193 research outputs found

    Theoretical Lidar Point Density for Topographic Mapping in the Largest Scales

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    When ordering LiDAR data, LiDAR point density per surface unit is important information with decisive influence on the price of the LiDAR survey. The paper first deals with the theoretical calculation of the minimum LiDAR point density, necessary for the acquisition of topographic data of the largest scales. For this purpose the sampling theorem is used. However, since topographic objects (roads, water bodies, etc.) and phenomena represented on topographic maps and in topographic bases are in many cases located under vegetation, also the rate of laser beam penetration through vegetation for the area where the topographic data are to be gathered has to be known. In a research on a test case conducted in the area of the town Nova Gorica we calculated the rate of laser beam penetration for four different vegetation types: scarce Mediterranean vegetation, thick thermophilic deciduous forest, mixed vegetation (meadows, orchards and forest) and built-up area. By connecting the theoretic minimum LiDAR point density with the rate of penetration, we defined the minimum LiDAR point density for the needs of data acquisition on topographic maps of the largest scales or in topographic bases of comparable detail (from 1 : 1000 to 1 : 10,000)

    Thickness and geodetic mass balance changes for the Triglav Glacier (southeastern Alps) from 1952 to 2016

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    Various geodetic and lidar measurements performed on the Triglav Glacier (Julian Alps, Slovenia) make it possible to study not only the extent of the glacier but also changes in its thickness and volume. These measurements also make it possible to calculate the geodetic mass balance of the glacier. Thickness and volume changes were calculated using glacier area measurements from 1952, 1975, and 1992, and annually between 1999 and 2016. The mean thickness decreased from 39.2m in 1952 to 2.45m in 2012. The maximum thickness decreased from 48.3 m in 1952 to 5.2 m in 2007. The mean specific mass balance was calculated for the area of 1 hectare that the glacier covered in 2016. From 1952 to 2016, the annual specific mass balance was −0.45m w.e.a−1

    Autoinflammatory bone disorders

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    Uvod: Autoinflamatorne bolesti kostiju karakterizirane su sterilnom upalom kosti praćene kožnim manifestacijama. Ovoj skupini pripadaju sinovitis, akne, pustuloza, hiperostoza, osteitis (SAPHO) sindrom i kronični rekurirajući multifokalni osteomijelitis (CRMO), Majeed sindrom, DIRA, PAPA sindrom i kerubizam. CRMO i SAPHO su dva najčešća entiteta. Obzirom na niz sličnosti, dio autora smatra da je CRMO, koji se dominantno javlja u dječjoj dobi, podtip SAPHO sindroma, koji se najčešće klinički prezentira u adolescenciji ili odrasloj dobi. Cilj: Analizirati i usporediti karakteristike bolesnika s CRMO i SAPHO sindromom. Metode i ispitanici: Retrospektivna analiza i usporedba podataka iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika s CRMO i SAPHO sindromom liječenih u Zavodu za imunologiju i reumatologiju Klinike za pedijatriju KBC Zagreb, Referetnom centru za pedijatrijsku i adolescentnu reumatologiju RH u razdoblju od 2002. – 2015. godine. Rezultati: U razdoblju od 2002. – 2015. godine liječene su 3 djevojčice s CRMO prosječne dobi od 5 godina i 3 mladića sa SAPHO sindromom, prosječne dobi od 16 godina u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze. Svi bolesnici su inicijalno imali umjereno povišene upalne parametre. U svih bolesnica s CRMO obradom su nađene multifokalne upalne promjene različitih dijelova aksijalnog i perifernog skeleta, u samo jedne bolesnice promjene su bile simetrične. Niti jedna nije imala kožnih promjena. Liječene su nesteroidnim protuupalnim lijekovima, u jedne je navedenom terapijom postignuta remisija, dok je u dvije bolesnice inidicirana i kraća sistemska primjena kortikosteroida s istim, povoljnim ishodom. U samo jednog bolesnika sa SAPHO sindromom nađen je tipični scintigrafski nalaz upalnog zahvaćanja sternoklavikularnih zglobova i sternuma, dok su u ostalih bolesnika promjene detektirane u različitim dijelovima skeleta, uključujući maksilu i mandibulu. Kožne promjene u vidu opsežnih akni imala su sva 3 bolesnika, u 2 su akne predstavljale inicijalni simptom bolesti, dok su se u jednog razvile 2 godine nakon početka upalnih promjena skeleta. U dva bolesnika zadovoljavajuća kontrola bolesti uspostavljena je primjenom indometacina ili metotreksata, u jednog bolesnika anti TNF pripravkom. Zaključak: CRMO i SAPHO sindrom imaju niz zajedničkih karakteristika te se prema dijelu recentne literature CRMO smatra dječjom formom SAPHO sindroma, koji se dominantno javlja u adolescenata i odraslih. Rezultati usporedbe naših bolesnika s navedenim bolestima sukladni su literaturnim podacima. Tek će otkrivanje još uvijek nepoznate etiopatogeneze definitivno razjasniti odnos dviju najčešćih autoinflamatornih bolesti kostiju.Introduction: The main characteristic of autoinflammatory bone disorders is a sterile inflammation of the bone followed by skin pathology. These disorders are synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO), Majeed syndrome, DIRA, PAPA syndrome and cherubism. CRMO and SAPHO are the most common entities. Considering the similarities, a group of authors consider CRMO, which predominately affects children, to be a subtype of the SAPHO syndrome, which most often presents in adolescents or adults. Aim: To analyze and compare characteristics of patients with CRMO and SAPHO syndrome. Methods: A retrospective analysis and comparison of information from the medical documentation of patients with CRMO and SAPHO syndrome treated in the Department of immunology and rheumatology of the Pediatrics clinic KBC Zagreb, the Reference center for pediatrics and adolescent rheumatology RH in the period of 2002 – 2015. Results: In the period of 2002 – 2015 we treated three girls with CRMO, average age of 5 years and three boys with SAPHO syndrome, average age of 16 years at the moment of diagnose. All patients initially had moderately elevated parameters of inflammation. All patients with CRMO had multifocal inflammatory changes of the axial and peripheral skeleton, only in one patient were these changes symmetrical. No skin pathology was noted. They were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which led to remission in one, while the other two patients underwent a shorter systemic usage of corticosteroids with the same positive outcome. Only one of the patients had typical scintigraphic findings of affected sternoclavicular joints and sternum while others had inflammatory changes in different locations, including maxilla and mandible. All three patients had extensive acne, two of them as an initial symptom, whereas the third patient had acne two years after initial inflammatory bone changes. Satisfactory control of the disease was accomplished in two patients due to indomethacin or methotrexate, whereas in one patient with TNF antagonists. Conclusion: CRMO and SAPHO syndrome share a series of characteristics, regarding to a section of recent literature CRMO is considered a children’s form of the SAPHO syndrome which affects mostly adults and adolescents. The results of the comparison of our patiens with said diseases are in compliance with the information from literature. Only the revelation of the jet unknown etiopathogenesis will clarify the relationship between the two most common autoinflammatory bone diserders

    Autoinflammatory bone disorders

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    Uvod: Autoinflamatorne bolesti kostiju karakterizirane su sterilnom upalom kosti praćene kožnim manifestacijama. Ovoj skupini pripadaju sinovitis, akne, pustuloza, hiperostoza, osteitis (SAPHO) sindrom i kronični rekurirajući multifokalni osteomijelitis (CRMO), Majeed sindrom, DIRA, PAPA sindrom i kerubizam. CRMO i SAPHO su dva najčešća entiteta. Obzirom na niz sličnosti, dio autora smatra da je CRMO, koji se dominantno javlja u dječjoj dobi, podtip SAPHO sindroma, koji se najčešće klinički prezentira u adolescenciji ili odrasloj dobi. Cilj: Analizirati i usporediti karakteristike bolesnika s CRMO i SAPHO sindromom. Metode i ispitanici: Retrospektivna analiza i usporedba podataka iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika s CRMO i SAPHO sindromom liječenih u Zavodu za imunologiju i reumatologiju Klinike za pedijatriju KBC Zagreb, Referetnom centru za pedijatrijsku i adolescentnu reumatologiju RH u razdoblju od 2002. – 2015. godine. Rezultati: U razdoblju od 2002. – 2015. godine liječene su 3 djevojčice s CRMO prosječne dobi od 5 godina i 3 mladića sa SAPHO sindromom, prosječne dobi od 16 godina u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze. Svi bolesnici su inicijalno imali umjereno povišene upalne parametre. U svih bolesnica s CRMO obradom su nađene multifokalne upalne promjene različitih dijelova aksijalnog i perifernog skeleta, u samo jedne bolesnice promjene su bile simetrične. Niti jedna nije imala kožnih promjena. Liječene su nesteroidnim protuupalnim lijekovima, u jedne je navedenom terapijom postignuta remisija, dok je u dvije bolesnice inidicirana i kraća sistemska primjena kortikosteroida s istim, povoljnim ishodom. U samo jednog bolesnika sa SAPHO sindromom nađen je tipični scintigrafski nalaz upalnog zahvaćanja sternoklavikularnih zglobova i sternuma, dok su u ostalih bolesnika promjene detektirane u različitim dijelovima skeleta, uključujući maksilu i mandibulu. Kožne promjene u vidu opsežnih akni imala su sva 3 bolesnika, u 2 su akne predstavljale inicijalni simptom bolesti, dok su se u jednog razvile 2 godine nakon početka upalnih promjena skeleta. U dva bolesnika zadovoljavajuća kontrola bolesti uspostavljena je primjenom indometacina ili metotreksata, u jednog bolesnika anti TNF pripravkom. Zaključak: CRMO i SAPHO sindrom imaju niz zajedničkih karakteristika te se prema dijelu recentne literature CRMO smatra dječjom formom SAPHO sindroma, koji se dominantno javlja u adolescenata i odraslih. Rezultati usporedbe naših bolesnika s navedenim bolestima sukladni su literaturnim podacima. Tek će otkrivanje još uvijek nepoznate etiopatogeneze definitivno razjasniti odnos dviju najčešćih autoinflamatornih bolesti kostiju.Introduction: The main characteristic of autoinflammatory bone disorders is a sterile inflammation of the bone followed by skin pathology. These disorders are synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO), Majeed syndrome, DIRA, PAPA syndrome and cherubism. CRMO and SAPHO are the most common entities. Considering the similarities, a group of authors consider CRMO, which predominately affects children, to be a subtype of the SAPHO syndrome, which most often presents in adolescents or adults. Aim: To analyze and compare characteristics of patients with CRMO and SAPHO syndrome. Methods: A retrospective analysis and comparison of information from the medical documentation of patients with CRMO and SAPHO syndrome treated in the Department of immunology and rheumatology of the Pediatrics clinic KBC Zagreb, the Reference center for pediatrics and adolescent rheumatology RH in the period of 2002 – 2015. Results: In the period of 2002 – 2015 we treated three girls with CRMO, average age of 5 years and three boys with SAPHO syndrome, average age of 16 years at the moment of diagnose. All patients initially had moderately elevated parameters of inflammation. All patients with CRMO had multifocal inflammatory changes of the axial and peripheral skeleton, only in one patient were these changes symmetrical. No skin pathology was noted. They were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which led to remission in one, while the other two patients underwent a shorter systemic usage of corticosteroids with the same positive outcome. Only one of the patients had typical scintigraphic findings of affected sternoclavicular joints and sternum while others had inflammatory changes in different locations, including maxilla and mandible. All three patients had extensive acne, two of them as an initial symptom, whereas the third patient had acne two years after initial inflammatory bone changes. Satisfactory control of the disease was accomplished in two patients due to indomethacin or methotrexate, whereas in one patient with TNF antagonists. Conclusion: CRMO and SAPHO syndrome share a series of characteristics, regarding to a section of recent literature CRMO is considered a children’s form of the SAPHO syndrome which affects mostly adults and adolescents. The results of the comparison of our patiens with said diseases are in compliance with the information from literature. Only the revelation of the jet unknown etiopathogenesis will clarify the relationship between the two most common autoinflammatory bone diserders

    Changes in the Skuta Glacier (southeastern Alps) assessed using non-metric images

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    The Skuta Glacier in the Kamnik–Savinja Alps (in northern Slovenia) is one of the two remaining glaciers in Slovenia. It is located in a cirque oriented toward the northwest, which shields it from sunlight for most of the year. The glacier lies at an average elevation of 2070m. In recent years, its average area has measured around 1.5 hectares. Monitoring of the glacier has been performed since 1946. In 1962, regular photographing of the glacier with various cameras started from various non-fixed standpoints. Using the single image interactive orientation acquisition method, in which a single photograph is compared with the projection of a modern digital terrain model, seventeen photographs covering the period from 1970 to 2015 were used to acquire the 3D-perimeters of the glacier. The data shows that the elevation of glacier’s upper edge decreased by approximately 40m in the last half-century. Changes in the glacier’s area and average upper edge elevation were compared with average annual temperature and maximum seasonal snow cover depth


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    U radu su obrađene eksploatacijske prednosti električne propulzije opremljene posljednjom generacijom POD-ova pogonjenih elektromotorima s permanentnim magnetima u odnosu na dizel-mehaničku propulziju. Analiza je provedena na području potrošnje goriva, raspoloživosti, manevarskih sposobnosti i utjecaja na okoliš. Usporedna analiza potrošnje goriva provedena je na osnovi specifične potrošnje prema razvijenoj snazi na osovini motora i prema potrošnji po prijeđenom putu prema brzini plovidbe. Svi obrađeni parametri pokazuju nedvojbene eksploatacijske prednosti električne propulzije s POD-ovima, ne samo za brodove koji se zbog specifičnog eksploatacijskog profila već tradicionalno opremaju električnom propulzijom, već i za gotovo sve tipove brodova. Zbog eksploatacijskih prednosti, aktualnih trendova u zaštiti okoliša, sve bržeg rasta cijene goriva kao i smanjenja investicijskih troškova zbog oštre konkurencije između velikih proizvođača električne opreme, može se s velikom sigurnošću očekivati daljnja ekspanzija električne propulzije unutar svjetske pomorske flote.The exploitation advantages of diesel-electric propulsion with the last generation of podded drives using permanent magnet electrical motors towards diesel-mechanic propulsion systems, in the field of fuel consumption, utilisation of on-board space, availability, manoeuvrability and environmental impact are elaborated. Comparative analysis of fuel consumption is performed on the basis of specific consumption per shaft power, as well as consumption per mile in respect to ship’s speed. All investigated exploitation aspects show positive advantages of podded electric propulsion, not only for ship types traditionally predisposed to electrical propulsion, because of their specific operation profile, but also for almost any type of ship. Thanks to the exploitation advantages and to actual trends in fuel prices and environment protection as well as to the decrease of investment costs due to severe market competition between great electrical equipment manufacturers, further electrical propulsion expansion in the world’s fleet could certainly be expected