282 research outputs found


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    We were evaluating the effectiveness of disinfecting appliance Dusept on mixture of G+ and G- bacteria and on the micro-organisms of heat-treated milk by three methods. By using the qualitative method effective action of 2% reagent was found on mixture of G+ and G- bacteria. By the qualitative method with carrier the 2% reagent was also effective on the mixture of G+ and G- bacteria, 1% and 0,1% reagents were not effective. The 2% reagent was not effective on the micro-organisms of milk on a carrier. The 2% solution was effective when applying the quantitative method by 20 minutes actuation on bacteria contained in milk.V experimente sme hodnotili účinnosť dezinfekčného prípravku na báze chlóru tromi metódami na zmes G+ a G- baktérií a na mikroorganizmy obsiahnuté v pasterizovanom mlieku. Pri použití kvalitatívnej platňovej metódy bolo účinné pôsobenie 2 %-ného roztoku na zmes G+ a G- baktérií. Pri kvalitatívnej metóde s použitím skleneného nosiča bol 2 %-ný roztok taktiež účinný na zmes G+ a G- , 1 %-ný a 0,1 %-ný roztok nebol účinný. Pre mikroorganizmy mlieka na nosiči 2 %-ný roztok bol neúčinný. Pri kvantitatívnej metóde bol 2 %-ný roztok po 20 minútovom pôsobení na baktérie obsiahnuté v mlieku účinný

    Rietveld refinement of the crystal structures of hexagonal Y6Cr4+xAl43−x (x=2.57) and tetragonal YCr4−xAl8+x (x=1.22)

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    Y6Cr4+xAl43−x (x = 2.57); space group P63/mcm, a = 10.8601(1) Å, c = 17.6783(3) Å, V= 1805.7(1) Å3, Z=2; isostructural to Yb6Cr4+xAl43−x, (x=1.76) with two aluminium sites partially occupied by chromium (44% and 27% Cr). YCr4−xAl8+x (x=1.22); space group I4/mmm, a = 9.0299(2) Å, c = 5.1208(2) Å, V=417.55(3) Å3, Z=2, disordered variant of CeMn4Al8 with one chromium site (8f) partially occupied by aluminium (33% Al); X-ray powder diffraction data were collected on a well-crystallized multiphase sample containing 43 wt.% of Y6Cr4+xAl43−x, 27 wt.% of Y2Cr8−xAl16+x, 16 wt.% of Al, 13 wt.% of YAl3, and traces of Y2O3. Structure refinement converged at Rwp = 2.0% and RB = 3.5, 3.6% resp. for a total of 78 parameters and 1190 reflection

    Measuring the Process Parameters of the IBAD Method

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    Chromium nitride films are known as good protective layers for against both corrosion and wear. These coatings have been studied in detail during recent years. Their protective capability strongly depends on the deposition conditions. A modern method for preparing chromium nitride is the IBAD (Ion Beam Assisted Deposition) method. The main parameter determining the composition and properties of the films prepared by the IBAD method is the arrival ratio of impinging nitrogen ions to chromium atoms. In order to calibrate the ion beam XY-mechanical scanner with a Faraday cup, a detector was designed and constructed. By mathematical processing of the data, the flux of the nitrogen atoms was found. To obtain the flux of the chromium atoms the RBS and Talystep methods were used. Now, on the basis of this data, we can perform CrNx, coatings with controlled composition and properties

    Terrorism as a slap in the face of the civilized world

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    The article summarizes the key scientific approaches to the study of terror in the contemporary world focusing on the concepts of (de)modernization, (de)civilization, and the revival of religious movements with rational economic aims under the slogans of “just war” or “cosmic war” with the forces of evil. The author starts from Norbert Elias’ work on the civilization process and the formation of the modern state as a pacified society to underline that the problem of violence lies outside Elias’ scope, and demonstrate the existing approaches to supplementing his theory with (a) the definition of decivilization trends and the criteria for the identification of decivilization processes; (b) the description of the role and place of brutal violence in modern society; (c) a comprehensive but also heterogeneous picture of terrorism, especially suicide terrorism, i.e. its causes, manifestations and consequences. The author agrees with S.P. Huntington, that we live in a world with an increased risk of conflicts between civilizations and cultural strains rooting in the religious tradition (the re-politicization of religion and religious nationalism are considered attempts to fuse traditional religion with modern politics). Thus, the author concludes that the contemporary terrorism and especially its suicidal form is not only a specific form of (political) struggle, but also - metaphorically speaking - a “slap in the face” of the civilized Western world, an effort to challenge, shake and undermine the stability and the patterns of life in modern society. However, terrorism wants to influence not only the power system of society, but also the collective psyche of large groups and parts of the population to create a sort of theatre of horror with the rationally designed, staged and performed means of violence


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    V poľných polyfaktorových pokusoch uskutočnených v rokoch 1998 a 1999 na stredne ťažkej černozemi bol sledovaný vplyv poveternostných podmienok ročníka a rôznych dávok Atoniku na výťažnosť rafinády a úrodu rafinády cukrovej repy odrody Ranger. Priaznivejší priebeh zrážok a teplôt roku 1999 potvrdil štatisticky vysoko preukazný vplyv pestovateľského ročníka, ktorý sa prejavil v porovnaní s priemerom pokusného obdobia v hodnotách zvýšenia nielen výťažnosti rafinády (+ 0,67 % ,rel. 5,53 %) ale i úrody rafinády (+ 0,67 t.ha-1, rel. 9, 75 %). V daných pôdnoklimatických podmienkach sme dosiahli vyššie parametre kvality cukrovej repy (výťažnosť rafinády: + 0,48 %, rel. 4,05 %; úroda rafinády + 0,96 t.ha-1, rel.15,86 % v porovnaní s neošetrenou kontrolou) pri trojnásobnej aplikácii Atoniku na variante C (0,25 + 0,6 + 0,6 l.ha-1). Závislosť dosiahnutých výsledkov od rôznej dávky Atoniku bola štatisticky vysoko preukazná, resp. preukazná.In the field trial carried out in 1998 and 1999 the effect of weather conditions and different Atonik doses application on sugar beet quality (refined sugar, refined sugar yield) was studied. The trial results confirmed statistically high significant effect of weather conditions on above mentioned parameters. More favourable weather conditions in 1999 influenced high significantly increasing of refined sugar (+ 0,67 %, rel. 5,53 %) and refined sugar yield (+ 0,67 t.ha-1, rel. 9,75 %) comparing to average of both 1998, 1999 years. We found out significant effect of Atonik under its three times application ( 0,25 + 0,6 + 0,6 I.ha -1 ) on refined sugar (+ 0,48 %, rel. 4,05 %) and refined sugar yield (+ 0,96 t.ha-1, rel. 15,86 %) on C variant comparing to average values of control variant in total trial period

    Simple Explicit Formula for Near-Optimal Stochastic Lifestyling

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    In life-cycle economics, the Samuelson paradigm (Samuelson, 1969) states that the optimal investment is in constant proportions out of lifetime wealth composed of current savings and the present value of future income. It is well known that in the presence of credit constraints this paradigm no longer applies. Instead, optimal life-cycle investment gives rise to so-called stochastic lifestyling (Cairns et al., 2006), whereby for low levels of accumulated capital it is optimal to invest fully in stocks and then gradually switch to safer assets as the level of savings increases. In stochastic lifestyling not only does the ratio between risky and safe assets change but also the mix of risky assets varies over time. While the existing literature relies on complex numerical algorithms to quantify optimal lifestyling, the present paper provides a simple formula that captures the main essence of the lifestyling effect with remarkable accuracy


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    V poľných pokusoch s repou cukrovou bol v rokoch 1998 a 1999 sledovaný vplyv poveternostných podmienok ročníka a rôznych dávok aplikácie Atoniku na úrodu a digesciu repy cukrovej odrody Ranger. Výsledky pokusov potvrdili štatisticky vysoko preukazný vplyv pestovateľského ročníka na sledované ukazovatele produkcie repy cukrovej. V roku 1998, ktorý bol z hľadiska priebehu zrážok a teplôt menej priaznivý sme dosiahli v priemere nižšiu priemernú úrodu buliev (- 7,6 t.ha-1) a digesciu (- 0,2 °S) v porovnaní s rokom 1999. Zo sledovaných variantov aplikácie Atoniku sa na dosiahnutej úrode buliev (štatisticky preukazné) a digescii (štatisticky vysoko preukazné) významnejšie v porovnaní s neošetrenou kontrolou podielal variant ošetrenia Atonikom C (+ 6,7 t.ha-1, rel. 12,59 %, resp. + 0,6 °S, rel. 3,71 %).In 1998 and 1999 the effect of weather conditions and different doses of Atonik application on sugar beet root yield and digestion (cultivar Ranger) were studied in the field trial. The trial results confirmed statistically high significant effect of trial year weather conditions on above mentioned parameters. Comparing received results in the year 1998 to results in 1999 we found out lower root yield (- 7,6 t.ha-1) and digestion (- 0,2 t.ha-1) comparing with year 1999. We found out a significant effect of Atonik on root yield (+6,73 t.ha-1, rel.12,56 %) and digestion (+ 0,6 °S,rel. 3,71 %) on the variant C (Atonik treatment) comparing to values of control variant. In general we can evaluate the effect of Atonik application as high significant

    DLC Films Deposited by the DC PACVD Method

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    DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) coatings have been suggested as protective surface layers against wear. However hard DLC coatings, especially those of greater thickness, have poor adhesion to substrates. We have used several ways to increase the adhesion of DLC coatings prepared by the PACVD (Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition) method on steel substrates. One of these is the DC PACVD method for preparing DLC films