22 research outputs found


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    Abstract HOLLEINOVÁ, V., ČECHOVÁ, J.: The detection of viruses and phytoplasmas in dwarfed shoots of grapevine varieties The survey of occurrence of six chosen virus pathogens and phytoplasmas complex was done on plants of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) which showed symptoms of short-shoot syndrom. The results of serological and molecular tests did not confi rm either virus or phytoplasma infection as the main source of short-shoot syndrom. The presence of 6 viruses in samples taken from 45 aff ected plants of grapevine on 4 habitats. The highest occurrence of viruses was found out on habitat Moravská Nová Ves, where all taken samples were infected by Grapevine leafroll-associated virus GLRaV-1 (100 %). In 66 % of the samples taken from that habitat were detected mixed infection of Grapevine virus A and GLRaV-1. These 2 pathogens but were not detected in samples from aff ected plants from the other habitats or very sporadically -just in 2 plants. Another 4 virus pathogens were detected either sporadically (Grapevine fl eck virus, Grapevine leafroll-assoc. virus GLRaV-3, Arabis mosaic virus) or not at all (Grapevine fanleaf virus). From 270 tests made to 6 viruses were only 20 positive, e. g. 7.4 %. It means that from 45 plants were 15 infected at least by 1 virus (33 %). The phytoplasmas complex was tested in 28 plants. The result was positive only in 1 plant, by another test the Potato stolbur phytoplasma was confi rmed

    The detection of viruses and phytoplasmas in dwarfed shoots of grapevine varieties Aurelius and Neuburger

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    The survey of occurrence of six chosen virus pathogens and phytoplasmas complex was done on plants of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) which showed symptoms of short-shoot syndrom. The results of serological and molecular tests did not confirm either virus or phytoplasma infection as the main source of short-shoot syndrom. The presence of 6 viruses in samples taken from 45 affected plants of grapevine on 4 habitats. The highest occurrence of viruses was found out on habitat Moravská Nová Ves, where all taken samples were infected by Grapevine leafroll-associated virus GLRaV-1 (100 %). In 66 % of the samples taken from that habitat were detected mixed infection of Grapevine virus A and GLRaV-1. These 2 pathogens but were not detected in samples from affected plants from the other habitats or very sporadically – just in 2 plants. Another 4 virus pathogens were detected either sporadically (Grapevine fleck virus, Grapevine leafroll-assoc. virus GLRaV-3, Arabis mosaic virus) or not at all (Grapevine fanleaf virus). From 270 tests made to 6 viruses were only 20 positive, e. g. 7.4 %. It means that from 45 plants were 15 infected at least by 1 virus (33 %). The phytoplasmas complex was tested in 28 plants. The result was positive only in 1 plant, by another test the Potato stolbur phytoplasma was confirmed

    Ocena różnych metod ekstrakcji dna w celu wykrycia bakterii Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris w liściach kapusty

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    The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris (Xcc) as the causal agent of black rot of cruciferous plants causes considerable losses in agricultural yield all over the world. The control of black rot is difficult as well as the determination of Xccon the basis of morphological parameters or by pathogenicity testing. Ten different possibilities for extraction bacterial DNA followed by PCR detection method were tested to optimize PCR protocol. On the basis of ISTA validated method, three sets of primers UBP 1052F-BACR, DLH 120-125 and ZUP 2309-2310 were used. The results of measured concentration and quality of DNA and efficacy for PCR amplification were compared. Finally, three approaches for DNA extraction within Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris detection protocol were recommended – commercial kits used for isolation from tissues by Macherey-Nagel and MO BIO and kit intended for microbial cultures by MO BIO.Bakteria Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris (Xcc) jako przyczyna czarnej zgnilizny roślin z rodziny krzyżowych powoduje znaczne straty w plonie rolniczym na całym świecie. Zwalczanie czarnej zgnilizny, a także określenie Xcc na podstawie parametrów morfologicznych lub za pomocą testów patogeniczności jest trudne. W celu zoptymalizowania protokołu PCR przetestowano dziesięć różnych możliwości ekstrakcji DNA, a następnie metodę PCR. Na podstawie walidowanej metody ISTA za-stosowano trzy zestawy primerów, mianowicie UBP 1052F-BACR, DLH 120-125 i ZUP 2309-2310. Porównano wyniki zmierzonego stężenia i jakości DNA oraz skuteczności dla amplifikacji PCR. Zalecono trzy sposoby ekstrakcji DNA w ramach protokołu detekcji Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris: zestaw komercyjny używany do izolacji z tkanek według Macherey-Nagel, MO BIO oraz zestaw dla hodowli mikrobowych według MO BIO

    Evaluation of human thorax FE model in various impact scenarios

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    The study focused on the validation of the 50th percentile male model — a detailed FE model of the thoracic segment of the human body developed within project Development of a Finite Element Model of the Human Thorax and Upper Extremities (THOMO) co-funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme). The model response was tested in three impact scenarios: frontal, lateral and oblique. The resulting impactor contact force vs. time and chest deflection vs. time responses were compared with experimental results. The strain profile of the 5th rib was checked with lateral and oblique strain profiles from post-mortem human subject (PMHS) experiments. The influence of heart and lungs on the mechanical response of the model was assessed and the material data configuration, giving the most biofidelic thorax behaviour, was identified

    Evaluation of human thorax FE model in various impact scenarios

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    The study focused on the validation of the 50 th percentile male model — a detailed FE model of the thoracic segment of the human body developed within project Development of a Finite Element Model of the Human Thorax and Upper Extremities (THOMO) co-funded by the European Commission (7 th Framework Programme). The model response was tested in three impact scenarios: frontal, lateral and oblique. The resulting impactor contact force vs. time and chest deflection vs. time responses were compared with experimental results. The strain profile of the 5th rib was checked with lateral and oblique strain profiles from post-mortem human subject (PMHS) experiments. The influence of heart and lungs on the mechanical response of the model was assessed and the material data configuration, giving the most biofidelic thorax behaviour, was identified