11 research outputs found

    Herzbergova dvofaktorska teorija delovne motivacije na primeru zaposlenih v turizmu

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    Prispevek obravnava delovno motivacijo kontaktnega osebja v turizmu v Sloveniji. Motivacijo opredeljujemo na podlagi Herzbergove dvofaktorske teorije, ki temelji na dveh vrstah faktorjev delovne motivacije, in sicer na motivatorjih, ki zaposlene motivirajo, in higienikih, ki zaposlenih ne motivirajo, a so brez njih nezadovoljni. Rezultati izvedene empirične raziskave kažejo, da imajo motivatorji (npr. priznanje, odgovornost) zelo močan vpliv na delovno motivacijo, medtem ko higieniki (npr. višina plače) nanjo nimajo statistično značilnega vpliva. Izhajajoč iz izsledkov raziskave lahko vodstva turističnih podjetij posvetijo večjo pozornost oz. povečajo pomen motivatorjev, v smislu povečanja odgovornosti kontaktnega osebja, uvedbe priznanj, omogočanja usposabljanj in podajanja ustreznih informacij, saj so le-ti dejavniki ključnega pomena za motiviranost zaposlenih.The article focuses on work motivation of Slovenian front-line employees working in tourism. The motivation is analyzed using a Herzbergs Two Factor Theory of work motivation, which is based on two factor groups of work motivation growth factors that motivate, and hygiene factors that do not motivate, yet their absence causes work dissatisfaction. The empirical research results indicated that growth factors (e.g. recognition and responsibility) have a major impact on work motivation, while hygiene factors (e.g. salary) did not show statistically signicant impact. The ndings of the research could be useful for management in tourism industry, who should give more attention to growth factors or strengthen their meaning by increasing front-line employees responsibilities, recognition, enabling additional trainings and giving adequate information as these factor have a pivotal meaning for employees work motivation

    Edinstveni atributi destinacije kot podlaga turističnih doživetij

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    In today’s highly competitive tourism market, tourists are not only interested in new, unique tourism products and services, but also in unique tourism experiences, as experiences represent an important competitive advantage for a destination. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the attributes of a destination’s identity that are defined as unique, by analysing unique experiences in three main coastal destinations in Slovenian Istria and defining communication strategies to promote the uniqueness of their tourism experiences. The results of a qualitative research confirm that the uniqueness of tourism experiences results from the attributes of the destination’s identity. These attributes primarily relate to nature and natural resources, cultural heritage, and culinary experiences. The unique tourism experiences are conveyed through speciality, innovation, authenticity and various positive emotions such as hedonism, excitement, curiosity, surprise, happiness, and pleasure to ensure memorable value-added experiences and encourage tourists to visit year-round. The study contributes to the knowledge of unique tourism experiences. Finally, theoretical implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research are provided.In today’s highly competitive tourism market, tourists are not only interested in new, unique tourism products and services, but also in unique tourism experiences, as experiences represent an important competitive advantage for a destination. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the attributes of a destination’s identity that are defined as unique, by analysing unique experiences in three main coastal destinations in Slovenian Istria and defining communication strategies to promote the uniqueness of their tourism experiences. The results of a qualitative research confirm that the uniqueness of tourism experiences results from the attributes of the destination’s identity. These attributes primarily relate to nature and natural resources, cultural heritage, and culinary experiences. The unique tourism experiences are conveyed through speciality, innovation, authenticity and various positive emotions such as hedonism, excitement, curiosity, surprise, happiness, and pleasure to ensure memorable value-added experiences and encourage tourists to visit year-round. The study contributes to the knowledge of unique tourism experiences. Finally, theoretical implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research are provided

    Tourism graduate students’ satisfaction with online learning

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    The aim of this paper is to present the benefits and problems when introducing e-learning in study processes, to present and analyse several dimensions of students’ satisfaction with online learning and to contribute to a clear overview of this topic. Many academics in the fields of tourism are not very favourable disposed to introduce online learning into their courses and modules. With this paper we would like to encourage them, as students are mostly satisfied with the use of virtual environment for their lessons. The primary question is ‘‘what are the factors that influence the students’ satisfaction with learning in the online environment?’’ In this study, the explored factors were (1) Personality of students, (2) E-learning properties, and (3) E-classroom properties. A survey methodology was used and validated items from previous relevant research work were adopted. First, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed, and second the results of the EFA were confirmed by CFA, using a structural equation modelling. We empirically developed and tested a new model, which identifies predictors of students’ satisfaction with online learning. These results signify a valuable feedback to institutions offering online classes and to educators evaluating satisfaction of their students and help them to planning to offer an efficient and flexible online education courses. Identifying the most relevant factors of students’ satisfaction entails important issues for educators

    Relationship between the level of guest satisfaction and loyalty in Slovenians hotels

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    V prispevku proučujemo odnos med stopnjo zadovoljstva in zvestobo gostov v hotelih. Z vidika hotela je ceneje in koristneje ustvarjati zveste goste kot iskati nove, zato se osredotočamo na zadovoljstvo kot enega izmed vplivnih dejavnikov glede na ponovni namen obiska hotela. V izvedeni empirični raziskavi ugotavljamo povezavo med gosti, ki so bili splošno bolj zadovoljni z bivanjem v hotelu, in njihovo namero ponovnega obiska hotela. Pri tem nas zanima tudi, kakšne so razlike med gosti, ki so prvič ali ponovno obiskali hotel, v stopnji zadovoljstva ter nameri ponovnega obiska. Z vidika hotela je na podlagi višje stopnje zadovoljstva večja verjetnost ponovnega nakupa, ki vodi v zvestobo, in zavezanost k partnerskim aktivnostim ter pozitivnim priporočilom hotela.This article examines the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty of hotel guests. From the hotelʼs perspective, it is cheaper and more beneficial to create a loyal guest than seek out new onestherefore, this paper focuses on satisfaction as an influential factor in customersʼ re-visit of a hotel. Using an empirical study, we examine the connection between guests who are more satisfied with the hotel and their intention to re-visit the hotel. However, we are also interested in differences in satisfaction level and intention to re-visit among guests who visit once, twice or more. A higher level of guest satisfaction makes customers more likely to repurchase, which leads to guest loyalty, commitment to partnership activities and positive recommendations of the hotel

    The behaviour of tourism firms in the area of innovativeness

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    Innovativeness in companies in the tourism sector can reasonably be considered to be one of the most important factors of performance. This paper highlights the importance of two determinants of tourism firms’ innovativeness – namely, market and entrepreneurial orientation – focusing on the tourism sector. A conceptual model was developed and empirically tested based on 91 Slovenian tourism SMEs. The results of the study reveal the positive impact of a market and entrepreneurial orientation on innovativeness, the positive relationship of innovativeness with firm performance, and the importance of antecedents of innovativeness and their impacts on performance. Thus, tourism firms should be encouraged to introduce more entrepreneurial and marketing activities to increase innovativeness, which fosters better firm performance. On this basis, a greater competitive advantage can be reached

    Facial attractiveness and stereotypes of hotel guests

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    The purpose of this research was to determine social interaction between hospitality employees and their guests, and consequently assess how front-line employees categorize and stereotype hotel guests based on their facial attractiveness with reference to three main characteristics. Social stereotypes represent a means of information transmission in the communication process and can enable a more rapid transfer of information during the service delivery in the hospitality industry. The experimental research was conducted with 113 hospitality employees at seven hospitality organizations on the Slovenian coast. The results showed a correlation between the perception of hotel guests\u27 facial attractiveness with their assumed characteristics that can lead to stereotyping. Hotel employees often link the guests\u27 facial attractiveness with three common perceived characteristics - guests\u27 propensity to spend, guests\u27 predisposition to being demanding and guests\u27 \u27kindness\u27, and tend to stereotype them on the same basis. These research findings contribute to a better understanding of the complex interactions that occur during a service encounter and show how facial attractiveness of guests plays an important role in the construction of stereotypes by the hospitality employees