115 research outputs found

    O-glycosylation in plant proteins

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    O-glikozilacija mucinskog tipa je dobro proučena kod sisavaca, ali ne i kod biljaka. Pročišćene nereducirajuće proteinske (prolaminske) frakcije topljive u alkoholu, dobivene iz sjemenaka riže, proučavane su kako bi se ustanovila prisutnost O-vezanih oligosaharida. Budući da je mala vjerojatnost da su skladišni prolamini O-glikozilirani, prisutnost O-glikozilacije u ekstraktu mogla bi se pripisati ko-ekstrahiranim proteinima, bilo to zbog njihove asociranosti s proteinskim tijelom ili zbog njihove topljivosti. Analize provedene SDS-PAGE i MS metodama otkrile su proteinske obitelji od 14 i 16 kDa prisutne u pročišćenim prolaminskim frakcijama koje su se vezale za lektine aglutinina iz kikirikija (PNA), lektine iz biljke Vicia villosa (VVL) i Jacalin, što ukazuje na prisutnost O-vezanih saharida. Otkriven je i udio ugljikohidrata koji sadrţe O-vezan GlcNAc motiv. Protein blotting s anti-O-GlcNAc protutijelom je bio pozitivan za subpopulaciju frakcije proteina od 14 kDa, ali hot capping eksperiment je bio negativan. Stoga, GlcNAc ogranak najvjerojatnije nije teminalan. Obilježavanje fluorescentnim bojama i analize HPLC pokazale su vrh koji sadrži Gal-β-(1→3)-GalNAc. O-glikozilacije mogla bi pridonositi proteinskoj funkcionalnosti ili regulaciji, ali daljnja istraživanja su potrebna kako bi se identificirali specifični proteini koji imaju ovakve modifikacije.Mucin-type O-glycosylation has been well characterized in mammalian systems but not in plants. The purified alcohol-soluble, non-reduced protein (prolamin) fraction from rice seed was investigated for the occurrence of O-linked oligosaccharides. As it is unlikely that storage prolamins are O-glycosylated, any O-gycosylation present in the extract could be attributable to co-extracted proteins, whether because of their association with the protein body or solubility. SDS-PAGE and MS analyses revealed 14 and 16 kDa protein families present in purified prolamin fractions that bound to the lectins peanut agglutinin (PNA), Vicia villosa lectin (VVL) and Jacalin, indicative of the presence of O-linked saccharides. A GlcNAc-containing O-linked carbohydrate moiety was discovered. Protein blotting with anti-O-GlcNAc antibody was positive in a subpopulation of the 14 kDa protein fraction, but a hot capping experiment was negative. Therefore, the GlcNAc residue is unlikely to be terminal. Fluorescent labeling and HPLC analysis demonstrated a peak consistent with Gal-β-(1→3)-GalNAc, with similar MS/MS fragmentation. O-glycosylation may contribute towards protein funcionality or regulation but further investigation is required to identify the specific proteins with these modifications


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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je identificirati odrednice neprepoznatog dijabetesa tipa 2 u populaciji grada Splita i otoka Korčule. MATERIJALI I METODE: Presječnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je ukupno 3.821 ispitanika od kojih 1.012 iz Splita i 2.809 sa otoka Korčule. Stanovnici istočnog dijela Korčule uključeni su 2007. godine, stanovnici iz Splita 2008. i 2009. godine, a 2013. i 2014. stanovnici zapadnog dijela Korčule. Korišteni su demografski parametri (dob i spol), antropometrijski parametri, rezultati biokemijskih analiza (kolesterol, HDL, LDL, trigliceridi, mokraćna kiselina, albumini i kalcij), rezultati kliničkog pregleda (dijastolički i sistolički tlak) te podatak iz povijesti bolesti o postojanju šećerne bolesti. Korištene su biokemijske pretrage razine glukoze u krvi i mjerenja HbA1c, a kao kriterij za postavljanje nove dijagnoze šećerne bolesti uzet je HbA1c ˃ 6,5. Analiza podataka izvršena je hi-kvadrat i t-testom. U zadnjem analitičkom koraku korištena je logistička regresija. Korištene su još i ROC krivulje te klasifikacijsko stablo. Sve analize provedene su korištenjem IBM SPSS verzija 19 (IBM Corp, Amrok, USA). Razina statističke značajnosti postavljena je na P<0,05. REZULTATI: Uspoređujući dvije populacije (stanovnike grada Splita i otoka Korčule) razlika u spolu pokazala se statistički neznačajna dok su se starija dob i niža razina obrazovanja pokazali statistički značajnima i svi navedeni parametri bili su na boljoj razini kod stanovnika grada Splita. Dobna raspodjela 231 ispitanika sa već dijagnosticiranim dijabetesom pokazala je da se većinom radi o starijoj populaciji. Mjerenje HbA1c otkrilo je 102 nova slučaja, ali i 129 loše reguliranih ispitanika od 231 sa već postojećom dijagnozom u povijesti bolesti. Logističkom regresijom novo-dijagnosticiranih pokazala je kao pozitivne prediktore stariju životnu dob, podrijetlo, povećan indeks tjelesne mase, nižu razinu obrazovanja i povećan sistolički tlak. Od pozitivnih prediktora loše regulirane šećerne bolesti kod već oboljelih istakli su se veća životna dob, povećan indeks tjelesne mase, razina obrazovanja. Od biokemijskih pokazatelja ROC krivuljama osim povišenih razina glukoze i HbA1c pozitivnu prediktivnost pokazali su i trigliceridi. Klasifikacijskim stablom precizno je izračunato kako se povećanjem razine triglicerida povećava šansa za dijabetes. ZAKLJUČAK: Istraživanje ima svoju kliničku vrijednost detekcije odrednica neprepoznatog dijabetesa tipa 2. Potrebna su, svakako, i daljna istraživanja u ovom području kako bi se već na razini primarne zdravstvene zaštite na vrijeme uočile promjene u specifičnim parametrima. Tako bi se moglo usporiti ili čak spriječiti razvoj dijabetesa melitusa tipa 2, a time i njegovih ozbiljnih komplikacija koje značajno opterećuju zdravstveni sustav.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify determinants of incidental type 2 diabetes in the population of the city of Split and the island of Korčula. MATERIALS AND METODS: A cross-sectional study included 3,821 patients, of which 1,012 were recruited in Split and in 2,809 the island of Korčula. Residents of the eastern part of Korčula were included in 2007, and residents of Split in 2008 and 2009. In 2013 and 2014 residents of the western part of Korčula were additionally included. Study used demographic parameters (age and gender), anthropometric parameters, the results of biochemical analysis (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, uric acid, albumins and calcium), the results of clinical examination (diastolic and systolic pressure) and data from the history of the existence of diabetes. Biochemistry included blood glucose levels and HbA1c measurements. As a criterion for setting up a new diagnosis of diabetes, HbA1c ˃6,5. Data analysis was performed chi-square and t-test. In the final analytical step was used logistic regression. There were also used ROC curves and classification tree. All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS version 19 (IBM Corp., Amrok, USA). The level of significance was set at P <0.05. RESULTS: Comparing two populations (residents of Split and the island of Korcula) differences in sex proved to be statistically insignificant. The age, education level, subjective and objective financial situation showed statistically significant and all those parameters were at the better level in the population of the city of Split. The age distribution of 231 patients with already diagnosed diabetes mellitus has shown the majority of the older population. The measurement of HbA1c revealed 102 new cases, and 129 poorly regulated patients from 231 with an existing diagnosis in medical history. Logistic regression showed that newly diagnosed as positive predictors are old age, origin, increased body mass index, increased systolic pressure and lower education. From positive predictors badly regulated diabetes mellitus in patients pointed out the higher age, increased body mass index and the level of education. From biochemical ROC curves other than elevated blood glucose and HbA1c positive predictor were triglycerides. Classification tree has precisely shown how increase of triglyceride levels increases the chances for diabetes. CONCLUSION: The research has a clinical value of detection of an unrecognized determinant of type 2 diabetes are needed, of course, and further research in this area to be already at the level of primary health care at the time detect changes in specific parameters. That could slow down or even prevent the development of diabetes mellitus type 2, and thus its serious complications that significantly burden the health care system

    Validation of Francis Water Turbine CFD Simulations

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    This paper compares data from calculated and measured results covering the whole operating range for a 20 MW Francis turbine in order to validate the CFD simulation. Computed hydraulic characteristics are determined for each analyzed operating point by running numerical simulations of turbulent fluid flow through a complete Francis Turbine model using the commercial fluid flow solver Fluent. The measured hydraulic characteristics were defined by on-site measurements according to the IEC41 international field acceptance test standard. The computed characteristics show very good conformity of values and trend-lines with measured characteristics over the whole operating range. The deviations are lowest around the optimum and increase towards the boundaries of the operating range where the vorticity in the turbine diffuser is more significant. The aim was to analyze the behavior of the existing turbine and fine-tune the whole numerical experiment to achieve the level of accuracy necessary for a concept design of a revitalized turbine

    Analysis of Propane Thermal State in Underground Tanks Taking Into Consideration Design Issues

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    The paper presents an analysis of annual variations of temperature and the corresponding saturation pressure of saturated liquid propane in a mounded cylindrical tank used for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage. A mathematical model has been established based on a finite volume method. Boundary and initial conditions have been assumed for the Croatian climate. Simulations have been performed using the commercial CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) code on the representative numerical example. Analysis results have been presented through diagrams. It has been pointed out that the present regulation and practice for such tanks defines too high a design pressure of 1.64 MPa for the Croatian climate and that pressure of 1.2 MPa is sufficient to ensure proper design of such vessels. Significant simplifications and savings in production process can be achieved by changing the unnecessarily high design pressure

    Numerical analysis of Wells turbine for wave power conversion

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    The sea wave energy is one of the high potential renewable energy sources. The Wells turbine as the main part of the Oscillalting Water Column energy plant is analyzed in this paper.  The Wells turbine uses air flow produced by the pressure change inside the oscillating water column. Efficient energy transformation is achieved with the use of self-rectifying Wells air turbine. Since the tangential force of the rotor acts only in one direction even though airflow is oscillating, turbine rotates always in the same direction. Series of numerical simulations are performed using software package FLUENT for the wide span of non-dimensional flow rate coefficient (fi) and employing three different turbulent models. Structured numerical mesh and application of the axisymmetric periodical boundary conditions raised the accuracy of the numerical model while reducing computational load three times compared to the model with the fully meshed domain. Finally, operation of the OWC plant consisting of the air chamber and the turbine was simulated for the Adriatic sea maritime conditions, giving satisfactory energy output considering compact dimension of the whole plant

    O-glycosylation in plant proteins

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    O-glikozilacija mucinskog tipa je dobro proučena kod sisavaca, ali ne i kod biljaka. Pročišćene nereducirajuće proteinske (prolaminske) frakcije topljive u alkoholu, dobivene iz sjemenaka riže, proučavane su kako bi se ustanovila prisutnost O-vezanih oligosaharida. Budući da je mala vjerojatnost da su skladišni prolamini O-glikozilirani, prisutnost O-glikozilacije u ekstraktu mogla bi se pripisati ko-ekstrahiranim proteinima, bilo to zbog njihove asociranosti s proteinskim tijelom ili zbog njihove topljivosti. Analize provedene SDS-PAGE i MS metodama otkrile su proteinske obitelji od 14 i 16 kDa prisutne u pročišćenim prolaminskim frakcijama koje su se vezale za lektine aglutinina iz kikirikija (PNA), lektine iz biljke Vicia villosa (VVL) i Jacalin, što ukazuje na prisutnost O-vezanih saharida. Otkriven je i udio ugljikohidrata koji sadrţe O-vezan GlcNAc motiv. Protein blotting s anti-O-GlcNAc protutijelom je bio pozitivan za subpopulaciju frakcije proteina od 14 kDa, ali hot capping eksperiment je bio negativan. Stoga, GlcNAc ogranak najvjerojatnije nije teminalan. Obilježavanje fluorescentnim bojama i analize HPLC pokazale su vrh koji sadrži Gal-β-(1→3)-GalNAc. O-glikozilacije mogla bi pridonositi proteinskoj funkcionalnosti ili regulaciji, ali daljnja istraživanja su potrebna kako bi se identificirali specifični proteini koji imaju ovakve modifikacije.Mucin-type O-glycosylation has been well characterized in mammalian systems but not in plants. The purified alcohol-soluble, non-reduced protein (prolamin) fraction from rice seed was investigated for the occurrence of O-linked oligosaccharides. As it is unlikely that storage prolamins are O-glycosylated, any O-gycosylation present in the extract could be attributable to co-extracted proteins, whether because of their association with the protein body or solubility. SDS-PAGE and MS analyses revealed 14 and 16 kDa protein families present in purified prolamin fractions that bound to the lectins peanut agglutinin (PNA), Vicia villosa lectin (VVL) and Jacalin, indicative of the presence of O-linked saccharides. A GlcNAc-containing O-linked carbohydrate moiety was discovered. Protein blotting with anti-O-GlcNAc antibody was positive in a subpopulation of the 14 kDa protein fraction, but a hot capping experiment was negative. Therefore, the GlcNAc residue is unlikely to be terminal. Fluorescent labeling and HPLC analysis demonstrated a peak consistent with Gal-β-(1→3)-GalNAc, with similar MS/MS fragmentation. O-glycosylation may contribute towards protein funcionality or regulation but further investigation is required to identify the specific proteins with these modifications


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    Poslovanje svakog poduzeća je uvjetovano kvalitetnim upravljanjem troškovima. Upravo je upravljanje troškovima jedan od elemenata poslovanja kojemu treba pridati posebnu pozornost Svako loše i nekvalitetno upravljanje troškovima poslovanje poduzeća dovodi u probleme. Donošenje odluke o cijeni svakog pojedinog proizvoda/usluge nije jednostavno jer ovisi upravo o troškovima koje ono ostvaruje, te planiranoj dobiti poduzeća. Pri tome se treba voditi računa i o konkurentskim cijenama kako ne bi bila prevelika odstupanja, te voditi računa o kvaliteti proizvoda/usluga koje se nude. U ovom se radu promatrala primjena metoda upravljanja troškovima kod utvrđivanja prodajnih cijena proizvoda na primjeru poduzeća ‘‘X’’. To je obiteljsko poduzeće sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom proizvodnje sira. Promatrajući definiranje nekoliko vrsta sira vidljivo je kako menadžment poduzeća vodi računa o troškovima poslovanja, te konkurentskim cijenama sira. Na taj način nastoje ostvarivati konkurentsku prednost, značajan tržišni udio i poslovni uspjeh.The business of each company is conditioned by quality cost management. Cost management is one of the business elements that need to be given special attention. Any bad and poor quality management of business costs leads to problems. Deciding on the price of each individual product / service is not easy because it depends precisely on the costs it incurs and the company's planned profits. It should also be taken into account at competitive prices in order to avoid excessive deviations and to take into account the quality of the products / services being offered. In this paper, has been analyse cost management methods in determining the sales prices of the product on the example of company ‘‘X’’. It is a family enterprise with many years of cheese production experience. By looking at several types of cheese, it is clear that the management of the company takes into account the operating costs and the competitive prices of cheese. In this way, it strives to achieve competitive advantage, significant market share and business success


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    Koža je najveći ljudski organ koji se sastoji od tri sloja: epidermisa, dermisa i supkutanog masnog tkiva. Koža ima i pomoćne organe, a to su: dlake, žlijezde lojnice, znojnice i mirisne žlijezde te nokte. Dermatitis ili ekcem je vrsta upalne reakcije na koži koji može biti izazvan raznim unutarnjim ili vanjskim čimbenicima. Postoji nekoliko vrsta dermatitisa, a jedan od njih je i atopijski dermatitis. Atopijski dermatitis je kronična upalna bolest kože koju karakterizira crvenilo, suha koža, svrbež. To je najčešća dječja kožna bolest. Udružena je s drugim atopijskim bolestima, tako da kod te djece se mogu očekivati i pojava astme, alergijskog rinitisa. Stvarni uzrok bolesti nije poznat, ali je dokazana nasljedna sklonost. U 80% slučajeva dijete razvije atopijski dermatitis ako ga imaju oba roditelja, a 60% djece ako ga ima jedan roditelj. Bolest najčešće počinje između 2. i 6. mjeseca života, ali može početi i u starijoj dobi. Prognoza bolesti je dobra jer u većine djece tegobe prestanu nakon dojenačke dobi ili nakon puberteta. Simptomi atopijskog dermatitisa su: jak svrbež kože, suha koža, crvenilo, otečenost i stvaranje krasta. S obzirom kada se javljaju kožne promjene, klinička slika atopijskog dermatitisa se dijeli na tri skupine. To su: atopijski dermatitis dojenačke dobi, atopijski dermatitis dječje dobi i atopijski dermatitis odraslih. U dojenčadi kožne promjene se najčešće javljaju na čelu, obrazima, vratu, prednjoj strani ručica i nožica, te oko ručnog i skočnog zgloba. U dječjoj dobi promjene postaju blaže. Najčešće su vidljive na koži pregiba velikih zglobova laktova i koljena. Kod odraslih broj zahvaćenih mjesta je manji jer sazrijeva imunološki odgovor. Promjene se mogu vidjeti oko očiju, usta, kod žena oko bradavica na dojkama. Atopijski dermatitis se dijagnosticira na temelju anamneze i kliničke slike. U kliničkoj slici trebaju biti prisutna tri ili više osnovnih obilježja plus tri ili više sporednih obilježja. U dijagnostici se koristi i alergološka obrada, a to su: testovi za dokazivanje IgE protutijela RIST i RAST, prick test, skarifikacijski test, atopijski epikutani patch test. Komplikacije koje mogu nastati kod atopijskog dermatitisa su bakterijske, virusne i gljivične infekcije te kontaktni alergijski dermatitis. Liječenje atopijskog dermatitisa je simptomatsko. Potrebno je izbjegavati alergene koji dovode do pogoršanja bolesti. Od lijekova se koriste lokalni kortikosteroidi, antibiotici, antihistaminici, lokalni imunomodulatori te se može primjenjivati i fototerapija. Kožu je potrebno njegovati vlažnim kremama. Kroz zdravstveni odgoj medicinska sestra nastoji oboljele osobe i njihove obitelji educirati o bolesti, izlječenju, načinu života. Pruža im podršku koja je jako bitna oboljelom i njegovoj obitelji.Skin is the largest human organ that consist of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat tissue. Skin has some secondary organs, too: hair, sebaceous gland, sweat gland and apocrine gland as well as nails. Dermatitis or eczema is a kind of an inflamatory reaction on skin that can be provoked by many internal or external factors. There are several types of dermatitis and one of them is atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by redness of the skin, dry skin and itching. It is the most common skin disease among children. It is combined with other atopic illnesses so it can lead to asthma or an allergic rhinitis. The true cause for the illness is unknown but it is proven to have a hereditory predisposition. In 80 % of cases a child develops an atopic dermatitis if both parents suffer of it and 60 % if one parent has it. The illness usually starts between the second and the sixth month of baby's life but it can start later on, too. The prognosis is good because in most cases the symptoms cease after infancy or puberty. The sympthoms of an atopic dermatitis are bad itching, dry skin, redness and swollness as well as forming scrabs. Since some changes occur on the skin, clinical picture of atopic dermatitis is divided into three groups. These are: atopic dermatitis in infants, children and adults. In infancy skin changes usually occur on the forehead, cheeks, neck, front parts of hands and legs, as well as wrists and leg joints. In children changes become milder. They are commonly seen on skin, on crooks of big joints of elbows and knees. In adults it spreads on fewer parts of skin because their immune system reacts. Changes can be seen around eyes, mouth and in women in nipple area and on breasts. Atopic dermatitis is diagnosed according to patient's medical history and clinical feature. In clinical feature there should be three or more basic criteria plus three or more secondar. In diagnostics allergy tests are also done. They are an IgE antibody tests, RIST and RAST, a prick test, a scratch test, patch test. Complications that can be found in atopic dermatitis are bacterial, viral and fungal infections as well as contact allergic dermatitis. Treating of the atopic dermatitis is symptomatical. It is necessary to avoid allergens that can lead to medical deterioration. Drugs that are used are local corticosteroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, local immunomodulators and phototherapy can also be applied. It is necessary to use moisturizing creams. Through medical education a nurse is trying to educate patients and their families on the illness, healing and the way of living. He/she gives them support that is very important to the patient and their family

    O-glycosylation in plant proteins

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    O-glikozilacija mucinskog tipa je dobro proučena kod sisavaca, ali ne i kod biljaka. Pročišćene nereducirajuće proteinske (prolaminske) frakcije topljive u alkoholu, dobivene iz sjemenaka riže, proučavane su kako bi se ustanovila prisutnost O-vezanih oligosaharida. Budući da je mala vjerojatnost da su skladišni prolamini O-glikozilirani, prisutnost O-glikozilacije u ekstraktu mogla bi se pripisati ko-ekstrahiranim proteinima, bilo to zbog njihove asociranosti s proteinskim tijelom ili zbog njihove topljivosti. Analize provedene SDS-PAGE i MS metodama otkrile su proteinske obitelji od 14 i 16 kDa prisutne u pročišćenim prolaminskim frakcijama koje su se vezale za lektine aglutinina iz kikirikija (PNA), lektine iz biljke Vicia villosa (VVL) i Jacalin, što ukazuje na prisutnost O-vezanih saharida. Otkriven je i udio ugljikohidrata koji sadrţe O-vezan GlcNAc motiv. Protein blotting s anti-O-GlcNAc protutijelom je bio pozitivan za subpopulaciju frakcije proteina od 14 kDa, ali hot capping eksperiment je bio negativan. Stoga, GlcNAc ogranak najvjerojatnije nije teminalan. Obilježavanje fluorescentnim bojama i analize HPLC pokazale su vrh koji sadrži Gal-β-(1→3)-GalNAc. O-glikozilacije mogla bi pridonositi proteinskoj funkcionalnosti ili regulaciji, ali daljnja istraživanja su potrebna kako bi se identificirali specifični proteini koji imaju ovakve modifikacije.Mucin-type O-glycosylation has been well characterized in mammalian systems but not in plants. The purified alcohol-soluble, non-reduced protein (prolamin) fraction from rice seed was investigated for the occurrence of O-linked oligosaccharides. As it is unlikely that storage prolamins are O-glycosylated, any O-gycosylation present in the extract could be attributable to co-extracted proteins, whether because of their association with the protein body or solubility. SDS-PAGE and MS analyses revealed 14 and 16 kDa protein families present in purified prolamin fractions that bound to the lectins peanut agglutinin (PNA), Vicia villosa lectin (VVL) and Jacalin, indicative of the presence of O-linked saccharides. A GlcNAc-containing O-linked carbohydrate moiety was discovered. Protein blotting with anti-O-GlcNAc antibody was positive in a subpopulation of the 14 kDa protein fraction, but a hot capping experiment was negative. Therefore, the GlcNAc residue is unlikely to be terminal. Fluorescent labeling and HPLC analysis demonstrated a peak consistent with Gal-β-(1→3)-GalNAc, with similar MS/MS fragmentation. O-glycosylation may contribute towards protein funcionality or regulation but further investigation is required to identify the specific proteins with these modifications