13 research outputs found


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    An analytical way to reach the best decision is more preferable in many business platforms. When variables are quantitative and number of criteria is not high, then one can use several analysis tools and make his/her decision and solve the problem. However, many times beside the measurable variables, there exist qualitative variables for decision making problems, or people are supposed to prefer the best among the many choices. Even if only linguistic evaluations may be available for such problems, an analytical way to find the solution systematically to make a successful decision is needed. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) is one of the best ways for deciding among the complex criteria structure in different levels. Fuzzy AHP is a synthetic extension of classical AHP method when the fuzziness of the decision makers is considered. In this paper, the criteria set and their importance for the selection of manufacturing employee in a firm producing shoe machines are analyzed. Finally a systematic solution and decision support are provided for management. Birçok is ortamında analitik yöntemler, en iyi kararı vermek adına daha çok tercih görmektedir. Sayısal olarak ölçülebilen degiskenlerin ve kriterlerin varlıgında kullanılabilecek birçok analiz ve problem çözme teknigi bulunabilirken, kalitatif degiskenlerle seçim ya da karar verme zorunlulugu oldugunda farklı yaklasımlara gerek duyulmaktadır. Böyle bir durumda, öznel ve sözel degerlendirmeler yapma zorunlugu dogmakla birlikte, sistematik ve analitik bir yol izlemek basarılı karar vermek açısından kaçınılmazdır. Bu kosularda özellikle karar verme ortamı bulanık veriler içeriyorsa, en çok tercih edilen tekniklerden biri de Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarsi Süreci (Bulanık AHS)dir. Karmasık kriter set ve çoklu düzey yapısında seçenekler içerisinde en iyi seçimi yapma konusunda basarılı kararlar alınmasında sık kullanıma sahiptir. Bulanık AHS karar vericilerin yaptıkları yorum ve degerlendirmelerde belli bir bulanıklık oldugu düsünüldügünde ortaya çıkan ve AHS'nin bir uzantısı olarak gelistirilen sentetik bir yaklasımdır. Bu çalısmada, ayakkabı makinalar üreten bir firma için imalatta çalısacak isçilerin seçiminde hangi kriterlerin gözetildigi ve bu kriterlerin hangi agırlıklarla kararda etkili oldugu bulanık AHS yöntemi ile analiz edilmis, firma yetkilerine sistematik bir çözüm ve karar destegi saglanmıstır

    Leading the Strategic Decision-Making Process: Conceptual Frameworks

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    Leading the strategic decision-making process is a crucial issue in organizations. The success of the process is closely related to the experiences and special skills of the managers as well as to the culture and the structure of the organizations and environmental factors. Such a decision-making process requires improved cognitive, behavioral, and analytical skills from managers. This chapter investigates those success factors of the strategic decision-making process emphasized in the current literature and proposes two conceptual frameworks based on the factors for top managers that would help them to track the causality and the performance of their organizations within this scope

    Determination of Suitable Fabric in Sportswear by Integrated SWARA-MABAC Approach

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    The concept of sports is one of the most important areas that contribute to the economic and social development of countries by enabling them to be healthy individuals by affecting the mental, physical and spiritual structures of people positively. In line with the technological developments, as a result of the increase in the living standards of people, the expectations from the clothes and other equipment they use while doing sports have gone beyond just being suitable for the strength, design and fashion elements, and the importance given to the performance and the comfort of the clothing has increased. Sportswear is expected to offer comfortable mobility to the body, not to hold sweat and water, and to have comfort features such as breathability. These functions, which are expected from the fabrics, make a visible contribution to the performances of sports people. In this study performance characteristic of fabrics used in activewear was measured by using SWARA and MABAC methods. The criteria are weighted by SWARA method and suitable fabric for active wear are determined according to the criteria were calculated by MABAC method


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    AbstractAlthough the selection of accounting information sources has been investigated across financialinformation user groups, few studies have explored the risk tolerance behavior of investors andits influence on source selection. This is unfortunate as it is notably acknowledged that risktolerance level plays an important role in the decision-making behavior of an individual. Thisstudy makes use of the Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) approach, oneof the newest criteria weight assessment method proposed for multi-criteria decision making.Twenty-four information sources (such as; financial reports, profit announcements, companypresentations and CSR reports etc.) usage are evaluated under SWARA. The sample is dividedinto; risk averse, neutral and seeking investors. The results of the study indicate that informationsource selection differs between risk groups.Keywords: Users of Financial Information, Risk Tolerance, SWARA, Decision Making, Accounting Informationhttps://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1497745</p

    Career decision making in the maritime industry: research of merchant marine officers using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS methods

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    Individual career planning plays a key role in achieving success, goals, and ideals in professional life. However, managing to accomplish such favorable results depends on the correct decisions of graduates to choose suitable job opportunities. Oceangoing watchkeeping officers, who are responsible for the management and administration of vessels at sea, have several job options which are differentiated by vessel type, such as; bulk carriers, chemical tankers, general cargo ships, and container ships, etc. This study aims to discuss the criteria that Turkish oceangoing watchkeeping officers take into consideration and the values they attribute to such criteria regarding their vessel type preference. The aim is to provide instructions to oceangoing watchkeeping officer candidates and academicians who are interested in these issues and related parties of maritime industry. Attribution values of the criteria are determined by means of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the most preferred alternative vessel type is revealed through Fuzzy TOPSIS methodology. According to the study results, the most important factors are; revenue, perception of occupational health and safety, and labor work density. The most preferred ship type among alternatives is the oil tanker


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    AbstractAlthough the selection of accounting information sources has been investigated across financialinformation user groups, few studies have explored the risk tolerance behavior of investors andits influence on source selection. This is unfortunate as it is notably acknowledged that risktolerance level plays an important role in the decision-making behavior of an individual. Thisstudy makes use of the Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) approach, oneof the newest criteria weight assessment method proposed for multi-criteria decision making.Twenty-four information sources (such as; financial reports, profit announcements, companypresentations and CSR reports etc.) usage are evaluated under SWARA. The sample is dividedinto; risk averse, neutral and seeking investors. The results of the study indicate that informationsource selection differs between risk groups.Keywords: Users of Financial Information, Risk Tolerance, SWARA, Decision Making, Accounting Informationhttps://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1497745</p