
Herzbergova dvofaktorska teorija delovne motivacije na primeru zaposlenih v turizmu


Prispevek obravnava delovno motivacijo kontaktnega osebja v turizmu v Sloveniji. Motivacijo opredeljujemo na podlagi Herzbergove dvofaktorske teorije, ki temelji na dveh vrstah faktorjev delovne motivacije, in sicer na motivatorjih, ki zaposlene motivirajo, in higienikih, ki zaposlenih ne motivirajo, a so brez njih nezadovoljni. Rezultati izvedene empirične raziskave kažejo, da imajo motivatorji (npr. priznanje, odgovornost) zelo močan vpliv na delovno motivacijo, medtem ko higieniki (npr. višina plače) nanjo nimajo statistično značilnega vpliva. Izhajajoč iz izsledkov raziskave lahko vodstva turističnih podjetij posvetijo večjo pozornost oz. povečajo pomen motivatorjev, v smislu povečanja odgovornosti kontaktnega osebja, uvedbe priznanj, omogočanja usposabljanj in podajanja ustreznih informacij, saj so le-ti dejavniki ključnega pomena za motiviranost zaposlenih.The article focuses on work motivation of Slovenian front-line employees working in tourism. The motivation is analyzed using a Herzbergs Two Factor Theory of work motivation, which is based on two factor groups of work motivation growth factors that motivate, and hygiene factors that do not motivate, yet their absence causes work dissatisfaction. The empirical research results indicated that growth factors (e.g. recognition and responsibility) have a major impact on work motivation, while hygiene factors (e.g. salary) did not show statistically signicant impact. The ndings of the research could be useful for management in tourism industry, who should give more attention to growth factors or strengthen their meaning by increasing front-line employees responsibilities, recognition, enabling additional trainings and giving adequate information as these factor have a pivotal meaning for employees work motivation

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