57 research outputs found

    Wear investigation of selective α-Fe2O3 oxide layers generated on surfaces for dry sheet metal forming

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    To realize a dry sheet metal forming process, α-Fe 2 O 3 oxide layers were investigated regarding their friction characteristics, wear behavior and surface energy depending on different surface qualities of the specimens examined. The oxide layers were generated in a new hybrid batch furnace. The layer generation on all specimens of the tool steel 1.2379 used was performed at a target temperature below the annealing temperature (≈ 510 °C). Friction coefficients were examined with plane strip drawing tests. Wear experiments with oxidized wear specimens with variable surface topographies were carried out up to several thousand strokes per surface condition

    Evaluation of conventional imaging techniques on preoperative localization in primary hyperparathyroidism

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    We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic and preoperative localization capacity of Tc-99m methoxyisobutylnitrile (MIBI) parathyroid scintigraphy and ultrasonography (USG) in enlarged parathyroid glands in the primary hyperparathyroidism (pH PT), as well as the relationship between the success rate of these techniques and biochemical values. We retrospectively evaluated 39 patients with clinical and biological evidence of pHPT who referred to the university hospital for MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy. Patients were examined with USG and double-phase MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy for the detection of enlarged parathyroid glands. Preoperative serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels, calcium (Ca), phosphate and alkaline phosphatase measurements were obtained. A total of 45 parathyroid lesions in 39 patients were reviewed. Thirty-four patients had a single adenoma and five patients with multi-gland disease had 11 abnormal parathyroid glands including three adenomas, whereas the remaining 8 glands showed hyperplasia. The overall sensitivities of MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy, USG, and combined techniques were 85.3%, 72.5% and 90.4%, respectively; the positive predictive values (PPV) were 89.7%, 85.2%, and 92.6%, respectively. The most successful approach for detection of enlarged parathyroid glands in hyperparathyroidism is the concurrent application of USG and MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy modalities. The concomitance of thyroid diseases decreases the sensitivity of both MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy and USG in enlarged parathyroid glands

    Examining the variations in the results of the hotelling T² test in case of changing baseline landmarks in the bookstein coordinates

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    In many biological and biomedical investigations, the most effective way to analyze the forms of whole biological organs or organisms is by recording geometric locations of landmark points. If we want to compare shapes, then individuals should be translated, rotated and scaled in such a way that all of the individuals lie in a standard position and are centered. Bookstein conducted this process by choosing two landmarks as reference landmarks. Each individual is translated, rotated and scaled according to these reference landmarks. The aim of the present study was to examine the change in the p values in the case of choosing different baseline landmarks when performing the Hotelling T (2) test, which is commonly used when comparing two sample shape configurations based on Bookstein coordinates. For this purpose, the changes in the p values were investigated in shape configurations that are composed of a different number of landmarks by taking all of the possible paired landmark combinations at different variance levels and sample sizes. As a result of the present study, it was observed that with the increase in the landmark number, the number of possible baseline landmark combinations also increases and, for this reason, a substantial number of variations occur in the p values. Therefore, it is an important to decide which landmarks should be taken as reference landmarks when using the Bookstein coordinates

    Cancer cases in five year period in the secondary health care institution of east anatolia region

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    Cerrahi ve onkolojik tedavisi tamamlanmış hastalarda, malign tümor nüksünün ilk bulgusu olarak karşımıza çıkabilen lenf nodu tutulumlarında yapılacak olan cerrahi tedavinin hastanın sağkalımına etkisi tartışmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, primer kanser tedavisi sonrasında nüksün ilk bulgusu olarak, aksiller ve inguinal bölgede tümör invazyonu olan dev lenfadenopati nedeniyle kliniğimize konsülte edilen dört hasta,retrospektif olarak incelenerek, tedavi yaklaşımlarımız ve yapılan prosedürlerin sağkalım oranına etkisini araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Olguların sağkalım süreleri, metastatik dev lenfadenopati eksizyonu ve postoperatif onkolojik tedavilerin tamamlanması sonrasında radyolojik yöntemler ve klinik veriler izlenerek değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Dev lenfadenopati nedeniyle 1 hastaya aksiller bölgeye, bölge 1,2,3 lenf nodu disseksiyonu, diğer 3 hastaya genişletilmiş inguinal lenf nodu disseksiyonu uygulandı. Disseksiyon materyali patoloji sonucu primer tümör metastazı ile uyumlu geldi. Postoperatif dönemde onkolojik tedavi süreçleri başlandı. Olguların yaklaşık 20 aylık toplam takip süreleri içerisinde nüks ve metastaza rastlanmadı.Sonuç: Dev metastatik lenf nodu tutuumu sonrası değerlendirdiğimiz olgularda, primer tümör tipi, klinik seyirler ile birlikte lenf nodu tutulumuna yönelik uyguladığımız cerrahi prosedürler sonrası sağkalım değerlendirilmiştir. 5 yıllık ortalama sağkalım için henüz net bir katkı sağlandığı söylenmesede devam etmekte olan mevcut takip süresince nüks izlenmemiş olması umut vericidir.After completion of surgical and oncological primary treatment of cancers, the effect of lymphadenectomy on patients' survival is controversial in patients with giant lymphadenopathy which is the first sign of cancer recurrence. In this retrospective study we aimed to evaluate our treatment modalities and effect of surgery to survival in four patients with cancer relapse with giant inguinal and axillary lymphadenopathy.Material and Methods: The survey of the cases are evaluated via radiological and clinic datas after exicision of metastatic giant lympadenopathy and after termination of postoperative oncological therapy.Results: Due to giant lympadenopathy, region 1-2-3 axillary lymp node dissection to one patient and expanded inguinal lymph node dissection to three other patient were performed. The pathology of dissection material was matched with the primary tumor metastase. Oncologic therapy sessions were started in postoperative period. During 20 months follow-up of the cases there was not any recurrence or metastasis.Conclusion: In the cases that were evaluated after giant metastatic lymph node involvement, we assessed primary tumor type, clinical course as well as survival after surgical procedures that we performed for lymph node involvement. The survey is evaluated after clinical follow-up and primary tumor type with the surgery performed for lymph node invasion within the cases we evaluate after giant metastatic lymph node invasion. Although it's been said that there isn't any specific contribution to average 5 year survival it raises hope that there wasn't any recurrence during the follow-ups

    Missed Opportunities in HIV Testing in Turkiye: Implications for Late Diagnoses

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    Background:Late diagnosis of HIV infection is a major global problem. In Turkiye, only 41%-50% of people living with HIV are diagnosed, suggesting that many opportunities for HIV testing might be missed.Setting:The aim of this study was to determine the missed testing opportunities for HIV in healthcare settings in Turkiye and the predictors for missed opportunities (MOs).Methods:The study included patients with a new HIV diagnosis, presenting to care between January 2018 and December 2020. They were given a verbal questionnaire face to face, by a telephone call or an online meeting for visits to a health care setting within the year before their diagnosis. Electronic medical records were also examined.Results:The sample included 198 patients with at least 1 visit to any health care setting, with a total of 1677 visits. Patients had an indication for HIV testing in 51.3% (861/1677) of the visits; an HIV test was not offered in 77.9% (671/861) and was considered a MO. The highest number of MOs was in emergency departments (59.8%) (180/301). The most common reason for visiting was constitutional symptoms and indicator conditions (55.4%) (929/1677). University graduates and those with a CD4+ T-cell count <200/mm3were more likely to have a MO.Conclusions:Many opportunities to diagnose HIV at an early stage are missed in health care settings in Turkiye. Considering the rapidly increasing number of new diagnoses in the last decade, urgent action needs to be taken