14 research outputs found
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate serum heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and oxytocin levels, attachment and perceived social support levels in adolescents with parental bipolar disorder (BD) and Schizophrenia (SCZ).
Subjects and Methods: This study included 9 adolescents with SCZ parents, 30 adolescents with BD parents and 31 healthy adolescents. Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Relationship Scale Questionnaire-Adolescent Form (RSQ-A) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) were administered to all participants. In addition, serum HSP-70 and oxytocin levels were evaluated.
Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of attachment style, psychiatric symptoms and perceived social support. Serum HSP-70 levels were found to be lower in adolescents whose parents had BD. Serum oxytocin levels of the SCZ group were significantly lower than those of the BD group.
Conclusions: HSP-70 level was found to be lower in adolescents with BD parents. Oxytocin level was found to be lower in adolescents with SCZ parents. These findings suggest that HSP-70 and oxytocin may be a marker of early life stress in adolescents with parental psychopathology. However, studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between attachment, oxytocin and HSP-70 in adolescents exposed to parental psychopathology in early life
Potential value of a rapid syndromic multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of native and prosthetic joint infections: a real-world evidence study.
Introduction: The BIOFIRE Joint Infection (JI) Panel is a diagnostic tool that uses multiplex-PCR testing to detect microorganisms in synovial fluid specimens from patients suspected of having septic arthritis (SA) on native joints or prosthetic joint infections (PJIs). Methods: A study was conducted across 34 clinical sites in 19 European and Middle Eastern countries from March 2021 to June 2022 to assess the effectiveness of the BIOFIRE JI Panel. Results: A total of 1527 samples were collected from patients suspected of SA or PJI, with an overall agreement of 88.4 % and 85 % respectively between the JI Panel and synovial fluid cultures (SFCs). The JI Panel detected more positive samples and microorganisms than SFC, with a notable difference on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Enterococcus faecalis, Kingella kingae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and anaerobic bacteria. The study found that the BIOFIRE JI Panel has a high utility in the real-world clinical setting for suspected SA and PJI, providing diagnostic results in approximately 1 h. The user experience was positive, implying a potential benefit of rapidity of results\u27 turnover in optimising patient management strategies. Conclusion: The study suggests that the BIOFIRE JI Panel could potentially optimise patient management and antimicrobial therapy, thus highlighting its importance in the clinical setting
Potential value of a rapid syndromic multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of native and prosthetic joint infections: a real-world evidence study
Introduction: The BIOFIRE Joint Infection (JI) Panel is a diagnostic tool that uses multiplex-PCR testing to detect microorganisms in synovial fluid specimens from patients suspected of having septic arthritis (SA) on native joints or prosthetic joint infections (PJIs). Methods: A study was conducted across 34 clinical sites in 19 European and Middle Eastern countries from March 2021 to June 2022 to assess the effectiveness of the BIOFIRE JI Panel. Results: A total of 1527 samples were collected from patients suspected of SA or PJI, with an overall agreement of 88.4 % and 85 % respectively between the JI Panel and synovial fluid cultures (SFCs). The JI Panel detected more positive samples and microorganisms than SFC, with a notable difference on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Enterococcus faecalis, Kingella kingae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and anaerobic bacteria. The study found that the BIOFIRE JI Panel has a high utility in the real-world clinical setting for suspected SA and PJI, providing diagnostic results in approximately 1 h. The user experience was positive, implying a potential benefit of rapidity of results' turnover in optimising patient management strategies. Conclusion: The study suggests that the BIOFIRE JI Panel could potentially optimise patient management and antimicrobial therapy, thus highlighting its importance in the clinical setting
Assurance account in Turkish law
Günlük hayat içerisinde pek çok riski ve tehlikeyi de beraberinde barındırmaktadır. Özellikle araçların karayolunda seyri, tehlikeli maddelerin taşınması depolanması, yolcuların şehir içi ve şehirlerarası taşınması, tehlike arz eden iş kolu faaliyetleri en temel örnekler arasında sayılabilir. Bu bağlamda hukuk sistemimizde kusursuz sorumluluk hali olan tehlike sorumluluğu kabul edilmiş ve bunun bir sonucu olarak da sorumluluk sigortaları zorunlu hale getirilmeye başlanmıştır. Çeşitli sigorta kolları ile farklı risklerin teminat altına alınması ve bazı sorumluluk sigortalarının zorunlu hale getirilmesiyle de riziko sırasında meydana gelebilecek zararların hızlı şekilde tazmin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ancak bazen kişiler çeşitli sebeplerle sigorta korumasından yararlanamamakta ve sigortacının sorumluluğuna gidilememektedir. Bu sebeple kişileri sigorta teminatı kapsamında koruyabilmek, riziko gerçekleştiğinde geçerli tutarlar dahilinde zararlarını temin edebilmek amacıyla yeni bir güvence sistemi getirilmiştir. Güvence hesabı ilgili düzenlemede yer bulan zorunlu sigortaların sayılan nedenlerle sorumluluğuna gidilememesi hallerinde sigortacı gibi meydana gelen zararları tazmin etmektedir. Bu şekilde kişiler sigorta korumasından hala yararlanmaktadır. 2918 Sayılı KTK ile ilk defa Garanti Fonu adıyla hukukumuza giren bu sistemde başlangıçta sadece Zorunlu Mali Sorumluluk Sigortası kapsam dahiline alınmıştı. Trafik kazalarının giderek artması, can ve mal kayıplarının yaşanması bu düzenlemenin getirilmesinde etkili olmuştu. Ancak değişen ve gelişen teknolojik gelişmeler ve farklı iş kollarının günlük hayatımıza girmesi, rizikoların artması ile birlikte bu kapsam genişletilmiş ve Sigortacılık Kanunu ile güvence hesabı kurumu oluşturulmuştur. Güvence hesabı ile kanunda bahsi geçen tüm zorunlu sigortaların kapsam dahiline alınması ile hesabın sorumluluğu genişletilmiştir. Hesap zorunlu sigorta teminat limitleri ile sınırlı olmak üzere bedensel zararlardan ve bazı hallerde ise maddi zararlardan sorumlu olacaktır.Everyday life carries with it many risks and dangers. Especially the course of the roadway of the vehicles, hazardous materials transportation, storage, passengers, city and intercity transport, dangerous business activities can be counted among the most basic of examples. In this context, hazard liability, which is a perfect state of responsibility in our legal system, has been accepted and as a result of this, liability insurance has been made mandatory. It is also aimed to quickly compensate for losses that may occur during the risk by guaranteeing different risks with various insurance branches and making some liability insurance mandatory. However, sometimes people cannot take advantage of insurance protection for various reasons and cannot go to the insurer's responsibility. For this reason, a new assurance system has been introduced in order to protect people under insurance coverage and to ensure their losses within the applicable amounts when the risk occurs. Jul. The assurance account compensates for losses incurred by the insurer in the event that compulsory insurance, which is included in the relevant regulation, cannot be held liable for the reasons listed. In this way, people still benefit from insurance protection. In this system, which entered our law under the name of Guarantee Fund for the first time with KTK No. 2918, initially only Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance was included in the scope. The increasing number of traffic accidents and the loss of life and property were instrumental in the introduction of this regulation. However, with the changing and developing technological developments and the introduction of different lines of business into our daily lives, as well as the increase in risks, this scope has been expanded and the Insurance Law and the assurance account institution have been established. With the assurance account, the liability of the account has been extended by taking all the compulsory insurance mentioned in the law within the scope of coverage. The account will be liable for personal damage and, in some cases, property damage, limited to the mandatory insurance coverage limits
Fault diagnosis in refrigerators using fan-induced acoustic signals
Detection of the source of the fault is an important issue in industrial products. According to the analyses regarding refrigerators, it has been determined that the majority of customer complaints are caused by noise-based complaints. Therefore, it is very important to identify the main source causing the noise problem and correct it as fast as possible. The aim of this thesis is to classify fan-related faults in refrigerators using sound signals. The method applied to diagnose the source causing the fault was preferred to be data-based, and for this reason, it was aimed to carry out the study with the help of a suitable algorithm that learns from the dataset. Creating a reliable and detailed dataset in order to improve the data infrastructure for use in this thesis and future studies is the secondary aim of the study. In this thesis, in the case of only one of the 3 fan sources of the refrigerator is faulty and all of them are working properly, a sound dataset is created by acquiring sound data in ISO 3745 compliant full anechoic measurement environment. An ensemble classification model is proposed by using a machine learning model trained by extracting the statistical features of the sound signal and a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) architecture trained using mel spectrograms, which are the visual representation of the sound signal. The proposed model classifies with an accuracy of 93% when the non-faulty class is not included and 89% when the non-faulty class is included
Uluslararası tarihten günümüze sûfî-siyaset ilişkileri sempozyumu (1-3 Kasım 2019, Bursa)
Osmanlı Devleti’nin ilk başkenti olan ve fethi sırasında sûfîlerin önemli rol oynadığı Bursa, 1-3 Kasım 2019 tarihleri arasında Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi ve İSAV işbirliğinde düzenlenen Uluslararası Tarihten Günümüze SûfîSiyaset İlişkileri Sempozyumu’na ev sahipliği yaptı. Sempozyumda Türkiye’deki ilim adamlarının yanı sıra Ürdün, Mısır, İran, Pakistan, Irak ve ABD’den iştirak eden tasavvuf araştırmacılarının katılımıyla yedi oturumda yirmi üç bildiri sunuldu. İlk iki gün sempozyum bildirilerine yer verilirken, son gün değerlendirilme oturumu gerçekleştirildi
Fear of COVID-19 infection in children and adolescents diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder
COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde alınan önlemler, sosyal izolasyon, okulların kapatılması, sosyal medya paylaşımları, sosyal aktivitelerin azalması çocuklarda korku ve kaygıya neden olmaktadır. Çalışmamızda Yaygın Anksiyete Bozukluğu (YAB) olan çocukların anksiyete ve COVID-19 korkusu düzeyini araştırmayı amaçladık. Aralık 2020-Şubat 2021 tarihleri arasında çocuk psikiyatri polikliniğine başvuran YAB tanılı çocuklar ile sağlıklı çocuklar değerlendirildi. Katılımcılara sosyodemografik veri formu, Durumluk-Sürekli Anksiyete Ölçeği (STAI) ve COVID-19 Korkusu Ölçeği verildi. Çalışmamıza YAB tanılı 47 hasta ile sağlıklı 41 çocuk katıldı. Hasta grubun yaş ortalamaları 13,4±2,4 yıl, kontrol grubunun 12,6±2,4 yıl olarak bulundu. STAI-S puan ortalaması; hasta grubunda 49,5±9,7, kontrol grubunda 29,3±6,7 bulundu. STAI-T puan ortalaması; hasta grubunda 61,4±8,9, kontrol grubunda 32,6±6,2 olarak gözlendi. COVID-19 Korkusu Ölçeği puanları; hasta grubunda 22,2±5,5 tespit edildi ve orta düzeyde COVID-19 korkusu olabileceği düşünüldü. Kontrol grubunda 11,2±4,4 olarak gözlendi COVID-19 enfeksiyonu geçirmemiş ve karantinaya alınmamış, YAB tanılı çocukların anksiyete ve COVID-19 korkusu düzeyleri yüksek bulunmuştur. Literatürde bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Çalışmamızın YAB olan çocukların pandemi döneminde daha çok korku ve kaygı göstermesi konusunda literatüre katkı sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.The measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, closure of schools, social media posts, and decrease in social activities cause fear and anxiety in children. In our study, we aimed to investigate the level of anxiety and fear of COVID-19 in children with General- ized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Children with GAD and healthy children who applied to the child psych iatry outpatient clinic between De- cember 2020 and February 2021 were evaluated. The participants were given a sociodemographic data form, the State-Trait Anxiety Scale (STAI), and the COVID-19 Fear Scale.47 patients with GAD and 41 healthy children were included in our study. The mean age of the patient group was 13.4±2.4 years, and 12.6±2.4 years in the control group. STAI-S average score; 49.5±9.7 in the patient group and 29.3±6.7 in the control group. STAI-T mean score; it was observed as 61.4±8.9 in the patient group and 32.6±6.2 in the control group. COVID-19 Fear Scale scores; 22.2±5.5 was detected in the patient group and it was thought that there may be a moderate fear of COVID-19. It was observed as 11.2±4.4 in the control group. The levels of anxiety and fear of COVID-19 were found to be high in children with GAD who did not have COVID-19 infection and were not quarantined. Studies on this subject in the literature are limited. We believe that our study will contribute to the literature on children with GAD showing more fear and anxiety during the pandemic period
The Effect of Internet Addiction on Sleep Quality of Children and Adolescents
Objectives:Internet addiction (IA) has been shown to be associated with sleep disorders. In our study, we aimed to investigate psychiatric comorbidities and sleep quality in children and adolescents with IA.Materials and Methods:Children with IA and healthy children who applied to the child psychiatry outpatient clinic were included in our study. Psychiatric comorbidities of children and adolescents were evaluated by applying the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School - Age Children - Present and Lifetime Version - Turkish Adaptation. Socio-demographic data form, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Young Internet Addiction Scale-Short Form (YIAS-SF) were given to the participants.Results:Forty six children with IA and 35 healthy children participated in our study. Of the 46 participants in the study group, 26 were diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 13 with anxiety disorders, 9 with depression, and 11 with conduct disorder. In the study group, PSQI and YIAS-SF scores were found to be high. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of scale scores.Conclusion:As a result of our study, it was found that the most common psychiatric diagnoses accompanying IA were ADHD, anxiety disorders and conduct disorders. It was determined that the academic achievement of children with IA was lower. Sleep quality was found to be poor in children with high IA level. It is important to provide training on conscious internet use for children and families in order to increase awareness about IA