16 research outputs found

    Design and Fabrication of Soft 3D Printed Sensors and Performance Analysis of the Soft Sensors in a C-leg as Sensing Element

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    In soft robotics, a recent challenge is to decrease the number of rigid components used tocreate entirely soft robots. A common rigid component used in soft robots is the rigid encoder, which should be replaced with a soft counterpart if possible. In this work, we de-sign and manufacture a soft sensor, which is embedded into a C-shaped leg of a soft, legged, miniature robot. Our main goal is to show that we can embed a soft sensor into and receive contact feedback from a soft C-shaped leg of our soft miniature quadruped. We test various sensor parameters using custom test setups to analyze the soft sensor performance. Our soft sensor design is iterated by experimentally investigating several sensor shape options. For the C-leg of the soft miniature quadruped, optimal sensor geometry and position for the sensor implementation are found from a discrete design space as the outcome of this work. We received feedback from the soft sensor and compared commercial encoder data to the soft sensor embedded C-leg data. We managed to detect the rotation speed of the C-leg with the accuracy of 87.5% on a treadmill and with the accuracy of %86.7 under free rotation of the C-leg. However, if connection loss occurs in the miniature slipring mechanism, the error percentage in estimating the rotational speed increases significantly

    Digitalisierung der Einsatzumgebung auf Basis des SLAM-Algorithmus zur luftseitigen Unterstützung eines Krisenverkehrsmanagementkonzepts

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    Die vorliegende Studienarbeit befasst sich mit der Implementierung und Evaluierung des extended Kalman Filters (EKF) für die Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in einer Drohnensimulation. Das Ziel ist die präzise Schätzung der Drohnenposition und -orientierung in unbekannten Umgebungen sowie die gleichzeitige Kartierung dieser Einsatzumgebung. Der Einsatz hoch automatisierter Drohnen in verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen wie beispielsweise dem Bevölkerungsschutz erfordert zuverlässige Lokalisierungs- und Kartierungsalgorithmen, insbesondere in Innenräumen oder urbanen Gebieten, wo das GPS-Signal eingeschränkt sein kann. Der EKF-SLAM-Algorithmus ermöglicht die simultane Kartierung und Lokalisierung der Drohne und beruht auf mathematischen Grundlagen des EKF, unter Berücksichtigung der Mess- und Bewegungsmodelle. Die durchgeführte Simulation umfasst den Aufbau einer Umgebung mit Hindernissen sowie eines Drohnemodells. Die Sensoren werden simuliert und ihre Messungen werden untersucht. Die Evaluierung zeigt die Anwendbarkeit des EKF-SLAM Algorithmus in verschiedenen Szenarien wie der hoch automatisierten Navigation. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die höhere Genauigkeit der Lokalisierung der Drohne des EKFSLAM-Algorithmus im Vergleich zu einem einfachen EKF-Algorithmus um etwa 5,3%. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert wertvolle Erkenntnisse über die Leistungsfähigkeit des EKFSLAM-Algorithmus und seine Potenziale für präzise Lokalisierung, Kartierung und Kollisionsvermeidung

    Entwicklung einer Leistungs- (performance) basierten Ausweichroutine für unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge zur luftseitigen Unterstützung eines Krisenverkehrsmanagement Konzepts

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    Die Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS) sind geprägt durch Bemühungen, eine möglichst hohe Sicherheit bei möglichst effizienten Einsätzen zu erreichen. Ein Forschungsgebiet in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Nutzung von neuen Technologien. Dabei wird beispielsweise der Drohneneinsatz erforscht und in Feldversuchen evaluiert. Die Nutzung der Drohne erstreckt sich von der Lageerkundung bis hin zur Identifikation des Einsatzzieles. In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit wird ein Drohnenmodell identifiziert und mit Sensorik erweitert, um ein algorithmisches Verfahren zur dynamischen Kollisionsvermeidung zwischen einem statischen Hindernis und der Drohne zu erproben. Dieses algorithmische Verfahren wird als Ausweichroutine entwickelt und abschließend in einer Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulationsumgebung getestet. Dabei werden Sensorparameter von einer realen Drohne genutzt, um daraus Situationen von BOSEinsätzen mit Drohnen in einem Simulationsszenario zu vergleichen und zu bewerten. Die in dieser Bachelorarbeit entwickelte Ausweichroutine hat gezeigt, dass hohe Sensorreichweiten eine große Flughöhe benötigen. Andernfalls kann aufgrund der Topographie und einer hohen Anzahl an Hindernissen ein endloser Versuch den Zielzustand zu erreichen eintreten. Im Gegensatz dazu benötigen niedrigen Sensorreichweiten eine geringe Fluggeschwindigkeit, damit die Drohne eine Kollision mit einem Hindernis vermeiden kann


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    With the growing need for efficiency, cost reduction, reduced disposition of outdated electronics components as well as scalable electronics components, and also reduced health effects of our daily usage of electronics components. Recent trend in technology has seen companies manufacturing these products thinking in the mentioned needs when manufacturing and virtualizations is one important aspect of it. The need to share resources, the need to use lesser workspace, the need to reduce cost of purchase and manufacturing are all part of achievements of virtualization techniques. For some people, setting up a computer to run different virtual machines at the same time can be difficult especially if they have no prior basic knowledge of working in terminal environment and hiring a skilled personnel to do the job can be expensive. The motivation for this thesis is to help people with little or no basic knowledge on how to set up virtual machine with Ubuntu operating system on XEN hypervisor


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    With the growing need for efficiency, cost reduction, reduced disposition of outdated electronics components as well as scalable electronics components, and also reduced health effects of our daily usage of electronics components. Recent trend in technology has seen companies manufacturing these products thinking in the mentioned needs when manufacturing and virtualizations is one important aspect of it. The need to share resources, the need to use lesser workspace, the need to reduce cost of purchase and manufacturing are all part of achievements of virtualization techniques. For some people, setting up a computer to run different virtual machines at the same time can be difficult especially if they have no prior basic knowledge of working in terminal environment and hiring a skilled personnel to do the job can be expensive. The motivation for this thesis is to help people with little or no basic knowledge on how to set up virtual machine with Ubuntu operating system on XEN hypervisor

    Relationship between COVID-19 and Male Sexual Dysfunction? A Prospective, Multicentric Study

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    Background: Sexual function is an excellent marker of psychological, systemic, and specifically vascular performance. Endothe-lial dysfunction is the main determinant of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms. Considering the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychological and sexual functions, we hypothesized potential differences and underlying factors if there is any erectile function and premature ejaculation status of male patients with COVID-19 by comparing both with the control group.Methods: Hospitalized male patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia were evaluated. Male patients who applied to the Urology outpatient clinic were the control group. All participants completed the International Index of Erectile Function Form -15 (IIEF-15) and gave information regarding their premature ejaculation (PE) status if present. COVID-19 patients were called by phone to fill in the IIEF-15. Their PE status was questioned on the 45th and 90th days after discharge. The following param-eters were in the data records: Age, comorbidity, length of hospital stay, treatment, oxygen saturation, pulmonary involvement, white blood cell (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin, fibrinogen, D-dimer, and sedimentation values .Results: The study had 253 participants, including 168 COVID-19 patients and 85 volunteers as the control group. The number of PE cases was less, whereas erectile dysfunction (ED) cases were more in the COVID-19 patient group in comparison to the control group in the pre-pandemic period (p = 0.00) (p = 0.00). In the post-pandemic period, PE developed in 13 more COVID-19 patients on the 45th and 90th days (p = 0.00). The IIEF-15 scores of COVID-19 patients decreased by 4-point in the short term and by 3-point in the long term (p = 0.002). Age and sedimentation were responsible for the difference in PE status. On the other hand, comorbidity, length of hospital stay, treatment type, WBC, D-dimer, ferritin, CRP levels, and pulmonary infiltration were responsible for the difference in ED.Conclusions: Based on our findings, we can say that we have enough evidence to suspect COVID-19 sequelae can affect male sexual health. After the pandemic, male patients with andrological problems should have enough time to feel more comfortable and their organic and psychogenic conditions should be optimized

    Identifying Needs and Requirements for an integrated Crisis Traffic Management (iCTM) concept for Unmanned Aircraft Systems supporting First Responses in Crisis Situations

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    The specific needs and requirements for first response operations, supported by UAS, are barely considered in neither of the proposed UTM concepts U-space or FAA UTM. Both concepts, do not conceptually assist UAS operations for first response missions. In order to address the aforementioned regulatory gap, this study analyzes the current challenges and needs of first response organizations related to deploying UAS in disaster areas. The analyzed concept aims to define specific rules and automate certain identified functions for emergency UAS as well as outlining a concept for integrating first response UAS operations with other air traffic within the disaster area

    1975-1980 yılları arasında Türkiye’de kadın hareketleri :bİlerici Kadınlar Derneği ve Kadınların Sesi Gazetesi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Öztürk, İbrahim Mert