15 research outputs found

    The Energy Sector and Energy Policy of the Czech Republic

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    The book The Energy Sector and Energy Policy of the Czech Republic is divided into eight chapters. The first describes the key actors and the legislative framework of the energy sector of the Czech Republic, including an analysis of the Government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of the Environment, and other legislative and regulatory bodies and political parties. The second chapter introduces the rich and complicated history of the development of the Czech national energy sector. The following chapters familiarize the reader with the coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, renewables industries, and electricity and heat. The book is recommended to scholars and researchers, as well as experts in the relevant fields of study, but will also serve as a guide for those outside academia who work with the topic daily, such as in public administration

    Oil Weapon: Straw Man or Real Threat? The Internal Mechanism and Potential of This Instrument of Economic Warfare and Its Practical Effects in International Relations

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    During the last few years we have observed great changes in the oil market along with the growing tendency to use oil as a means for international politics. There is a need for analysing this situation. In this study the author shows how the "oil weapon", functions as a mechanism which may influence foreign policies of the USA and European countries. The text lists the basic circumstances and conditions that turn oil as a commodity into a successful mean for economic war. It also shows possible restrictions and obstructions of such use of oil

    How quantum correlations enhance prediction of complementary measurements

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    If there are correlations between two qubits then the results of the measurement on one of them can help to predict measurement results on the other one. It is an interesting question what can be predicted about the results of two complementary projective measurements on the first qubit. To quantify these predictions the complementary \emph{knowledge excesses} are used. A non-trivial constraint restricting them is derived. For any mixed state and for arbitrary measurements the knowledge excesses are bounded by a factor depending only on the maximal violation of Bell's inequalities. This result is experimentally verified on two-photon Werner states prepared by means of spontaneous parametric down-conversion.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring and explaining participation in local opposition: brown coal mining in Horní Jiřetín

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    This book summarizes a three-year research project on local opposition to coal mining in the Northwestern part of the Czech Republic. The research focused on the relational dimensions of the opposition movement and the political context in which the movement operates

    Exploring and explaining participation in local opposition: brown coal mining in Horní Jiřetín

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    This book summarizes a three-year research project on local opposition to coal mining in the Northwestern part of the Czech Republic. The research focused on the relational dimensions of the opposition movement and the political context in which the movement operates

    Energy Policy of the CR in the Decision Making Process of Political Parties: The Aggregation and Articulation of Interests from the Standpoints of Intensity and Consistence

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    The article analyses how the standpoints of political parties on energy related issues are formed. The effect of the process of forming these standpoints on energy policy in general in the Czech Republic, the divergence among ideologies (coming out not only from the election programs), and other factors, as well as the parties’ ideological continuity in time are particularly emphasized. The analysis comes to the conclusion that energy related issues are important for each political party but not crucial. In addition, it is concluded that parties are internally consistent, their standpoints are based on ideology, and they are all rather constructive in policy formulation. An interesting conclusion is also the fact that energy policy in the Czech Republic is generally highly personalized, thus strongly influenced by particular individuals

    Optical implementation of the encoding of two qubits to a single qutrit

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    We have devised an optical scheme for the recently proposed protocol for encoding two qubits into one qutrit. In this protocol, Alice encodes an arbitrary pure product state of two qubits into a state of one qutrit. Bob can then restore error-free any of the two encoded qubit states but not both of them simultaneously. We have successfully realized this scheme experimentally using spatial-mode encoding. Each qubit (qutrit) was represented by a single photon that could propagate through two (three) separate fibers. We theoretically propose two generalizations of the original protocol. We have found a probabilistic operation that enables to retrieve both qubits simultaneously with the average fidelity above 90% and we have proposed extension of the original encoding transformation to encode N qubits into one (N+1)-dimensional system.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX

    What's next for the European coal heartland? Exploring the future of coal as presented in German, Polish and Czech press

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    This article addresses the future of coal in the European coal heartland, i.e. in the area of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, which together account for nearly 57% of coal consumption and 87% of coal-mining jobs in the EU. It approaches the problem within the interpretative tradition of social research and explores the coverage of the future of coal in major newspapers and political magazines in the three countries. The results show that despite similar material conditions, the issue is presented in a fundamentally different manner as the media tend follow the dominant energy policy paradigm in their countries: in Germany, they facilitate the phase-out policies; in Poland, they act as an inhibiting factor; while in the Czech Republic, their coverage echoes the political uncertainty around lignite mining in the northwest part of the country. The results also suggest that the media act mainly as a platform for the countries’ decision makers and energy policy stakeholders to voice their perspectives. The prevalent media coverage thus simultaneously enable and constrain policy options by promoting dominant discourses and preventing alternative views from surfacing

    Využití lalokových plastik v operační léčbě dekubitů

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    Cíl: Cílem příspěvku je popsat operační léčbu dekubitů, která zahrnuje především pečlivou nekrektomii s kompletní exstirpací pseudocysty dekubitu, odstraněním píštělí a event. resekcí osteolytického nebo osteomyelitického ložiska. Soubor a metodika: Prezentován bude přístup k operační léčbě dekubitů vč. obrazové dokumentace, a to na konkrétním případu pa cienta (nar. 1974, paraplegik) s dekubitem, který byl ošetřen lalokovou plastikou. Závěr: Chirurgická léčba dekubitů zejména v první fázi vyžaduje multidisciplinární přístup. Poté je individuálně načasován a naplánován typ lalokové plastiky s ohledem na komorbidity pa cienta v závislosti na velikosti, hloubce a lokalizaci defektu. Antidekubitní prevence ve všech fázích léčby – předoperačně, perioperačně i pooperačně – významně snižuje riziko akutních i pozdních komplikací a recidivy dekubitů.Aim: Aim of the paper is to describe surgical treatment of pres sure ulcers, which includes primarily careful necrectomy with complete extirpation of ulcer’s pseudocyst, remov ing of fi stulas and eventual resection of osteolytic or osteomyelitic centre. Material and methods: This case report presents surgical procedure of pres sure ulcer treatment, includ ing photo documentation, in a paraplegic patient (born 1974) with pres sure ulcer treated by fl ap surgery. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of pres sure ulcer requires multidisciplinary approach, especial ly at the treatment onset. Type as well as tim ing of fl ap surgery is plan ned individual ly accord ing to patient’s commorbidities, based on size, depth and localisation of defect. Antidecubital prevention in all phases of treatment – before, dur ing and after the surgery – signifi cantly decreases risk of acute and late complications and pres sure ulcers recur rence. Autoři deklarují, že v souvislosti s předmětem studie nemají žádné komerční zájmy. The authors declare they have no potential confl icts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. Redakční rada potvrzuje, že rukopis práce splnil ICMJE kritéria pro publikace zasílané do biomedicínských časopisů. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers