6 research outputs found

    Hemşirelerin örgüt kültürü algılarının ve örgütsel özdeşleşme düzeyinin belirlenmesi

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    ÖZETHemşirelerin Örgüt Kültürü Algılarının ve Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Düzeyinin BelirlenmesiAmaç; Araştırma hemşirelerin örgüt kültürü algılarının ve örgütsel özdeşleşme düzeyinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı.Gereç ve Yöntem; Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki çalışma İstanbul lindeki 12 kamu hastanesinde çalışan 325 hemşirenin katılımı ile gerçekleştirildi. Veri toplama aracı olarak ‘Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu’, ‘Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Ölçeği’ ve ‘Denison Örgüt Kültürü Ölçeği’ kullanıldı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistiksel analizler, Student’s test, One-way ANOVA, Bonferroni test, Kruskal Wallis test, Mann Whitney U, Pearson Korelasyon testi kullanıldı.Bulgular; Hemşirelerin yaş ortalaması 28,84±5,95 yıl olup, %80’i kadın, %54,2’si bekar, %61,5’i lisans mezunu, %38,8’i 2-5 yıl mesleki deneyime sahiptir. Hemşirelerin Denison Örgüt Kültürü Ölçeği katılım kültürü, tutarlılık kültürü, uyum kültürü ve misyon kültürü alt boyutları puan ortalamaları sırasıyla 3,08±0,67, 2,74±0,67, 2,92±0,64, 2,84±0,69 olarak bulundu. Hemşirelerin Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Ölçeği toplam ve grup içi özdeşleşme, örgütle özdeşleşme alt boyut puan ortalamaları sırasıyla 3,50±1,01, 3,82±0,82, 3,18±1,01 olarak bulundu. Hemşirelerin Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Ölçeğinden aldıkları toplam puan ile Denison Örgüt Kültürü Ölçeği alt boyutlarında yer alan misyon kültürü puan ortalaması ile pozitif yönlü en yüksek (r=0,328; p=0,001; p<0,01), katılım kültürü puan ortalaması ile pozitif yönlü en düşük istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulundu (r=0,158; p=0,004; p<0,01).Sonuç; Araştırma sonucunda hemşirelerin örgüt kültürü algıları düşük, örgütsel özdeşleşme düzeylerinin ise orta düzeyde olduğu saptandı.Hemşirelik, Örgüt Kültürü, Örgütsel Özdeşleşme. --------------------SUMMARYDetermining The Organizational Culture Perception And Organizational Identification Levels Of NursesStudent: Vildan ÇAKIR KAHRAMANAdvisor: Prof. Dr. Nefise BAHÇECİKDepartment: NursingAim; The research is carried out in order to determine the organizational culture perceptions and organizational identification levels of nurses. Material and Method; The research, which is a descriptive study, has been executed with the participation of 325 nurses working in 12 state owned hospitals. "Introductory Information Sheets", "Organizational Identification Scale" and "Denison Organizational Culture Scale" are used as data collection tools. The descriptive statistical analysis that are employed to evaluate the data are; Student’s test, One-way ANOVA, Bonferroni test, Kruskal Wallis test, Mann Whitney U and Pearson Correlation.Result; The average age of the nurses is 28,84±5,95 years. 80% of the nurses are female and 54,2% are single. 61,5% of the sample have bachelor's degree and 38,8% of them have occupational experience of 2-5 years. The point averages calculated for the nurses' Denison Organizational Culture Scale participation culture, consistency culture, adaptation culture and mission culture subdimensions are 3,08±0,67 , 2,74±0,67 , 2,92±0,64, 2,84±0,69 respectively. The average total score of nurses calculated for organizational identification is 3,50±1,01 whereas their average scores related with the subdimensions of group identification and organizational identification are 3,82±0,82 and 3,18±1,01 respectively. The point total of the nurses from Organizational Identification Scale has the highest positive correlation with the point average of Denison Organizational Culture Scale subdimension mission culture (r=0,328; p=0,001; p<0,01); whereas it has the lowest positive statistical relation with the point average of participation culture (r=0,158; p=0,004; p<0,01).Conclusion; According to the research, it has been determined that the level of organizational culture perception and the level of organizational identification of nurses are low and medium respectively

    Evaluation of fundus autofluorescence imaging of diabetic patients without retinopathy

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    Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of fundus autofluorescence imaging of diabetic patients without retinopathy to investigate early retinal damage. Methods: Fundus autofluorescence images of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without retinopathy (diabetic group) and age-sex matched healthy patients (control group) were recorded with a CX-1 digital mydriatic retinal camera after detailed ophthalmologic examinations. MATLAB 2013a software was used to measure the average pixel intensity and average curve width of the macula and fovea. Results: Fifty-six eyes of 28 patients, as the diabetic group, and 54 eyes of 27 healthy patients, as the control group, were included in this study. The mean aggregation index was 168.32 +/- 37.18 grayscale units (gsu) in the diabetic group and 152.27 +/- 30.39 gsu in the control group (p=0.014). The mean average pixel intensity value of the fovea was 150.87 +/- 35.83 gsu the in diabetic group and as 141.51 +/- 31.10 gsu in the control group (p=0.060). The average curve width value was statistically higher in the diabetic group than in the control group (71.7 +/- 9.2 vs. 59.4 +/- 8.6 gsu, respectively, p=0.03). Conclusion: Fundus autofluorescence imaging analysis revealed that diabetic patients without retinopathy have significant fluorescence alterations. Therefore, a noninvasive imaging technique, such as fundus autofluorescence, may be valuable for evaluation of the retina of diabetic patients without retinopathy

    Emerin expression in well differentiated epithelial lesions of thyroid: implications in papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnosis and predicting malignant behavior

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Recently, it has been reported that identifying nuclear membrane irregularities with anti-emerin antibody is useful for papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnosis. However, literature regarding the significance of emerin immunohistochemistry in thyroid is limited. We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of the well-established nuclear alterations, nuclear protrusions and recently described nuclear shapes (garlands and star-like shapes) with emerin immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin- eosin stain in thyroid lesions. We further evaluated the diagnostic accuracy measures of tissue microarrays evaluated with both stains, to detect whether emerin immunohistochemistry improves the diagnostic accuracy for papillary thyroid carcinoma

    Latent Tuberculosis Infection Management in Solid Organ Transplantation Recipients: A National Snapshot

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    OBJECTIVE: Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) screening is strongly recommended in the pre-transplant evaluation of solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients, although it remains inadequate in many transplant centers. We decided to investigate pre-transplant TB risk assessment, LTBI treatment, and registry rates in Türkiye. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Adult SOT recipients who underwent tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or interferon-gamma release test (IGRA) from 14 centers between 2015 and 2019 were included in the study. An induration of ≥5 mm on TST and/or probable/positive IGRA (QuantiFERON-TB) was considered positive for LTBI. Demographic features, LTBI screening and treatment, and pre-/post-transplant TB history were recorded from the electronic database of transplantation units across the country and pooled at a single center for a unified database. RESULTS: TST and/or IGRA were performed in 766 (33.8%) of 2266 screened patients most of whom were kidney transplant recipients (n = 485, 63.4%). LTBI screening test was positive in 359 (46.9%) patients, and isoniazid was given to 203 (56.5%) patients. Of the patients treated for LTBI, 112 (55.2%) were registered in the national registry, and 82 (73.2%) completed the treatment. Tuberculosis developed in 6 (1.06%) of 563 patients who were not offered LTBI treatment. CONCLUSION: We determined that overall, only one-third of SOT recipients in our country were evaluated in terms of TB risk, only 1 of the 2 SOT recipients with LTBI received treatment, and half were registered. Therefore, we want to emphasize the critical importance of pre-transplant TB risk stratification and registration, guided by revised national guidelines