13 research outputs found

    The Bibliometric Analysis of the Studies Presented at the Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology Congresses in the Period 2009-2018

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the abstracts presented at Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology Congresses in the years from 2009 to 2018.Methods: Abstracts were defined and grouped according to their field of study, design, level of evidence, number of authors, the main institution in which they were held, and whether they were uni- or multi-centric. Frequency and percentage tables were prepared.Results: In total, 5,463 studies, of which 1,431 (26.2%) were oral presentations and 4,032 (73.8%) were poster presentations were reviewed. The highest number of studies was in the field of otology and in the form of oral presentations (32%), and in the field of head and neck surgery in the form of poster presentations (37%). Fifty-seven percent of all studies were conducted in university hospitals, and 34% in Training and Research Hospitals. Eighty-three percent of oral presentations and 99% of poster presentations were clinical studies. The rate of experimental animal studies was 16% in oral presentations. The most commonly used design of orally presented clinical studies was descriptive (31%), whereas prospective randomized controlled design was the least common (3%). No study with a level 1 of evidence was found. The rate of oral papers presented with evidence levels 2, 3, 4, and 5 among all oral presentations were 22%, 13%, 11%, and 54%, respectively.Conclusion: The findings indicated that the abstracts were satisfactory in quantity, but overall scientific quality was not sufficient. The data obtained may serve as a basis for future studies, and follow-up studies may guide individuals and institutions that steer the Turkish ENT community

    t8code - scalable and modular adaptive mesh refinement

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    t8code is a versatile open source library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement on hybrid meshes. [1] It is exascale-ready and capable of efficiently managing meshes with up to a trillion elements distributed on a million of cores as already shown in a peer-reviewed research paper. [2] On the top-level, t8code uses forests of trees to represent unstructured meshes with complex geometries. Space-filling curves index individual elements within a forest, which requires only minimal amounts of memory allowing for efficient and scalable algorithms of mesh management. In contrast to existing solutions, t8code has the capability to manage an arbitrary number of tetrahedra, hexahedra, prisms and pyramids within the same mesh. With this poster we want to present the first official release (v1.0) of our software and give a quick overview over its main features. Besides presenting the core algorithms of t8code, we give application scenarios on how our library integrates into major simulation frameworks for weather forecasting, climate modeling and engineering; and how they benefit from our approach to do AMR. [1] https://github.com/DLR-AMR/t8code [2] https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/20M138303

    The Effects of Writing Activities in the Field of Probability and Statistics on Seventh Grade Math Students' Achievement, Attitudes and Metacognition

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    Bu araştırma, 7. sınıf matematik dersinde MEB programına ek olarak yazma etkinlikleri ile gerçekleştirilen öğretimin öğrencilerin akademik başarılarına, matematiğe yönelik tutumlarına ve üst bilişlerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılının II. döneminde yaklaşık 7 hafta süren bu araştırmada, ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın deney grubunda 17, kontrol grubunda 19 öğrenci bulunmaktadır. Konular; kontrol grubunda MEB programına göre, deney grubunda MEB programına ek olarak yazma etkinlikleri ile işlenmiştir. Deney grubunda, kontrol grubundan farklı olarak araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yazma etkinlikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri; araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Olasılık ve İstatistik Öğrenme Alanı Başarı Testi (OİBT), Aşkar (1986) tarafından geliştirilen Matematik Tutum Ölçeği (MTÖ), Yıldız, Akpınar, Tatar, ve Ergin (2009) tarafından geliştirilen Üst Biliş Ölçeği (ÜBÖ) ile toplanmıştır. Veriler; SPSS 21 programında ilişkisiz (bağımsız) örneklemler t-testi, ilişkili (bağımlı) örneklemler t-testi, Mann-Whitney U testi ve Wilcoxon işaretli sıralar testi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin yorumlanmasında ,05 anlamlılık düzeyi kabul edilmiştir. Veri analizi sonucunda deney ve kontrol grubu öğrencilerinin akademik başarılarında anlamlı bir artış olduğu, bu artışın deney grubu lehine olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, MEB programı ile yazma etkinliklerinin birlikte kullanılması öğrencilerinin matematiğe yönelik tutum ve üst bilişlerini olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Ancak MEB programına göre gerçekleştirilen öğretim öğrencilerinin matematiğe yönelik tutum ve üst bilişlerinde anlamlı bir değişiklik meydana getirmemiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarının ülkemizdeki matematik eğitimine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.The aim of this study is to examine the effects of writing activities performed in seventh grade Math courses as an addition to the teaching program of the Ministry of National Education of Turkey (MEB) on students' academic achievement, attitudes towards mathematics and metacognition. A quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest and a control group was used in this study, which lasted for approximately seven weeks in the second semester of the 2014-2015 academic year. The experimental and control groups of the research consisted of 17 and 19 students, respectively. The control group students did only the teaching program specified by MEB, whereas students in the experimental group performed additional writing activities developed by the researcher. The data of the research were collected using the Achievement Test for the Learning Domain of Probability and Statistics (ATPS) developed by the researcher, the Mathematics Attitude Scale (MAS) developed by Aşkar (1986) and the Metacognition Scale (MCS) developed by Yıldız, Akpınar, Tatar, and Ergin (2009). The data were analyzed by running the independent samples t-test, the dependent samples t-test, the Mann-Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon signed rank test on SPSS 21 software. A significance level of .05 was taken as the threshold for significance. The data analysis revealed an increase in the academic achievement levels of students in favor of the experimental group. Moreover, using the MEB teaching program along with writing activities positively affected the students' attitudes towards mathematics and their metacognitive skills. On the other hand, the teaching that used the MEB program did not create any statistically significant change in these variables. It is believed that the findings of this study will contribute to mathematics education in Turkey

    Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise Capacities in Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Associations with Subcutaneous Fat Distributions

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    Obesity is a strong risk factor for the development and progression of sleep apnea. Responses to exercise by patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) are clinically relevant to reducing body weight and cardiovascular risk factors. This study aimed to clarify the aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacities and their possible relationships with other findings in patients with OSAS. Forty patients (30 males, 10 females) and 40 controls (30 males, 10 females) were enrolled in this study. Questionnaires (excessive daytime sleepiness, daytime tiredness, morning headache, waking unrefreshed, and imbalance), overnight polysomnography, indirect laryngoscopy, and aerobic and anaerobic exercise tests were performed. Triceps, subscapular, abdomen, and thigh skinfold thicknesses were measured. Subcutaneous abdominal fat (abdomen skinfold) was significantly higher in OSAS patients than in controls. Maximal anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity were not different significantly between the patients and controls. We found that aerobic capacity was significantly lower in OSAS patients than in controls. Aerobic capacity was negatively correlated with upper-body subcutaneous fat (triceps and subscapular skinfolds) but not correlated with subcutaneous abdominal fat in OSAS patients. In multivariate analyses using all patients, the apnea-hypopnea index remained a significant independent predictor of aerobic capacity after controlling for a variety of potential confounders including body mass index. Our data confirm that central obesity (subcutaneous abdominal fat) is prominent in patients with OSAS. Our results suggest that lower aerobic exercise capacity in patients with OSAS might be due to daily physical activity that is restricted by OSA itself. This study also suggests that the degree of subcutaneous abdominal fat cannot be used for predicting aerobic capacity level. We think that upper-body subcutaneous fat might be suitable for determining the physical fitness of patients with OSAS

    The Bibliometric Analysis of the Studies Presented at the Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology Congresses in the Period 2009-2018

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the abstracts presented at Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology Congresses in the years from 2009 to 2018


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    t8code is a C/C++ library to manage parallel adaptive meshes with various element types. t8code uses a collection (a forest) of multiple connected adaptive space-trees in parallel and scales to at least one million MPI ranks and over 1 Trillion mesh elements. t8code uses space-filling curves (SFCs) to manage the adaptive refinement and efficiently store the mesh elements and associated data