4 research outputs found

    Executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Postoje mnoge teorije koje nastoje objasniti teškoće karakteristiĉne za osobe s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Jedna od njih je i teorija izvršne disfunkcije. Posljednjih dva desetljeća sposobnosti izvršnih funkcija sve se ĉesće spominju u kontekstu ovog poremećaja, a njihova povezanost s njegovim glavnim karakteristikama predmet je mnogih istraţivanja i rasprava. Tako se izvršne funkcije, kao termin koji obuhvaća razliĉite kognitive procese koji upravljaju cilju usmjerenim ponašanjem, povezuju s ograniĉenim i repetitivnim obrascima ponašanja i teškoćama socijalne interakcije i komunikacije osoba s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Konkretno, planiranje, kognitivna fleksibilnost, inhibicija i radno pamćenje su sposobnosti koje se najĉešće ispituju kod osoba s poremećajem iz spektra autizma i dokazano utjeĉu na razliĉite aspekte njihovog funkcioniranja. U ovom će radu biti prikazana dosadašnja istraţivanja vezana uz izvršne funkcije kod djece s ovim poremećajem te problemi definiranja i ispitivanja pojedinih sposobnosti koje su tim terminom obuhvaćene. TakoĊer, bit će ukratko dane i smjernice vezane uz intervenciju i daljnja istraţivanja potrebna za jasnije utvrĊivanje uloge izvršnih funkcija u razvoju i podršci djeci s poremećajem iz spektra autizma.There are many theories trying to explain difficulties characteristic for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. The theory of executive dysfunction is one of them. Interest devoted to executive functions in the context of this disorder has grown steadily in the last two decades. Their association with main characteristics of this disorder has often been researched and debated. Executive function is a broad term used to refer to higher cognitive processes that guide goal-directed behavior. These processes are associated with restricted and repetitive behaviours and deficits in social communication and interaction of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, planning, cognitive flexibility, inhibition and working memory are most commonly assessed executive function abilities in individuals with this disorder and it has been proven that they have an impact on various aspects of their functioning. In this thesis studies of executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder will be reviewed along with the definition and assessment issues regarding individual executive function abilities. Moreover, guidelines concerning intervention approaches will be given, as well as the recommendations for further research needed for establishing the role of executive functions in the development and meeting the needs of children with autism spectrum disorder. autism spectrum disorder, executive functions, planning, cognitive flexibility, inhibition, working memor

    Socioeconomic characteristics and language abilities of children from rural areas attending a preschool programme

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    Dječji vrtić priprema djecu za kasnije formalno obrazovanje te pozitivno utječe na njihov kognitivni i socioemocionalni razvoj. Nažalost, u Hrvatskoj, osobito u ruralnim područjima, nisu sva djeca u mogućnosti polaziti vrtić pa se uvođenjem obaveznog i besplatnog predškolskog programa nastojalo doskočiti tom problemu. Međutim, do tada ta djeca nisu bila uključena u predškolski odgoj i nisu im pruženi isti poticaji za razvoj jezičnih sposobnosti koje se od njih očekuju u osnovnoj školi. Niz istraživanja navodi da djeca roditelja nižeg socioekonomskog statusa pokazuju lošije jezične sposobnosti u odnosu na djecu roditelja višeg socioekonomskog statusa. Uzimajući u obzir dosadašnje spoznaje, ovim se radom željelo utvrditi postižu li predškolska djeca, polaznici redovnog vrtića, bolje rezultate na probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti od djece polaznika isključivo predškolskog programa. Isto tako, cilj je bio utvrditi postoji li značajna razlika u socioekonomskom statusu obitelji između ove dvije kategorije djece predškolske dobi. Uzorak ispitanika uključivao je 93 djece i njihove roditelje. Djeca su ispitana Probirnim testom jezičnih sposobnosti, a socioekonomski status ispitan je anketom kreiranom isključivo za ovo istraživanje. Rezultati na Probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti pokazali su značajnu razliku između djece u dječjem vrtiću i obaveznom predškolskom programu u korist polaznika dječjeg vrtića. Pokazalo se kako su roditelji djece uključene u vrtić višeg stupnja obrazovanja, češće zaposleni i imaju veće prihode po članu kućanstva. Iz rezultata se iščitava potreba za dodatnom potporom djeci koja iz predškolskog programa ulaze u sustav osnovnog školstva.Attending a preschool programme prepares children for later formal education and has a positive impact on their cognitive and socio-emotional development. Unfortunately, in Croatia, not all children have an opportunity to attend a preschool programme. This is especially true in rural areas. In order to solve this problem, the government has introduced an obligatory kindergarten programme that is free of charge for all children. However, because these children have not previously attended any form of early-childhood education programme, they have not received equal support in the development of the language skills expected of them by the time they reach elementary school. A number of studies have suggested that children from families with a higher socioeconomic status have better language skills than children from families with a lower socioeconomic status. Taking all this into account, the aim of this study is to determine whether preschool-aged children who attend a preschool programme achieve better results on the Screening test of language abilities (Probirni test jezičnih sposobnosti) than children who only attend kindergarten. In addition, this study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the socioeconomic status between the families of preschool-aged children who attended preschool and those who attended kindergarten. The sample included 93 children and their parents. Children were assessed using a Screening test of language abilities. Socioeconomic status was determined via a questionnaire made for the purposes of this study. The results on the Screening test of language abilities indicated a significant difference between children in preschool and those in obligatory kindergarten programmes, where children attending preschool demonstrated higher language ability. Moreover, this study demonstrated that the parents of children attending a preschool programme are more educated, more often employed and have a higher income per household member. Based on these results, it can be argued that there is a need to provide additional support for children from kindergarten programmes as they enter elementary schools

    Executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Postoje mnoge teorije koje nastoje objasniti teškoće karakteristiĉne za osobe s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Jedna od njih je i teorija izvršne disfunkcije. Posljednjih dva desetljeća sposobnosti izvršnih funkcija sve se ĉesće spominju u kontekstu ovog poremećaja, a njihova povezanost s njegovim glavnim karakteristikama predmet je mnogih istraţivanja i rasprava. Tako se izvršne funkcije, kao termin koji obuhvaća razliĉite kognitive procese koji upravljaju cilju usmjerenim ponašanjem, povezuju s ograniĉenim i repetitivnim obrascima ponašanja i teškoćama socijalne interakcije i komunikacije osoba s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Konkretno, planiranje, kognitivna fleksibilnost, inhibicija i radno pamćenje su sposobnosti koje se najĉešće ispituju kod osoba s poremećajem iz spektra autizma i dokazano utjeĉu na razliĉite aspekte njihovog funkcioniranja. U ovom će radu biti prikazana dosadašnja istraţivanja vezana uz izvršne funkcije kod djece s ovim poremećajem te problemi definiranja i ispitivanja pojedinih sposobnosti koje su tim terminom obuhvaćene. TakoĊer, bit će ukratko dane i smjernice vezane uz intervenciju i daljnja istraţivanja potrebna za jasnije utvrĊivanje uloge izvršnih funkcija u razvoju i podršci djeci s poremećajem iz spektra autizma.There are many theories trying to explain difficulties characteristic for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. The theory of executive dysfunction is one of them. Interest devoted to executive functions in the context of this disorder has grown steadily in the last two decades. Their association with main characteristics of this disorder has often been researched and debated. Executive function is a broad term used to refer to higher cognitive processes that guide goal-directed behavior. These processes are associated with restricted and repetitive behaviours and deficits in social communication and interaction of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, planning, cognitive flexibility, inhibition and working memory are most commonly assessed executive function abilities in individuals with this disorder and it has been proven that they have an impact on various aspects of their functioning. In this thesis studies of executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder will be reviewed along with the definition and assessment issues regarding individual executive function abilities. Moreover, guidelines concerning intervention approaches will be given, as well as the recommendations for further research needed for establishing the role of executive functions in the development and meeting the needs of children with autism spectrum disorder. autism spectrum disorder, executive functions, planning, cognitive flexibility, inhibition, working memor

    Socioeconomic characteristics and language abilities of children from rural areas attending a preschool programme

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    Dječji vrtić priprema djecu za kasnije formalno obrazovanje te pozitivno utječe na njihov kognitivni i socioemocionalni razvoj. Nažalost, u Hrvatskoj, osobito u ruralnim područjima, nisu sva djeca u mogućnosti polaziti vrtić pa se uvođenjem obaveznog i besplatnog predškolskog programa nastojalo doskočiti tom problemu. Međutim, do tada ta djeca nisu bila uključena u predškolski odgoj i nisu im pruženi isti poticaji za razvoj jezičnih sposobnosti koje se od njih očekuju u osnovnoj školi. Niz istraživanja navodi da djeca roditelja nižeg socioekonomskog statusa pokazuju lošije jezične sposobnosti u odnosu na djecu roditelja višeg socioekonomskog statusa. Uzimajući u obzir dosadašnje spoznaje, ovim se radom željelo utvrditi postižu li predškolska djeca, polaznici redovnog vrtića, bolje rezultate na probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti od djece polaznika isključivo predškolskog programa. Isto tako, cilj je bio utvrditi postoji li značajna razlika u socioekonomskom statusu obitelji između ove dvije kategorije djece predškolske dobi. Uzorak ispitanika uključivao je 93 djece i njihove roditelje. Djeca su ispitana Probirnim testom jezičnih sposobnosti, a socioekonomski status ispitan je anketom kreiranom isključivo za ovo istraživanje. Rezultati na Probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti pokazali su značajnu razliku između djece u dječjem vrtiću i obaveznom predškolskom programu u korist polaznika dječjeg vrtića. Pokazalo se kako su roditelji djece uključene u vrtić višeg stupnja obrazovanja, češće zaposleni i imaju veće prihode po članu kućanstva. Iz rezultata se iščitava potreba za dodatnom potporom djeci koja iz predškolskog programa ulaze u sustav osnovnog školstva.Attending a preschool programme prepares children for later formal education and has a positive impact on their cognitive and socio-emotional development. Unfortunately, in Croatia, not all children have an opportunity to attend a preschool programme. This is especially true in rural areas. In order to solve this problem, the government has introduced an obligatory kindergarten programme that is free of charge for all children. However, because these children have not previously attended any form of early-childhood education programme, they have not received equal support in the development of the language skills expected of them by the time they reach elementary school. A number of studies have suggested that children from families with a higher socioeconomic status have better language skills than children from families with a lower socioeconomic status. Taking all this into account, the aim of this study is to determine whether preschool-aged children who attend a preschool programme achieve better results on the Screening test of language abilities (Probirni test jezičnih sposobnosti) than children who only attend kindergarten. In addition, this study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the socioeconomic status between the families of preschool-aged children who attended preschool and those who attended kindergarten. The sample included 93 children and their parents. Children were assessed using a Screening test of language abilities. Socioeconomic status was determined via a questionnaire made for the purposes of this study. The results on the Screening test of language abilities indicated a significant difference between children in preschool and those in obligatory kindergarten programmes, where children attending preschool demonstrated higher language ability. Moreover, this study demonstrated that the parents of children attending a preschool programme are more educated, more often employed and have a higher income per household member. Based on these results, it can be argued that there is a need to provide additional support for children from kindergarten programmes as they enter elementary schools