378 research outputs found

    Palatability of two artificial feeds for reindeer

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    Two groups of 15 reindeer were used to test the palatability of two artificial diets. None of the animals had experienced the diets before. Trials were carried out from April to mid May. Each group of animals was kept in a separate corral (600 sq. meters). Both groups were fed lichens for three days befort trials began. Then they were offered a concentrate feed (RF-80) or «Mill Waste Product» (MWP) ad libitum. Both groups ate little or nothing for the first three days of the trial and so lichens were mixed with the two experimental feeds. The mean voluntary food intake of the RF-80-group increased from 0.8 Kg/day/animal to 1.8 Kg/day/animal after three weeks. A mixed feed, RF-80/lichen, was only used the first day for animals in the RF-80 group. Reindeer refused to eat MWP for twelve days despite mixing it with lichens. They were then offered RF-80 ad lib. without a mixture of lichens. The mean voluntary intake of these animals increased from 1.3 Kg RF-80/day/animal on day 13 to 2.3 Kg/day/animal by day 26. Two calves in the MWP-group got diarrhoea after refeeding with RF-80

    Childhood Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Divorce in a Large Norwegian Cohort: Results from the HUNT Study

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the association between childhood sensorineural hearing loss (CSNHL) and divorce in a large, Norwegian cohort. Data from the School Hearing Investigation in Nord-Trøndelag (SHINT), Norway, are combined with registry data on marital status from Statistics Norway and matched controls from the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT). The sample includes a total of 50,022 individuals, of which 756 persons were classified with CSNHL (216 with moderate-severe, 294 with mild, and 246 with slight CSNHL). The results from the cox regression analyses showed that people in the group with any CSNHL as well as people with moderate-severe CSNHL had a significantly higher risk of getting divorced compared to the reference group (HR = 1.21, p = .024, 95% CI = 1.03–1.42; HR = 1.33, p = .052, 95% CI = 1.00–1.76, respectively) after controlling for age at first marriage, sex and education. This suggests that CSNHL in one or both partners in a couple could be a potential threat to the marriage

    Reindeer breathe less and save water in the cold

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    Simultaneous measurements of metabolic rate, respiratory minute volume, respiratory frequency, and oxygen extraction from the inspired air were obtained during treadmill exercise in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) and Norwegian reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). The experiments were carried out both in summer and winter at ambient temperatures and running speeds ranging from +12 to -30 °C and 3.7 to 9.0 knvh1, respectively. We found that respiratory minute volume was generally lower in summer than in winter for a similar ambient temperature, and also that respiratory minute volume was reduced at low ambient temperature both in summer and winter. The change in respiratory minute volume was inversely related to oxygen extraction, the latter being at its highest at the lowest ambient temperature and running speed in summer. Reduction of respiratory minute volume, and hence respiratory water loss, at low ambient temperature is likely to contribute significantly to the survival of these species, particularly in winter when the animals can only replace body water with snow at low temperature

    A test of usefulness of a commercially available mill "waste product" (AB-84) as feed for starving reindeer

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    Three Norwegian reindeer were first fed lichen ad libitum for 40 days, then they were starved for 3 days, and thereafter offered a commercially available mill «waste product» (AB-84) ad libitum. One animal refused to eat AB-84 and was excluded. When eating lichen average daily dry matter intake was 1.1 ± 0.4 kg, while when eating AB-84 after the starvation period it averaged 1.1 kg at day 1, increasing to 2.5 kg at day 7. After 12 days daily dry matter intake varied between 2 and 4 kg. The rumen dry matter percentage was 16 when eating lichen, 6 after 2 days of starvation, and 17 after eating AB-84 for 5 days. Ruminal pH was 6.4 ± 0.3 when eating lichen, increasing to 7.4 after 3 days of starvation and dropping to an all time low of 6.1, 12 hours after refeeding. The viable bacterial count was 4.7 x 1010 ± 2.7, 5.5 x 108 ± 2.0 and 3.1 x 1010 ± 1.7/ml rumen fluid when the animals were eating lichen, had starved for 3 days and had been eating AB-84 for 5 days, respectively. The rumen ciliate protozoa numbered 17.1 x 105 ± 2.7/ml rumen fluid, when eating lichen, dropping to 4.3 x 105 ± 0.6./ml after 3 days of starvation. A further drop to 1.8 x 10s ± 0.5/ml was observed 1 day after refeeding, but the rumen ciliate number was normalized at 15 x 105 ± 1/ml already 8 days after refeeding. These results indicate that the mill «waste product» (AB-84) is very well tolerated even by reindeer suffering from starvation. Since it is moreover commercially available at a favourable price it could be of interest to reindeer herders. In any case, it deserves to be tested under controlled conditions on a larger number of animals.En test på anvendeligheten av kornavrens (AB-84) som for til utsultet rein.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Tre norske rein ble gitt lav ad libitum i 40 dager, sultet i 3 dager og deretter gitt kornavrens (AB-84) ad libitum. Ett av dyrene nektet å spise AB-84 og ble satt ut av forsøket. Daglig foropptak i kg tørrstoff var gjennomsnittlig 1.1 ± 0.4 kg under lavforing, mens opptaket av AB-84 var gjennomsnittlig 1.1 kg/dag den første dagen etter sulteperioden. Den syvende dagen var opptaket 2.5 kg/dag, og varierte mellom 2 og 4 kg/dag etter 12 dager. Prosent tørrstoff i vominnholdet var 16 under lavforing, 6 etter 2 dagers sult og 17 etter 5 dagers foring med AB-84. pH i vominnholdet ble målt til gjennomsnittlig 6.4 ± 0.3 under lavforing, 7.4 etter 3 dagers sult og falt bare til 6.1, som lavest målte verdi, etter 12 timers ad lib. tilgang på AB-84. Antall levende bakterier pr. ml vomsaft var henholdsvis 4.7 x 1010 ± 2.7, 5.5 x 10" ± 2.0 og 3.1 x 1010 ± 1.7 når dyrene spiste lav, hadde sultet i tre dager og hadde spist AB-84 ad lib. i fem dager. Antall eiliater var 17.1 x 105 ± 2.7 pr. ml vomsaft når dyrene spiste lav og 4.3 x IO5 ± 0.6 etter tre dagers sult. Etter en dags ad lib. tilgang på AB-84 var antallet 1.8 x 105 ± 0.5 pr. ml og etter fem dager 7.7 x 105 ± 1.8/ml. Disse resultatene indikerer at selv sultet rein tolererer kornavrens (AB-84) meget godt, og da foret er kommersielt tilgjengelig til en rimelig pris, kan det være av interesse for reindriftsutøvere. I alle tilfeller fortjener foret å bli utprøvet på et større antall dyr under kontrollerte betingelser.Koe viljaperkeen (AB-84) käyttökelpoisuudesta rehuna nälkiintyneelle porolle.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Kolmea norjalaista poroa ruokittiin jäkälällä ad libitum 40 päivää, annettiin nähdä nälkää 3 päivää ja sen jälkeen ruokittiin taas viljaperkeellä (AB-84) ad libitum. Yksi eläimistä kieltäytyi syömästä AB-84 ja näin ollen jouduttiin poistamaan kokeilusta. Päivittäinen rehuntarve kuiva-ainekilossa oli keskimäärin 1.1 ± 0,4 kg jäkäläruokinnassa, kun taas AB-84 ruokinta oli keskimäärin 1.1 kg/päivässä ensimmäisenä päivänä nälkäkauden jälkeen. Seitsemäntenä rehunkulunki oli 2.5 kg päivässä, vaihdellen 2-4 kg päivässä 12 päivän jälkeen. Kuiva-ainesprosentti pötsinsisällössä oli 16 jäkäläruokinnassa, 6 kahden päivän nälän jälkeen ja 17 viisipäiväisen AB-84 ruokinnan jälkeen. Pötsinsisällön happamuus, pH mitattiin keskimäärin 6.4 ± 0.3 jäkäläruokinnassa, 7.4 kolmipäiväisen nälän jälkeen ja väheni vain 6.1:een, joka on alhaisin mitattu arvo, 12 tunnin AB-84 ruokinnan ad lib. jälkeen. Elävien bakteerien lukumäärä pötsinestemillilitraa kohti oli kyseelliset 4.7 x 1010 ± 2.7, 5.5 x 10" ± 2.0, ja 3.1 x 1010 ± 1.7 kun eläimet söivät jäkälää, olivat nälkiintyneet 3 päivää ja syöneet AB-84 ad üb. viisi päivää. Ciliatmäärä oli 17.1 x 105 ± 2.7 pötsinestemillilitraa kohti eläinten syötyä jäkälää ja 4.3 x 105 ± 0.6 kolmipäiväisen nälkiintymisen jälkeen. Yhden päivän AB-84 ruokinnan ad lib. jälkeen määrä oli 1.8 x 105 ± 0.5 millilitralta ja viiden päivän jälkeen 7.7 x 105 ± 1.8 millilitralta. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että jopa nälkiintynyt poro sietää viljaperkettä (AB-84) erittäin hyvin, ja koska rehua on saatavana kohtuulliseen hintaan se voinee kiinnostaa poromiehiä. Joka tapauksessa rehua kannattaa kokeilla tarkkailtuin edellytyksin suuremmalle eläinryhmälle

    Seasonal Hypomagnesemia in reindeer on Kautokeino winter pasture in Finnmark County, Norway

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    Hypomagnesemia was diagnosed in reindeer on Kautokeino winter pasture in Finnmark County, Norway. The affected animals were paretic or ataxic. Mean serum magnesium levels were 0.19 +/- 0.20 mm/L (n = 6), compared to a serum Mg level of 0.82 +/- 0.17 mm/L for the reference group

    Betydningen av drektige reinsimlers ernæring for kalvers vekst, klimatiske toleranse og overlevelse

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    Forsøkene (viste) at tilleggsforing av underernærte simler i siste del av drektighetsperioden kun synes å ha effekt på fødselsvekten for kalvene forutsatt at simlene får høyverdig ernæring etter kalving. Den forskjellige ernæringsbakgrunn før kalving synes således ikke å innvirke på melkeproduksjon/kvalitet, da vektutviklingen for alle grupper av kalver i dette forsøket gikk parallelt i de tre første ukene etter kalving. Det ble heller ikke på noe punkt funnet signifikante forskjeller gruppene imellom når det gjelder kalvenes klimatiske toleranse. Det er dog bemerkelsesverdig at det var stor dødelighet blant de små kalvene etter unge små simler i GRUPPE L. Dette funn er interessant sett i sammenheng med resultatene fra Røros (se bidrag fra Dag Lenvik, side ) som viser at avkastningen fra en flokk kan økes markant om man konsentrerte slakteuttaket på små kalver og forhindrer bedekning av små, unge simler gjennom fjerning av eldre, store bukker. Med det forbehold at våre forsøk er utført på dyr i innhegning med et lavt aktivitetsnivå, kan man fra våreforsøk foreløpig konkludere med at tillegsfor ing av simler i siste halvdel av drektighetsperioden har effekt på kalvenes fødselsvekt, men at vektutviklingen for kalven er uavhengig av simlenes ernæringshistorie, om sistnevnte tilbys høyverdig ernæring etter kalving. Da små kalver etter underernærte simler viste høy dødelighet like etter fødselen, vil imidlertid tilleggsforing kunne øke avkastningen om det er mange unge simler i flokken. Resultatene fra Røros tyder imidlertid på at dette resultat normalt kan oppnås uten ekstra omkostninger gjennom et selektivt slakteuttak

    Aerobic capacity reference data in 3816 healthy men and women 20-90 years

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    Purpose: To provide a large reference material on aerobic fitness and exercise physiology data in a healthy population of Norwegian men and women aged 20–90 years. Methods: Maximal and sub maximal levels of VO2, heart rate, oxygen pulse, and rating of perceived exertion (Borg scale: 6–20) were measured in 1929 men and 1881 women during treadmill running. Results: The highest VO2max and maximal heart rate among men and women were observed in the youngest age group (20–29 years) and was 54.4±8.4 mL·kg−1·min−1 and 43.0±7.7 mL·kg−1·min−1 (sex differences, p<0.001) and 196±10 beats·min−1 and 194±9 beats·min−1 (sex differences, p<0.05), respectively, with a subsequent reduction of approximately 3.5 mL·kg−1·min−1 and 6 beats·min−1 per decade. The highest oxygen pulses were observed in the 3 youngest age groups (20–29 years, 30–39 years, 40–49 years) among men and women; 22.3 mL·beat−1±3.6 and 14.7 mL·beat−1±2.7 (sex differences, p<0.001), respectively, with no significant difference between these age groups. After the age of 50 we observed an 8% reduction per decade among both sexes. Borg scores appear to give a good estimate of the relative exercise intensity, although observing a slightly different relationship than reported in previous reference material from small populations. Conclusion: This is the largest European reference material of objectively measured parameters of aerobic fitness and exercise-physiology in healthy men and women aged 20–90 years, forming the basis for an easily accessible, valid and understandable tool for improved training prescription in healthy men and women.© 2013 Loe et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    High Intensity Interval Training for Maximizing Health Outcomes

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Regular physical activity and exercise training are important actions to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and maintain health throughout life. There is solid evidence that exercise is an effective preventative strategy against at least 25 medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, colon and breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Traditionally, endurance exercise training (ET) to improve health related outcomes has consisted of low- to moderate ET intensity. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that higher exercise intensities may be superior to moderate intensity for maximizing health outcomes. The primary objective of this review is to discuss how aerobic high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as compared to moderate continuous training may maximize outcomes, and to provide practical advices for successful clinical and home-based HIIT.acceptedVersio
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