9 research outputs found

    Effects of the frequency of fruit dilution in some peach varieties on the development, productivity and fruit quality of flower buds

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    Bu araştırma 1994-1996 yıllanrı arasında, Bursa yöresinin bazı önemli şeftali çeşitlerinde farklı derecelerdeki seyreltme uygulamalarının verim, meyvelerin kalite özellikleri, çiçek tomurcuğu oluşumu ve tomurcukların içsel gelişimi üzerine etkilerini saptamak amacıyla yapılmış ve aşağıdaki sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Meyve ağırlığı ve büyüklüğü seyreltmeye bağlı olarak değişmiş, Dixired, Redhaven ve J.H.Hale çeşitlerinde ürün yükü arttıkça, kısmi bir azalma eğilimi göstermiş, genellikle 4 ve 5 meyveli uygulamalar diğer uygulamalara göre daha düşük değerler vermiş, Early Red çeşidinde ise bazı uygulamalarda pozitif yönde bir değişim görülmüştür. Genellikle daha büyük meyve veren seyreltme uygulamalarındaki et/çekirdek oranı daha yüksek bulunmuş, özellikle yıllara göre değişmekle birlikte bu durum Redhaven ve J.H.Hale çeşitlerinde belirgin ve bazen önemli olmuştur. SEKM miktarı seyreltmeye bağlı olmakla birlikte genellikle 2 meyveli uygulamalar en yüksek değerleri vermiştir. pH değerleri, bazı yıl ve çeşitlerde ürün yükü arttıkça, kısmen yükselme eğilimi göstermiş ancak bu eğilim önemli ve tüm çeşitlerde kararlı olmamıştır. Ürün yükü arttıkça çeşitlerin asıtlık değerlerinde de bazen kısmi bir artış olmuştur. Meyve eti sertliği değerleri uygulamalara göre istikrarlı bir değişim göstermemiştir. Toplam şeker ve buna paralel olarak da invert şeker miktarlarında uygulamalara bağlı olarak belirgin farklılıklar saptanmamıştır. Gövde kesit alanına düşen verimde en yüksek değerleri daha fazla meyve bırakılan uygulamalar, genellikle de 4 ve 5 meyveli uygulamalar vermiştir. Meyve ağırlığı ile verim değerleri arasında 8 yaşlı ağaçlarda negatif yönde, 6 yaşlı ağaçlarda ise Early Red çeşidinde goble şeklinde daha belirgin olarak pozitif yönde bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Sürgün boylarındaki değişim, uygulamalara göre belirgin bir azalma eğilimi göstermemiş, ancak 5 meyveli uygulamalar diğer uygulamalara göre daha düşük değerler vermiştir. Birim uzunluktaki sürgün sayısı, ürün artışına paralel olarak azalmıştır. Çiçek tomurcuğu sayısı, dallarda bırakılan meyve sayısı arttıkça azalma eğilimi göstermiş ancak bu durum Early Red çeşidinde belirgin olmamıştır. Tomurcukların içsel gelişiminde seyreltmeye bağlı olarak dikkat çeken bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir.This research was conducted between the years 1994-1996 with the aim of finding out the effects of thinning applications at different degrees in some important peach cultivars in Bursa on yield, quality characteristics of fruit, formation of flower buds and inner development of the buds, and the following results were obtained: Fruit weight and size changed in accordance with thinning, in cvs. Dixired, Redhaven and JÜHale, the weight and size had a partial tendency of decrease when crop load increased. The application of 4 or 5 fruits per shoot generally decreased fruit weight much more than the other applications, but a positive change was observed in some applications with regard to cv. Early Red. In many cases, the flesh/seed ratio was found to be higher in thinning applications which resulted in bigger fruit, and especially, although having changed according to years, mis case was noticeable and sometimes significant in cvs. Redhaven and J.RHale. Despite the feet that WSS amount was dependent on thinning, in general, 2 fruits/shoot applications led to higher values. In some years and cvs, pH values had a partial tendency of rise when crop load increased, but mis tendency was not important, and it was not fixed in all cvs. Sometimes a partial rise took place in acidity values of the cvs. together with the increase in crop load. The values of firmness of fruit flesh did not result in a stable change according to the applications. Total and invert sugar amounts were not changed significantly, according to the applications, m the yield quantities per trunk cross sectional area and per tree, the applications which left more fruit, and mostly 4 and 5 fruits/shoot applications, resulted in me highest values. A negative relationship was found between fruit weight and yield in 8 year old trees, but having been more noticeable in cv. Early Red when vase training system was practised, a positive relationship was found out in 6 year old trees. In general the change in shoot length was not significantly decreased by the applications, but 5 fruits/shoot applications had a lower value in this respect. The number of shoot per unit length of shoot, decreased parallel to crop rise. The number of flower buds had a tendency of decrease when the number of fruit left on the branches increased, but this tendency was not remarkable in cv. Early Red. A remarkable difference dependent on thinning was not observed in the inner development of the fruits buds

    The effects of Paclobutrazol on flower bud formation applied to trees of unproductive Amasya apple variety.

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    Bu araştırmada verime yatmamış Amasya elma çeşidi ağaçlarına uygulanan paclobutrazol un topuz ve dolayısıyla çiçek tomurcuğu oluşumu üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Uygulamalar 1990 yılında tomurcuklarda ayırımın başlamasından önce, yaz büyüme periyodunda 1000, 2000 ve 3000 ppm dazlarda yapılmıştır. İlk uygulamadan 12 gün sonra 1000 ppm lik doz ikinci kez uygulanmıştır. 2x1000 2000 ve 3000 ppm lik dozlar, terminal ve lateral.sürgün sayılarını: önemli ölçüde azaltmış, dolaylı yaldan sürgün boylarını kısaltmış-, tır. Ağaç birim hacmine ve birim gövde kesit alanına düşen spur sayısı üzerine paclobutrazol uygulamalarının, uygulamanın yapıldığı yıldaki etkileri istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmamıştır. Ertesi büyüme mevsiminde yapılan değerlendirmelere göre bir spura düşen sürgün boyu dikkate alındığında en iyi soncu 2xlQQ0 ppm lik doz vermiş bir başka değerlendirme de ise 10 cm daldaki spur sayısını arttırma bakımından en iyi sonuçları 3000 ppm ve 2x1000 ppm lik dozlar vermiştir. 2x1000 ppm lik uygulama 1 ve 2 yaşlı dallarda sürgün ve kargı oluşumunu 2000 ppm lik uygulama ise 1 yaşlı dallardaki kargı oluşumunu büyük ölçüde engellemiştir. Değişik paclobutrazol konsantrasyonlarının uygulamayı takip eden kış dinlenme periyodu sırasında 1 ve 2 yaşlı dalların kabuk dokularındaki toplam karbonhidrat ve azot kapsamı ile C/N oranlarına etkisi farklı olmamıştır.In this study, the effects of paclabutrazal applied to nanbearing Amasya apple trees an spur and hence flower bud formation were investigated. The applications were conducted in 1990 before the commencement of flower initkıtinn during summer growth period at 1000 2000 and 3000 ppm concentrations. The 1000 ppm dose was repeated 12 days after the fist application. The doses of 2x1000,2000 and 3000 ppm significantly decreased the number of terminal and lateral shoots and indirectly shortened the shoot size. The effect of paclobutrazol applications on the number of spurs per unit volume of trees and unit trunk cross section area in the year of application were not found significant statistically. According to the assessment made in the :fallowing growth season, considering the shoot size per spur, 2x1000 ppm concentration gave the best result. In another assessment, 3000 ppm and 2x1000 ppm doses gave the best results with respect to increasing the spur number per 10 cm of branch. 2x1000 ppm application inhibited the shoot and small shoot formation on 1 year 2 year- old branches whereas 2000 ppm application inhibited the small shoot formation on 1 year-old branches. The effects of different paclobutrazol concentrations on the total carbohydrate and nitrogen contents in the bark tissues of 1 and 2 year-old branches and on C/N ratio during the winter rest period after application were not different

    Effects of Caprifig (<i>Ficus carica</i> var. <i>caprificus</i>) Storage Temperature and Duration on the Fruit Productivity and Quality of ‘Bursa Siyahi’ Figs

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    Caprification is the process of hanging caprifig fruits on edible fig trees to transfer the pollen inside the caprifig to the edible fig via the wasp (Blastophaga psenes) living in the caprifig. It needs to be repeated several times for the proper fruit set of edible figs. The present study was conducted to determine the change in the number of Blastophaga psenes, the duration of Blastophaga’s exit, and pollen viability in case the caprifigs to be used in the caprification process are stored until use. The number of Blastophaga and in vitro pollen viability were tested at day 0 (harvest day) and after 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 days of storage at three different temperatures (0, 4, and 8 °C). Afterwards, the effect of pollination frequency on the edible fig fruit set and quality was determined by using Blastophaga psenes as a vector in the pollination of stored caprifig fruits, pollinating five times with 4-day intervals and three times with 8-day intervals. Approximately a 50% reduction in the number of B. psenes was detected after 4 (180.22), 12 (174.11) and 16 (192.66) days of caprifigs storage at 0, 4, and 8 °C, respectively. The pollen germination percentage of the caprifigs increased with storage and was higher in those stored at 8 °C (43.96%) and 4 °C (41.70%). The highest fruit set was obtained when the caprifigs stored at 4 °C (76.41%) and 8 °C (71.38%) five times with 4-day intervals were used for pollination. The pollination practice repeated five times with 4-day intervals resulted in a lower proportion of extra-large fruits with a weight of >100 g, a higher proportion of fruits with no or slight ostiole damage and early ripening of fruits. These results suggest that B. psenes and pollen viability can be preserved by storing caprifigs at 4 or 8 °C and that fruit set and fruit characteristics would be positively affected with the use of stored caprifigs in the pollination practice repeated five times with 4-day intervals

    Chemical composition of fruits of some important chestnut cultivars

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    In this study, chemical compositions of the fruits of some important domestic chestnut types and cultivars were investigated. They contained (g/100g dry matter basis) total carbohydrates 75.32 - 86.31, total sugar 10.32 - 22.79, invert sugar 0.08 - 1.25, starch 54.45 - 69.70, sucrose 8.86 - 21.28, ash 1.02 - 3.22, crude cellulose 3.58 - 5.96, total fat 0.49 - 2.01, total protein 4.88 - 10.87. Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, P, Na and K contents were (mg/100g) 43 - 230, 70 - 160, 0.4 - 5.7, 0.7 - 5.5, 0.6 - 3.8, 1.8 - 9.1, 107 - 191, 6 - 41, 761 - 1271, respectively

    The determination of tenofovir level in breast milk of nursing mothers under tenofovir therapy

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    Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting -- NOV 09-13, 2018 -- San Francisco, CAWOS: 000446020500434In this study, we aimed to determine of tenofovir concentration in maternal plasma, breast milk and plasma of infants and factors affecting drug levels in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients using tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) during breastfeeding period.American Association for the Study of Liver Disease

    Clinical and microbiological characteristics of Aeromonas bacteremia in Turkey

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    We investigated the cases with Aeromonas bacteremia in terms of clinical and microbiological characteristics, underlying disease and mortality rates. Patients with positive blood cultures were included in this research. Aeromonas bacteremia was diagnosed as at least one positive blood culture for Aeromonas species. The bacteremia was defined as community origin if the onset was in the community or within 72 hours of hospital admission. The others were considered as nosocomial. All bacteria were defined as Aeromonas with conventional method. Species identification was verified by VITEK system. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were analyzed with the disc diffusion, E-test method or VITEK system. Thirty-three patients were diagnosed with bacteremia due to Aeromonas spp. Hematologic and solid tumors were the leading underlying conditions, followed by cirrhosis. Two patients (6%) had community-acquired infections. Aeromonas hydrophila was the most common isolated bacterium. The crude mortality rate was 36%. 12 patients died and 6 deaths and 4 deaths were detected in patients with bacteremia caused by A. hydrophila and Aeromonas sobria respectively. All strains were resistant to ampicillin and more than 90% of the strains were susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fluoroquinolone, third generation cephalosporins, and carbapenems. Aeromonas sp. is not a frequent cause of bacteremia however, it may lead to high mortality rates, especially in the immunocompromised hosts and patients with liver cirrhosis. Nosocomial Aeromonas bacteremia is not uncommon in these populations. Broad-spectrum cephalosporins, piperacillin-tazobactam, fluoroquinolones, and carbapenems remain as effective antimicrobial agents for therapy of Aeromonas bacteremia