28 research outputs found

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Suprapatellar Fat Pad Impingement Syndrome: A Retrospective Study

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    Objective: Peripatellar fat pads are extrasynovial intracapsular fat tissues. Suprapatellar, perifemoral, and infrapatellar (Hoffa fat pad) fat pads are included in the peripatellar fat pad. This study aimed to describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signs of suprapatellar fat pad impingement syndrome, describe their prevalence and pattern, and look into the relationship between their MRI and clinical signs. Methods: Two radiologists retrospectively analyzed 5,700 patients’ knee MRI data between December 2010 and December 2015. We documented the MRI findings that were associated with suprapatellar fad pad impingement syndrome. The correlations between age, osteoarthritis, chondromalacia, and the patellofemoral joint were evaluated using Pearson’s correlations. Results: In our study group, the prevalence of suprapatellar fat pad impingement was 5.3%. Of the patients 52% were men and 48% were women. Patients who were admitted to the clinic complained of non-specific pain in 80.3% of patients. Twenty-seven patients (8.9%) presented with isolated suprapatellar impingement syndrome; 185 (60.9%) showed an increase in intra-articular fluid; 4 (1.3%) had synovitis findings; 17 (5.6%) had medial collateral ligament tears; 107 (35.2%) had quadriceps femoris tendinitis; 8 (2.6%) had patellar tendinitis; 80 (26.3%) had a medial meniscus tear; 23 (7.6%) had Baker’s cyst; and 30 (9.9%) had soft-tissue edema. Medial meniscus degeneration was observed in 51 (16.8%) patients, Hoffa edema was observed in 31 (10.2%) patients, and anterior cruciate ligament tears in 3 (1%) patients. There were positive correlations between age and osteoarthritis (r=0.4660, p<0.05), between chondromalacia and the grade of the chondromalacia (r=0.5198, p<0.05), and between lateral subluxation and lateral tilt as opposed to the normal patellofemoral relationship (r=0.3171, p<0.05).in patients with suprapatellar fat pad impingement. Conclusion: The most common symptom of suprapatellar impingement, that is one of the major causes of anterior knee pain, is non-specific pain. The most common additional MRI findings are increased intra-articular fluid and quadriceps femoris tendinitis

    Nişasta bazlı şeker ile beslenen sıçanlarda hipokampüs alan potansiyellerinin incelenmesi

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    AMAÇ:Deney hayvanlarının uzun süre fruktozla beslendiği çalışmalarda insülin direncinin oluştuğu ve bunun hipokampüs bağımlıişlerdeki kötü performansla ilişkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bu projede yüksek-fruktozlu rafine şeker tüketiminin (YFŞ) öğrenme vebellek süreçlerinin gerçekleşmesini sağlayan sinaptik plastisite formları üzerine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır.YÖNTEM:Çalışma Erciyes Üniversitesi Deneysel Hayvanları Araştırma Merkezi’nden sağlanan 60 adet (100±15 gr;20/grup ) 21günlük erkek Wistar Albino sıçanlar ile gerçekleştirildi. 21nci gününde annesinden ayrılan yavru erkek sıçanlar (1) kısıtsız standartsıçan yemi ve çeşme suyu, (2) kısıtsız yem ve YFŞ solüsyonu (%8; 0.24 Kcal/mL) ve (3) kısıtsız yem ve sükroz solüsyonu (%10, 0.4Kcal/mL) ile en az 21 gün süreyle beslendi. Alan potansiyelleri, sağ mediyal perforan yolun uyarımı ile sağ dentat girustankaydedildi. Uzun dönemli güçlenme (UDG), yüksek frekanslı uyarım (YFU); uzun dönemli baskılanma (UDB) düşük frekanslı uyarım(DFU) ile indüklendi.BULGULAR:Çalışma gruplarının indüksiyon öncesi input/output eğrileri farklılık göstermedi (P &gt; 0.05). İndüksiyonundan 1 saatsonra UDB, kontrol ve sükroz gruplarında, sırasıyla, indüksiyon öncesi değerinin %92±8 ve %90±5’i; UDG ise %121±4 ve %119±5’iolarak ölçüldü. Bu gruplar arasında istatistiksel bir anlamlılık bulunmadı (P &gt; 0.05). YFŞ ile beslenen grupta ise, DFU ve YFU, UDGveya UDB cevaplarını indüklemedi. Kontrol ve sükroz gruplarında, indüklenen UDB’ya spike potansiyalizasyonunun eşlik ettiği(sırasıyla %154±8 ve %128±15) ve bu potansiyalizasyonun YFŞ grubunda görülmediği bulundu (P &lt; 0.01).SONUÇ:Bu bulgular, yüksek oranda fruktoz içeren gıdalarla beslenmenin sinaptik plastisitenin iki formu arasındaki dengeyibozabileceğine ve böylece öğrenme süreçlerini olumsuz etkileyebileceğine işaret etmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: yüksek fruktozlu mısır şurubu, uzun dönemli güçlenme, uzun dönemli baskılanma,hipokampusObjective: Studies in which experimental animals were fedwith fructose for a long time showed that insulin resistanceoccurred and this was associated with poor performance in hippocampus dependent learning. In this study, the effect of highfructose corn syrup consumption (HFCS) on the synaptic plasticity forms which underlies learning and memory processeswere investigated.Methods: The study was performed on sixty (100±15 g; 20/group) 21-day old male Wistar Albino rats obtained from ErciyesUniversity Experimental Animal Research Center. On the 21stday, the male rats leaving their mothers are fed with unrestrictedstandard rat chow and tap water, HFCS solution (8%; 0.24Kcal/mL) or sucrose solution (10%, 0.4 Kcal/mL) for at least 21days. The field potentials were recorded from the right dentategyrus with stimulation of the right medial perforant path. Longterm potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) wereinduced by high and low frequency stimulation (HFS and LFS),respectively.Results: The input/output curves of the study groups did notdiffer (p&gt;0.05). After 1 hour of induction, LTD was 92±8% and90±5% of the pre-LFS value in the control and sucrose groups,while LTP was 121±4% and 119±5%, respectively. There wasno statistical significance between these groups (p&gt;0.05). In thegroup fed with HFCS, the LFS and HFS did not induce LTPor LTD responses. In control and sucrose groups, it was foundthat the induced UDB was accompanied by spike potentiation(154±8% and 128±15%, respectively) and this potentiation wasnot observed in the HFCS group (p&lt;0.01).Conclusion: These findings suggest that high fructose-containing diets may disrupt the balance between two forms of synapticplasticity and thus adversely affect learning processes.Keywords: high fructose, corn syrup, long-term potentiation,long-term depression, hippocampus</p