36 research outputs found

    Classification of acute subaxial cervical spine injury

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    Abstract Study Design Literature review Objective The aim of this thesis is to compare the main classification systems available for classifying acute subaxial cervical spinal injury and compare their relative strengths and weaknesses, especially in their ability to guide treatment and predict prognosis. Methods A PICO question was formulated and used to select search terms. The search terms were used to search the online database Pubmed/Medline for English language review articles less than 10 years old. These were evaluated based on their abstracts and articles relevant to the PICO question were selected. The final 9 articles were studied and their bibliographies were searched for relevant secondary articles. Results Five main classification systems for acute subaxial cervical trauma were found (Holdsworth's classification, Allen's classification, Harris' classification, the subaxial cervical spine injury classification system (SLIC) and the cervical spine injury severity score (CSISS)). Conclusion By comparing the classification systems, it is evident that older classification systems (Holdsworth, Allen et al and Harris et al) have focused on the mechanisms of injury while newer classification systems (Vaccaro et al, Moore et al) have discarded this in favour of radiological findings and, in the case of Vaccaro et al, neurologic status. Comparisons of the classification systems show that there are clear advantages to the system presented by Vaccaro et al (SLIC scale) compared to previous systems because it may be used to guide treatment, however it has lower reliability and validity compared to the Allen and Harris systems. The CSISS has a higher interrater and intrarater reliability than the SLIC scale but is not suitable for guiding treatment for injuries with scores <7 and does not include neurological status. There is a need for further study and evaluation of the SLIC system to ascertain its true reliability in a clinical setting

    The regional research biobank of central Norway - "One biobank, many collections" :

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    The term biobank is used to designate a systematized collection of biological specimens, often restricted to specimens of human origin (1). Population biobanks, which mainly receive blood samples from large cohorts, have their value primarily in an epidemiological setting, as they are especially useful in identifying causative agents and risk factors, the practical scope of which is prevention. Clinical research biobanks, which contain samples from patients, are often established ad hoc, as part of a particular research project, aimed at shedding light on disease mechanisms and factors determining the course of disease, their practical scope being mainly to improve diagnosis and treatment. In the central part of Norway, we have established one clinical research biobank which is meant to serve the whole region. In this paper we will describe the background for this rather unusual construction, the principles which have governed its organisation and policy, and the results which we have achieved so far. Finally we discuss a couple of issues which open perspectives into the future

    Implementering av vaktpostlymfeknutebiopsi ved malignt melanom ved OUS

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    Tema/problemstilling Vi har sett på innføring av vaktpostlymfeknuteprosedyre (SLNB) hos pasienter med malignt melanom ved Oslo Universitetssykehus. Bakgrunnen for valget av oppgave var Helsedirektoratets handlingsprogram for malignt melanom fra 2011, der man anbefalte innføring av SLNB ved ekstremitetsmelanomer stadium IIA, i første omgang ved Universitetssykehusene. Flere sykehus har allerede implementert praksisen, men OUS er ikke et av disse. Dette til tross for at flere av forskerne involvert I utarbeidelsen av de nye retningslinjene har ledende stillinger i OUS. Kunnskapsgrunnlag I tillegg til å gjennomgå dokumentasjonen som ligger til grunn for Helsedirektoratets handlingsprogram, utformet vi et PICO-spørsmål og søkte I McMaster PLUS. Vi fant internasjonale retningslinjer i UpToDate, samt en meta-analyse og to primærstudier sitert i handlingsprogrammet. Vi har i tillegg vært i kontakt med flere professorer involvert i både Norsk Melanomgruppe og i helsedirektoratets arbeidsgruppe. Tiltak/kvalitetsindikator Vårt tiltak er å implementere de retningslinjene Helsedirektoratet allerede har gitt. Ut fra kunnskapsgrunnlaget mener vi dette vil gi pasientene økt residivfritt intervall, og hos dem som får påvist metastaser vil SLNB føre til tidligere lymfeknutetoalett som igjen er assosiert med høyere 5-års overlevelse. Da det er snakk om innføring av retningslinjer bruker vi en prosessindikator som kvalitetsindikator, nærmere bestemt andelen pasienter med ekstremitetsmelanom I stadium IIA som får utført en SLNB ved OUS. Ledelse/organisering Prosjektet gjennomføres ved Oslo Universitetssykehus. Til å lede prosjektet nedsettes en implementeringsgruppe bestående av avdelingsoverlege, LIS-lege, sykepleier, anestesilege, pasientkoordinator, radiolog og patolog. Grundig informasjon må gis til alle involverte parter, både gjennom møter og synlige oppslag. Vi ønsker å følge PDSA-sirkelen som mal for fremgangen i prosjektet, med John Kotters endringsstrategi i bunn. Vi har illustrert mulige utfordringer og motstand underveis i fiskebeinsdiagrammet, og skissert mulig håndtering av dette. Konklusjon Etter å ha satt oss inn i internasjonale retningslinjer og litteratur er det vår mening at det vil være til pasientenes beste å implementere Helsedirektoratets anbefaling om SLNB hos pasienter med ekstremitetsmelanomer I stadium IIA. I tillegg til gevinsten hos den enkelte pasient vil det muliggjøre forskning på området som kan gagne pasiengruppen på sikt. Også for sykehusets del mener vi økt ressursbruk her og nå oppveies av mindre sykdom og færre liggedøgn på sikt, og vi anbefaler at SLNB innføres ved Oslo Universitetssykehus hos den aktuelle pasientgruppen

    Trace metal behaviour in aquatic systems contaminated by mining and metallurgical industries

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    Le comportement des éléments traces métalliques (ETM) a été étudié dans deux systèmes aquatiques très différents, mais fortement contaminés par d anciennes activités minières et métallurgiques. Le premier site d étude se situe dans deux rivières Norvégiennes (Raubekken et Vorma). Les concentrations en Cu, Fe et Zn dans deux rivières ont été déterminées par voltamétrie à l aide d un système automatisé développé par le NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Le résultat le plus marquant de cette étude est la variabilité journalière de ces trois métaux dans la Vorma, avec des maxima de concentrations décalés dans le temps. Le second site d étude se situe dans le canal de la Deûle à proximité de l ancienne usine Métaleurop. Bien que les particules en suspension et les sédiments soient fortement contaminées en plomb, zinc et cadmium, ilapparaît globalement que la qualité de l eau filtrée est bonne. A l interface eau-sédiment, l oxydation de la matière organique biodégradable et la réduction conjointe des oxydes de fer et de manganèse conduisent à une libération importante des ETM dans les eaux interstitielles de surface. Pour autant, les valeurs des flux diffusifs et benthiques des ETM du sédiment vers la colonne d eau restent faibles par rapport à leurs variations journalières de concentration constatées dans la colonne d eau. En hiver, le suivi continu du zinc a montré que l augmentation des concentrations survient plusieurs heures après la remise en suspension de sédiments alors qu au printemps, les variations de température entre le jour et la nuit ainsi que celles de l activitéphytoplanctonique sont probablement à l origine de cycles journaliers.Trace-metals behaviour had been studied in two different aquatic systems contaminated by mining and metallurgical activities. The first study site is situated in two Norwegian rivers (Raubekken and Vorma). Cu, Fe and Zn concentrations in both rivers were measured by voltammetry by means of an automatic monitoring system developed by the NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The most significant result of this study was the daily variability of these three metals in Vorma, with noticeable shifts of metal-content maxima detected. The second study site is situated in Deûle river, close to the ancient smelter Metaleurop. Although suspended particles and sediments were strongly contaminated by Pb, Zn and Cd, the global quality of the filtered water was found to be good. As for the water-sediment interface, the oxidation of biodegradable organic matter and the reduction of iron and manganese oxides result in an important release of trace metals in interstitial waters from surface sediments. Nevertheless, measured and calculated diffusive and benthic fluxes of trace metals from the sediment to the water column were weak with respect to daily metal-concentrations variations in the water column. During monitoring campaigns in winter, it was shown that an increase of dissolved zinc occurred in the water column a few hours after sediment resuspension events, whereas in spring this phenomenon is more dependent upon temperature variations between day and night and phytoplankton activity as key parameters of daily cycles.LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effect of CO2 on elemental concentrations in recirculating aquaculture system tanks

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    High levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and subsequent changes in water quality parameters in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are known to impair fish health, welfare and growth performance. A three-month trial was conducted in RAS tanks for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolt, where the effects of CO2 on various water quality parameters (such as pH, redox potential, conductivity, and toxic elements) in brackish water were investigated. The experimental setup contained 18 fish tanks (V = 0.5 m3) with six CO2 treatments (5, 12, 19, 26, 33 and 40 mg CO2 L−1) in triplicate (46 post-smolts tank−1). Initial fish body weight was 70 ± 0.5 g (± SE), final body weight was 232 ± 11 g, and the average growth rate was 1.39% d−1. Fish were fed continuously (approx. 23 h d−1) over satiation (120–140%) during the experiment. Levels of most of the physico-chemical parameters, except for pH (7.65–6.74 for 5–40 mg CO2 L−1 treatments) and redox potential (181.73–195.67 mV for 5–40 mg CO2 L−1 treatments), did not differ between different CO2 treatments. In total, 56 elements were measured, and 32 of these (such as Mg, S, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb) were found to be above the limits of detection. None of the elements (except Fe) demonstrated any significant association with CO2 or any of the physico-chemical variables in the current set-up. Fe concentrations were higher in high CO2 treatments (13.0–13.6 μg L−1 for 33–40 mg CO2 L−1) compared with the lower ones (8.7–10.1 μg L−1 for 5–12 mg CO2 L−1), probably due to the differences in pH. Concentrations of dissolved Fe increased over the course of the study, possibly due to the reduced water exchange towards the end of the experiment. Overall, high CO2 levels did not have any significant impact on the physico-chemical properties of water under the conditions of this study. The water exchange rate (39% of system water vol. d−1) and unit processes appeared to produce good water quality because all elements measured herein were within safe recommended limits for salmonids.Effect of CO2 on elemental concentrations in recirculating aquaculture system tanksacceptedVersio

    The histological representativeness of glioblastoma tissue samples

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    Background Glioblastomas (GBMs) are known for having a vastly heterogenous histopathology. Several studies have shown that GBMs can be histologically undergraded due to sampling errors of small tissue samples. We sought to explore to what extent histological features in GBMs are dependent on the amount of viable tissue on routine slides from both biopsied and resected tumors. Methods In 106 newly diagnosed GBM patients, we investigated associations between the presence or degree of 24 histopathological and two immunohistochemical features and the tissue amount on hematoxylin-eosin (HE) slides. The amount of viable tissue was semiquantitatively categorized as “sparse,” “medium,” or “substantial” for each case. Tissue amount was also assessed for associations with MRI volumetrics and the type of surgical procedure. Results About half (46%) of the assessed histological and immunohistochemical features were significantly associated with tissue amount. The significant features were less present or of a lesser degree when the tissue amount was smaller. Among the significant features were most of the features relevant for diffuse astrocytic tumor grading, i.e., small necroses, palisades, microvascular proliferation, atypia, mitotic count, and Ki-67/MIB-1 proliferative index (PI). Conclusion A substantial proportion of the assessed histological features were at risk of being underrepresented when the amount of viable tissue on HE slides was limited. Most of the grading features were dependent on tissue amount, which underlines the importance of considering sampling errors in diffuse astrocytic tumor grading. Our findings also highlight the importance of adequate tissue collection to increase the quality of diagnostics and histological research