15 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Dental anxiety determines the frequency of dental treatment availed with long-term implications in oral health maintenance. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of sociodemographic data, dental anxiety levels of parents, family functionality, perceived family support and other associated factors on dental anxiety of adolescents. Materials and Methods: 213 adoloscents who applied to the Pediatric Dental Clinic and their parents were included in the study and their sociodemographic data were recorded. The Corah Dental Anxiety Scale was applied to the adolescents and their parents to determine dental anxiety and the Perceived Family Support Scale was applied to measure the perceived family support of the adolescents. Regarding the family functionality, the parents answered the Family Assessment Device. Results: The avarage dental anxiety level of the adolescents was 8.87±3.10. The family functions were unhealthy in terms of roles, and affective involvement. According to the multiple regression analysis, the predictors of dental anxiety levels were family functionality, maternal educational level, previous application to the dentist, having negative experience in the past, the choosing of a dental treatment center, and training regarding dental treatment. Conclusions: Clinicians should consider that socio-cultural characteristics, family functionality and support may affect dental anxiety, and the improvement of the physical environment may be effective in reducing dental anxiety during dental treatment of adolescents

    How Does Consumers’ Engagement with Brands on Social Networks Affects Their Electronic Word of Mouth Communication?

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    Sosyal ağ sitelerinin tüketicilerin günlük hayatının vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmesi, markaların tüketici bağlarını güçlendirmek için bu platformlarda temaslarını arttırmalarına neden olmuştur. Böylelikle, tüketiciler markalar hakkında daha fazla içerik üretir ve paylaşır hale gelmiş ve bu da elektronik ağızdan ağza iletişim (e-AAİ) mesajlarında artışa yol açmıştır. Markaların iletişim süreçlerindeki bu değişim, sosyal ağlarda tüketici bağı ve e-AAİ arasındaki ilişkinin önemine işaret etmektedir. Mevcut araştırma ile sosyal ağlarda tüketici bağının, e-AAİ üzerindeki etkisinin ölçülmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında, tüketicilerin sosyal ağlarda markalar ile kurdukları bağın; elektronik ağızdan ağza iletişim mesajlarına inanma (e-AAİ inanırlığı), bu mesajlardan etkilenme düzeyleri (e-AAİ etkisi) ve bu mesajlara yönelik gösterdikleri tutumlar (e-AAİ tutumu) üzerinde olumlu ve anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.As social networks became an indispensable part of daily life, brands increased their contact with consumers on these platforms in order to improve consumer engagement. As a result, consumers started to generate and share more content about brands that led to an increase in electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) messages. Such a change in the brand communication process points out the importance of the relationship between consumer engagement on social networks and e-WOM communication. This research aims to assess the effects of consumer engagement on social networks on e-WOM communication. Results indicate that consumers’ engagement with a brand on social networks has a significantly positive effect on e-WOM credibility, e-WOM effect, and e-WOM attitude

    The modernization of laboratory of Afyon Vocational School Food Processing Department which provides technical training and Research – Development reguirements of local industry

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    Bu araştırma, 2014-2015 yılında 19 buğday çeşidi ile kuru koşullarda, tane verimi ve bazı kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Afyonkarahisar merkez lokasyonunda yürütülmüştür.. Tane verimi ve bazı kalite özellikleri (protein miktarı, zeleny sedimantasyon, gluten indeksi) incelenmiştir. Çalışmada protein oranı % 10.60-13.90, gluten indeks değeri % 66.70 -98.40, Zeleny sedimantasyon değeri 20.30-59.80 ml arasında değişmiştir. Denemede incelenen çeşitlerin verim ve kalite özellikleri arasında önemli korelasyonlar tespit edilmiştir.This research was conducted to determine grain yield and some quality traits of 19 wheat varieties in dry conditions and location in the center of Afyonkarahisar in 2014- 2015 growing seasons. Grain yield and some quality characteristics (protein content, Zeleny sedimentation, gluten index) were examined. According to the results including means ranged between; Protein content 10.60-13.90 %, gluten index value of 66.70 -98.40 %, Zeleny sedimentation value 20.30-59.80 ml was found. The experiment has been found significant correlations between traits

    Effects of Dissolving Solutions on the Accuracy of an Electronic Apex Locator-Integrated Endodontic Handpiece

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    The effects of three dissolving agents on the accuracy of an electronic apex locator- (EAL-) integrated endodontic handpiece during retreatment procedures were evaluated. The true lengths (TLs) of 56 extracted incisor teeth were determined visually. Twenty teeth were filled with gutta-percha and a resin-based sealer (group A), 20 with gutta-percha and a zinc oxide/eugenol-based sealer (group B), and 16 roots were used as the control group (group C). All roots were prepared to TL. Guttasolv, Resosolv, and Endosolv E were used as the dissolving solutions. Two evaluations of the handpiece were performed: the apical accuracy during the auto reverse function (ARL) and the apex locator function (EL) alone. The ARL function of the handpiece gave acceptable results. There were significant differences between the EL mode measurements and the TL (P < 0.05). In these comparisons, Tri Auto ZX EL mode measurements were significantly shorter than those of the TL

    Determination of the effect of Nd:YAG laser irradiation through dentinal tubules on several oral pathogens

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    The effects of Nd:YAG laser irradiations at different power settings on several oral pathogens were evaluated. A total of 252 dentin samples were divided into seven groups consisting of 36 dentin specimens each. In each group, 9 of the 36 specimens were used as controls, thereby including a control in every group. The remaining 27 specimens were divided into three subgroups consisting of nine specimens according to different Nd:YAG laser settings (1.5, 1.8, and 2 W). Each group was inoculated on the nonpulpal side with one of the following microorganisms: Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, Candida sake, Candida lusitaniae, Candida kefyr, and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. The following irradiation procedure was used: the specimens were irradiated on the bacteria-free side (the side consisting of the pulpal wall) using contact mode under the constant scanning movement of the optical fiber at an angle of 10A degrees. One lasing cycle consisted of four irradiation cycles of 10 s each, with 15-s intervals in between each irradiation cycle. The remainder of the controls and the lased specimens of each group were prepared for the microbiological investigation. After incubation for 24 h at 37 A degrees C, the colonies were counted, and the total number of surviving microorganisms was statistically assessed. Microorganisms irradiated with Nd:YAG laser at power settings 2 W, 15 pps did not survive. Although there was a significant reduction of microorganisms at 1.5 and 1.8 W, when comparing Nd:YAG laser irradiation with the control group, sterilization did not occur

    Radiographic technical quality of root fillings performed by dental students in Turkey

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    Aim To evaluate the radiographic technical quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students at a dentistry faculty in Turkey