7 research outputs found

    Retrospective evaluation of patients admitted to Karadeniz Technical University Pediatric Dentistry clinic due to trauma

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    Purpose Traumatic dental injuries are among the commonly observed problems in the primary and permanent teeth. The rate of prevalence of dental trauma varies globally. In this study, we investigated the type of dental trauma, related factors, and treatment procedures in children. Subjects and Methods During a 5-year period (January 2011–January 2016), 416 children aged in the range of 1–15 years were admitted to our clinic with dental trauma. The cause and type of the dental trauma in the primary and permanent teeth and their relation with gender and age were evaluated using the chi-square test, and their distribution by age was evaluated using regression analysis. Results Overall, girls and boys comprised 37% and 63% of the study population, respectively. The mean age was 8.5 years. Falls (61.1%) were the most common cause of traumatic dental injuries, and enamel–dentin fracture (26%) was the most common dental trauma type. Conclusions Traumatic dental injuries in children are common. A large proportion of patients without any clinical symptoms (15.8%) did not seek any treatment after the trauma. Teachers, parents, and children should be informed about the action to be taken when dental trauma occurs and about the importance of immediately taking the child to a dentist after the trauma to ensure an accurate diagnosis, an optimal treatment plan, and positive outcome

    Cavity Disinfection Methods Used In Pediatric Dentistry

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    Son dönemde estetik kaygıların artması neticesinde rezin esaslı materyallerin kullanımının yaygınlaşmasıyla diş dokularının korunmasına yönelik koruyucu kavite preperasyonu teknikleri gündeme gelmiştir. Dentin dokusunun rengine ve sertliğine bakılarak çürüğün uzaklaştırılmasına karar verilen koruyucu yöntemler görsel ve dokunma duyularına dayanması nedeniyle subjektif veriler sunmakta ve diş dokularının içinde yer alan bakterileri uzaklaştırmakta yetersiz kalmaktadır. Dentinin içinde yer alan bu rezidüel bakteriler; enzimatik aktivetelerini sürdürerek sayılarını artırmakta, postoperatif hassasiyet, ikincil çürük ve pulpal enflamasyona sebep olabilmektedirler. Günümüzde bu problemleri önlemek amacıyla kavite dezenfeksiyon yöntemleri önerilmektedir. Bununla birlikte kullanılan kavite dezenfektanlarının antibakteriyel özelliklerine ilaveten; restoratif materyallerin diş sert dokularına bağlanma dayanımına ve mikrosızıntıya etkilerinin de bilinmesi önem taşımaktadırRecently, preventive cavity preperation has gained popularity due to widespreading resin based materials for esthetic reasons. Preventive methods which examine tooth color and structure provide subjective data and they are insufficient to eliminate bacterias in dental tissues. These residual bacterias in dentin continue to enzimatic activities and increase the numbers so cause postoperative sensivity, secondary caries and pulpal inflamation. Today, cavity disinfection methods are recommended to avoid these problem. In addition to their antibacterial properties it is also important to know their effects on the bond strength of restorative materials to dental hard tissues and effects on microleakage

    Bilgisayar destekli sunum şeklindeki ağız sağlığı eğitimi ve yüz yüze broşür bazlı bilgilendirmenin 0-3 yaş arası çocuğu bulunan annelerin çocuklarının ağız ve diş sağlığı hakkında bilgi düzeyine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: The healthy habits that are created by parents during infancy play an important role in preventing oral and dental health problems, which cause decreased quality of life in children. In this study, the purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of two different educational methods by providing oral and dental health training with computer-aided presentation (CAP) and Brochure-Based Information (BBI) methods for mothers who have 0-3 age group of children.Materials and Methods: A total of 90 mothers who had children between the ages of 0-3 participated in this study. Before the training, the participants were asked to fill in the questionnaire forms that contained information on their demographic characteristics and oral hygiene practice knowledge, and the Pre-test (PreT) questionnaire forms that consisted of 12 questions to measure the information levels on oral and dental health of the participants. The participants were asked the same questions again immediately after the training (PostT1), and 3 months later (PostT2). Comparisons were made between the two types of training in terms of PreT, Post, T1 and Post-T2 follow-up periods. Additionally, time-dependent changes were calculated for each group. The chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, and McNemar test's were used during the statistical analyses. The p0.05). The CAP group participants were found to be more successful in Q3 and Q4 in the PostT2 (p<0.05). Moreover, BBI group participants were found to be more successful in the PostT1 for Q12 (p<0.05) and for Q2, Q5, Q11, and Q12 in the PostT2. In some questions, the time dependent responses also significantly altered the CAP and BBI results.Conclusion: It can be predicted that mothers have a lack of knowledge about the topics of the first dentist visit, early childhood caries and the use of fluoride toothpaste in children. The usage of the BBI method could have more successful outcomes in increasing the knowledge and awareness status of mothers compared to the CAP

    The effects of cavity disinfection on the nanoleakage of compomer restorations: an in vitro study

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    Cavity disinfection, in addition to routine caries removal methods, is recommended to eliminate the microorganisms. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of various systems Er,Cr:YSGG lasers, diode lasers and FotoSan and agents Corsodyl; Cervitec and Cervitec Plus and Fluor Protector—on the nanoleakage of compomer restorations when used for cavity disinfection. Materials and Methods A total of 40 intact human deciduous molar teeth containing Black V cavities (3×2×1.5 mm) on the buccal and lingual surfaces parallel to the cementoenamel junction were randomly divided into 8 groups according to the cavity disinfection methods. The antibacterial agents and systems were applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Restorations were completed using a compomer. The restored teeth were then subjected to thermocycling for 500 cycles in a water bath at 5°C and 55°C with a dwell time of 30 seconds. After the thermocycling procedures, 1-mm sticks were obtained from the center of each cavity to prepare for the nanoleakage test. After the teeth were sectioned, they were immersed in 50 wt % ammoniacal silver nitrate solution for 24 hours and dipped in photo-developing solutions for 8 hours with fluorescent light irradiation. The samples were examined under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U test (p0.05). The Corsodyl (p0.05). Corsodyl (p<0.01) ve Cervitec (p<0.001) gruplarında ise nanosızıntı miktarı kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksek olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Antibakteriyel etkinliği bulunan ve hem kontrol hem de test gruplarına göre daha düşük nanosızıntı değerleri gösteren Er,Cr:YSGG lazer kavite dezenfeksiyonunda önerilebilir. Ayrıca antibakteriyel etkinliği bulunan ve sızıntıyı etkilemeyen diod lazer ve FotoSan da kavite dezenfeksiyonunda önerilebilecek yöntemler arasında yer alabilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Er,Cr:YSGG Lazer; Diod Lazer; FotoSan; Antibakteriyal Ajan; Nanosızıntı

    Restoratif materyallerin translusensi özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Çalışmanın amacı; farklı restoratif materyallerin yaşlandırma öncesi ve sonrası translusensi değerlerini TP karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmada, A3 renginde iki farklı kompozit rezin materyali, akıcı kompozit, el ile karıştırılan cam iyonomer ve kapsül cam iyonomer, ve kompomer restoratif materyalleri kullanılarak 84 adet örnek hazırlandı n=7 . Her örnek 2 mm kalınlığında ve 10 mm çapında hazırlandı. Restoratif materyallerin TP değerleri, ultraviyole UV yaşlandırma testi öncesi ve sonrası, kolorimetre ShadeEye Exe, Shofu, Japonya kullanılarak değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel analizler Tukey HSD ve Eşleştirilmiş iki grup T-testiile yapıldı