422 research outputs found

    Plasma creatinine in dogs: intra- and inter-laboratory variation in 10 European veterinary laboratories

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is substantial variation in reported reference intervals for canine plasma creatinine among veterinary laboratories, thereby influencing the clinical assessment of analytical results. The aims of the study was to determine the inter- and intra-laboratory variation in plasma creatinine among 10 veterinary laboratories, and to compare results from each laboratory with the upper limit of its reference interval.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Samples were collected from 10 healthy dogs, 10 dogs with expected intermediate plasma creatinine concentrations, and 10 dogs with azotemia. Overlap was observed for the first two groups. The 30 samples were divided into 3 batches and shipped in random order by postal delivery for plasma creatinine determination. Statistical testing was performed in accordance with ISO standard methodology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Inter- and intra-laboratory variation was clinically acceptable as plasma creatinine values for most samples were usually of the same magnitude. A few extreme outliers caused three laboratories to fail statistical testing for consistency. Laboratory sample means above or below the overall sample mean, did not unequivocally reflect high or low reference intervals in that laboratory.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In spite of close analytical results, further standardization among laboratories is warranted. The discrepant reference intervals seem to largely reflect different populations used in establishing the reference intervals, rather than analytical variation due to different laboratory methods.</p

    In vitro fordÞyelse av myseproteiner fra geit ved humane gastrointestinale sekreter : Effekt av myseprotein hydrolysater og mysepeptider pÄ in vitro cellekulturer

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    The objectives of this thesis were to characterise human gastrointestinal juices, to identify peptides produced after in vitro digestion of whey proteins by these juices, and to screen for immunomodulating properties of whey hydrolysates and single synthetic peptides. The volumes of gastric and duodenal juices as well as their pH differed between individuals. Large individual variations in the enzyme activities and amounts of duodenal bile acids were also observed. Frozen storage of gastric juice resulted in a rapid decrease in pepsin activity. The stability was not improved by adding 13% glycerol or by increasing the pH to 4. In duodenal juice the lipase activity on the other hand remained stable for 4 months and thereafter decreased. Total proteolytic and amylase activities remained stable. A two-step in vitro digestion model was performed to simulate digestion of whey proteins in the stomach and the duodenum. Protein degradation patterns were shown by SDS-PAGE and generated peptides were identified by nano-LC-MS/MS. Digestion using human gastroduodenal juices was compared with digestion by porcine digestive enzymes at similar enzyme activities. In addition, gastric digestion was performed at pH 2, 4 or 6 to account for normal pH variations. The results showed that the lower the gastric pH, the more degraded were the proteins in both steps. Porcine enzymes, especially pepsin, were more efficient at degrading the whey proteins compared to the human juices. The most extensive digestion of the proteins was observed after gastric digestion at pH 2 with porcine enzymes. The present study showed that digestion of whey proteins with human gastric and duodenal juices generated peptides of immunomodulatory nature. Twenty-two peptides identified within the digested caprine whey concentrate were synthesised. While whey proteins and hydrolysates demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on T cell proliferation, the effect could not be explained by any of the single synthetic peptides alone. The whey protein samples were moreover shown not to be toxic to the cells and they did not induce apoptosis. The synthetic peptides and fractions of digested whey protein increased the secretion of IL-1ÎČ and IL-12, while the secretion of IL-4 and IL-5 was reduced by many samples. The peptides only affected the DC secretion of IL-6 and IL-8, whereas the levels of IL-10, IL-12 and IFN-Îł were unaltered. Interestingly, each peptide seemed to induce unique changes in the cytokine profiles and could therefore potentially display different immunomodulating effects in vivo.FormĂ„lene med dette studiet var Ă„ karakterisere humane mage- og tarmsekreter, Ă„ identifisere peptider dannet ved in vitro fordĂžyelse av myseproteiner, og Ă„ lete etter immunmodulerende egenskaper ved myseproteinhydrolysater og syntetiske mysepeptider. Sekreterte volum av mage-og tarmsaft og pH i disse varierte mellom individer. I tillegg ble det registrert store variasjoner i enzymaktiviter og i mengde gallesalter i de individuelle fĂžrdĂžyelsessekretene. Ved fryselagring av sekretene avtok pepsinaktiviteten i magesaften raskt. Stabiliteten ble ikke bedret ved Ă„ tilsette 13% glycerol, eller ved Ă„ Ăžke pH til 4. Lipaseaktiviteten i tarmsaften holdt seg stabil i 4 mĂ„neder, men avtok deretter. Total proteolytisk- og amylase-aktivitet holdt seg stabile under lagring. En to-trinns in vitro fordĂžyelsesmodell ble utfĂžrt for Ă„ simulere fordĂžyelse i mage og tarm. FordĂžyelse ved human mage- og tarmsaft ble sammenlignet med fordĂžyelse ved kommersielle fĂžrdĂžyelsesenzymer fra gris. I tillegg, ble ”magetrinnet” utfĂžrt ved pH 2, 4 or 6 for Ă„ inkludere normale variasjoner i pH i magesekken. Resultatene viste at jo lavere pH var ved fordĂžyelse i magen, jo mer degraderete ble proteinene i begge trinn. Enzymene fra gris, og da sĂŠrlig pepsin, var mer effektivt til Ă„ degradere myseproteinene sammenlignet med mage- og tarmsaften. Mest fordĂžyd ble proteinen etter fordĂžyelse ved pH 2 i magetrinnet og med kommersielle rensede enzymer fra gris. Denne studien viste at fordĂžyelse av myseproteiner med mage- og tarmsaft fĂžrte til dannelse av immunomodulerende peptider. 22 peptider som var identifisert i det fordĂžyde myseprotein konsentratet ble syntetisert. Myseproteiner og hydrolysater viste en dose-avhengig inhibering pĂ„ T-celle proliferasjon, men effekten kunne ikke forklares ved ett av de syntetiske peptidene alene. Myseproteinene viste ingen toksisk effekt pĂ„ cellene og induserte ikke apoptose. De syntetiske peptidene og fraksjoner av fordĂžyd myseprotein Ăžkte T cellenes sekresjon av of IL-1ÎČ og IL-12, mens sekresjonen av IL-4 og IL-5 avtok i nĂŠrvĂŠr av mange av disse prĂžvene. De syntetiske peptidene hadde kun effekt pĂ„ den dendritiske cellenes sekresjon av IL-6 and IL-8, mens nivĂ„ene av IL-10, IL-12 og IFN-Îł forble uendret. SĂŠrlig interesant var det at de enkelte peptidene sĂ„ ut til Ă„ indusere unike endringer i cytokinprofilene til bĂ„de T celler og dendritiske celler. Dette kan tyde pĂ„ at de potensielt har ulike immunmodulating effekter in vivo.Østfold Hospital Trus

    H2 Safety in Human Operations – and Safety guideline

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    Does age matter? Examining age-dependent differences in at-fault collisions after attending a refresher course for older drivers

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    Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Abstract: The “Driver 65+” course is a voluntary refresher course offered to all drivers aged 65 years or older in Norway. The current study estimated differences in at-fault motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) between older drivers who had attended in the course and older drivers who had not attended the course. Methods: Two samples of drivers were selected from the database of an insurance company and were sent a questionnaire in the mail. The first sample consisted of 2039 car owners aged 70 years or older who had reported a collision to the insurance company during the last 24 months. The second sample consisted of 1569 drivers aged 70 or older who had not reported any collisions during the last 24 months. Results: The results indicated an age-dependent effect; drivers attending the course before 75 years of age had a significantly lower risk of being the at-fault driver in a multi-MVC than older drivers who did not attend the course. Conclusion: The results indicate that the refresher course had a beneficial effect on collision risk for drivers who attended the course before reaching 75 years of age. One possible explanation of this age-dependent effect is that a certain level of visual, cognitive, and motor functioning is needed to implement the strategies learned in the course. However, the design of the study makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions about the causal relationship between course attendance and later collision involvement.Does age matter? Examining age-dependent differences in at-fault collisions after attending a refresher course for older driverspublishedVersio

    Novel Heat Integration in a Methane Reformer and High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell-based mCHP System

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    AbstractA highly integrated and optimized heat recovery system is essential for efficient operation of a HTPEM fuel cell-based mCHP system. The main challenge with such system is to design energy efficient systems with low start-up time. Recent studies have shown that this can be achieved by proper heat integration of the balance of plant (BOP) components. This study proposed a novel scheme that optimally integrated the sub-components of a mCHP system consisting of a 2 kWel HTPEM fuel cell integrated with methane processing units, for recovery and use of the process and waste heat. A steady state system modeling and simulation of the complete mCHP system was implemented in Aspen Plus v7.2. The design of the heat recovery system was achieved with pinch analysis techniques. Heat integration results show that external cooling utility is not required and result in a 5% increase in the overall system efficienc

    Measures to enhance mobility among older people in Scandinavia. A literature review of best practice.

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    Mobiliteten eller rörligheten för Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskor Ă€r fortfarande ett omrĂ„de under utveckling. Det visar en VTI-studie gĂ€llande Norge, Danmark och Sverige dĂ€r man har studerat Ă€ldre personers resande med personbil, kollektivtrafik, cykel, gĂ„ng och i viss mĂ„n Ă€ven övriga transportmedel som definieras av motoriserade rullstolar, skotrar, mopedbilar, etc. ÅtgĂ€rder för att öka resandet med kollektivtrafik Ă€r pĂ„ dagordningen i alla tre lĂ€nderna. Det Ă„terstĂ„r dock mycket som kan förbĂ€ttras enligt de forskningsrapporter och utvĂ€rderingar som ingĂ„tt i studien. Exempelvis Ă€r mer Ă€n 200-300 meter en för lĂ„ng promenadstrĂ€cka till eller frĂ„n busshĂ„llplatsen för mĂ„nga Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskor och miljön pĂ„ stationer och hĂ„llplatser upplevs av mĂ„nga Ă€ldre som obehaglig och stressig. Dessutom bör information före och under resan vara bĂ„de visuell och hörbar, informationstavlor bör placeras i ögonhöjd, tidtabeller ska vara lĂ€tta att lĂ€sa och förstĂ„, det ska vara lĂ€tt att köpa en biljett och hantera biljettautomater, lĂ„ggolvsfordon Ă€r att föredra, lediga platser ska finnas ombord och föraren ska inte börja köra innan passagerarna har satt sig. Det kan ofta vara smĂ„ förbĂ€ttringar som utgör skillnader för dem som reser, till exempel att trottoarer Ă€r utan trappor och att det finns bĂ€nkar pĂ„ gĂ„ngvĂ€gen till busshĂ„llplatsen. Dessutom handlar strategier och Ă„tgĂ€rder för att förbĂ€ttra kollektivtrafiken inte bara om frĂ„gor som tillgĂ€ngliga fordon, vindskydd och enkla trottoarer vid busshĂ„llplatser, utan ocksĂ„ om frekvens och rutter i förhĂ„llande till resmönstren hos den nya rörliga generationen Ă€ldre. Dock Ă€r bristen pĂ„ information och kunskap om kollektivtrafiken ofta utbredd bland Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskor, vilket resulterar i att de reser mindre Ă€n de skulle ha gjort eller avstĂ„r helt frĂ„n att anvĂ€nda kollektivtrafiken. Informationskampanjer skulle kunna samordnas bĂ€ttre för att möta Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskors resmönster. Nya sĂ€tt att sprida information med den senaste tekniken skulle ocksĂ„ kunna organiseras i större utstrĂ€ckning för att möta behoven hos Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskor. Egentligen Ă€r problemet ibland inte brist pĂ„ information, utan för mycket information eller fel slags information.The present report is part of a larger project about mobility and its impact on older people\u92s well-being and welfare: Mobile age: The impact of everyday mobility for elderly people\u92s welfare and well-being. The heterogenity of older people is emphasised, not only with respect to physical age but also with respect to the specific resource situation and social context of everyday life. The geographical context of the project is Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The report is a literature review examining and evaluating measures designed to improve the independency of mobility among older people. While a few good examples of \u93best practice\u94 in the Scandinavian area (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) have been highlighted, gaps and weaknesses remain. The areas which are examined in the present report are private car, public transport, cycling, walking and to some extent other transport modes defined by motorized wheelchairs, scooters, four-wheeled mopeds/motorcycles, etc. Measures to increase travel with public transport are on the agenda in all three countries, i.e. accessible vehicles and increased accessibility to the interchanges. Also, often small amendments through the travel route could make difference, such as pavements without stairs and benches on the way to the bus stop. Furthermore, strategies and measures for improving public transport concern not only issues such as accessible vehicles, wind shelters and plain pavements at bus stops, but also frequency and routes in relation to the mobility needs of a new generation of older people. However, lack of information and knowledge about public transport services is often rife among older people, which results in them travelling less than they might have done or shying away completely from using public transport. Information campaigns could be synchronised consciously to meet older people\u92s travel trajectories. New ways of providing information using the latest technology could be found to meet the needs of older people. Actually, sometimes the problem is not lack of information but too much of it or the wrong kind

    Diskursanalyse: et mulig bidrag til utdanningshistorisk forskning

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    Diskursbegrepet er mangfoldig, og begrepet er pÄ mote. Vi kan oppleve at begrepene diskurs og diskursanalyse brukes uten noen nÊrmere bestemmelse av begrepenes innhold eller begrensninger, men diskurs og diskursanalyse dekker ulike metodiske og teoretiske posisjoner. Begrepenes mangfoldighet er nok en av grunnene til deres gjennomslagskraft, men dette mangfoldet kan samtidig gjÞre det teoretisk vanskelig Ä fÄ grep om diskursbegrepet (Olesen 2006). Felles er imidlertid en problematisering rundt sprÄket og sprÄkets evne til Ä gjenspeile virkeligheten. Tidvis anvendes begrepet diskurs nesten som en forklaringskategori, hvor diskursen blir Ärsaken til forestillinger og handlinger som igjen produserer en sosial og kulturell praksis. Videre kan begrepet brukes ideologikritisk, og da som en innfallsvinkel til Ä analysere hvilke dominerende tale- og forstÄelsesmÄter som er til stede i en konkret tekst, for eksempel i en utdanningspolitisk tekst. I artikkelen vil jeg fÞrst diskutere diskursbegrepet og vektlegge en presentasjon av Michel Foucaults diskursanalyse. Videre vil jeg si noe om den utdanningshistoriske forskningstradisjon, og til slutt antyder jeg hva en Foucaultinspirert diskursanalytisk tilnÊrming kan bidra med eller Äpne opp for av analytiske perspektiv for utdanningshistorisk forskning

    Fysioterapeuters erfaringer med eldre deprimerte og bruk av fysisk aktivitet

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    Masteroppgave i helsefag ME 518 Universitetet i Agder 2014This article is based upon a study of the experiences of physiotherapists working with elderly depressed patients and the use of physical activity. Depression in the elderly is a common condition, and it is estimated to be the second most common cause of failing health towards 2020. According to litterature physical activity has a positive effect on depression in the elderly. The aim of this study was to investigate the experiences of physiotherapist`s in the treament of eldely depressed patients over 65 years of age. Data was collected by qualitative reasearch interviews of 5 physiotherapists. Important findings of this study were that the physiotherapists experienced that they did not get any referrals to treatment solely due to depression, and that they needed a different approach to physical activity compared to other patient groups
