161 research outputs found

    Implications Of Industry 4.0 To Supply Chain Management And Human Resources Management

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    This study aims to identify the implications of I4.0 to both Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Human Resources Management (HRM) by finding out the topics that take place at the intersection of them. Another objective is helping the readers to realize the expected changes in these two areas due to I4.0 in order to take the necessary steps in advance and make recommendations to catch up the latest trends. The to pics covered in the developments of I4.0, such as digitization, Internet of Things, big data, cloud usage etc. are highly related to Information Systems . As found in the literature, this study is the first to combine the I4.0, SCM and HRM and urges to lead future works by finding out the intersections of those three areas. The findings of the study have visualized and the intersections of those topics are explained in order to see what are the future expectations and important developments in those areas

    A maturity based qualitative information systems effectiveness evaluation of a public organization in Turkey

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    Among the top issues of information systems (IS) management is measuring and improving IS effectiveness. In that, the concept of IS effectiveness is widely accepted throughout IS research as the principle criterion for evaluating information systems. IS effectiveness is defined as the extent to which a given information system actually contributes to achieving organizational goals.. As the society moves from the industrial era to the information age,,ıs role in any organization shifts from efficiency to effectiveness. This case study presents an IS effectiveness evaluation methodology applied on a public organization. The paper supports in general the claim that the use of a systematic IS effectiveness evaluation approach can improve organizational performance

    Premarital screening of 466 Mediterranean women for serum ferritin, vitamin B12, and folate concentrations

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    Background/aim: Iron, folate, and vitamin B12 serum levels are closely related with dietary habits and have an essential role in the healthy development of a fetus. We aimed to investigate hemoglobin, ferritin, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in preconceptional women in an area where a plant-based diet referred to as Mediterranean cuisine is commonly used. Materials and methods: The study population included 466 women between the ages of 18 and 45 years admitted for thalassemia screening. Sociodemographic variables and history of menometrorrhagia, pica, and dietary habits were collected. Serum vitamin B12, folate, ferritin, and hemoglobin levels were measured. Ferritin of <12 μg/L, vitamin B12 of <200 pg/mL, and folate of <4 ng/mL were accepted as deficiencies. Hemoglobin level of <12 g/dL was classified as anemia. Results: Polymenorrhea was present in 11.7% and hypermenorrhea in 24.8% of women. Anemia was detected in 24.9% and thalassemia trait in 3.0% of women. Low ferritin levels were observed in 46.1%, vitamin B12 in 21.6%, and folate in 3.4% of women. In the group with low vitamin B12, decreased meat consumption was more prevalent (27.5% vs. 16.9%; P = 0.019). Conclusion: Vitamin B12 and iron are the main micronutrients depleted in our community. This necessitates implementing a public health program for women consuming a Mediterranean diet. © TÜBİTA

    Yazılım Süreç Geliştirme Modellerinin KOBİ’lerde Kabulü için Model Geliştirilmesi: Ön Bulgular

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    The software industry is playing a significant role in development of economies all over the world. It is mainly made up of small and medium software enterprises (SMEs). These companies aim to benefit from Software Process Improvements (SPI) to increase product quality and productivity in a competitive environment. Several SPI models and frameworks have been developed to improve software quality in SMEs. As SPI require organizational change and adaptation to new tools, techniques and work practices; organizations have to handle with several challenges emerged from the change. In this study, we present the factors that influence the success and adoption of the SPI models and/or standards used in SMEs. We also present the preliminary findings of the SPI acceptance model that we developed based on an established behavioral theory for SMEs. A pilot survey study was conducted to analyze the model with 20 participants who work in a CMMI Level 3 company.Yazılım endüstrisi tüm dünya ekonomilerinin gelişiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu firmaların çoğunluğu küçük ve orta ölçekli şirketlerden (KOBİ) oluşmaktadır. Bu şirketler, rekabetçi bir ortamda ürün kalitesini ve verimliliğini artırmak için Yazılım Süreç İyileştirmelerinden (YSİ) faydalanmayı amaçlamaktadır. YSİ uygulamaları beraberinde kurumsal değişim ve yeni araçlara, tekniklere ve iş uygulamalarına adapte olmayı gerektirdiğinden; kurumlar değişimden kaynaklanan çeşitli zorluklarla başa çıkmak zorundadır. Bu çalışmada, KOBİ’lerde kullanılan YSİ model ve / veya standartlarının başarısını ve benimsenmesini etkileyen faktörler sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca, KOBİ’ler için Davranışsal Teoriye dayanarak geliştirdiğimiz YSİ kabul modelinin ön bulguları sunulmaktadır. CMMI Seviye 3 firmasında çalışan 20 katılımcı ile modeli analiz etmek için pilot bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır

    Analysis of Software Process Improvement Activities in SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This Software industry is a very significant cog in today’s economic landscape. The majority of these organizations mainly comprise small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These enterprises aim to benefit from Software Process Improvement (SPI) activities in producing high-quality products and services in competitive business environments. For this purpose, SPI models have been developed for specific SME characteristics. In this study, we performed a systematic literature review to analyze the characteristics of these SPI models, the challenges of performing SPI activities in SMEs, and the critical success factors for SPI activities. In this context, 61 articles published from 2007 to 2020 were examined, as a result, 28 SPI models used in SMEs were found out. In addition, ten different situations that make SPI implementations challenging in SMEs and seven factors that affect the success of SPI studies in SMEs were reported

    Changes in functional status and physical and psychological symptoms in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer

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    Aims: This study was planned to determine whether there were changes in breast cancer women's functional status and presence of physical and psychological symptoms before and after chemotherapy. Methods: The research sample comprised 101 women with breast cancer receiving oncology services at university hospitals (Pamukkale and Ege Universities) in two cities in western Turkey (Izmir and Denizli) who volunteered to participate in the study. The Patient and Medical Information Questionnaire, Symptoms List, and the Inventory of Functional Status-Cancer (IFS-CA) were used for data collection to determine the functional status. Results: According to the IFS-CA in the examination of the women's functional status the after chemotherapy scores were lower and significantly different for household and family activities (p<0.0001), social and community activities (p<0.0001), personal care activities (p<0.0001) and occupational activities (p<0.003). Similarly there was also a statistically significant increase in presence of physical and psychological symptoms after chemotherapy, particularly affected the personal care activities subscale of the functional status inventory. Conclusions: It was determined that the worsening of the functional status of breast cancer women was associated with chemotherapy and more physical and psychological discomforts were experienced

    Importance of social support for functional status in breast cancer patients

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    The role of social support in functional status to a diagnosis of cancer was examined in 84 patients with breast cancer. Multivariate techniques were used to assess the relationships among the dimensions of social support, as measured by the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and functional status, assessed with the Inventory of the Functional Status Cancer (IFSA-CA). The results indicated significant independent associations between support and functional status outcomes, underscoring the importance of examining social support to evaluate functional status of patients. Nurses cognizant of breast cancer survivors challenges and concerns in areas of social support and are in a unique position to enhance functional status

    The bounds for the largest eigenvalues of Fibonacci-sum and Lucas-sum graphs

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    In this paper, we first get the degree of each point in Lucas-sum graph based on Lucas numbers. After that, we obtain lower and upper bounds for the largest eigenvalues λ and µ of the adjacency matrices of Fibonacci-sum and Lucas-sum graphs, respectively.Publisher's Versio

    İşletmelerde Çok Boyutlu Performans Ölçme Modelleri ve Bir Araştırma

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    Günümüzün rekabet koşullarında, işletmeleri başarıya taşıyacak bir etken olarak performans değerleme sistemi büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu sistemin başarılı bir biçimde uygulanabilmesi, işletmenin başarı grafiğinin devamlı takibini sağlayamaktadır. İşletmeler, başarılarının bütün unsurlarıyla değerlendirilmesini hedefleyen performans değerleme sistemine ilişkin finansman boyutunun beraberinde, finansman içerikli olmayan boyutunu da gözönünde bulundurmalıdırlar. Performans değerlendirmesinde, finansman göstergelerini esas alan performans değerleme sisteminin tek başına, işletmenin başarısını ortaya koyacak, kritik önemi bulunan bazı faktörleri ölçmede yeterli olamadığı görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda gelenekselleşmiş performans değerleme sistemlerindeki yetersizlik ve eksikliklerin giderilmesi hedefi doğrultusunda, çok yönlü boyutları olan modellerin geliştirilmesi üzerine yoğunlaşılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada çok boyutlu performans ölçüm yöntemlerinden olan performans prizması modeli ile ilgili bir araştırmaya yer verilmiştir. Araştırmada performans prizması ve boyutları üzerine çeşitli değişkenlerin etkilerini araştırmak üzere bir model oluşturulmuştur. Model kapsamında çeşitli değişkenlerin algılanan performans prizması boyutları üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre bazı değişkenlerin (kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk, işletme kültürü, yenilikçilik ve müşteri odaklılık) performans prizması boyutları üzerine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Psychosocial stressors, social support and socio-demographic variables as determinants of quality of life of Turkish breast cancer patients

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of psychosocial stressors, social support and socio-demographic variables on quality of life of breast cancer patients. Tools and methods: The study was conducted between December 2004 and May 2005 and included 101 patients, treated in the Oncology Departments of Ege and Pamukkale University Hospitals and Denizli State Hospital. Patients' demographic data were collected by questionnaire. The methods used in the interviews were the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL), and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), the Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS). Psychosocial stressors were classified according to life events using the DSM-IV multi-axial diagnostic system. Results: It was found that increase of cancer stage triggers a decrease in psychological quality of life (p<0,05); overall global life quality (p<0,001), perceived social support and performance status (p<0,05), all of these being negatively affected by family stressors. The patients with increased social support, better psychological and overall quality of life (p<0,01) and younger age had more physical wellness besides overall quality of life (p<0,05); lower incomes negatively affected overall global life quality (p<0,01) and working at a job decreased the psychological stressors (p<0,05). Conclusion: From these results, it can be postulated that psychosocial stressors, social support and some socio-demographic variables mostly affected quality of life of the breast cancer patients