19 research outputs found

    FCC, BCC and SC Lattices Derived from the Coxeter-Weyl groups and quaternions

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    We construct the fcc (face centered cubic), bcc (body centered cubic) and sc (simple cubic) lattices as the root and the weight lattices of the affine extended Coxeter groups W(A3) and W(B3)=Aut(A3). It is naturally expected that these rank-3 Coxeter-Weyl groups define the point tetrahedral symmetry and the octahedral symmetry of the cubic lattices which have extensive applications in material science. The imaginary quaternionic units are used to represent the root systems of the rank-3 Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams which correspond to the generating vectors of the lattices of interest. The group elements are written explicitly in terms of pairs of quaternions which constitute the binary octahedral group. The constructions of the vertices of the Wigner-Seitz cells have been presented in terms of quaternionic imaginary units. This is a new approach which may link the lattice dynamics with quaternion physics. Orthogonal projections of the lattices onto the Coxeter plane represent the square and honeycomb lattices

    Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Suitability Mapping of Termite Habitat in the African Savanna: A Case Study of the Lowveld in Kruger National Park

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    Termites (Isoptera) are among the most globally dominant macroinvertebrates in terrestrial environments and are an ecologically important group of soil biota in tropical and subtropical ecosystems. These insects function as essential ecosystem engineers that facilitate nutrient cycling, especially in the regulation of the physical and chemical properties of soil and the decomposition of organic matter that maintains heterogeneity in tropical and subtropical ecosystems. Termites, like all living organisms, require certain environmental parameters to support the distribution, abundance, and activities of the species. South Africa's Kruger National Park (KNP)-one of the most important protected areas in the world and a popular safari tourist destination-is an extraordinary savanna ecosystem in which termite mounds, or termitaria, are widely distributed. A range of biotic and abiotic factors found in the natural environment of KNP provide highly suitable ecological conditions for termite habitat range, and thus the development of termitaria. Previous research has shown that the most important factors affecting habitat suitability for termites and the geographic distribution of termitaria include climate factors, land cover, and other environmental characteristics such as soil composition and plant-litter biomass. However, the specific environmental mechanisms that regulate termite occurrence and the spatial distribution of termitaria in KNP are not fully understood, especially in the context of climate and land-cover changes. The present study examines the relationship between the spatial distribution of termitaria and selected climate and environmental factors in the Kruger Lowveld region, which contains one of the largest numbers of termitaria in KNP. Using high-resolution satellite imagery, 8200 training points of termitaria occurrence were collected throughout the study area to train classifiers and produce land-cover-classification maps for the Kruger Lowveld region of interest. We then applied a hybrid approach through the integration of remote sensing (RS) and a GIS-based analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and frequency-ratio (FR) methods to model the relationship between the spatial distribution of termitaria and selected environmental variables and to produce suitability maps. To our knowledge, this study is the first of its kind to examine the influence of combined sets of environmental attributes on the spatial distribution of termitaria in the Lowveld region of KNP. The results indicate that moderately and highly suitable conditions for termite range tolerance and termitaria development are correlated with undulating plains with clay soils, greater distance to drainage streams, high solar radiation, and low depth of groundwater. The findings of this study shed light on the need for future research that investigates the impact of climate and land-cover changes on termite habitat range and spatial distribution and that can inform park managers and policymakers about Kruger National Park and other protected areas with similar environmental conditions

    Child Death Due To Sink Fracture: a Case Report

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    Çocukluk çağı yaralanmaları ve buna bağlı ölümler çok sık rastlanan olaylardır. Merdiven ya da banyoda kayma şeklindeki düşmelerin yaralanmalara yol açtığı ama ölümün ender olarak meydana geldiği görülmektedir. Bu olguda dosya tetkikinde 6 yaşında erkek çocuk olduğu, anaokulunda lavabo kısmında öğretmenin çocuğu yerde kırık lavabo parçalarının yanında kanlar içinde yatar vaziyette görmesi üzerine, hastaneye kaldırıldığı ve hastaneye eks olarak kabul edildiğinin kayıtlı olduğu tespit edildi. Otopside dış muayenede sol kulağın 3 cm altından başlayarak boyunda yatay seyirle larinks çıkıntısı üzerinde sonlanan 9 cm uzunluğunda kesik vasıfta yara görüldü. İç muayenede boyunda sol vena jugularis internada 1.5 cm lik damar lümeni ile iştirakli yarım kat kesi, arteria karotis communis sinistra da tam kat kesilme olduğu, kesi kenarlarının düzgün olduğu görüldü. Boyun organları dışında tüm organların yüzey ve kesitlerinde ileri derecede solukluk dışında başkaca makroskobik patolojik özellik görülmedi. Kanda ve idrarda alkol, uyutucu ve uyuşturucu madde saptanmadı. Ölümünün penetran cisim kesisine bağlı büyük damar kesilmesinden gelişen dış kanama sonucu meydana gelmiş olduğu kanaatine varıldı. Böyle kazalara bağlı ölümlerin nadir görülmesi nedeniyle bu çalışmada çocukların gittiği okullardaki eşya ve mekanın onların kullanımına uygun yapılması ve düzenli kontrol edilmesinin önemini vurgulanması amaçlandı.Childhood injuries and deaths due to these injuries are not rare. Falling from stairs or slipping in the bathroom may lead to injury however death rarely occurs. In this case study, a six-year old boy was found lying on the ground in blood next to the broken sink fragments in the bathroom of the kindergarten. The child was taken to hospital, but accepted to hospital as an ex. During autopsy, external examination showed a 9 cm of incision extending from 3 mm under the left ear to protrusion of the larynx. Internal examination demostrated a 1.5 cm half layer cut in the internal jugular vein of the neck and a complete cut in the left common carotid arteria. The incision edges were smooth. The surface and the sections of all organs were macroscopically not pathologic except for severe pallor. Alcohol, opiates and narcotics were not detected in blood and urine. The death was thought to be the result of external bleeding from large vessel cut due to penetrating object. In this case study, we aimed to emphasize the importance of suitability of furniture and environment for children in kindergarten or school

    Death with Hemlock Poisoning: a Case Report

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    Baldıran, beyaz çiçekleri olan kötü kokulu, otsu bir bitki olup, maydanozgiller ailesinin uzun ömürlü bir üyesidir. Latince Conium macalatum (Hemlock) olarak adlandırılan bu ot halk arasında ağuotu, hırhındilik kö- rek, şemsiye otu, yılan otu gibi değişik isimlerle bilinmektedir. Üzerindeki kırmızı-erguvan lekeleri yüzünden lekeli baldıran da denilmektedir. Ülkemizin hemen her yöresindeki dağlarda, orman ve sulak alanlarda, sulak yamaçlarda bulunabilen bu bitki hem insanlar ve hem de hayvanlarda şiddetli zehirlenmelere neden olmaktadır. Baldıran bitkisinin tümü zehirli olmakla birlikte özellikle genç yaprakları, tohum ve meyveleri diğer kısımlarından daha zehirlidir. Erzurum yöresinde gövdesi ve kabuğu soyulduktan sonra yenilen ve turşusu yapılan kimi bitkisiyle karıştırıldığından sık olarak zehirlenmeye neden olmaktadır. Ayrıca, baldıranın maydanoz veya Frenk maydanozu sanılarak yenilmesi sonrasında da zehirlenmeler görülmektedir. Ülkemizde şifalı bitkilere yoğun ilgi duyulmakta ve bu ilgi günden güne artmaktadır. Bu türden bitkiler, çoğu zaman başkasının tavsiyesi üzerine tedavi amaçlı olarak bilinçsizce kullanılmaktadır. Bu bilinçsizce kullanım şifa ararken ölümle neticelenen trajik sonuçlara neden olabilmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda bitkilerin tedavi maksadıyla uygunsuz kullanımına dikkatleri çekmek, Adli Tıp Kurumu Morg İhtisas Dairesi'nde otopsisi yapı- lan ve baldıran otu zehirlenmesine bağlı ölüm kararına varılan 42 yaşında kadın olguya ait otopsi bulguları sunularak bu nadir görülen zehirlenme olgusunun paylaşılması amaçlanmıştır.Hemlock is a malodorous herbaceous plant with white flowers and it is a perennial member of the Umbelliferae (parsley) family. It is called as Conium macalatum (Hemlock) in Latin and it is known colloquially with various names like poison hemlock, gentian (in Turkish: ağuotu, hırhındilik körek, şemsiye otu, yılan otu). It is also called as spotted hemlock due to red-purple spots on it. This plant which can be found in the mountains, forests, wetland areas and wet slopes of every region of our country causes severe poisonings in both humans and animals. Although all parts of the hemlock plant is poisonous, particularly the young leaves, fruits and seeds of the hemlock plant is more poisonous than the other parts. Since it is confused with "kimi" plant, a plant which is eaten after peeling of the stem and shell and pickled in the vicinity of Erzurum, frequently causes poisoning. Additionally, poisonings are seen also after eating by confusing hemlock with parsley and wild chervil. In our country, medicinal herbs attract a great deal of attention and this interest is steadily growing. These kinds of plants are used unconsciously with therapeutic goals frequently upon the advice of others. Such inappropriate use can cause tragic outcomes resulting in death while seeking cure. In this case presentation, it has been aimed to call attention to inappropriate use of herbs with therapeutic goals and to share this rare case of poisoning by presenting the autopsy findings of a 42-year-old female, for whom the autopsy was performed in the Council of Forensic Medicine Morgue Department, and adjudged to have died from Hemlock poisoning

    The effect of drying temperature and drying velocity on exergy efficiency at drying process

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    Bu çalışmada, kurutma ve kurutmanın günümüzdeki önemi açıklanmış ve yaygın olarak kullanılan kurutma sistemlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Ayrıca 5, 10, 15 kg ağırlıklarındaki elma, brokoli ve domates ürünlerinin, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 m/s hava hızlarında ve 318, 323, 328 K sıcaklıklarına göre kurutucu sistemin ekserji yıkım değerleri ve ekserji verim değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler çizelgeler ve grafiklerle açıklanmıştır. Sistemde ortam sıcaklığı 298.15 K olarak ve ortam basıncı da 1 atm olarak belirlenmiştir. Ürünlere ait bazı özellikler çeşitli kaynaklardan alınmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda, elma ürünü için en iyi sonuca 0.5 m/s hava hızı ve 318 K hava sıcaklığında, 15 kg ürün ile % 9.55 değeriyle ulaşılmıştır. En büyük ekserji yıkım değeri ise 1.5 m/s hava hızında ve 328 K hava sıcaklığında sisteme 15 kg ürün gönderildiğinde 15.77 değeri ile meydana gelmiştir. Brokoli ürünü için en iyi sonuca 0.5 m/s hava hızı ve 318 K hava sıcaklığında, 15 kg ürün ile % 10.35 değeriyle ulaşılmıştır. En büyük ekserji yıkım değeri ise 1.5 m/s hava hızında ve 328 K hava sıcaklığında sisteme 15 kg ürün gönderildiğinde 15.84 değeri ile meydana gelmiştir. Domates ürünü için en iyi sonuca 0.5 m/s hava hızı ve 318 K hava sıcaklığında, 15 kg ürün ile % 10.94 değeriyle ulaşılmıştır. En büyük ekserji yıkım değeri ise 1.5 m/s hava hızında ve 328 K hava sıcaklığında sisteme 15 kg ürün gönderildiğinde 15.89 değeri ile meydana gelmiştir.In this study, drying and commonly used drying systems are described. Also drying system's exergy destruction rates and exergy efficiency values are calculated rates for 5, 10, 15 kg apple, broccoli and tomato products, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 m/s air velocities at 318, 323, 328 K temperatures. These values are explained with charts and graphs. In the calculations, 298.15 K parameter to atmospheric temperature in the system was used and it was considered to be the atmospheric pressure of 1 atm. Some products of specific values were taken from various references. As a result of this study; for product of apple, the best values are; velocity of 0.5 m/s and 318 K of air temperature, of 15 kg product with value of % 9.55. The highest exergy destruction rate is 15.77, at velocity of 1.5 m/s and 328 K of air temperature, when sending system to 15 kg masses of product. For product of broccoli, the best values are; velocity of 0.5 m/s and 318 K of air temperature, masses of 15 kg with value of % 10.35. The highest exergy destruction rate is 15.84, at velocity of 1.5 m/s and 328 K of air temperature, when sending system to 15 kg masses of product. For product of tomato the best values are velocity of 0.5 m/s and 318 of air temperature, masses of 15 kg with value of % 10.94. The highest exergy destruction rate is 15.89, at velocity of 1.5 m/s and 328 K of air temperature, when sending system to 15 kg masses of product

    Agricultural land suitability assessment for agricultural productivity based on GIS modeling and multi-criteria decision analysis: the case of Tekirdağ province

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    Grains play a significant role in meeting the nutritional needs of the increasing world population. Consequently, the need for new studies on agricultural production and land suitability assessments has increased. The present paper aims to perform agricultural land suitability assessment to evaluate agricultural productivity in Tekirdağ province to determine precise productive agricultural areas. This study combines a variety of datasets to develop a dynamic model using GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis for land suitability assessment and agricultural productivity. The datasets used in this study are supported by terrestrial samples and processed with spatial technologies. The results of the study indicate that the agricultural potential of the provincial lands is quite high. It reveals that 65.7% of province lands are suitable for agricultural production. Of the remaining lands, 20.3% is marginally suitable while only 8% of the land is unsuitable for agricultural production. In the northwestern part, suitable land for agricultural productivity is higher compared to other parts of the study area. This part also corresponds to the areas where industrial activities are marginal. The results also imply that agricultural activities in grain production areas must be reconsidered and replanned according to the new classification of land suitability assessment. In this respect, our study suggests that the policymakers and the government should take necessary steps to ensure the protection and sustainability of agricultural lands while planning for the industrial and settlement development in grain production areas. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Determining the impact of climate change on land suitability for rice paddy cultivation using GIS and RS on FAO maximum limitation approach

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    In the present study, we aimed to understand the current condition of land suitability and how climate change will affect its suitability for rice paddy cultivation in the Edirne Province of Turkey in the future. We used RS and the GIS-supported FAO Maximum Limitation Approach to perform land suitability analysis for the current conditions and 20-year periodic times from 2020 to 2100. The results of the current land suitability assessment indicated that 81.39% of the study area is suitable for rice paddy cultivation. Two climate change models (HadGEM2-ES and MPI-ESM-MR) and related scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 showed that the climate conditions in the region will change significantly, therefore, the suitable lands for rice paddy cultivation in the study area will increase. However, the amount of change varies across models and scenarios. Further land suitability for rice paddy cultivation in the study area will be positively affected by temperature and solar radiation changes and negatively affected by changes in humidity and precipitation. Lastly, the agricultural irrigation infrastructure is expected to be unfavorably affected by an increase in extreme climatic events. These findings can guide policymakers and stakeholders to select suitable land for future rice paddy cultivation. To adapt to climate change and reduce its effects, we recommend choosing an agricultural production model that is suitable for climate change scenarios

    Quaternionic roots of E8E_8 related Coxeter graphs and quasicrystals

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    The lattice matching of two sets of quaternionic roots of F4 leads to quaternionic roots of E8 which has a decomposition H_4 + \sigmaH_4 where the Coxeter graph H4H_4 is represented by the 120 quaternionic elements of the binary icosahedral group. The 30 pure imaginary quaternions constitute the roots of H3H_3 which has a natural extension to H_3 + \sigmaH_3 describing the root system of the Lie algebra D6D_6. It is noted that there exist three lattices in 6-dimensions whose point group W(D6)W(D_6) admits the icosahedral symmetry H3H_3 as a subgroup, the roots of which describe the mid-points of the edges of an icosahedron. A natural extension of the Coxeter group H2H_2 of order 10 is the Weyl group W(A4)W(A_4) where H_2 + \sigmaH_2 constitute the root system of the Lie algebra A4A_4. The relevance of these systems to quasicrystals are discussed.The lattice matching of two sets of quaternionic roots of F4 leads to quaternionic roots of E8 which has a decomposition H_4 + \sigmaH_4 where the Coxeter graph H4H_4 is represented by the 120 quaternionic elements of the binary icosahedral group. The 30 pure imaginary quaternions constitute the roots of H3H_3 which has a natural extension to H_3 + \sigmaH_3 describing the root system of the Lie algebra D6D_6. It is noted that there exist three lattices in 6-dimensions whose point group W(D6)W(D_6) admits the icosahedral symmetry H3H_3 as a subgroup, the roots of which describe the mid-points of the edges of an icosahedron. A natural extension of the Coxeter group H2H_2 of order 10 is the Weyl group W(A4)W(A_4) where H_2 + \sigmaH_2 constitute the root system of the Lie algebra A4A_4. The relevance of these systems to quasicrystals are discussed

    FCC, BCC and SC Lattices Derived from the Coxeter-Weyl groups and quaternions

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    We construct the fcc (face centered cubic), bcc (body centered cubic) and sc (simple cubic) lattices as the root and the weight lattices of the affine extended Coxeter groups W(A3) and W(B3)=Aut(A3). It is naturally expected that these rank-3 Coxeter-Weyl groups define the point tetrahedral symmetry and the octahedral symmetry of the cubic lattices which have extensive applications in material science. The imaginary quaternionic units are used to represent the root systems of the rank-3 Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams which correspond to the generating vectors of the lattices of interest. The group elements are written explicitly in terms of pairs of quaternions which constitute the binary octahedral group. The constructions of the vertices of the Wigner-Seitz cells have been presented in terms of quaternionic imaginary units. This is a new approach which may link the lattice dynamics with quaternion physics. Orthogonal projections of the lattices onto the Coxeter plane represent the square and honeycomb lattices

    GIS-based spatial prediction of poor-drainage areas using frequency ratio: a case study of Tekirdag Province, Turkey

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    The present study aims to identify the distribution and the sensibility ratios of the poorly drained areas of Tekirdag Province. GIS-based frequency ratio (FR) was used to detect areas that are likely to limit agricultural production due to poor drainage. Sensitive areas were identified and classified using susceptibility analysis. Spatial features were calculated and mapped using FR by combining the factors that could cause the drainage problem in the study area. The results indicated that the drainage conditions in the majority of the study area fall in well-drained (20.14%) and somewhat excessively drained (18.22%) classes. Furthermore, the study area was found to be 50.99% well suited, 11.66% suited, 13.35% moderately suited, and 24.00% unsuited, respectively, for agricultural production. About one-third of the unsuited area was found to be under agro-production. Furthermore, agriculturally suited areas were located mostly in plateaus and sloping lands. On the other hand, unsuited areas were located in the lowland areas where the groundwater level is high, the slope is low, and alluvial lithology and heavily textured soil features are present, while most of the scrublands, forest lands, and vineyard land use classes are located in well-drained areas in both provincial boundaries and the hotspot areas. On the other hand, agriculture, paddy fields, barren lands, pasture, and settlements are mostly located in poorly drained areas. To minimize the effect of the drainage problems, it is crucial to detect poorly drained areas using susceptibility analysis on agricultural areas. As a result, the spatial distribution of poor drainage areas can be mapped precisely and so contribute to agricultural productivity. Thus, sustainable agricultural policies can be developed by contributing to the agricultural economy and food security