73 research outputs found

    Napięcie między wyborem bogactwa lub ubóstwa w perspektywie królestwa Bożego (Łk 18, 18-30)

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    In Gospel of Luke there are a number of critical statements about rich people. The third Evan- gelist wrote down, for example: [God] sent the rich away with empty hands (Lk 1: 53). But how terrible for you who are rich now, you have had your easy life ( Lk 6: 24).The third Evangelist wrote down not only single, critical sentences about the rich, but exten- sive excerpts. He enrolled for example: the text of the greed (Lk 12: 13-21), the parable about the rich man and Lazarus (Lk 16: 19-31) the text of a great feast (Lk 14: 15-24) and the text of rich man (Lk 18: 18-30). The last one, namely text of rich man (Lk 18: 18-30) focuses on the ability to make choices in the perspective of the kingdom of God. It is a sharp rebuke directed to the rich. Luke in this text warned the rich, that the penalty for them for their sinful choices in temporality, will be eternal damnation.In this article was analyzed this text.In Gospel of Luke there are a number of critical statements about rich people. The third Evan- gelist wrote down, for example: [God] sent the rich away with empty hands (Lk 1: 53). But how terrible for you who are rich now, you have had your easy life ( Lk 6: 24).The third Evangelist wrote down not only single, critical sentences about the rich, but exten- sive excerpts. He enrolled for example: the text of the greed (Lk 12: 13-21), the parable about the rich man and Lazarus (Lk 16: 19-31) the text of a great feast (Lk 14: 15-24) and the text of rich man (Lk 18: 18-30).The last one, namely text of rich man (Lk 18: 18-30) focuses on the ability to make choices in the perspective of the kingdom of God. It is a sharp rebuke directed to the rich. Luke in this text warned the rich, that the penalty for them for their sinful choices in temporality, will be eternal damnation.In this article was analyzed this text

    Tomasz M. Dąbek OSB, Modlić się Psalmami, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, Tyniec–Kraków, 2019, ss. 98

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    The Book of Psalms is one of the most popular and most read Bible books. For over 2,000 years, both Jews and Christians — including Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians — have been reading it. It is worth emphasizing, however, that this is not an easy book. It was created in a culture foreign to us, in a foreign language (Hebrew — biblical) — it was written by people with a different mentality than ours. Therefor to understand it, you need the right knowledge. Unfortunately, this can only be obtained at theological faculties. It is known, however, that not all Bible readers feel called to study theology. Many exegetes understand this and write comments for them on Bible books, including the Book of Psalms. One of these exegetes is Fr. professor Tomasz M. Dąbek, the author of the book: To pray with Psalms, which was published in 2019 in Tyniec–Krakow. He divided his dissertation into several parts, which he titled: Introduction (pp. 7–8), Psalter as a prayer book of the People of God of the First Covenant (pp. 9–44), Psalms in the New Testament (pp. 45–58), Psalter as a prayer book to monks, consecrated persons and clergy (pp. 59–68), Psalter in the liturgy and in the personal prayer of a Christian (pp. 69–74), Thoughts about some Psalms (pp. 75–94), Summary (pp. 95–96) and Bibliographic proposals (pp. 97–98). This review presents his book

    Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy for advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors — from oncology perspective

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    Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) is a form of molecular targeted therapy which is performed by using a small peptide (somatostatin analogue — SSA) that is coupled with a radionuclide beta emitting radiation. PRRT is a nuclear medicine for the systemic treatment of non-resectable, metastasized well/moderately differentiated, neuroendocrine tumours (NET) with overexpression of somatostatin receptor. These types of tumours include gastroenteropancreatic neoplasm (GEP-NENs), e.g. arising from the small bowel (often called carcinoid tumours), the pancreas, duodenum or stomach, but also from the large bowel or the lung and many other tissues (so called diffuse neuroendocrine system). The goal of PRRT is irradiation of tumour cells, via direct binding into specific receptor, somatostatin receptors (SSTR) family, overexpressed on the cell membrane of the primary tumours as well as on the metastasis. Over many years of clinical use of PRRT with 90Y and current with 177Lu DOTA conjugated somatostatin analogues proved to be efficient therapy option for NETs, with tumour responses, base on radiological evaluation. Also, a clinical response with symptoms relief and improvement in quality of life based on standard EORTC questioners is seen. Additional, common NET biomarker reduction and, ultimately, an impact on overall survival (OS) of patients with advanced non-resectable often progressive NEN can be expected. PRRT with 90Y or 177Lu-labelled peptides is generally well tolerated by most of the patients. The acute side effects (Adverse Events — AEs) are usually mild; most of them are related to the co-administration of amino acids (AA), such as nausea and vomiting. Others are related to the radioisotopes, such as fatigue or the exacerbation of endocrine syndromes, which are very rarely and they occurs, only in patients with functional tumours and large tumours burden. Chronic and permanent damage has an effect on target organs, particularly the kidneys and the bone marrow, which are generally mild. Currently, when 177Lu DOTATATE is used, the potential risk to kidney damage is significantly reduced, compared to the previous usage of 90Y labelled analogues. Up to now, kidney and bone marrow toxicity limits the dose of radioactivity of PRRT

    Recenzja książki Michała Wojciechowskiego, Dwie wersje Dziejów Apostolskich. Tekst standardowy i zachodni, Kraków 2018, ss. 175

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    Recenzja książki Michała Wojciechowskiego, Dwie wersje Dziejów Apostolskich. Tekst standardowy i zachodni, Kraków 2018, ss. 17

    Umiejętność rozeznawania wartości doczesnych w perspektywie królestwa Bożego (Łk 14, 15–24)

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    In Gospel of Luke there are a number of critical statements about rich people. The third Evangelist wrote down, for example: “[God] sent the rich away with empty hands” (Lk 1:53), “But how terrible for you who are rich now, you have had your easy life” (Lk 6:24), “How hard it is for rich people to enter the Kingdom of God. It is much harder for rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle” (Lk 18:24–25). The third Evangelist wrote down not only single, critical sentences about the rich, but extensive excerpts. He enrolled, for example: the text about the greed (Lk 12:13–21), the text of the rich man (Lk 18:18–30), the parable about the rich man and Lazarus (Lk 16:19–31), and the text of the great feast (Lk 14:15–24). The last one, namely the text about great feast (Lk 14:15–24) focuses on the ability to make choices in the perspective of the Kingdom of God. It is a sharp rebuke directed to the rich. Luke in this text warned the rich, that the penalty for them for their sinful choices in temporality, will be eternal damnation.W Ewangelii Łukasza zachodzi szereg krytycznych wypowiedzi na temat ludzi majętnych. Trzeci Ewangelista odnotował na przykład: „[Bóg] bogaczy odprawia z niczym” (Łk 1,53), „[…] biada wam bogaczom, bo odebraliście już waszą pociechę” (Łk 6,24), „Jak trudno tym, którzy mają dostatki, wejść do królestwa Bożego. Łatwiej jest wielbłądowi przejść przez ucho igielne, niż bogatemu wejść do królestwa Bożego” (Łk 18,24–25). Łukasz odnotował nie tylko pojedyncze zdania wymierzone w bogaczy, ale i obszerne fragmenty, na przykład: zapis kanoniczny o chciwości (Łk 12,13–21), tekst o bogatym dostojniku poszukującym drogi do zbawienia (Łk 18,18–30; par. Mk 10,17–31; Mt 19,16–30), przypowieść o bogaczu i Łazarzu (Łk 16,19–31), czy też perykopę o uczcie (Łk 14,15–24; par. Mt 22,1–14). Ostatni z wymienionych tekstów, a mianowicie fragment o uczcie (Łk 14,15–24), koncentruje się na umiejętności dokonywania wyborów w perspektywie królestwa Bożego. Jawi się on jako ostre upomnienie wymierzone w bogaczy. Jawi się jako ostrzeżenie, że karą dla nich za ich grzeszne wybory dokonywane w doczesności będzie potępienie wieczne

    Circulating Transcript Analysis (NETest) in GEP-NETs Treated With Somatostatin Analogs Defines Therapy

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    Context: Early and precise delineation of therapeutic responses are key issues in neuroendocrine neoplasm/tumor management. Imaging is currently used but exhibits limitations in sensitivity and specificity. The utility of biomarkers is unclear. Objective, Setting, and Design: This prospective cohort study (11 mo) sought to determine whether measurements of circulating neuroendocrine tumor transcripts (NETest) predict responses to somatostatin analogs (SSAs). Patients: The test set consisted of 35 SSA-treated gastroenteropancreatic-NETs (RECISTevaluated). The prospective set consisted of 28 SSA-treated Grade 1–Grade 2 GEP-NETs. Intervention(s): Whole blood for transcript analysis (NETest) and plasma for Chromogranin A (CgA) (baseline), were collected every 4 weeks (prior to SSA injection). Morphologic (multidetector computed tomography/MRI) and functional imaging (99mTc-[HYNIC, Tyr3]-Octreotide) was undertaken at entry and 6-month intervals until progression (RECIST 1.0). Main Outcome Measure(s): Treatment response. Results: Test set: NETest (≥80%; scale, 0–100%) differentiated stable (SD) and progressive (PD) disease (P < .0001). Prospective set: 28 patients (26/28 SD) undergoing standard SSA. Grading: 12 G1, 16 G2. SSA Response: progression-free survival: 315 days: 14 (50%) SD, 14 (50%) PD. NETest: Twenty had elevated (≥80%) values; 14 developed PD; six, SD. CgA: Twelve of 28 exhibited elevated baseline values and/or subsequent >25% increase; eight developed PD; four, SD. NETest (P = .002) and grade (P = .054) were the only factors associated with treatment response. Multiple regression analysis established that the NETest could predict disease progression (P = .0002). NETest changes occurred significantly earlier (146 d prior to progression vs 56 d CgA; P < .0001; χ2 = 19) and in more patients (100 vs 57%; P < .02). Conclusions: NETest values (80–100%) were more accurate and occurred at a significantly earlier time point than CgA and predicted SSA treatment response

    Hemophilic arthropathy - pathogenesis, clinical symptoms and diagnostic possibilities

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    Artropatia hemofilowa jest jednym z najistotniejszych problemów klinicznych u pacjentów z ciężką postacią hemofilii, a zwłaszcza u pacjentów z obecnością inhibitora. Początkowe krwawienia dostawowe występują w pierwszych latach życia i dotyczą najczęściej stawów kolanowych, łokciowych i skokowych. W patogenezie artropatii główną rolę odgrywają przerost błony maziowej oraz bezpośredni toksyczny wpływ składników krwi na chrząstkę stawową. Charakterystyczne dla artropatii są krwawienia dostawowe, prowadzące do stopniowego ograniczenia ruchów, deformacji, zaników mięśniowych, upośledzenia funkcji stawów i ograniczenia aktywności pacjenta. Do typowych zmian radiologicznych należą: zanik kostny, przerost nasad, nieregularna powierzchnia warstwy podchrzęstnej kości, zwężenie szpary stawowej, torbiele podchrzęstne, brzeżna erozja powierzchni stawowych oraz nierówności powierzchni stawowych oraz deformacja kątowa stawu lub/i jego podwichnięcia. Do dokładnej oceny wczesnych zmian w stawach coraz szerzej wykorzystuje się badanie rezonansu magnetycznego i badanie ultrasonograficzne.Hemophilic arthropathy is a fundamental clinical problem in patients with severe hemophilia, particularly in patients with inhibitor. Initial intraarticular bleeds occur in first years of life and concern mainly knee, elbow and ankle joints. Overgrowth of synovium and direct toxic effect of blood components on the cartilage are major underlying factors of arthropathy pathogenesis. Typical symptoms include intraarticular bleeds leading to gradual loss of range of motion, joint deformity, muscular atrophia, loss of function and limitation of patient’s activity. Radiological signs of hemophilic arthropathy comprise osteopenia, epiphyseal overgrowth, irregular subchondral layer, erosions and incongruity of articular surfaces, subluxation or/ and angular deformity of the joint. There is growing interest in the use of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of early stages of hemophilic arthropathy