131 research outputs found

    Peat Use in Horticulture

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    Peat is a spongy substance which is an effect of incomplete decomposition of plant residues in different stages of decomposition. Between the several organic matters which are used as substrate for horticultural plants cultivation in soilless conditions, peat is the unabandonable ingredient for mixtures for commercial production of plants. Peat is used in horticulture as a component of garden plant substrates, in agriculture for the production of garden soil and as an organic fertilizer, and in balneology as a material for baths and wraps. The use of peat for agriculture and horticulture is determined by the following quality parameters: the degree of decomposition, ash content, pH, the presence of carbonates, the density of the solid phase, bulk density, and porosity. As an organic material, the peat forms in the acidic, waterlogged, and sterile conditions of fens and bogs. The conditions seem like the development of mosses. The plants do not compose as they die. Instead of this, the organic matter is laid down and accumulates in a slow time as peat due to the oxygen deficiency in the bog. This makes peat a highly productive growing medium. In the present novel review, we discuss the peat use in horticulture

    Military jet pilots have higher p-wave dispersions compared to the transport aircraft aircrew

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    Objectives: For the purpose of flight safety military aircrew must be healthy. P-wave dispersion (PWD) is the p-wave length difference in an electrocardiographic (ECG) examination and represents the risk of developing atrial fibrillation. In the study we aimed at investigating PWD in healthy military aircrew who reported for periodical examinations. Material and Methods: Seventy-five asymptomatic military aircrew were enrolled in the study. All the subjects underwent physical, radiologic and biochemical examinations, and a 12-lead electrocardiography. P-wave dispersions were calculated. Results: The mean age of the study participants was 36.15±8.97 years and the mean p-wave duration was 100.8±12 ms in the whole group. Forty-seven subjects were non-pilot aircrew, and 28 were pilots. Thirteen study subjects were serving in jets, 49 in helicopters, and 13 were transport aircraft pilots. Thirty-six of the helicopter and 11 of the transport aircraft aircrew were non-pilot aircrew. P-wave dispersion was the lowest in the transport aircraft aircrew, and the highest in jet pilots. P-wave dispersions were similar in the pilots and non-pilot aircrew. Twenty-three study subjects were overweight, 19 had thyroiditis, 26 had hepatosteatosis, 4 had hyperbilirubinemia, 2 had hypertension, and 5 had hyperlipidemia. The PWD was significantly associated with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Serum uric acid levels were associated with p-wave durations. Serum TSH levels were the most important predictor of PWD. Conclusions: When TSH levels were associated with PWD, uric acid levels were associated with p-wave duration in the military aircrew. The jet pilots had higher PWDs. These findings reveal that military jet pilots may have a higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation, and PWD should be recorded during periodical examinations

    A swot analysis to raise awareness about cyber security and proper use of social media: Istanbul sample

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    Internet is a cyber-ambient where the number of users is increasing consistently as a result of wide opportunities those are provided and where access can be ensured with information technologies. Today, via internet and social media where the number of users reaches billions, the samples of committed cybercrimes and cyber-attacks are increasing throughout the world. For this reason, it is inevitable to raise awareness in the society about cyber security and social media use. Raising awareness also can be done by providing education for all sections of the society. It is aimed to bring the expert person who has knowledge and experiences to provide support about creating substructure of education about both cyber security and using social media, by considering potential of institution and organization, and these sharers hosted by Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education and it is aimed to make cooperations. In line with this aim, Cyber Security and Proper Use of Social Media Workshop was realized in Istanbul on 17-18 February 2018. In discussions made within the scope of the workshop, the participants made SWOT analyses on behalf of using social media properly and to raise awareness for cyber security. In that study, information will be given about these analyses performed for Istanbul province. Keywords: Cyber security; social media; awareness; swot analysi

    The evaluation of neuroprotective effect of systemic and/or intravitreal rosuvastatin administration in rat glaucoma model

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    Amaç: Ratlarda glokom modelinde sistemik ve/veya intravitreal rosuvastatin uygulamasının nöroprotektif etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Metod: 30 adet Long-Evans cinsi ratın 60 gözü çalışmaya dahil edildi. Kronik oküler hipertansiyon modeli ratların sağ gözlerinde episkleral ven koterizasyonu (EVK) yolu ile oluşturuldu (30 göz). Ratların diğer gözleri kontrol grubu olarak alındı. Ratlar; grup 1 (1mg/kg/gün oral rosuvastatin), grup 2 (intravitreal rosuvastatin), grup 3 (oral+intravitreal rosuvastatin), grup 4 (intravitreal sham) ve grup 5 (sadece glokom modeli) olacak şekilde 5 gruba ayrıldı. Tüm gruplarda EVK öncesi ve sonrası Tonopen (Medtronic Solan, FL, USA) ile göz içi basınç (GİB) değerleri ölçüldü. RGH morfoloji ve sayısı Hematoksilen-Eosin, apoptozise uğrayan RGH oranları TUNEL boyama ile değerlendirildi. Gruplar arası RGH sayı farkları istatistiksel olarak Mann-Whitney-U testi ile analiz edildi. EVK öncesi ve sonrası GİB farkları ise Wilcoxon testi ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: EVK öncesi Tonopen (Medtronic Solan, FL, USA) ile ölçülen GİB değeri tüm gruplarda ortalama 15,31±1,30 mmHg (12,50-17,75) ve EVK sonrası 2.hafta 28,73±2,45 mmHg (25,50-34,00) olarak ölçüldü (p<0,0001). Total RGH sayısı grup 1 (92,4±7,3) `de grup 5 (70,33±8,2) ile karşılaştırıldığında daha yüksek izlenirken, kendi kontrol grubu (94,8±9,7) ile benzer olduğu saptandı (p:0.03; p:0.90, sırasıyla). Grup 2 (57,3±8,2) ve grup 3 (60,5±12,9)' teki RGH sayıları ise grup 5'e göre daha az olarak bulundu (sırasıyla, p:0,004, p: 0,261). TUNEL boyamada apoptozise uğrayan hücre oranları ise RGH sayıları ile paraleldi ve gruplara göre sırasıyla; %0.9, %10.4, %3.3, %0,0 %5.6 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Oral rosuvastatin alan ratlarda RGH kaybının daha az bulunması, nöroprotektif etkisini desteklemekte birlikte; intravitreal rosuvastatin uygulamasının RGH' leri koruyucu etkisi gösterilememiştir.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of rosuvastatin, in a rat experimental glaucoma model. Methods: Chronic ocular hypertension was induced in right eyes of Long Evans rats (n=60) by cauterization of three episcleral veins. Left eyes were defined as control group. Rats were divided into five groups; group 1 (1mg/kg/day oral rosuvastatin), group 2 (intravitreal rosuvastatin), group 3 (oral+intravitreal rosuvastatin), grup 4 (intravitreal sham) and group 5 (only glaucoma model). Animals were examined for changes in IOP by a TonoPen(Medtronic Solan, FL, USA). Rats were sacrificed at day 14. Total cell number was assessed by histopathological analysis. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-nick end-labeling (TUNEL) staining was performed and the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was examined to evaluate changes of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) apoptosis and glial cell activation. Results: A significant IOP elevation was seen as early as one day, and maintained for up to 2 weeks, after surgery (p<0.0001). Elevated IOP resulted in a significant decrease in number of RGCs in group 5 (70.33±8.2 cells) when compared with control eyes (94.8±9.7 cells; p=0.03). The number of RGC in group 1 (92,4±7,3 cells) was significantly higher than group 5 (p=0.03). The number of RGC in group 2 (57,3±8,2 cells) and group 3 (60,5±12,9 cells) was significantly reduced compared with group 5 (p=0,004 and p=0.261 respectively). The apoptosis rates with TUNEL staining were parellel to RGC number (0.9%, 10.4%, 3.3%, 0.0% and 5.6% respectively). GFAP expression and TUNEL staining revealed significant decreases in RGC apoptosis and glial cell activation after oral rosuvastatin administration. Conclusion: Decrease in RGC loss and apoptosis suggest the neuroprotective potential of oral rosuvastatin in an animal model of chronic ocular hypertension, but further studies are required


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