14 research outputs found

    From functional diversity to human well-being: A conceptual framework for agroecosystem sustainability

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    [EN] CONTEXT: Agricultural intensification contributes to global food security and well-being by supplying the food demand of a growing human population. However, ongoing land-use change and intensification seriously affect the abundance, diversity and distribution of species, besides many other impacts, thereby threatening the functioning of ecosystems worldwide. Despite the accumulating evidence that the current agricultural model is unsustainable, we are far from understanding the consequences of functional diversity loss for functioning and ecosystem service supply and the potential long-term threats to food security and human well-being. OBJECTIVE: In this review, we propose a conceptual framework to understand the relationships between functional diversity and human well-being that also considers agroecosystem health. To this end, we identify the most commonly assumed relationships linking functional diversity to regulating and provisioning agroecosystem services and their importance for human well-being, emphasising the most serious knowledge gaps in the in-dividual pathways of the conceptual framework. METHODS: A consortium formed by an international panel of experts from different disciplines including functional diversity, ecosystem services and human health compiled 275 articles. Members of the consortium proposed literature to exemplify each specific aspect of the conceptual framework in the text, in accordance with his/her field of expertise. The guideline for all experts was to focus mostly in current literature (38% of the references are from the last 5 years and 66% from the last decade), with special interest in reviews and synthesis articles (42% of the references), as well as meta-analyses and global studies (10% of the references). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The factors that influence agroecosystem health are extremely complex, involving both services and disservices related to land-use management and environmental conditions. The global human population needs sustainable and resilient agroecosystems and a concerted effort is needed to fundamentally redesign agricultural practices to feed the growing human population without further jeopardising the quality of life for future generations. We highlight the potential effects of land-use change and ecological intensification on the functional diversity of plant and animal communities, and the resulting consequences for ecosystem services and ultimately human health. SIGNIFICANCE: The resulting conceptual model is developed for researchers as well as policy makers high- lighting the need for a holistic approach to understand diversity impacts on human well-being. Finally, we document a major knowledge gap due to the lack of any studies focusing on the full pathway from diversity to human well-being.S

    Influence of Asclepias syriaca on soil nematode communities

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    The main goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of the invasive common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) on soil nematode communities. The research was carried out in 2018 and 2019 in an ecosystem of permanent grassland in the basin of the Laborec River in land registries of Drahňov, a Vojany village in southeastern Slovakia. The ecosystem contained a total of 64 species of free-living and parasitic nematodes. The most prevalent trophic groups were bacterial feeders (Acrobeloides nanus), followed by plant parasites (Helicotylenchus digonicus and Pratylenchus pratensis), fungal feeders (Aphelenchus avenae), and omnivores (Eudorylaimus carteri). The number of nematode species, the composition of trophic groups and the structure of communities in areas with invasive plants were similar to those in areas with native vegetation during the two years of observation

    Soil Nematode Fauna and Microbial Characteristics in an Early-Successional Forest Ecosystem

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    Windstorms can often decrease the diversity of native local biota in European forests. The effects of windstorms on the species richness of flora and fauna in coniferous forests of natural reserves are well established, but the effects on biotas in productive deciduous forests have been less well studied. We analyzed the impact of windstorms on the diversity and abundance of soil nematode communities and microbial activity and their relationships with the succession of plant species and basic soil physicochemical properties 12 and 36 months after a windstorm in Fagus sylvatica forests. The relationships were investigated in cleared early-successional forest ecosystems and at undamaged forest sites as a control. The windstorm significantly affected total nematode abundance, number of nematode species, and the diversity and abundance of all nematode functional guilds, but no functional guilds disappeared after the disturbance. The abundance of several nematode taxa but not total nematode abundance was positively correlated with soil-moisture content. Indices of the nematode communities were inconsistent between sites due to their variable ability to identify ecosystem disturbance 12 months after the storm. In contrast, the metabolic activity of various functional groups identified ecosystem disturbance well throughout the study. Positive correlations were identified between the number of plant parasites and soil-moisture content and between carnivore abundance and soil pH. Positive mutual links of some nematode genera (mainly plant parasites) with the distribution of dominant grasses and herbs depended on the habitat. In contrast, microbial activity differed significantly between disturbed and undisturbed sites up to 36 months after the storm, especially soil basal respiration, N mineralization, and microbial biomass. Our results indicated different temporal responses for two groups of soil organisms to the destruction of the tree canopy. Soil nematodes reacted immediately, but changes in the microbial communities were visible much later after the disturbance

    Soil Nematode Communities in Managed and Natural Temperate Forest

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    Forest management and the stand age play key roles in determining the composition of soil biota, including nematodes. We analysed the effect of the interaction between stands of natural forest and stands influenced by human activity on nematode communities, necessary for realistically assessing the specific potentials of forest soils, plant protection, forest management, and land use management. Nematode communities were evaluated and compared in managed beech and spruce forests in three age classes (0–20, 40–60, and 100–120 years old) and an unmanaged old-growth temperate forest. A total of 51 nematode genera were found in the forests. The number of nematode genera was the highest (46) in European beech forests, dominated by Rhabditis and Filenchus. In contrast, the number of nematode genera was the lowest (37) in a Norway spruce forest, but where nematode abundance was the highest due mostly to the high abundance of bacterivorous nematodes such as Acrobeloides, Plectus, and Rhabditis. The unmanaged old-growth forest had the lowest nematode abundance and total biomass but the highest abundance of herbivorous nematodes of the order Tylenchida, especially Filenchus, Malenchus, and Paratylenchus, and a high abundance of identified genera of predators. The number of identified nematode genera, abundance, total biomass, and diversity index were the highest in young 0–20-year-old stands, and the lowest in 100–120-year-old stands. Enrichment, structure, and basal indices were influenced by both the stands and the ages of the forests

    Long-Term Giant Hogweed Invasion Contributes to the Structural Changes of Soil Nematofauna

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    Heracleum mantegazzianum (giant hogweed) is the largest central European forb, naturalized or invasive in many European countries. The impacts of its colonization of native habitats on soil mesofauna groups are unfortunately obscure. This study assessed the effect of giant hogweed invasion on the communities of plants and soil nematodes in the riparian habitat. We found that invasion by H. mantegazzianum increased soil pH, decreased carbon and nitrogen content, reduced the number and coverage of the native plant species, and influenced nematode communities and their structures. Nematode species number was significantly lower in invaded than uninvaded plots, but nematode species diversity was not affected by invasion throughout the whole study. Total nematode abundance slightly increased under giant hogweed, while total nematode biomass did not differ between the invaded and uninvaded plots. The higher abundance of bacterivores and fungivores but lower number of omnivorous nematodes well represented the negative impact of giant hogweed invasion on soil food webs, supported by low values of all maturity indices or channel index. The hogweed invaded plots contained higher abundance of plant parasitic nematodes, mainly Paratylenchus microdorus. Our results thus indicate that invasion by H. mantegazzianum influences several nematode communities’ parameters while others remain unaffected by invasion

    Cause of withering of Staghorn Sumach (Rhus typhina L.) in selected localities in Slovakia

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    Health state of Rhus typhina was evaluated in 59 localities and 74 sites over the years 2001-2003 with scope (1) to identify the parasitic mycoflora of R. typhina in Slovakia and (2) to identify the occurrence of Cryphonectria parasitica, declared as an quarantine pest by the EPPO, besides the chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and oak (Quercus sp.) also on R. typhina. The fungus Botryosphaeria ribis (Gross.) Dugg. (pycnidial state Dothiorella mali (Ell.) Ev) caused damage to the R. typhina. Damage to R. typhina caused by B. ribis was only recorded in 15 localities. Mean growth rate of hyphae of the fungus ranged from 25.7 to 48.3 mm after 96 hours of cultivation. The most appropriate medium for cultivation was 3% potato dextrose agar. The occurrence of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht and mainly of quarantine fungus C. parasitica has not been recorded in the evaluated sites