36 research outputs found
National solidarity and unity in the works of fra Rajmund Rudež, fra Josip Vergilij PeriÄ and don Ilija UjeviÄ
The paper analyzes the cultural, literary, and political activities of three priests related to the area of Imotska Krajina in terms of their by origin, works and service. An analysis of selected political and literary texts written in the last two decades of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century will show how the priestsā discourse followed the development of Croatian intelligentsia in terms of balancing between spiritual and political Slavic unity and the vision of an independent and properly united Croatia. While in political works the priests expressed stronger rebellion, their literary works are a continuation of pastoral work, but without greater artistic value with a clear didactic message. The purpose of both types of texts is to continue the revival work, to enlighten the Zagora part of Dalmatia and to spread Croatian thought. They differ in their view of the solution to the Croatian question, political affinities, level of engagement, position and function, while what they have in common is the work on internal harmony, which among those more politically engaged included rebellion against Croatiaās internal and external enemies
The paper presents the results of field research of intragroup communication and language practices of members of one of the most recognizable Split subcultures ā picigin players. The fundamental research question is whether a specific intra-group code was created within the urban vernacular of the city of Split under conditions of long-term intensive contact in a predominantly male circle ā in the form of a special sociolect or only a communicative style, i.e. in what way language practice contributes to the formation of the identity of the researched group. The material collected by surveying and interviewing members of this community is analyzed from a narrower linguistic aspect, but also interpreted in a broader (socio)linguistic context. The collected language units with broader intra-group usage, mainly lexemes and idioms, including onymes, are categorized in terms of meaning, and the most frequent word formation processes and associated metaphorical concepts are specified as well. The paper also discusses the attitudes of picigin players towards different language varieties of the city of Split, as well as some gender aspects of their intragroup communication and the role of humor in shaping and expressing their social identity.U radu su predstavljeni rezultati terenskoga istraživanja unutargrupnih komunikacijskih i jeziÄnih praksi pripadnika jedne od najprepoznatljivijih splitskih supkultura ā igraÄa picigina. Temeljno istraživaÄko pitanje jest je li se u okviru splitskoga urbanolekta u uvjetima dugotrajnoga intenzivnog kontakta u dominantno muÅ”kom krugu stvorio specifiÄan unutargrupni kod ā u vidu posebnoga sociolekta ili tek komunikacijskoga stila, odnosno kakvu ulogu u formiranju identiteta istraživane skupine ima jezik. GraÄa prikupljena anketiranjem i intervjuiranjem pripadnika ove zajednice analizira se s užega jezikoslovnog aspekta, ali i interpretira u Å”irem (socio)lingvistiÄkom kontekstu. Prikupljena jeziÄna sredstva Å”ire unutargrupne uporabne vrijednosti, pretežno leksiÄke i frazemske jedinice, ukljuÄujuÄi i onime, znaÄenjski se kategoriziraju, izdvajaju se najuÄestaliji tvorbeni modeli i pripadajuÄi metaforiÄki koncepti. U radu se usto raspravlja i o stavovima priciginaÅ”a o splitskim varijetetima, kao i o nekim rodnim aspektima njihove unutargrupne komunikacije te o ulozi humora u oblikovanju i iskazivanju identiteta ove zajednice
Familial hypercolesterolemia and universal screening
Proces ateroskleroze poÄinje u ranoj djeÄjoj dobi. Pojedinci s porodiÄnom hiperkolesterolemijom imaju deset puta veÄi rizik za nastanak ateroskleroze i kardiovaskularne bolesti od opÄe populacije. Bolest se joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno dijagnosticira diljem svijeta. Jedini naÄin da se to promijeni jest uvoÄenje probira u djetinjstvu. Trenutno se u Europi provode dvije vrste probira na porodiÄnu hiperkolesterolemiju: univerzalni i kaskadni probir.The process of atherosclerosis begins in early childhood. Individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia have a ten times higher risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease than the general population. The disease is still underdiagnosed worldwide. The only way to change that is to introduce screening in childhood. Currently, two types of screening for familial hypercholesterolemia are carried out in Europe: universal and cascade screening
On language status from the bottom-up and top-down on the example of Croatian in Slovakia
JeziÄna politika provodi se na razliÄitim razinama od meÄunarodnih i vladinih institucija preko lokalnih tijela do samih pojedinaca koji takoÄer donose odreÄene odluke o jeziku. U viÅ”ejeziÄnim sredinama pitanja jeziÄne politike postaju znatno kompleksnijima i osjetljivijima. U europskom kontekstu odnosi meÄu pojedinim jezicima, te posebno položaj, status, ali i sama uporaba manjinskih jezika regulirani su raznim zakonima, poveljama i dokumentima. No, svakako je važno istaknuti da se uporaba (u odreÄenim situacijama i zaÅ”tita pojedinih jezika) ne regulira iskljuÄivo zakonskim aktima i dokumentima, nego je ona pod snažnim utjecajem lokalnih i pojedinaÄnih praksi, jeziÄnih stavova i ideologija same zajednice (Spolsky 2009). Stoga jeziÄne politike trebaju ukljuÄivati i propitivanje statusa i upotrebe jezika na razini zajednice i na razini pojedinca. Propitivanje stavova i ideja koje o jeziku, njegovoj uporabi, statusu i položaju u zajednici imaju sami govornici, odnosno emska, insajderska perspektiva Äini važan dio istraživanja predstavljenoga u ovom radu. Cilj je utvrditi odgovara li jeziÄnopolitiÄka praksa stvarnome stanju, odnosno potvrÄuju li iskustva, stavovi i percepcije ispitanika službenu politiku institucija. U radu se analiziraju metalingvistiÄki diskursi dobiveni intervjuiranjem.Language policy is conducted at various levels, from international and governmental institutions through local governmental bodies to the individuals who are making decisions regarding language usage. In multilingual environments language policy issues become much more complex and more sensitive. In such environments two and/or more languages are in a direct contact and are often used alternately, making the domains of their usage very restricted. In the European context the relationship between particular languages, especially the position, status and the usage of minority languages are regulated by various laws, treaties and similar documents.
It should be pointed out that the language usage is not regulated exclusively by legal acts and documents; it is rather under the strong influence of local and individual practices, language attitudes and ideologies of the community in question (Spolsky 2009). Language policies and language management should therefore include an examination of language status and language usage in a community and on an individual level.
The examination of attitudes and ideas about language and its usage, status and position in the community of the speakers, i.e. emic or insider perspective, is an important part of this research. Main goal was to detect whether the language and political practice is in accordance with the real situation, i.e. whether the experience, attitudes and perceptions of our informants confirm the official institutional policy. The metalinguistic discourses gained through interviews are analysed
Preventive effect of herb extracts on lipid oxidation in ļ¬sh oil
Oxidative decay of oil is causing changes in its chemical, sensory and nutritional properties and is considered a major problem effecting loses in quality and nutritional value. This paper investigated the influence of the Lamiaceae plant extracts addition on oxidative stability of fish oil. The test was performed under accelerated oxidation by Rancimat method where different concentrations of herb extracts (basil, thyme and oregano) as well as effect of different temperatures were studied. Fatty acid profile of oil was analysed using gas chromatography. As expected, the applied temperature had significant impact on fish oil stability and the induction periods were prolonged after the addition of herb extracts. The best results at 80Ā°C were obtained after addition of basil extract what resulted with induction period of 4.60 h. The addition of higher concentrations also resulted with prolonged induction periods; for oregano extract the results were dose-dependent, after addition of 50 and 100 ĀµL of thyme extract the induction period remained the same (0.32 h), while the highest concentration of basil extract, probably due to presence of some components that acts as a prooxidants, resulted with lower IP value
Variations in the Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Cystoseira compressa during Seasonal Growth
The underexplored biodiversity of seaweeds has recently drawn great attention from
researchers to find the bioactive compounds that might contribute to the growth of the blue economy.
In this study, we aimed to explore the effect of seasonal growth (from May to September) on the
in vitro antioxidant (FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC) and antimicrobial effects (MIC and MBC) of Cystoseira
compressa collected in the Central Adriatic Sea. Algal compounds were analyzed by UPLC-PDAESI-
QTOF, and TPC and TTC were determined. Fatty acids, among which oleic acid, palmitoleic
acid, and palmitic acid were the dominant compounds in samples. The highest TPC, TTC and FRAP
were obtained for June extract, 83.4 4.0 mg GAE/g, 8.8 0.8 mg CE/g and 2.7 0.1 mM TE,
respectively. The highest ORAC value of 72.1 1.2 M TE was obtained for the August samples, and
all samples showed extremely high free radical scavenging activity and DPPH inhibition (>80%). The
MIC and MBC results showed the best antibacterial activity for the June, July and August samples,
when sea temperature was the highest, against Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Salmonella enteritidis. The results show C. compressa as a potential species for the industrial production
of nutraceuticals or functional food ingredients