96 research outputs found

    ECE laboratory in the Vinča institute: Its basic characteristics and fundamentals of electrochemic etching on polycarbonate

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    This paper deals with the introductory aspects of the Electrochemical Etching Laboratory installed at the VINČA Institute in the year 2003. The main purpose of the laboratory is its field application for radon and thoron large-scale survey using passive radon/thoron UFO type detectors. Since the etching techniques together with the laboratory equipment were transferred from the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan, it was necessary for both etching conditions to be confirmed and to be checked up^ i. e., bulk etching speeds of chemical etching and electrochemical etching in the VINCA Electrochemical Etching Laboratory itself. Beside this initial step, other concerns were taken into consideration in this preliminary experimental phase such as the following: the measurable energy range of the polycarbonate film, background etch pit density of the film and its standard deviation and reproducibility of the response to alpha particles for different sets of etchings

    Negotiating Skills of Entrepreneurs in Public Relations

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    Moglo bi se reći kako su pregovori svakodnevna, ali ne i obična ljudska aktivnost. Ako se razgovor između dvije osobe počne kretati u smjeru pokušaja da prva osoba zadovolji svoje potrebe, koristeći se drugom osobom na razuman način, možemo zaključiti da su pregovori već započeli. Iako se u stvarnosti često susrećemo sa spontanim pregovaranjem, što u svakodnevnom životu, što u odnosima s javnošću, pregovarati treba organizirano, planski, svjesno i uvažavajući prirodu ciljane javnosti. Svrha je ovog rada na sustavan način osvijestiti poduzetnike i menadžere o nužnosti poznavanja umijeća pregovaranja i pregovaračkih taktika kao bitne karakteristike svih onih koji primarno žele komunicirati s javnošću, dakle, onih koji znaju upravljati procesom uspostavljanja i održavanja zajedničkih načela komunikacije, razumijevanja, prihvaćanja i suradnje između organizacije i njezine javnosti.Although it could be said that negotiating is an everyday activity, it cannot be called an ordinary human activity. If a conversation between two people begins to move in the direction where the first person attempts to satisfy their needs, using the second person in a reasonable way, we can conclude that the negotiations have already begun. Although spontaneous negotiations are often encountered in everyday life, when it comes to public relations, negotiations should be organized, planned, conscious, and should take into account the nature of the target audience. The purpose of this paper is to raise entrepreneurs’ and managers’ awareness of the necessity of knowing the art of negotiating as well as negotiation tactics as the essential characteristics of those who primarily want to communicate with the public i.e., those who know how to manage the process of establishing and maintaining the common principles of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between organization and its public

    Radionuclides’ content in forest ecosystem located in southwestern part of Serbia

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    The results of the gamma-spectrometric measurements in a 16500 ha large region of south-western Serbia, are presented. Activity concentrations of 40K, 137Cs, and 210Pb in different deciduous and evergreen trees in the region are investigated. For all the investigated isotopes, there is a tendency that, on average, the lowest activity concentrations were found in tree stems, then in leaves, while the highest ones were in the soil. Statistical analysis did not show any differences between activity concentrations of leaves and needles, showing that both leaves and needles could be equally well used as a biomonitors

    Determination of coincidence summing correction factors for 22na point source

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    The coincidence summing effect plays an important role in HPGe spectrometry, especially at low source-detector distances, due to a large solid angle; therefore, the calculation of correction factors is necessary. The aim of the research described in this paper was to compare values of correction factors for a 22Na point source obtained using the GESPECOR software package (Monte-Carlo method) and experimentally obtained values. Measurements were performed using a semiconductor HPGe spectrometer and the point source axially positioned at nine different distances from the detector end-cap. For the purpose of determining correction factors, a system of equations was formed, which, besides nuclear data as the input parameters, uses the experimentally obtained values of the total count in the entire spectrum, as well as the counts in the full energy peaks. The system of equations was solved for each particular case and correction factors were determined. By comparing the results obtained using the experimental and Monte-Carlo method, it was found that the correction factors for the 22Na point source have discrepancies less than 3%. The significance of these discrepancies was also verified from a statistical point of view using a Student's t-test. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved.Conference of 6th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 June 2018 Through 22 June 2018; Conference Code:14955

    Radioactivity Measurements of Ceramic Tiles Produced in Serbia

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    This paper presents the results of gamma spectrometry measurements of natural radionuclides ( 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K) in some floor and wall ceramic tiles produced in Serbia and used in homes and workplaces. The level of radioactivity of some ceramic tiles produced in Serbia by two major manufacturers–Zorka Keramika and Toza Markovic was examined. The measured mean value of the activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K exceeds the average values in the world for building materials with values of 67.2±6.9 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra, 57.4±4.7 Bq kg-1 for 232Th and 808±48 Bq kg-1 for 40K. Based on these calculated values, the representative level index gamma index, associated with gamma radiation, whose average value is 0.78±0.06, and annual effective dose, whose average value is 0.117±0.009 mSv y-1 for home was obtained. Estimated values fulfill all the recommendations of the European Union for building materials, thus analyzed materials are considered not to be a health hazard for the public.BPU11 : 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union : Proceedings book; Aug 11 - Sep 1, 2022S01-NPNE Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energ

    Indoor Radon Concentration Measurement - Case Study

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    Laboratorija za merenje radioaktivnosti Instituta za medicinu rada Srbije “Dr Dragomir Karajović” je prvobitnim merenjem koncentracije radona pomoću kanistera sa aktivnim ugljem, u privatnoj kući na Bežanijskoj Kosi u Beogradu, ustanovila povišenu koncentraciju u novom delu kuće. U cilju utvrđivanja razloga povišene koncentracije radona, nova merenja su organizovana u još tri navrata (etape), u različitim periodima, pokrivajući sva četiri godišnja doba. Rad predstavlja prikaz ovog slučaja u kom je pored pomenute laboratorije učestvovala i Laboratorija za nuklearnu i plazma fiziku Instituta “Vinča” uz kombinovanje većeg broja metoda: merenje koncentracije radona pomoću kanistera sa aktivnim ugljem, pomoću aktivnog uređaja – alfaspektrometra, određivanje koncentracije radona na osnovu ekshalacije radona iz poda prostorije i građjevinskog materijala, na osnovu merenja koncentracije radona u zemljištu, na osnovu gamaspektrometrijske analize zemljišta uzorkovanog iz dvorišta ispred kuće. Analizom dobijenih rezultata potvrđena su dosadašnja saznanja o dnevnim i sezonskim varijacijama koncentracije radona.The Radioactivity Measurement Laboratory has initially measured the radon concentration, in a private house on Bežanijska Kosa in Belgrade, by activated charcoal canisters and established a high concentration in the new part of the house. In order to determine the reasons for the increased radon concentration, new measurements were organized three more times, in different periods, covering all four seasons. This paper presents a report of these measurements in which, the Nuclear And Plasma Physics Laboratory Of The "Vinca" Institute also participated with the combination of a larger number of methods: radon concentration measurement by activated charcoal canisters, radon concentration measurement by active device – alpha-spectrometer, determination of radon concentrations on the basis of radon exhalation rate from the floor of the room, from the building material, on the basis of the radon measurement from the soil, estimation of radon concentration on the basis of gamma spectrometry analysis of the soil sample, taken from the yard in front of the house. Analysis of the obtained results confirmed previous knowledge about seasonal and others variations in radon concentration.XXXII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Comparison of coincidence summing correction factors calculated by EFFTRAN and GESPECOR software

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    Gamma ray spectrometry with high purity germanium (HPGe) detector is one of the most widely used methods for environmental samples measurements. It is basically a non-destructive method and usually there is no need for the extensive sample preparation. True coincidence summing effect has a significant effect in gamma ray spectrometry analysis, especially in low source-to-detector geometry. Many authors have paid attention to this problem mainly by analyzing and determining coincidence summing correction factors for artificial radionuclides. However, the effect of true coincidence summing can significantly affect the result obtained by gamma ray spectrometry of environmental samples. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the determination of correction factors for coincidence summing of radionuclides from natural series (uranium, thorium and actinium series). Coincidence summing correction factors can be determined in several manners. Application of appropriate software packages is one of the most common. Software packages EFFTRAN and GESPECOR are among the most used ones. These software are based on Monte Carlo simulation. EFFTRAN is efficiency transfer code with semiempirical approach, whereas GESPECOR is dedicated code specifically tailored to solve most of the problems concerning gamma spectrometric measurements. The values of the correction factors depend on the detector geometry as well as the relevant data related to analyzed sample. The geometry of the detector implies the parameters of the detector itself (crystal dimensions, thickness of the dead layer, the thickness of the detector window). On the other hand, the relevant data related to analyzed sample includes dimensions of the container in which the sample is packed, sample density, chemical composition. The aim of this work is to compare coincidence summing factors obtained by using EFFTRAN and GESPEOR software in the case of p-type semiconductor HPGe detector with 30 % relative efficiency. All coincidence summing correction factors were calculated for soil sample in the cylindrical geometry and for radionuclides which are usually analyzed for environmental samples: • for the uranium series: 214Pb for energies 295.22 keV and 351.93 keV; 214Bi for energies 609.32 keV, 1120.29 keV and 1764.54 keV;234mPa for energies 766.36 keV and 1001.03 keV. • for the thorium series: 212Pb for energies 238.63 keV and 300.09 keV; 208Tl for energy 583.19 keV; 212Bi for energy 727.33 keV; 228Ac for energies 911.2 keV and 968.97 keV. • for the actinium series: 235U for energies 143.76 keV, 163.33 keV, 185.71 keV and 205.31 keV. The obtained values of the correction factors for coincidence summing showed a good agreement between these two software packages. Mutual deviations between correction factors calculated by using EFFTRAN and GESPECOR software were within ± 3 %.IX International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research : RAD 2021 : book of abstracts; June 14-18, 2021; Herceg Novi, Montenegr

    MetroPOEM – Metrology for the Harmonisation of Measurements of Environmental Pollutants in Europe

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    MetroPOEM (Metrology for harmonization of measuremenets of environmental pollutant in Europe) je trogodišnji evropski projekat finansiran u okviru EMPIR programa.Globalna težnja ka što manjem zagadjenju (European Green Deal´s ambition for zero pollution) zahteva razvoj visoko osetljivih tehnika kojima se mogu detektovati niske koncentracije polutanata. Masena spekrometrija je najznačajnija tehnika za odredjivanje neradioaktivnih, ali i dugoživućih radioaktivnih polutanata. Glavni cilj ovog projekta je da uspostavi vezu izmedju radiometrijskih i masenih tehnika merenja polutanata. Takođe, cilj projekta je i smanjenje mernih nesigurnosti, limita detekcije, ali i razvoj novih referentnih materijala kojima bi se obezbedila sledivost mernih procedura.The MetroPOEM project (Metrology for harmonization of measurements of environmental pollutants in Europe) is a three-year European project financed under the EMPIR program. The global aspiration towards as little pollution as possible (European Green Deal's ambition for zero pollution) requires the development of highly sensitive techniques that can detect low concentrations of pollutants. Mass spectrometry is the most important technique for determining non-radioactive, but also long-lived radioactive pollutants. The main goal of this project is to establish a link between radiometric and mass pollutant measurement techniques. Also, the goal of the project is the reduction of measurement uncertainties, detection limits, but also the development of new reference materials that would ensure the traceability of measurement procedures.XXXII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    TraceRadon Project – An Overview of Scientific Achievements

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    Oko pola efektivne doze koju stanovništvo primi usled izlaganja jonizujućem zračenju potiče od radona i njegovih potomaka, te je problematika radona važna u oblasti zaštite od zračenja. Takođe, kao hemijski inertan gas, radon je našao primenu u izučavanju životne sredine kao traser za razne geološke i atmosferske procese. Jedna od važnih primena radona je u problematici praćenja gasova koji izazivaju efekat staklene bašte (greenhouse gases – GHG). Pokazano je da se poznavanjem fluksa radona iz zemlje i priraštaja koncentracije radona i koncentracije GHG u istom vremenskom intervalu tokom noći može odrediti fluks GHG. U ovom radu će biti prikazani odabrani rezultati nedavno završenog traceRadon projekta čiji je cilj bio razvijanje metrološki sledivih metoda merenja niskih koncentracija radona u atmosferi u granicama od 1 Bq m-3 do 100 Bq m-3, kao i unapređenje tehnika merenja i samo merenje radonskog fluksa, što će doprineti ispitivanju klimatskih promena kroz obezbeđivanje pouzdane procene fluksa GHG. Takođe, u sklopu projekta, vršila se procena do koje mere se radon u spoljašnjoj sredini i radonski fluks mogu koristiti za procenu radonskih prioritetnih oblasti.Since more than a half of the effective doses from all ionising radiation come from the exposure to radon and its progeny, radon is important in the field of radiation protection. Being a noble gas and therefore chemically inert, radon is also used as a tracer for different geological and atmospheric processes. Radon is of interest to climate scientists for monitoring greenhouse gasses (GHG). It is known that by knowing radon flux and variation of radon and GHG concentration at the same period of time during the night, it is possible to estimate emission of GHG. In this paper, the most important results of recently finished EMPIR project 19ENV01 traceRadon “Radon metrology for use in climate change observation and radiation protection at the environmental level” are presented. Project aimed to develop the capability to measure SI traceable radon activity in the range of 1 Bq m-3 to 100 Bq m-3, suitable for outdoor radon measurements, to develop the capability for traceable radon flux measurements in the field which is important for GHG emission estimates and validation of contemporary radon flux models. Within the project it was investigated to what extent radon flux and outdoor radon data could be used for estimation of radon priority areas.XXXII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Overview of radon research published in the first 29 symposiums of Radiation protection society of Serbia and Montenegro

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    Radon je prirodni radioaktivni gas, čije je prisustvo zbog svojih karakteristika nemoguće detektovati ljudskim čulima, već ga je neophodno meriti. Iako je otkriven na početku XX veka, kada su i izmerene visoke koncentracije radona u rudnicima srebra u Češkoj, tek je četiri decenije posle pretpostavljena veza izmeĎu visoke koncentracije radona i kancera pluća, da bi se desetak godina kasnije ukazalo na radonove potomke kao moguće uzročnike kancera. Brojne epidemiološke studije su pokazale da radon sa svojim potomcima predstavlja drugi uzročnik kancera pluća posle pušenja. Važnost ispitivanja radona i njegovih potomaka je odmah uočena i u Srbiji, tako da je već na prvom skupu, tada Jugoslovenskog društva za radiološku zaštitu, održanom 1963 godine, bilo nekoliko radova posvećenih merenju koncentracije radona u rudnicima i banjama čime se dominantno bavio Institut za medicinu rada, iz Beograda. U ovoj publikaciji data je kvalitativna analiza „radonskih― radova sa prethodnih 29 simpozijuma Društva za zaštitu od zračenja. Diskutovana je aktuelnost problematike sa godinama, pregled tema koje su se širile s godinama, kao i pregled korišćenih mernih tehnika i njihov razvoj. Konačno, data je procena daljeg razvoja problematike radona.Radon is natural radioactive gas. It is colourless, tasteless, odourless and therefore it cannot be detected by human senses, but should be measured. It was discovered at the beginning of XX century. At that time, high radon concentrations were measured in the Bohemian silver mines. However it took four decades before a connection between high radon concentration and lung cancer was assumed and one decade more to link radon progeny as a possible cause of lung cancer. Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that radon with its progeny represents second cause of lung cancer after smoking. The importance of investigation of radon and its progeny was acknowledged at the very beginning of Symposiums of Yugoslav society of radiation protection. Thus, already at the first Symposium, held in 1963, there were already several papers published regarding radon concentration measurements in mines and spas. In the first few proceeding of the Symposium the main contribution was from Serbian Institute of Occupational Health. In this publication, an overview of research on radon, published in previous 29 Proceedings of symposiums of Radiation Protection Society, was given. Evolution of actuality of different radon topics was discussed and overview of used measurement techniques was given. Finally, it was estimated in which directions development of radon topics might go.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј