13 research outputs found

    Specialistų, dirbančių regionuose ir dalyvaujančių savižudybių prevencijos sistemoje, darbo COVID-19 pandemijos metu ypatumai

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    The COVID-19 pandemic can influence the situation of suicide rates and mental health in rural regions even more than in major cities. The aim of the current study was to explore the functioning of mental health service provision during the COVID-19 pandemic through interviews with mental health professionals and other specialists who work with suicide prevention in rural areas. Thirty specialists were interviewed using a semi-structured interview format. The following codes were identified during the thematic analysis: providing help during the pandemic (mental health professionals and institutions adapted to the conditions of the pandemic, remote counselling makes providing help more difficult, the help is less reachable); help-seeking during the pandemic (people seek less help because of the pandemic, seeking remote help is easier, the frequency of help seeking didn’t change); the effects and governing of the pandemic situation (the pandemic can have negative effects on mental health; after the pandemic mental health might get worse; the governing of the pandemic situation in Lithuania could be more fluent). The current study reveals positive aspects of mental health professionals’ adaptivity during the pandemic, as well as severe problems which are related to the access to the mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.Tyrimai rodo COVID-19 pandemijos ir karantino poveikį žmonių psichikos sveikatos būklei ir galimą savižudybės rizikos grėsmę. Lietuvoje didžiausi savižudybių rodikliai skaičiuojami regionuose ir, tikėtina, atspindi ten jau ir taip susidariusius psichosocialinius sunkumus, tad svarbu stebėti pagalbos sistemos veikimą šiuose regionuose per pandemiją. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, kokie yra specialistų, dirbančių regionuose ir dalyvaujančių savižudybių prevencijos sistemoje, darbo COVID-19 pandemijos metu ypatumai. Šiame tyrime naudoti rezultatai iš platesnio savižudybių prevencijos sistemos vertinimo projekto, vykusio 2020 m. Pusiau struktūruoto interviu būdu apie savižudybių prevencijos sistemos veikimą buvo apklausta 30 specialistų (10 savižudybių prevencijos sistemos koordinatorių, 20 tiesiogiai teikiančių pagalbą psichikos sveikatos specialistų). Šiame straipsnyje susitelkta į klausimus apie pandemijos poveikį pagalbos sistemai. Transkribuoti rezultatai išanalizuoti remiantis Boyatzis teminės analizės metodu. Rezultatuose išskirti šie kodai: pagalbos teikimas pandemijos metu (psichikos sveikatos specialistai ir įstaigos prisitaikė prie pandemijos sąlygų, nuotolinis darbas apsunkina pagalbos teikimą, dėl pandemijos pagalba sunkiau prieinama); kreipimasis pagalbos pandemijos metu (dėl pandemijos žmonės mažiau kreipiasi pagalbos, nuotoliniu būdu kreiptis pagalbos paprasčiau, pandemijos metu pagalbos kreipimosi dažnis nesikeitė); pandemijos poveikis ir valdymas (pandemija didina emocinius ir psichikos sunkumus, pandemijai pasibaigus gali blogėti žmonių psichikos būklė, pandemijos valdymas Lietuvoje galėtų būti sklandesnis). Tyrimas atskleidžia ne tik pozityvius psichikos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų ir specialistų prisitaikymo prie krizinės situacijos aspektus, bet ir reikšmingas problemas, susijusias su nuotoliniu darbu ir pagalbos prieinamumu bei bendra gyventojų psichikos sveikata

    Digging deeper: approaching spirituality during suicide bereavement from phenomenological lens

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    A loved one’s loss due suicide can be a traumatic experience and trigger a difficult grief process, identity changes, loss of sense of meaning and spiritual crisis. Although spirituality (as a search for the Sacred) can be an important resource as well as an obstacle in coping with suicide bereavement process, there is a huge gap in scientific understanding on what kind of spiritual experiences can be helpful or unhelpful, are they connected (and how) to pre-loss spiritual life, is spirituality always connected to religion or can it function separately and, above all, what forms does spirituality take during suicide bereavement. We decided to explore this under the researched theme through phenomenological lens, which inspired us to create three stops of the author\u27s PhD journey. The first stop is an autoethnographic research of the authors experience of spirituality during suicide bereavement. It allowed a deep reflection on the author\u27s position in the field. The second stop is a systematic literature review of qualitative researches related to the theme of spirituality during suicide bereavement. It revealed the above-mentioned gap of literature and the need to dig deeper into the theme. The third stop is an empirical research, in which we are conducting in-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews with people bereaved by suicide, expecting to explore the spiritual experiences of the bereaved. The phenomenological approach slowly, but steadily allows to reach many levels of the spirituality manifestations during suicide bereavement. The results of our studies can be an important contribution to the field of suicide bereavement research

    Silence and Sounds: An Autoethnography of Searching for Spirituality during Suicide Bereavement in Life and Research

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    In this article, I used autoethnography to describe and analyze my experience of being bereaved by suicide and researching spirituality during suicide bereavement. The culture silenced my grief, and this is congruent with the experiences of my research participants. The religious community, in my case, did not help me and added to my spiritual and psychological pain. The silenced parts of my loss started to make sounds, such as psychological disturbances, but also as unconscious and conscious choices, which led to immersing myself in the research of spirituality during suicide bereavement. Research on the topic goes hand in hand with my search for spirituality during suicide bereavement and reviewing my loss. My story suggests that despite the negative experiences with Catholic priests, spirituality during suicide bereavement can become a vital resource to find meaning for the loss and the pain of grief and can take many different and even unexpected forms

    The meaning and experience of spirituality amongst women experiencing bereavement following partners‘ suicide.

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    The suicide of a loved one is an event that affects various areas of life, triggering both grief and often traumatic reactions. One of the most painful and complex losses is the suicide of a life partner (spouse or romantic partner). Spirituality, understood as a multidimensional phenomenon related to the search for the sacred, can be an important factor in grieving after the suicide of a loved one. It is important to explore when and how subjective spirituality helps during grief, as well as the instances when individuals experience spiritual crisis and how those who grieve the suicide of a loved one perceive and experience spirituality. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation research was to reveal and describe the experiences related to spirituality in women who have experienced the suicide of their spouse/partner. A qualitative research strategy was conducted, involving interviews with 11 women who had lost their life partners to suicide 2-5 years prior. The research data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. The study revealed that women grieving the suicide of their partner perceive spirituality as a multidimensional phenomenon and believe that what spirituality means to each individual is significant, as it can encompass a wide range of definitions, practices, and traditions. It was also found that experiences related to spirituality during grief after the suicide of a partner vary from being helpful to hindering the grieving process

    Relation between religiosity and attitudes towards suicide: comparison between lithuanian and turkish students

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    Attitudes towards suicide are related to suicide ratings and suicide risk. Religiosity is an important element, which forms attitudes towards suicide. There is a lack of research studies, which explore significance of religions‘ type and of diferent religiosity dimensions in the context of attitudes towards suicide. That is why the goal of current study was to explore relations between religion, religiosity and two dimensions of attitudes towrards suicide – suicide acceptability and condemnation. In Lithuanian religion students‘ group there were 44 participants, in Lithuanian other students‘ group there were 59 participants, in Turkish religion students‘ group there were 51 participants and in Turkish other students‘ group there were 50 participants. Suicide acceptability and condmenation were measured by ATTS attitudes towards suicide scale and 6 religiosity dimensions were measured by BMMRS religiosity scale. Results showed that higher religiosity in both religions (catholicism and islamism) was related to lower suicide acceptability. Catholic religiosity was not related to suicide condemnation, but higher Islamic religiosity was related to higher suicide condemnation. In Catholic religion students‘ group suicide acceptability was not related to suicide condemnation. In Muslim religion students‘ group lower suicde acceptability was related to higher suicide condemnation. These results support the presumption that religiosity and religion are important elements in the context of attitudes towards suicide

    What is spirituality for women bereaved by a partner’s suicide: a qualitative study

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    Spirituality is often significant for those undergoing suicide bereavement. Our study aimed to explore how women, who are bereaved by their partner’s suicide, describe spirituality. 11 semi-structured interviews have been conducted with female participants using reflexive thematic analysis. Six themes were identi-fied: Spirituality as a resource, Spirituality as a relationship; Spirituality is universal; Spirituality is a changing phenomenon; Spirituality requires effort; Spirituality is between knowing, sensation, and feeling. Female participants who experience bereavement following a partner’s suicide described their understanding of spiri-tuality as a multidimensional phenomenon. Interpretations and practical guidelines are formed. Keywords: spirituality; suicide bereavement; qualitative research; thematic analysis

    The Role of Spirituality during Suicide Bereavement: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: A loved one’s loss due to suicide can be a traumatic experience and trigger a complex grief process. Although spirituality, defined as a search for the Sacred in a broad sense, can be a resource and an obstacle in coping with the suicide bereavement process, there is a gap in scientific understanding of the role spirituality plays during the process. Methods: To explore the role of spirituality in people bereaved by suicide, we recruited 11 women who lost a life partner due to suicide. We conducted semi-structured interviews and analyzed the data using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: We identified the following three themes: spirituality is a supportive resource that can be reached for or achieved without conscious involvement; spirituality provides helpful ways to cope with grief; spirituality makes the grief process more difficult. Conclusions: Spirituality, if personally meaningful and supported by others, can function as a resource after a loved one’s suicide and even add to post-traumatic growth after the loss. On the contrary, spirituality-related issues, such as stigmatization and a lack of personally meaningful traditions, can distress the bereaved. Difficult spiritual experiences and questions can become an intricate part of the grief process

    XVIII-osios Jaunųjų mokslininkų psichologų konferencijos santraukų leidinys

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    Conference for Junior Scientists in Psychology is an annual event, organized by PhD students of Vilnius University, Institute of Psychology. The conference gives a platform for psychology students and junior researchers to present their scientific work and findings.Jaunųjų mokslininkų psichologų konferencija - tai kasmetinis renginys, kurį organizuoja Vilniaus universiteto Psichologijos instituto doktorantai. Šį konferencija suteikia galimybę visų pakopų studentams pristatyti savo vykdomus mokslinius tyrimus bei gautus rezultatus