658 research outputs found

    Promoting Strategic Readers in a Digital Age: Teachers' reported beliefs on the digitized L2 textbook's potential for promoting reading strategies in the EFL classroom

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    Å lære å lære er en sentral del av engelskfaget ifølge Kunnskapsløftet 2020 (LK20). Dette innebærer at elevene utvikler strategier for å tilegne seg og anvende kunnskap. I det 21. århundre har måten elever lærer og tilegnet seg blitt stadig mer påvirket av teknologi. De siste årene har blant annet digitale lærebøker blitt mer fremtonet i norske klasserom, som har i enda større grad digitalisert måten elever leser på. Digitaliseringen av lærebøker har skapt mye reaksjoner blant både lærere og elever og i flere tilfeller er det blitt ytret ønsker om å returnere til penn og papir for å verne om læringen til elevene. Denne masteroppgaven har tatt for seg læreres holdninger til digitale lærebøker i engelskfaget. Med formål å nyansere debatten om digitaliseringen av lærebøkene, har de digitale lærebøkene blitt undersøkt for potensiale for å fremme lesestrategier i engelskfaget. Ved hjelp av en spørreundersøkelse som kombinerte kvalitativ og kvantitativ data har studiet undersøkt læreres holdninger ved ulike videregående skoler i hele Norge. Med et utvalg av 39 lærere ved videregående skoler, bidrar studiet til et mer nyansert bilde av læreres holdninger til de digitale lærebøkene i engelskfaget. Studien avdekker at lærere anerkjenner et potensial ved de digitaliserte engelsk lærebøkene. Når man skal fremme lesestrategier anses de integrerte funksjonene som lydstøtte, utvidet materiale, navigasjonsverktøy i tekst og noteringsverktøy som nyttige. Noen lærere understreket også at den økende tilgjengeligheten av digitale tekster øker relevansen for leseferdigheter og lesestrategier for lesing på skjerm. De digitale lærebøkene oppleves også som utfordrende på en rekke punkt. Praktiske utfordringer knytter til IKT og forstyrrelser tilgjengelig på digitale leseenheter er utfordringer majoriteten av deltakerne belyser. Hvilke innvirkning skjerm har på leseprosessen og generelle læringsprosessen til elevene er også en utfordring lærerne i dette studiet opplever med digitale lærebøker. Datainnsamlingen viser at lærere ser både potensiale og utfordringer med digitale lærebøker i engelsk når man fasiliterer elevenes utvikling av lesestrategier. Det viser også at bruken av digitale lærebøker er et komplekst tema, som må belyses i enda større grad av forskning som tar høyde for de didaktiske implikasjonene hvert enkelt fag innebærer. Et interessant funn, er at til tross for høy selvrapportert digital kompetanse så er det en stor andel av studiets deltakere som oppgir at de har hatt liten til ingen eksplisitt opplæring i hvordan de skal gjøre god nytte av IKT i klasserommet. Dette foreslås som et trolig utviklingspotensial for både lærerutdanningsinstitusjonene og skolelederne for å sikre hensiktsmessig bruk av teknologi i klasserommet i framtiden.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG350MAHF-LÆFRMAHF-EN

    Water mass exchange, pathways and the mesoscale eddy field in the Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea

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    The Lofoten Basin situated in the Norwegian Sea, plays a central role in redistributing and modifying the warm Atlantic Water carried poleward with the Norwegian Atlantic Current. Increased residence time of the warm Atlantic Water in this region, leads to a large cooling and the largest surface heat losses in the Nordic Seas. This thesis studies the exchange of Atlantic Water with the Lofoten Basin using observations and numerical models, and Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches. A key focus is the study of the mass and heat exchange with the basin outlined by the 3000-m isobath. Surface drifters are analyzed to study the surface circulation in the Nordic Seas and to estimate the water mass exchange with the Lofoten Basin. Fields from Eulerian models and trajectories from Lagrangian simulations at multiple levels are further used to study the processes leading to the exchange, by delineating the mean and eddy component of the flows. Analyses aimed to quantify the mesoscale eddy properties, their interaction with the ambient, heat and vorticity budgets, and to assess the importance of eddies relative to the ambient flow and other submesoscale processes in the mass and heat exchange with the Lofoten Basin. The geographical origins of the water masses having largest interaction with the basin are identified, and these sites are studied in detail to investigate the processes behind the exchange. The thesis also investigates the fate of water masses in the basin to study how their properties evolve with time, and compare this with other regions. The first main finding, obtained from surface drifter observations, indicates an increased exchange of Atlantic Water across the southern sector of the Lofoten Basin. The drifters show a meandering motion between the eastern and western branches of the Norwegian Atlantic Current towards the basin, and Eulerian simulations suggest that the inflow is primarily related to a mean component of the flow. The warm waters experience long residence times and large temperature losses in the basin. In contrast with earlier literature, there is less evidence of near-surface exchange with the waters carried by the slope current along the continental slope off Norway. However, the net heat transport into the basin is dominated by eddy fluxes. Furthermore, the divergence of eddy heat fluxes obtained from Eulerian calculations on the continental slope is large, and particularly enhanced at depths of about 400 m. It is therefore suggested that the flow from the south dominates the near-surface exchange of Atlantic Water with the basin, but eddy fluxes from the slope region are important at deeper levels. Lagrangian simulations of particles deployed at several depths reveal variations in the vertical structure of the inflows to the Lofoten Basin. Of the water parcels that are cooled most (more than 1^oC) while in the basin, those at the surface mainly enter from the south, and those at deeper levels (about 500 m) come from the slope. The inflows also have a seasonal variability. In winter, cooling and vertical mixing result in weak stratification and distribute the particles vertically, while strong stratification in summer limits their vertical excursions from their deployment depths. During winter, water masses close to the surface therefore tend to sink and give weaker inflows (less particles) close to the surface and stronger inflows (more particles) at deeper levels (100-300 m). The eddy activity in the basin and on the continental slope is quantified. Eddy signals extracted from Lagrangian trajectories, using multivariate wavelet ridge analysis, show that water masses in coherent vortices experience larger changes in their water properties (such as temperature and density) than water masses in the ambient flow, with enhanced warming in cyclones and enhanced cooling in anticyclones. There is also evidence of upwelling in the cyclones and downwelling in the anticyclones. The change of water properties and net vertical displacement is most pronounced in the Lofoten Basin. The anticyclones have a longer lifetime, more circular shape and larger radius than the cyclones. However, the eddies only cover a small portion of the Nordic Seas (about 6%) and the ambient flow and filaments around eddies therefore play an important role in balancing the Lofoten Basin heat and vorticity budgets. Ridge analysis confirms the role of eddy activity at deeper levels on the slope, and further reveals that the anticyclonic eddies generated on the slope bring warm water into the basin. Energetics and energy-conversion rates calculated from mooring observations from the upper slope, supported by volume-averaged calculations from an Eulerian model, are consistent with the Lagrangian and Eulerian analyses. Estimated baroclinic conversion rates imply that potential energy is extracted from the mean flow to eddies. The role of filaments in the upper layers, the link between the generation of eddies on the slope and their exchange with the LB at deeper layers, and contribution of these eddies and filaments to the Lofoten Basin heat and vorticity budgets merit further studies

    The Role of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing in Auditory False Perceptions: A Signal Detection Analysis

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    There is a tendency in the literature to find people with a high hallucination proneness to have significantly lower response bias but no significant difference for sensitivity compared to people with low hallucination proneness, when performing a signal detection theory (SDT) task. However, results have varied across studies, and the relation is poorly understood. We wanted to increase our understanding by investigating the effect of different levels of semantic expectation and different types of noise on hallucinatory reports among those with high and low hallucination proneness. A large student sample was screened using a revised version of the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale (LSHS). Students with high and low hallucination proneness were asked to take part in the second phase of the study. In this phase they performed an auditory SDT task where both the semantic expectation of sentences and the noise were manipulated. Participants also completed measures of perception anomalies (Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale), fantasy proneness (Creative Experiences Questionnaire), suggestibility (Multidimensional Iowa Suggestibility Scale), aberrant salience (Aberrant Salience Inventory), and encoding style (Encoding Style Questionnaire). Results showed that participants in the high hallucination proneness group had a lower response bias compared to participants in the low hallucination proneness group when there was a combination of a high level of semantic expectation and Bergen noise. This suggests that both bottom-up and topdown factors are needed to elicit auditory hallucinatory experiences. Furthermore, hallucination proneness, aberrant salience and encoding style all had significant, negative correlations with response bias, indicating that they could all be implicated in the occurrence of auditory hallucinatory experiences.Det er en tendens i litteraturen til å finne at folk med høy hallusinasjonstendens har signifikant lavere respons bias, men ingen signifikant forskjell for sensitivitet sammenlignet med folk med lav hallusinasjonstendens, når de utfører en signaldeteksjonsoppgave. Til tross for den generelle tendensen har resultatene variert på tvers av studier, og forholdet er lite forstått. Vi ønsker å øke vår forståelse ved å undersøke effekten av ulike nivåer av semantisk forventning og ulike typer støy, på hallusinasjonsrapporter blant personer med høy og lav hallusinasjonstendens. Et stort utvalg studenter ble forhåndstestet ved å bruke en revidert versjon av Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale (LSHS). Studentene med høy og lav hallusinasjonstendens ble spurt om å ta del i den andre fasen av studien. I denne fasen utførte de en auditiv signaldeteksjonsoppgave hvor både den semantiske forventningen til setningene og støyen var manipulert. Deltakerne utførte også målinger av persepsjonsavvik (Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale), fantasitendens (Creative Experiences Questionnaire), suggestibilitet (Multidimensional Iowa Suggestibility Scale), avvikende betydning (Aberrant Salience Inventory), og innkodingsstil (Encoding Style Questionnaire). Resultatene viste at deltakere i høy hallusinasjonstendensgruppen hadde en lavere respons bias sammenlignet med lav hallusinasjonstendensgruppen når det var en kombinasjon av høyt nivå av semantisk forventning og Bergenstøy. Dette peker på at både bottom-up og top-down faktorer er nødvendige for å fremkalle auditive hallusinasjons-opplevelser. Videre hadde hallusinasjonstendens, avvikende betydning og innkodingsstil alle signifikante negative korrelasjoner med respons bias, noe som indikerer at de alle ser ut til å være impliserte i forekomsten av auditive hallusinasjons-opplevelser.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK36

    Dimensional reduction of a fractured medium for a two-phase flow

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    We consider a porous medium containing a single fracture, and identify the aperture to length ratio as the small parameter ɛ with the fracture permeability and the fracture porosity scaled as exponents of ɛ. We consider a two-phase flow where the flow is governed by the mass balance and the Darcy law. Using formal asymptotic approach, we derive a catalogue of reduced models as the vanishing limit of ɛ. Our derivation provides new models in a hybrid-dimensional setting as well as models which exhibit two-scale behaviour. Several numerical examples confirm the theoretical derivations and provide additional insight.publishedVersio

    Kundelønnsomhetsanalyser - lønner det seg? : en kvantitativ studie av norske foretak

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    Denne utredningen ser på sammenhengen mellom kundelønnsomhetsanalyser og foretaksprestasjoner. Utredningen finner at beslutninger tatt på bakgrunn av kundelønnsomhetsinformasjon har en positiv påvirkning på foretaksprestasjonene. Bruk av kundelønnsomhetsanalyser har derimot ingen effekt når det samtidig blir sett på beslutninger. Videre ser det ut til at jo mer detaljert og reliabel kundelønnsomhetsmetoden er, jo bedre er påvirkningen på foretaksprestasjonene. Det blir også avdekket at de tre fremtidsrettede kundelønnsomhetsmetodene som blir omtalt i akademia, i praksis blir opplevd som én enkelt metode. Denne metoden har både et fremtidsrettet fokus, samtidig som den tar hensyn til historisk lønnsomhetsinformasjon.nhhma

    The mesoscale eddy field in the Lofoten Basin from high-resolution Lagrangian simulations

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    Warm Atlantic-origin waters are modified in the Lofoten Basin in the Nordic Seas on their way toward the Arctic. An energetic eddy field redistributes these waters in the basin. Retained for extended periods, the warm waters result in large surface heat losses to the atmosphere and have an impact on fisheries and regional climate. Here, we describe the eddy field in the Lofoten Basin by analyzing Lagrangian simulations forced by a high-resolution numerical model. We obtain trajectories of particles seeded at three levels – near the surface, at 200 m and at 500 m depth – using 2D and 3D velocity fields. About 200 000 particle trajectories are analyzed from each level and each simulation. Using multivariate wavelet ridge analysis, we identify coherent cyclonic and anticyclonic vortices in the trajectories and describe their characteristics. We then compare the evolution of water properties inside cyclones and anticyclones as well as in the ambient flow outside vortices. As measured from Lagrangian particles, anticyclones have longer lifetimes than cyclones (16–24 d compared to 13–19 d), a larger radius (20–22 km compared to 17–19 km) and a more circular shape (ellipse linearity of 0.45–0.50 compared to 0.51–0.57). The angular frequencies for cyclones and anticyclones have similar magnitudes (absolute values of about 0.05f). The anticyclones are characterized by warm temperature anomalies, whereas cyclones are colder than the background state. Along their path, water parcels in anticyclones cool at a rate of 0.02–0.04 ∘Cd−1, while those in cyclones warm at a rate of 0.01–0.02 ∘Cd−1. Water parcels experience a net downward motion in anticyclones and upward motion in cyclones, often found to be related to changes in temperature and density. The along-path changes in temperature, density and depth are smaller for particles in the ambient flow. An analysis of the net temperature and vorticity fluxes into the Lofoten Basin shows that while vortices contribute significantly to the heat and vorticity budgets, they only cover a small fraction of the domain area (about 6 %). The ambient flow, including filaments and other non-coherent variability undetected by the ridge analysis, hence plays a major role in closing the budgets of the basin.publishedVersio

    Horisontal konkurranse i dagligvaremarkedet. Bruken av egne merkevarer i konkurransen mellom norske dagligvarekjeder

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    Denne utredningen belyser endringer i konkurransesituasjonen i dagligvarebransjen som en følge av at egne merkevarer har blitt en viktig del av markedet. Ved å tilby egne merkevarer styrker detaljistene sin maktposisjon i verdikjeden relativt til leverandørene, men de får samtidig muligheten til å forme produktutvalget sitt etter en heterogen konsumentgruppe. I denne utredningen fokuserer jeg særlig på hvordan egne merkevarer påvirker den horisontale konkurransen mellom dagligvarekjedene. Utredningen viser at insentivet bak introduksjonen av egne merkevarer ikke er å konkurrere direkte mot de nasjonale merkevarene. Snarere velger en å introdusere egne merkevarer som særegne produktserier, og benytte disse til å bygge opp ulike butikkonsept innad i butikkjedene, noe som gjør at konsumentene oppfatter butikkene som unike. Dette gjør kjedene for at kundene skal bli lojale mot dem, og gjennom derigjennom styrke posisjonen sin i konkurransen i et dagligvaremarked bestående av fire dominerende aktører. Basert på teori viser jeg at det er sannsynlig at konkurransepresset i markedet dempes, fortrinnsvis gjennom redusert priskonkurranse, når nye produkter blir introdusert på denne måten

    Robust Sure Independence Screening for Non-polynomial dimensional Generalized Linear Models

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    We consider the problem of variable screening in ultra-high dimensional (of non-polynomial order) generalized linear models (GLMs). Since the popular SIS approach is extremely unstable in the presence of contamination and noises, which may frequently arise in the large scale sample data (e.g., Omics data), we discuss a new robust screening procedure based on the minimum density power divergence estimator (MDPDE) of the marginal regression coefficients. Our proposed screening procedure performs extremely well both under pure and contaminated data scenarios. We also theoretically justify the use of this marginal MDPDEs for variable screening from the population as well as sample aspects; in particular, we prove that these marginal MDPDEs are uniformly consistent leading to the sure screening property of our proposed algorithm. We have also proposed an appropriate MDPDE based extension for robust conditional screening in the GLMs along with the derivation of its sure screening property.Comment: Work in Progres

    Robust sure independence screening for nonpolynomial dimensional generalized linear models

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    We consider the problem of variable screening in ultra-high-dimensional generalized linear models (GLMs) of nonpolynomial orders. Since the popular SIS approach is extremely unstable in the presence of contamination and noise, we discuss a new robust screening procedure based on the minimum density power divergence estimator (MDPDE) of the marginal regression coefficients. Our proposed screening procedure performs well under pure and contaminated data scenarios. We provide a theoretical motivation for the use of marginal MDPDEs for variable screening from both population as well as sample aspects; in particular, we prove that the marginal MDPDEs are uniformly consistent leading to the sure screening property of our proposed algorithm. Finally, we propose an appropriate MDPDE-based extension for robust conditional screening in GLMs along with the derivation of its sure screening property. Our proposed methods are illustrated through extensive numerical studies along with an interesting real data application