461 research outputs found

    W band 2 bit MEMS based digital phase shifter

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    Book Review: Democracy, Schooling and Political Education

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    This paper reviews the book Democracy, Schooling and Political Education, written by Colin Wringe (published in 2012 by Routledge, first ed. in 1984, 126 p.). Although, the book was written in the last quarter of the 20th century towards the end of the cold war period, it is highly up-to-date in terms of the topic it covers. Wringe’s work addresses the teachers and other professionals in education, and also all who are interested in relationship between education and democracy, without a strong background in the field

    Book Review. Educational leadership and management: Developing insights and skills

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    This paper reviews the book Educational leadership and management: Developing insights and skills, written by Marianne Coleman and Derek Glover (published in 2010 by Open University Press-McGraw Hill, 197 p.). The book addresses the values and skills needed by educational leaders and managers in a changing and dynamic world of education

    Synthesis, Characterization, Anti-bacterial and Antiinflammatory Activities of Bismuth(III) Complexes Based on 5-chloro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole

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    Bismuth, known as a heavy metal, is excluded from this class due to its low toxicity. Due to this feature, bismuth containing compounds have always been interesting compounds in the field of medicinal chemistry. For this reason, the discovery of new bismuth compounds and the investigation of their biological properties are very important for this field. In this study, three new bismuth(III) compounds formulated as [Bi(L)2X3] (L: 5-chloro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole (ClMBZT); X: Cl, Br, and I) were synthesized for the first time and, the molecular structure of them were elucidated by a series of spectroscopic techniques. Thermal stability and degradation steps of the title compounds were analyzed by Thermogravimetric-Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA). The antibacterial study has been conducted against six strains bacteria, and the results indicated that bismuth(III) compounds generally showed more effective antibacterial activity than free ligand. The anti-inflammatory potential of bismuth(III) compounds was investigated through in vitro lipoxygenase enzyme inhibition studies. The results show that bismuth(III) compounds have higher anti-inflammatory potential than free ligand

    Investigating sex, masculinity and femininity in relation to impulsive driving and driving anger expression

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    Human factors constitute a class of prominent road safety related factors. In the present study, human factors of driving were studied by investigating sex differences and gender roles in relation to impulsive driving and driving anger expression. A total of 425 drivers between the ages of 18 and 56 (M = 25.46, SD = 7.58) participated to the study and completed a series of questionnaires including a demographic information form, the Bem Sex Roles Inventory, the Impulsive Driver Behaviour Scale and the Driving Anger Expression Inventory. According to the ANCOVA results, male drivers showed higher functional impulsivity, lack of premeditation and use of the vehicle to express anger than female drivers. Additionally, hierarchical regression analyses showed that masculinity was positively associated with functional impulsivity, urgency and the dimensions of aggressive anger expression. However, femininity was positively associated with functional impulsivity and adaptive/constructive anger expression, but negatively associated with the di mensions of dysfunctional impulsivity and aggressive anger expression. Overall, the results showed the significant solo effects of masculinity and femininity on impulsive driver behaviours and driving anger expression, over and above the effects of sex, and the interaction between sex and gender roles. In the present study, previously reported findings indicating the relationships between sex and gender roles and driving anger expression were supported and extended by providing the literature with the contribution of answering the question how sex and gender roles are related to impulsive driver behaviours. The findings of the two related concepts of impulsive driving and driving anger expression were discussed in light of the current literature. Contribu tions, implications and future research directions concerning road safety practices were presented

    Ankara Kurak Koşullarında Yazlık Ekilen, Yazlık Ekmeklik Buğdayın Tane Verimi Ve Verim Unsurları Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu araştırma Ankara ekolojik koşullarında CIMMYT tarafından yarı kurak iklim kuşağına yönelik geliştirilen 19 yazlık ekmeklik buğday hattı ve 5 şahit çeşit kuru koşullarda ve erken ilkbaharda ekilmesiyle, verim ve verim unsurları yönüyle nasıl etkileneceği, hatlar arasında bir varyasyonun mevcut olup olmadığını gözlemlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme Ankara’da 2022 yetiştirme yılında tesadüf blokları deneme planında üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuş; toplamda 24 genotip kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada genotiplerin verim ve verim bileşenleri, morfolojik ve fenolojik özellikleri ile değerlendirilmiş ve özellikler arası ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada ortalama tane verimi 236,1 kg/da olmuştur. Denemede yer alan genotiplerin ortalama verimleri 160,9 kg/da (G 7) ile 312,9 kg/da (G 22) arasında değişmiştir. İncelenen özellikler arasında 210 basit ilişki belirlenmiş, bu ilişkiden 44 adeti istatistiki olarak önemli korelasyon katsayısına sahip olmuş, 25 adeti olumlu ve önemli, 19 adeti ise olumsuz ve önemli şeklinde dağılım göstermiştir. En yüksek seviyedeki ilişki bayrak yaprak boyu ile bayrak yaprak alanı arasında (r=0,9521**) belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada orta Anadolu bölgesinde son yıllarda gözlemlenen iklimsel ve yağış dağılımındaki değişimler, ekim zamanı ve ekilecek çeşitler için farklı uygulamaların gerekliliğini ön plana çıkarmıştır. Orta Anadolu bölgesinde erken ilkbaharda doğru seçilen yazlık ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin kurak koşullarda değerlendirilebileceği kanaatine varılmıştır

    Sürücülerin Risk Algısı Aşina Olunan ve Olunmayan Yollarda Araç Kullanırken Nasıl Değişir: Kadın ve Erkek Sürücülerin Karşılaştırması

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    Yol güvenliği, insan, araç ve çevre ile ilgili faktörler arasındaki etkileşimin bir sonucudur. Bu çalışmada, yol güvenliğinde çevre ile ilgili bir faktör olarak yol aşinalığı araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, sürücülerin aşina oldukları ve olmadıkları yollardaki öznel risk algılarının incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya 279 erkek ve 201 kadın olmak üzere toplam 480 sürücü katılmıştır. Katılımcılar demografik bilgi formunu ve Risk Algısı Envanteri’ni doldurmuştur. Sonuçlar, sürücülerin aşina olmadıkları yollarda araç kullanmayı aşina oldukları yollara göre daha riskli algıladıklarını göstermiştir. Ayrıca, kadın sürücüler hem aşina oldukları hem de aşina olmadıkları yollarda erkek sürücülere göre daha yüksek risk algısı raporlamışlardır. Sonuç olarak, yola aşinalık, sürücülerin risk değerlendirmesinde önemli bir faktör olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, ilgili literatür ışığında karayolu güvenliği üzerindeki etkileri ile tartışılmıştır

    Managing health and safety risks in restoration/renovation of historic buildings

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    Restoration and renovation of historic buildings aim to preserve and sustain those buildings with their original state. This fact is important to conserve historical values for a society as well as for sustainable city planning. Restoration projects have their own occupational health and safety risks and differ from ordinary construction projects. Additionally, implementation of safety measures according to the current regulations are very difficult due to geometrical structure, type of material used and preservation consideration for the structural and architectural elements of the historic buildings. Since the risks as well as mitigation and abatement techniques differ from conventional buildings, restoration projects require paying attention to establish safety and health plan and risk management system to implement safety and health measures. In this paper, different health and safety risks of the restoration projects are discussed. Different safety and health practices are dealt with ordinary structures, risk assessment is made according to specific risks, findings are revealed in some certain restoration projects in Turkey and a new approach for health and safety management in restoration projects is introduced.Publisher's Versio