/ha (untreated plots without liming) up to 60 t/ha on plots inoculated with strain 2011 and without liming. Values of total dry matter yield for both experimental years ranged from 6.5 t/ha (untreated plots without liming) up to 15,7 t/ha on plots inoculated with strain 2011 without liming. Results of this study showed that application of liming materials for acidity removal had positive effect on alfalfa yields in both experimental years and significantly improved alfalfa production on acid soils. The results of this study clearly showed that inoculation with selected S. meliloti strains may improve alfalfa production on acid soils and may contribute to more efficient forage production for dairy farms under particular agroecological conditions

    Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bosnian artisanal dry fermented sausage (sudžuk) during fermentation

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    Bosnian sudžuk is a dry fermented sausage produced in a rural household near the town of Visoko in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. This kind of sausage was manufactured only from beef and spices in a traditional way without the addition of a starter cultures. To identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB), a total number of 160 Lstrains were isolated from five samples of Bosnian sudžuk collected over 28 days of fermentation. Preliminary identification by phenotypic tests and 16S rDNA sequencing were performed for all 160 of the Lisolates. Identification of Lstrains from traditionally produced Bosnian sausage at the species level revealed the presence of six genera: Lactococcus sp., Enterococcus sp., Leuconostoc sp., Lactobacillus sp., Pediococcus sp. and Weissella sp.. Among the 15 distinct species identified, the species Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus durans were present throughout the entire process of fermentation. Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus lactis prevailed, with 21.8%, 19.3% and 13.1%, respectively, of total Lstrains during the entire fermentation process. Significant negative correlations (r = 0.892 and r = 0.829, respectively) between the presence of Weissella sp. and Lactobacillus sp., and between the presence of Weissella sp. and Lactococcus sp. were recorded. Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus durans and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were the best producers of aromogenic compounds while 32.3% of Lactobacillus plantarum and 28.6% of Leuconostoc mesenteroides were produced exopolysaccharides. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173019