528 research outputs found

    The Latin of the Inscriptions in Narbonensis: Some Phonetic Characteristics

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    Summary: The present paper aims at examining the phonetic characteristics of the Latin in Narbonensis as reflected by the local inscriptions. Data will be presented from a limited corpus: from Fréjus (Forum Iulii), Antibes (Antipolis), Riez (Reii Apollinares), Digne (Dinia), Aix-en-Provence (Aquae Sextiae), Apt (Apta Iulia), Vienne (Vienna) and their territories. The inscriptions from these areas have been republished recently with the addition of some newly discovered inscriptions. Thus, this epigraphic material needs reconsideration in order to see whether the data collected from the new annotated edition corroborate or refute the existing findings of Vulgar Latin research

    ÖNB Suppl. Gr. 45 and Σ I 12

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    Paralleled Stories Revived: Show Trials and Popular Front Policy in Hungary

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    This study analyzes the László Rajk trial and its afterlife until the post-1989 transition. It illustrates that not only this trial, but also the memory of this prosecution was strictly regulated by official political directions. Moreover, the author emphasizes the direct connection between the Rajk trial and the changing idea of the popular front. If during the war, the Soviets and the European communist parties successfully followed the anti-fascist popular front strategy, the directives from Moscow changed in September 1947. Andrei Zhdanov’s idea of the two camps forced the satellite parties to change the popular front policy. Once the anti-fascist popular front strategy sank into oblivion, Rajk could be turned into an enemy and be sentenced to death, although he had been a prominent figure of the anti-fascist resistance. When the popular front strategy was revived in new form, Rajk and his fate became a historic topic. Following the debates around this topic, this study stresses that the Rajk trial was a very problematic issue for János Kádár, who had a personal responsibility for this death and thus directly influenced the remembrance of the trial. Once Hungary headed towards political pluralism, the Rajk case sunk into oblivion, for the reevaluation of Imre Nagy’s competing case emerged as the symbol of the break with the communist regime

    Kiberbiztosítási trendek

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    Learning to say NO...

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    Marginal Notes and their Sources in the Manuscript ÖNB Suppl. Gr. 45

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    Az ÖNB Suppl. Gr. 45. jelzetű kéziratban található görög-latin szótárban számos széljegyzet olvasható a margókon, amelyek alapvetően két nagyobb csoportra bonthatók. Az egyik csoportba zömével görög nyelvű margináliák tartoznak: ezek Aristophanés-scholionokra, jogi szövegekre és egyéb görög irodalmi, illetve lexikográfiai forrásokra vezethetők vissza. A másik nagy csoportba főleg latin nyelvű széljegyzetek tartoznak, de elvétve olasz nyelven írott margináliák is megjelennek. Az előadás ennek a két széljegyzetcsoportnak az eredetére, forrására fog koncentrálni, felhasználva egyrészt egy hasonló kéziratban (Σ I 12, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid) található széljegyzetes anyaggal való kollacionálás eredményeit, illetve egy másik szöveghagyományba tartozó görög-latin szótár szóanyagával elvégzett kollacionálás tanulságait

    A Group of Marginal Notes from Another Textual Tradition

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