167 research outputs found

    iOS applications in civil engineering

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    The graduation thesis addresses the usage of mobile applications based on iOS operating system in the process of construction. The first part describes the operating system and its main characteristics. Furthermore, it presents the iPhone and iPad which are the most useful\ud iOS devices when it comes to civil engineering, explains the concept of mobile application and defines the criteria for rating its quality. In the second part, the process of construction is divided into four phases. These phases represent the basis for analysing the applications. In\ud each of these phases the applications namely have to meet different requirements and fit different criteria to be suitable for use. The thesis then focuses on the applications that fit the criteria best. These applications are also more thoroughly described and explained. For each\ud phase a range of options for use and potential development of applications is given. The thesis proves that there are already many suitable applications available on the market. The possibilities for their use are many and they could be used to simplify and lower the cost of the construction process

    Parallelization of Ray Tracing

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    Sledování paprsku je rozšířenou metodou realistického zobrazování počítačových scén. Její hlavní nevýhodou je časová náročnost na výpočet obrázku, proto se často paralelizuje. Tato práce se věnuje popisu sledování paprsku a paralelizaci jako takové. Vysvětluje způsob, jakým se dá sledování paprsku paralelizovat, ale i rozbor problémů, které u této paralelizace vznikají. Výsledkem je implementace aplikace, která paralelně na hodně počítačích zobrazuje scénu pomocí zvoleného softvéru a porovnání úspěšnosti této paralelní aplikace.Ray tracing is widely used technique for realistic rendering of computer scenes. Its major drawback is time needed to compute the image, therefore it's usually parallelized. This thesis describes parallelization and ray tracing in general. It explains the possibility of how can be ray tracing parallelized as well as it defines the problems which may occur during the process. The result is parallel rendering application which uses selected ray tracing software and measurement of how successful this application is.


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    Ekologijsko poljodjelstvo obuhvaća one tehnologije poljodjelske proizvodnje koje smanjuju ili potpuno uklanjaju negativne utjecaje na životnu sredinu tj. okoliš. Njihova motivacija proizlazi iz spoznaje o potrebi zaštite okoliša i unapređivanja zdravlja. Ekologijsko poljodjelstvo obuhvaća različite oblike proizvodnje, ali uglavnom s istim ciljem, pa se sve više prihvaća naziv organsko-biološko poljodjelstvo. Već u samom početku ovoga stoljeća pojedini znanstvenici počinju upozoravati na to da poljodjelska znanost i praksa idu »pogrešnim putem«. U prvom desetljeću ovoga stoljeća počinje se razvijati »organsko poljodjelstvo«. Ova tehnologija doživljava priznanje nakon objavljivanja knjige »Testament poljoprivrede« Alberta Howarda, što je rezultiralo osnivanjem Britanskog udruženja za tloznansto (British soil Association) - prvog takvog udruženja u Europi. Dvadesetih godina ovoga stoljeća filozof Rudolf Steiner, koji razvija teoriju »antropozofije«, predavao je o »biodinamičkom« poljodjelstvu. Njegov se sustav ne zasniva samo na teorijama prirodnih znanosti nego se vrlo snažno oslanja i na duhovne i društvene znanosti. U Švicarskoj je tridesetih godina razvijen nešto drukčiji koncept, tvorci kojega su biolog Müller i pedolog Rush, a opredjeljuju se za organsko-biološko poljodjelstvo jer uočavaju da poljodjelci sve više ovise o primjeni proizvodnih sredstava koja su izvan gospodarstva, a čime se mogu vrlo smanjiti vanjska ulaganja razvijanjem zatvorenog sustava proizvodnje na samom gospodarstvu. Sada je nužno uočiti i odgovoriti na pitanja: što je organsko-biološko poljodjelstvo, zašto uvoditi organsko-biološko poljodjelstvo te kakvo je sadašnje stanje i budućnost organsko-biološkog poljodjelstva u svijetu i u nas.Environmental agriculture covers the technologies of farming production that are decreasing or totally removing the negative impacts on living milieu, i.e. environment. The motivation is arising from the awareness of the necessity of environmental protection and improvement of health. Environmental agriculture covers different forms of production, but with the same general purpose, therefore the term organic and biologic agriculture is gradually becoming more accepted. At the very beginning of this century particular scientists are beginning to warn that agricultural science and practice are continuing in the "wrong direction". In the first decade of this century the "organic farming" is beginning to develop. The technology has become recognised after the publishing of the book "Testament of Agriculture" by Albert Howard, all resulting in the founding of the British Soil Association, the first of the kind in Europe. In the twenties of this century the philosopher Rudolph Steiner, who developed the theory "anthroposophy", has been lecturing on "bio-dynamic agriculture". His system is based not only on theories of natural sciences, but is also strongly relying on spiritual and humanistic sciences. In Switzerland, during the thirties, a slightly different concept has been developing, created by the biologist Muller and pedologist Rush who have been showing predilection towards organic and biologic farming: they have noted the farmers were relying more and more on the application of production means not to be found within the estates, while by the proper use of the farm means the foreign investments can be decreased and a closed system of production on the estate be developed. It is important to note and pour the answers to: what is the organic and biologic agriculture, why introduce organic and biologic agriculture, what is the present and future of the organic and biologic agriculture in the world and in our country.Der umweltbewuste Ackerbau umfasst jene Technologien der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion, die negativen Einwirkungen auf die Lebensumgebung bzw. Umwelt entweder senken oder vollständig beseitigen. Ihre Beweggründe finden sie in der Erkenntnis über die Notwendigkeit des Umweltschutzes und der Gesundheitsförderung Der umweltbewusste Ackerbau umfasst verschiedene Produktionsformen, die meistens aber das gleiche Ziel habe, und es wird daher immer mehr der Name der organisch-bhiologische Ackerbau angenommen. Schon in den ersten Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts beginnen einige Wissenschaftler daruf aufmerksam zu machen, dass sich die landwirtschaftliche Wissenschaft und Praxis auf "Irrwegen" befinden. In dem ersten Jahrzehnt dieses Jahrhunderts beginnt sich der "organische Ackerbau" zu entwickeln. Diese Technologie erhielt Anerkennung, nachdem Albert Howards Buch "Das Testament der Landwirtschaft" veröffentlicht wurde, was mit der Gründung des Britischen Vereins für Bodenwissenschaft (British Soil Association) resultierte - des ersten Vereins solcher Art in Europa. In den zwanziger Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts hielt der Philosoph Rudolf Steiner, der die Theorie der "Antroposophie" entwickelte, Vorlesungen zum Thema "biodynamischer" Ackerbau. Sein System beruht nicht nur auf den naturwissenschaftlichen Theorien, sondern stützt sich segr stark auch auf die Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften. In der Schweitz wurde in den dreissiger Jahren ein einigermassen andersartiger Entwurf entwickelt, dessen Schöpfer der Biologe Müller und der Pädagoge Rush waren, die sich für den organisch-biologischen Ackerbau entschieden, weil sie wahrnehmen konnten, dass Ackerbauer immer mehr von der Anwendung derjenigen Produktionsmittel, die ausserhalb des Grundbesitzes her stammen, abhängig werden. Auf diesem Wege lässt sich durch die Entwicklung eines in sich geschlossenen Produktonssystem auf dem grudbesitz selbst das Investieren von aussen wesentlich herabsetzen. Jetz ist es notwendig, folgende Fragen wahrzunehmen und zu beantworten: Was ist der organisch-biologische Ackerbau, warum sollte man den organisch-biologischen Ackerbau einführen, und wie sieht der heutige Stand und die Zukunft des organisch-biologischen Ackerbaus in der Welt und in Kroatien aus

    An extension of the coupled-cluster method: A variational formalism

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    A general quantum many-body theory in configuration space is developed by extending the traditional coupled cluter method (CCM) to a variational formalism. Two independent sets of distribution functions are introduced to evaluate the Hamiltonian expectation. An algebraic technique for calculating these distribution functions via two self-consistent sets of equations is given. By comparing with the traditional CCM and with Arponen's extension, it is shown that the former is equivalent to a linear approximation to one set of distribution functions and the later is equivalent to a random-phase approximation to it. In additional to these two approximations, other higher-order approximation schemes within the new formalism are also discussed. As a demonstration, we apply this technique to a quantum antiferromagnetic spin model.Comment: 15 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev.