198 research outputs found

    Stočarska proizvodnja - stanje i budući pravci razvoja u Republici Srbiji

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    Livestock production is important branch of agriculture in Republic of Serbia. Over 700.000 households are engaged in this production, which is over 55% of total number of households. Livestock production provides necessary products (milk, meat, eggs) for nutrition of domestic population. Also, livestock production provides raw materials for food industry (dairy plants, slaughterhouses, meat industry, conditory industry and leather industry). Livestock production is expected to provide high quality products for export, primarily beef and lamb meat. Chance/opportunity for export exists also for cheeses of high quality (especially sheep and goat cheeses) of defined origin and quality. Based on available data, current situation in livestock production is assessed as inviolable. Number of heads of all species of domestic animals and poultry has been constantly decreasing over the period of last 12 years. The greatest decrease of number of heads of livestock was recorded in years 2000, 2001 and 2002, in all species of domestic animals. During this period, number of cattle decreased by 18,6%, of pigs by 11,8%, sheep by 12,3%, number of goats by 54,1%, horses by 66,0% and poultry by 28,0%. So, by the end of 2007, number of cattle was 1.087.000, pigs 3.832.000, sheep 1.606.000, goats 149.000, horses 18.000 and poultry 16.422.000. Republic of Serbia will in its near future become member of European Union (EU) and World Trade Organization (WTO), which means that livestock production should prepare for competition on unique developed market, without any state trade barriers. Serbia has been preparing for this since 2006 when it signed bilateral agreement on free trade with neighbouring countries - Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and in this way became part of the market and accepted the competition rules on the free market. Accession to EU and WTO includes liberalization of trade in livestock products, low possibility for import protection, implementation of quality standards (HACCP; ISO, Global GAP), reduction of the level of domestic support, discontinuing of export subsidies, increase of profitability and ability to be competitive on the international market.Stočarska proizvodnja je značajna grana poljoprivrede u Republici Srbiji. Zastupljeno je u preko 700.000 domaćinstava (55% od ukupnog broja domaćinstava) i predstavlja značajnu privrednu granu koja učestvuje u formiranju društvenog proizvoda poljoprivrede sa 42%. Stočarskom proizvodnjom se obezbeđuju neophodni proizvodi (mleko, meso, jaja) za ishranu domaćeg stanovništva. Pored toga stočarstvo obezbeđuje sirovine za prehrambenu industriju (mlekare, klanice, konditorske industrije i industrija prerade kože). Od stočarske proizvodnje se očekuje da obezbedi kvalitetne proizvode za izvoz, pre svega juneće i jagnjeće meso. Šansu za izvoz imaju i kvalitetni sirevi (posebno ovčiji i koziji) sa definisanim poreklom i kvalitetom. Na osnovu raspoloživih podataka stanje stočarstva u Srbiji se ocenjuje kao nepovoljno. Broj grla kod svih vrsta domaćih životinja i živine u poslednjih dvanaest godina konstantno opada. Najveće smanjenje broja grla registrovano je u toku 2000., 2001., i 2002. godine kod svih vrsta domaćih životinja. U ovom periodu broj goveda je smanjen za 18,6%, broj svinja za 11,8%, broj ovaca za 12,3%, broj koza za 54,1% broj konja za 66,0% i broj živine za 28,0%. Tako da je na kraju 2007. godine broj grla goveda 1.087.000 , 3.832.000 grla svinja, 1.606.000 grla ovaca, koza 149.000, 18.000 grla konja i 16.422.000 živine. Republika Srbija u bližoj budućnosti postaće član Evropske unije (EU) i Svetske trgovinske organizacije (STO) što znači da se stočarska proizvodnja mora pripremiti za konkurenciju na jedinstvenom razvijenom tržištu, na kome neće postojati državne trgovinske barijere. Srbija na tom putu se priprema već od 2006. godine potpisivanjem bilateralnog sporazuma o slobodnoj trgovini sa susednim zemljama (Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) i samim tim postala deo tržišta i prihvatila pravila konkurencije na slobodnom tržištu. Pristupanje u EU i STO podrazumeva veću liberalizaciju trgovine stočarskim proizvodima, mala mogućnost zaštite od uvoza, implementacija standarda kvaliteta (HACCP; ISO, Global GAP), smanjenje nivoa domaće podrške, ukidanje izvoznih subvencija, povećanje profitabilnosti i sposobnost da se izdrži konkurencija na međunarodnom tržištu

    Phenotypic and genetic variability of quality traits of pig carcass sides and meat

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    Ovo istraživanje je imalo za cilj da se utvrdi fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost osobina kvaliteta trupa i mesa potomaka tri čiste rase očeva (ŠL-švedski landras, VJveliki jorkšir i P-pijetren), kao i pouzdanost ocene udela mesa u polutki primenom dve metode (prema Pravilniku i parcijalnom disekcijom). Krmače–majke su parene sa nerastima-očevima tri rase, tako da su dobijeni potomci bili: čista rasa (ŠL); dvorasni melezi sa udelom roditeljskih rasa 50:50 (genotip VJ x ŠL i P x ŠL); dvorasni melezi sa 75% rase oca (ŠL ili VJ, genotip ŠL x (VJxŠL) i VJ x (VJxŠL)) i trorasni melezi (genotip P x (VJxŠL)). Ukupno je za 536 potomka ispitivano deset sobina porasta i kvaliteta polutke odnosno 442 potomka za osobine debljina slanine na grebenu, krstima (I i III mera) i dužine polutke oba pola (muška kastrirana i ženska grla). Vrednost pH (pH45 - 45 minuta i pH24 - 24 časa post mortem) m.longissimus-a i m.semimenbranosus-a utvrđena je pH-metrom sa ubodnom elektrodom (Hanna, HI 83141) kod 410 potomaka. Od ukupnog broja potomaka (536 grla) kvalitet trupa disekcijom (u skladu sa odgovarajućim propisima EU (EC No 3127/94, 1994, EC No 1197/06, 2006; Walstra i Merkus, 1996) ispitan je kod 201 potomka ispitivanih očeva (108 muških kastriranih grla i 93 ženskih grla). Uzorci za utvrđivanje kvaliteta mesa su uzeti sa dugog leđnog mišića musculus longissimus (ML), u visini između 13. i 14. rebra. Uzorci m.longissimus potiču od 50 potomaka dve plodne rase očeva, švedskog landrasa (29 uzoraka) i velikog jorkšira (21 uzorak). Obrada podataka obavljena je primenom odgovarajućeg računarskog paketa "LSMLMW and MIXMDL, PC-2 VERSION" (Harvey, 1990) odnosno upotrebom procedure metoda najmanjih kvadrata u cilju determinisanja signifikantnosti (P<0,05) sistematskih uticaja na osobine prirasta, kvaliteta polutki i mesa. U modele su uključeni: rasa oca, očevi, genotip grla, pol, masa polutki (linearni uticaj) ili uzrast pri klanju (linearni uticaj). Fenotipska povezanost utvrđena je izračunavanjem koeficijenata korelacije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su najmlađi pri klanju bili potomci nerasta rase pijetren (194,57 dana) a najstariji nerasta rase veliki jorkšir (209,15 dana) i da je rasa oca uticala statistički visoko značajno (P<0,01) na variranje uzrasta pri klanju potomaka...The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic and genetic variability of carcass and meat quality traits in offspring of three purebred sires (SL-Swedish Landrace, LW-Large White and P-Pietrain) and the reliability of the evaluation of share of meat in the carcass side by using two methods (according to Regulation and partial dissection). Sow dams were mated with boar sires of three breeds, and the following progeny was obtained: pure breed (SL); two-breed crosses with share of parental breeds 50:50 (genotype LW x SL and P x SL); two-breed crosses with 75% of sire breed (SL or LW, genotype SL x (LWxSL) and LW x (LWxSL)) and three-breed crosses (genotype P x (LWxSL)). On total of 536 progeny, ten growth and carcass side quality traits were studied, i.e. in 442 progeny the back fat thickness on withers and rump (measures I and III) and length of carcass sides of both genders/sexes (male and female animals). The pH values (pH45 - 45 minutes and pH24 - 24 hours post mortem) of m.longissimus and m.semimenbranosus were determined using the pH-meter with probing electrode (Hanna, HI 83141) in 410 progeny animals. Of total number of progeny (536 animals), the quality of carcass was studied by dissection (consistent with adequate regulations EU (EC No 3127/94, 1994, EC No 1197/06, 2006; Walstra and Merkus, 1996) in 201 progeny animals of studied sires (108 male castrated animals and 93 female animals). Samples used for determination of the quality of meat were taken from the long back muscle musculus longissimus (ML), between the 13th and 14th rib. Samples of m.longissimus were taken from 50 animals progeny of two fertile sire breeds of Swedish Landrace (29 samples) and Large White (21 samples). Data was processed by applying the adequate software package "LSMLMW and MIXMDL, PC-2 VERSION" (Harvey, 1990), i.e. by using the procedure of the Least Square Method in order to determine the significance (P<0,05) of systematic influences on traits of gain, carcass side quality and meat quality. Models included: sire breed, genotype of the individual animal, sex/gender, carcass side mass (linear effect) or age at slaughter (linear effect)..

    Neki tehnološki aspekti poboljšanja kod prasadi u odgoju

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    Effects of utilization of imported boars in comparison to domestic ones were investigated, two imported boar lines Tibora and Tempa were compared in regard to production of their progeny, piglets in rearing, and in the final, third trial, possibilities for use of Biokvas preparation as substitute of yeast in nutrition of piglets in rearing were studied. Obtained results showed that considerably better production is realized by improvement of gain by 17,79% and feed conversion by 12,21% as well as lower cost of gain by 12,16% in progeny of imported boars. No differences were established in weaned piglets deriving from two imported boar lines Tibora or Tempa. Considering that better gain in average by 3,88% and cheaper by 0,57% was realized, it can be concluded that Biokvas as a protein feed can succesfully be used as substitute for yeast in nutiriton of piglets in rearing. In general, use of imported boars as well as application of Biokvas instead of yeast in nutrition of piglets and with objective of improvement of production of rearing piglets were justified.U tri ogleda ispitivani su efekti korišćenja uvoznih u odnosu na domaće neraste, komparacija dvaju linija Tibora i Tempa, uvoznih nerastova na proizvodnju njihovih potomaka, prasadi u odgoju, a u poslednjem trećem ogledu mogućnosti korišćenja biokvasa kao zamene kvascu u ishrani prasadi u odgoju. Ispitivanja, su izvedena na privatnoj farmi svinja Fencaroš u Platičevu - Šabac. U eksperimente je uključeno ukupno 56 odbijene prasadi rase melezi Veliki Jorkšir x Švedski Landras. Ogledi su formirani neposredno pri zalučenju prasadi i trajali su 39 hranidbenih dana pri čemu su prasad bila iste starosti na zalučenju. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se: - ostvaruje znatno bolja proizvodnja, poboljšanjem prirasta za 17,79% i konverzije hrane za 12,21% kao i jeftinijom cenom prirasta za 12,16% kod potomaka nerastova iz uvoza. - nije bilo razlike kod odbijene prasadi korišćenjem dvaju linija nerasta iz uvoza Tibora ili Tempa. - s obzirom na bolji, u proseku za 3,88%, i za 0,57% jeftiniji prirast, biokvas se pokazao da kao proteinsko hranivo može vrlo uspešno zameniti kvasac u ishrani prasadi u odgoju. U celini se pokazala opravdanost korišćenja nerastova iz uvoza kao i primena biokvasa u cilju unapređenja proizvodnje prasadi u odgoju

    Prebiotici u ishrani krmača i prasadi

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    The effects of prebiotic Bio Mos (0.2%) used in nutrition of gestating and sows in lactation, as well as Bio Mos (0.5%) and fructooligosaccharides (0.4%) used in nutrition of suckling piglets were investigated. Obtained results showed that the introduction of additives in mixtures influenced: greater food intake of sows in lactation by 13.75 %, by 14.7% more born piglets and by 3.6% heavier piglets at birth, greater litter weight by 3.1 % at weaning and better intake of pre-starter by 6.7% per litter during lactation. In general, obtained results showed that the use of investigated prebiotic Bio Mos and fructooligosaccharides are recommended for use in nutrition of sows and suckling piglets.Ispitivani su efekti korišćenja prebiotika Bio Mos (0,2%) u ishrani suprasnih i krmača u laktaciji kao i Bio Mosa (0,5%) i fruktooligosaharida (0,4%) kod prasadi na sisi. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se uvođenje korišćenih aditiva u smešama imalo efekte izražene: - većom konzumacijom hrane krmača u laktaciji, za 13,75%, - većim brojem, za 14,7%, oprašene i za 3,6% teže, prasadi na prašenju, - većom telesnom masom legla za 3,1% na zalučenju, - boljom potrošnjom predstartera za 6,7% po leglu tokom laktacije U celini dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se preporučuje korišćenje ispitivanih prebiotika Bio Mosa i fruktooligosaharida u ishrani krmača i prasadi na sisi

    Procena koeficijenta heritabiliteta za broj živorođene prasadi u prva tri prašenja krmača švedskog landrasa

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate phenotypic and genetic variation of the number of piglets born alive (NBA) Swedish Landrace sows (SL) in three consecutive parities under the influence of sires, year and season of mating. The study included: 618 litters in the first, 470 in the second and 403 litter in the third farrowing. Testing the homogeneity of variance was performed with Levene's test. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (Statistica Ver. 6.0., 2003). Heritability coefficients were evaluated by intra-class correlation. Swedish Landrace sires have influenced on the variability of the NBA's daughter in the first and second farrowing (p (lt) 0.05), but not in the third farrowing. Year and season of mating was not influenced on the variability of the NBA (p>0.05). The estimated heritability coefficients for the NBA were the highest in the second (0.123), then the first (0.092) and lowest in the third farrowing (0.030).Osnovni cilj rada bio je da se oceni fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost broja živorođene prasadi (NBA) krmača švedskog landrasa (SL) u tri uzastopna prašenja pod uticajem očeva, godine i sezone pripusta. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno: 618 legala u prvom, 470 u drugom i 403 legla u trećem prašenju. Testiranje homogenosti varijanse izvršeno je testom Levene-a. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni metodom analize varijanse (Statistica Ver. 6.0., 2003). Koeficijenti heritabiliteta su ocenjeni metodom intra-klasne korelacije. Očevi švedskog landrasa uticali su na varijabilnost NBA kćeri u prvom i drugom prašenju (p (lt) 0.05), ali ne i u trećem prašenju. Godina i sezona pripusta nisu uticale na varijabilnost NBA (p>0.05). Procenjeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za NBA su bili najviši u drugom (0.123), zatim u prvom (0.092) i najniži u trećem prašenju (0.030)

    Sensory properties and fatty acids profiles of fermented dry sausages made of pork meat from various breeds

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    In this study, the parallel examinations on fatty acid profiles and sensory properties of fermented dry sausages are presented. Three types of kulen and sremska sausages were made, which varied depending on the percentage of meat and fat derived from different pig breeds: autochthonous (Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa and Moravka) and commercial (Swedish Landrace). In sausages made from meat of commercial pig breed, the highest cholesterol content was detected. However, sausage made from the Mangalitsa pork meat contained higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and unsaturated fatty acid (USFA), and lower saturated fatty acid levels (SFA). The level of polyunsaturated (PUFA) in sausage made of Landrace pork meat was significantly higher than levels in other types. These differences between fatty acids were mostly deriving by higher total n-6 PUFA content. In a sausage made of Mangulitsa meat, the values of atherogenic (IA) and thrombogenic (IT) health lipid indexes are lower. Kulen and sremska sausages made from the Mangalitsa pork meat was superior in terms of colour, odour, taste, after taste and overall acceptability. This study demonstrate that pig breed have an effect on the chemical content, fatty acids profiles and sensory properties of dry fermented sausages

    Efekti različitih tehnologija držanja na dobrobit prasadi u odgoju

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    During two consecutive years the effects of introduction of new technology i.e. boxes of new dimensions in rearing of piglets compared to conventional type of boxes, on animal welfare through production results were investigated and economical parameters relating to introduction of investigated technology in rearing piglets. Research was carried out on experimental pig farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia. Obtained results demonstrated that introduction of new box, with 14 instead of 6 heads per box, influenced increase in gain by 7,9%, higher feed consumption by 6,7% and better feed conversion by 0,9% compared to production results in control group housed in conventional cages. In the structure of expenses, due to higher share of cost of material in total costs, also relative equal reduction of share of labour and depreciation costs for buildings and equipment, but also regardless of that, since cost of material is directly correlated to the production value, mentioned change can be characterized as positive, therefore by application of the new technology of piglet housing the amount of total cost decreased by over 7%, and in general total positive financial effect of 10,6% can be considered as very satisfactory. In general, obtained results showed that by application of new technology of piglet housing positive effects are achieved in regard to production and financial results, and also to welfare of this category of pigs.Tokom dve uzastopne godine istraživani su efekti uvođenja nove tehnologije odnosno boksa novih dimenzija u odgoju prasadi u poređenju sa klasičnim starim tipom boksa, na dobrobit životinja preko proizvodnih rezultata i ekonomske pokazatelje uvođenje ispitivane tehnologije kod prasadi u odgoju. Istraživanja su izvedena na eksperimentalnoj farmi svinja Instituta za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun u Srbiji. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je uvođenje novog boksa, sa 14 u odnosu na 6 grla u boksu, imalo efekte izražene boljim prirastom za 7,9%, većom konzumacjom hrane za 6,7% i povoljnijom konverzijom hrane za 0,9% u poređenju proizvodnim rezultatima kod kontrolne grupe držane u klasičnim kavezima. U strukturi troškova većim udelom troškova materijala u ukupnim troškovima, zbog relativno ravnomernog smanjenja udela troškova zarada i troškova amortizacije objekata i opreme, i bez obzira na to, budući da utrošak materijala ima direktnu korelaciju sa vrednosti proizvodnje navedenu promenu je moguće okarakterisati kao pozitivnu tako da se primenom nove tehnologije držanja prasadi iznos ukupnih troškova smanjio za preko 7%, te se u celini ostvareni ukupan pozitivan finansijski rezultat od 10,6% može tumačiti kao veoma zadovoljavajući, U celini dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se primenom nove tehnologije držanja prasadi u odgoju ostvaruju pozitivni efekti na proizvodne i finansijske rezultate a time i na dobrobit kod ove kategorije svinja

    Korelativni odnosi između nekih pokazatelja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova u nekonvencionalnim uslovima držanja

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    Major qualitative parameters of Landrace pig carcasses are presented in this paper. Phenotypic correlation between carcass quality indices and meat yield of carcass sides was investigated. Fatteners included in this research (117) were reared in non-conventional conditions, on deep litter, and as litter straw was used. Meat yield of pig carcass sides was evaluated on the slaughter line using the 'two point' method (Džinić et al. 2004) and mathematical model using FOM-device (defined by Petrović et al. 1996). Meat yield of carcass sides estimated using FOM was 56,29%, and by method of 'two points' 53,16%. Of basic quality parameters of pig carcasses the strongest correlation assessed using FOM device was established between meat yield of carcass side and thickens of fat tissue - LF and RF, and using the method of two points, between meat yield of carcass side and thickness of fat tissue - X1 i X2. Established correlations were negative, strong and statistically significant (-0,85**; -0,87**and -0,97**; -0,77**). Results of the assessment of quality of pig carcasses obtained using method of two points (53,16%) and by instrumental method on right carcass sides using FOM device (56,29%) differed, which indicates need to develop new equations for evaluation/assessment of share of muscle tissue in pig carcasses.U radu su prikazani važniji kvalitativni parametri svinjskih trupova rase švedski landras. Ispitivana je i fenotipska povezanost pokazatelja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova sa mesnatošću polutki. Tovljenici obuhvaćeni ovim ispitivanjem (117) držani su u nekonvencionalnim uslovima, na dubokoj prostirci, a kao prostirka u tovu korišćena je slama. Na liniji klanja ocenjena je mesnatost svinjskih polutki metodom 'dve tačke (Džinić et al. 2004) i matematičkim modelom FOM-uređajem (koji su definisali Petrović et al. 1996). Mesnatost polutki procenjena FOM-uređajem iznosila je 56,29%, a metodom 'dve tačke' 53,16%. Od osnovnih pokazatelja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova u najjačoj povezanosti s mesnatošću polutki (procenjene FOM-uređajem) bila je debljina masnog tkiva LF i RF i debljina slanine X1 i X2 (ocenjena metodom 'dve tačke'). Ustanovljene korelacije su bile negativne, jake i statistički značajne (-0,85**; -0,87**i -0,97**; - 0,77**).Dobijeni rezultati vrednovanja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova metodom 'dve tačke' (53,16%) i instrumentalnom metodom na toplim desnim polutkama, FOM-uređajem (56,29%) odstupaju, što ukazuje na potrebu izrade novih jednačina za procenu udela mišićnog tkiva u trupovima svinja

    Pokazatelji kvaliteta - kvalitet polutki i mesa svinja različitih genotipova

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    In the paper, lean meat and quality of meat from pigs of 5 different genotypes were investigated: pure Landrace breed (L), genotype A; two hybrid combinations (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Duroc (LY x L) x D, genotype B; (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Pietrain (LY x L) x P, genotype C; and tow recurrent mating combinations: (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Large Yorkshire (F1x LY, genotype D) and (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Landrace (F1 x L, genotype E). Relevant indicators of lean meat were analyzed early post mortem and by method of partial dissection on cooled left carcass sides according to recommendation of EU. By analysis of obtained results it was established that the best indicator of lean meat of pig carcass sides mass of muscle tissue in four main parts. This conclusion derives from the fact that fatteners (genotype C) which had the greatest mass of muscle tissue in four main parts (15,33kg) also had the highest lean meat share in leg, shoulder, back-loin part (BLP) and belly-rib part (BRP) (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% and 44,99%) and highest share of muscle tissue in carcass sides when any of the mentioned investigation methods was applied (51,23 and 60,73%) compared to fatteners of other investigated genotypes. The quality of meat was investigated by determination of its technological quality and chemical composition of the MLD. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD meat exhibited significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C, as well as B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigments corresponds with average values characterizing muscles of normal properties. By analysis of obtained results we can conclude that fatteners of genotype E had the highest meat yield in carcass sides, but of slightly lower quality, which indicates the need for further work on improvement of meat quality.U radu su vršena ispitivanja mesnatosti i kvaliteta mesa svinja 5 različitih genotipova, od čega jedna čista rasa landras (L) dve hibridne kombinacije: (veliki jorkšir x landras) x durok (VJ x L) x D, genotip B; (veliki jorkšir x landras) x pietren (VJ x L) x P, genotip C; i dve povratne kombinacije parenja: (veliki jorkšir x landras) x veliki jorkšir (F1x VJ, grenotip D) i (veliki jorkšir x landras) x landras (F1 x L, genotip E). Analizirani su i relevantni pokazatelji mesnatosti ocenjeni rano post mortem na liniji klanja FOM metodom i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da je najbolji indikator mesnatosti svinjskih polutki masa mišićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela. Ovakav zaključak proizilazi iz činjenice zato što su tovljenici (genotip C), imali najveću masu mišićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela (15,33kg) i najveći udeo mišićnog tkiva u butu, plećki, LSD i TRD (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% i 44,99%) i najveći udeo mišićnog tkiva u polutkama pri korišćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ispitivanja (51,23 i 60,73%) u odnosu na tovljenike ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Ispitivan je i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnološkog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a. Tehnološki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriše mišiće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama no nešto umanjenog kvaliteta, što iziskuje dalji rad na poboljšanju kvaliteta mesa

    Fiksni deo modela za procenu priplodne vrednosti svinja na osnovu veličine legla

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    The goal of this paper was to investigate the effect of various fixed effects on the number of born alive piglets in litter (NBA), based on results of Swedish Landrace sow fertility on three farms in Serbia, in order to determine the best adapted model for assessing genetic parameters and breeding value. Analysis of phenotipic variability of the NBA of Swedish Landrace sows was carried out based on fertility results on three swine farms (A, B and C) in the Republic of Serbia. Data sets encompassed reproduction indicators for 2803 (A), 1826 (B) and 2235 (C) sows, i.e. their 11014, 6757 and 8452 litters, respectively. For this analysis was used fix model of least square method which includes fixed effects of farrowing number, season of conception shown as combination of year and month, litter genotype, duration of previous period from weaning to conception, effect of sow age at farrowing like quadratic regression nested within farrowing number and linear regression influence of duration of previous lactation. The average NBA was within the interval from 9.13 (A) to 9.76 piglets (B and C). The monitored trait statistically highly significantly (p lt 0.001) varied under the effect of all systematic factors encompassed by the applied model, regardless of the source of analyzed data, Only the linear regression effect of duration of previous lactation for farm B was assessed as having lower statistical significance (p lt 0.05).Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih sistematskih faktora na variranje broja živorođene prasadi u leglu (BŽP) radi određivanja najprilagođenijeg modela za ocenu genetskih parametara i procenu priplodne vrednosti krmača. Analiza fenotipske varijabilnosti BŽP u leglima krmača rase švedski landras sprovedena je na osnovu reproduktivnih pokazatelja 2803 (farma A), 1826 (farma B) i 2235 (farma C) krmača, odnosno njihovih 11014, 6757 i 8452 legala, respektivno. Korišćen je fiksni model metoda najmanjih kvadrata u koga su bili uključeni uticaj prašenja po redu, sezone uspešnog pripusta, genotipa legla, trajanja perioda zalučenje - oplodnja, kvadratni regresijski uticaj starosti krmače pri prašenju ugnježđen u okviru prašenja po redu i linearni regresijski uticaj trajanja prethodne laktacije. Prosečan BŽP se kretao u intervalu od 9.13 (A) do 9.76 (B i C). Svi determinisani uticaji obuhvaćeni modelom su ispoljili statistički vrlo visoko značajan uticaj (p lt 0.001) na variranje BŽP nezavisno od toga koji set podataka je bio analiziran, osim uticaja trajanja prethodne laktacije na farmi B koji je bio ocenjen kao statistički značajan (p lt 0.05)