52 research outputs found

    Strategies and Measures to Improve the Work Environment of Service Crew on Board Swedish Passenger Vessels

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    This paper presents findings from three workshops focused on the physical, organizational and social work environment of service crew working on board Swedish passenger vessels. The first workshop aimed to identify underlying causes of long-term sick leave among employees in the service department, and potential measures that can be taken to reduce ill-health. The second and third workshop explored knowledge of available methods to identify occupational safety and health risks, and suggest health-promotion strategies at individual, team and company levels. A total of 58 persons from the Swedish maritime cluster participated in the workshops. During the workshops, open and structured brainstorming was used to create affinity diagrams to systematically summarize the identified causes, risks and strategies. Although the results presented in this article stem from a research project focused on Swedish passenger vessels, many of the findings may be transferable to an international maritime setting towards a deeper understanding of seafarers’ work environment and working conditions

    Rock the boat : How to contribute to a good organizational and social work environment and prevent bullying and harassment

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    The occurrence of workplace bullying and harassment in variousforms is unfortunately nothing new, and this naturally applies to seafarers as well. Despite this, #metoo became an eye-opener for many when it became clear how extensive these issues are on board and the severity of the cases that occur. Victims of bullying and harassment often suffer physically and mentally and may develop long-term health problems. Additionally, the social isolation on board can make it even more difficult for affected individuals to receive support from family and friends when such incidents occur. Even though the symptoms of workplace bullying and harassment are primarily visible in the individual, it’s important to remember that preventive efforts need to encompass the organizational and social work environment. Deficiencies and ambiguities in the organization, uncertainties about roles and responsibilities, managers lacking sufficient knowledge and resources, high workloads, and a workplace climate that tolerates a harsh tone and offensive banter are some well-known factors that need to be addressed. So, what should one do in practice? A system needs to be questioned to function and evolve, and therefore, we need to rock the boat. This means that we need to become better at challenging existing structures and work methods and learn to ask new questions. Both employees and managers need to become better at clearly demonstrating their disapproval when incidents of workplace bullying and harassment occur. Employees can do so by not passively stand by if something happens but instead speak up and offer support - we call it crew courage. Managers must lead the way in defining what is acceptable and actively investigate the work environment, identify risk factors, and take early action on warning signals. Here, we share what you can do to contribute to a good organizational and social work environment free from workplace bullying and harassment. These tips are based on a research project conducted at Kalmar Maritime Academy, Linnaeus University, during 2019-2021. The project was funded by AFA Försäkring. These examples have been gathered through a systematic literature review and in dialogue with many individuals with various backgrounds and experiences. All results and a more detailed description of the methodology can be found in the final report Praktiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för en jämställd sjöfart, by Cecilia Österman and Magnus Boström at Linnaeus University. This report and other publications are available at intejobbadumt.se.Praktiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för en jämställd sjöfar

    Rock the boat : How to contribute to a good organizational and social work environment and prevent bullying and harassment

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    The occurrence of workplace bullying and harassment in variousforms is unfortunately nothing new, and this naturally applies to seafarers as well. Despite this, #metoo became an eye-opener for many when it became clear how extensive these issues are on board and the severity of the cases that occur. Victims of bullying and harassment often suffer physically and mentally and may develop long-term health problems. Additionally, the social isolation on board can make it even more difficult for affected individuals to receive support from family and friends when such incidents occur. Even though the symptoms of workplace bullying and harassment are primarily visible in the individual, it’s important to remember that preventive efforts need to encompass the organizational and social work environment. Deficiencies and ambiguities in the organization, uncertainties about roles and responsibilities, managers lacking sufficient knowledge and resources, high workloads, and a workplace climate that tolerates a harsh tone and offensive banter are some well-known factors that need to be addressed. So, what should one do in practice? A system needs to be questioned to function and evolve, and therefore, we need to rock the boat. This means that we need to become better at challenging existing structures and work methods and learn to ask new questions. Both employees and managers need to become better at clearly demonstrating their disapproval when incidents of workplace bullying and harassment occur. Employees can do so by not passively stand by if something happens but instead speak up and offer support - we call it crew courage. Managers must lead the way in defining what is acceptable and actively investigate the work environment, identify risk factors, and take early action on warning signals. Here, we share what you can do to contribute to a good organizational and social work environment free from workplace bullying and harassment. These tips are based on a research project conducted at Kalmar Maritime Academy, Linnaeus University, during 2019-2021. The project was funded by AFA Försäkring. These examples have been gathered through a systematic literature review and in dialogue with many individuals with various backgrounds and experiences. All results and a more detailed description of the methodology can be found in the final report Praktiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för en jämställd sjöfart, by Cecilia Österman and Magnus Boström at Linnaeus University. This report and other publications are available at intejobbadumt.se.Praktiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för en jämställd sjöfar

    Cost-benefit of Ergonomics in Shipping

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    Specialists in ergonomics believe that what is good ergonomics is also goodeconomics for many industrial settings. This relationship between ergonomicsand economics is supported by research on several industrial settings. Thisstudy turns to investigate this relationship within the maritime domain.Shipping naturally faces the same work environment problems as commonlyseen on work places ashore. Additionally, there is however a social and culturaldimension to the work environment in what might be the most globalisedindustry of all.This study is performed as a pilot study to a larger project within theeconomics of maritime ergonomics. The aim of this thesis is to review themajor issues in the research of maritime ergonomics and how cost-benefit ofergonomics is calculated in other domains. Furthermore, the thesis also aims atinvestigate which ergonomic factors that are considered the most important bythe shipping industry itself and if the economics of ergonomics is calculated inthe Swedish shipping industry.The review of scientific literature on maritime ergonomics is divided into threeareas of interest: organisation and management, occupational health and safetyand psychosocial work environment. No studies were found on cost-benefitcalculations within shipping. There are however several methods for evaluationand calculation from other domains. The result of the nine qualitativeinterviews shows a predominant occupation in the area of organisation.Important factors mentioned in the interviews that are believed to affect safety,productivity and well-being include leadership and social skills,communication between and within the shorebased organisation and the vessel,as well as knowledge on several levels. A survey among ten Swedish shippingowners shows that beyond the costs of sick-leave, the shipowners do not on aregular basis calculate the costs and benefits of ergonomics.Further research includes a stakeholder analysis; defining the operativemeasurements of productivity, quality and effectiveness for a maritime setting;an accident analysis and the compilation of Best Practise within shipping.Specialister inom arbetsmiljöområdet är övertygade om att en bra arbetsmiljöockså är bra för ett företags ekonomi. Detta förhållande mellan arbetsmiljö ochekonomi har påvisats i flera studier inom olika branscher. Den här studienundersöker sambandet mellan en god arbetsmiljö och god ekonomi inomsjöfarten. Inom sjöfarten återfinns naturligtvis samma arbetsmiljöproblem somhos andra branscher men i det som kanske är den mest globaliserade branschenav alla finns det också en framträdande social och kulturell dimension iarbetsmiljön.Den här uppsatsen är utförd som en pilotstudie till ett större forskningsprojektinom sjöfart och arbetsmiljöekonomi. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersökainom vilka områden det forskas på inom sjöfartens arbetsmiljö samt attundersöka hur kostnadsnytta av arbetsmiljö beräknas. Dessutom ämnaruppsatsen undersöka vilka arbetsmiljöfaktorer som de olika sjöfartsaktörernasjälva anser vara de viktigaste och om branschen själv räknar på arbetsmiljönidag.Granskningen av den vetenskapliga litteraturen om sjöfartens arbetsmiljö äruppdelad i tre områden: organisation och ledarskap, hälsa och säkerhet, samtden psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Inga studier återfanns som berördearbetsmiljöekonomi inom sjöfarten. Det finns däremot ett flertal metoder ochmodeller för ekonomisk utvärdering och beräkning av arbetsmiljöåtgärder frånandra branscher. Resultatet av nio kvalitativa intervjuer visar fokus påorganisatoriska arbetsmiljöfaktorer. Viktiga faktorer som informanterna anserhar inverkan på säkerhet, arbetsmiljö och produktivitet inkluderar ledarskap;kommunikation ombord och mellan fartyg och landorganisation; och kunskappå olika nivåer. En undersökning hos tio svenska rederier visar att utöverkostnader för sjukfrånvaro räknar företagen inte regelbundet på kostnader ochvinster för arbetsmiljön.Förslag till framtida forskning inkluderar en intressentanalys, att definiera ochbeskriva de operativa rationalitetsmåtten produktivitet, kvalitet och effektivitetför sjöfarten, olycksfallsanalys och sammanställandet av exempel av ”BestPractise” inom sjöfarten

    Granskning av ritningar ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv : En handbok för att undersöka arbetsmiljön på fartyg vid ny- och ombyggnad

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    Denna handbok är ett resultat av ett forskningsprojekt som syftar till att förenkla granskningen av fartygsritningar ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv. Forskningsprojektet genomfördes på Chalmers tekniska högskolas institution för produkt- och produktionsutveckling, avdelningDesign & Human Factors, och finansierades av Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus. Projektledare vid Chalmers har varit Anna-Lisa Osvalder. För att minska risken för olyckor och ohälsa och är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till arbetsmiljön redan när man planerar att bygga ett nytt fartyg eller bygga om delar av ett fartyg. Det är i planeringsskedet som det är lättast att påverka hur arbetsmiljön kommer att bli. När fartyget väl är byggt kan det vara både svårt och dyrt att göra ändringar. Metoden för granskning som denna handbok beskriver har till stordel utvecklats med hjälp av sjömän och deltagare vid SEKO Sjöfolks skyddsombudsutbildningar

    Cost-benefit of Ergonomics in Shipping

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    Specialists in ergonomics believe that what is good ergonomics is also goodeconomics for many industrial settings. This relationship between ergonomicsand economics is supported by research on several industrial settings. Thisstudy turns to investigate this relationship within the maritime domain.Shipping naturally faces the same work environment problems as commonlyseen on work places ashore. Additionally, there is however a social and culturaldimension to the work environment in what might be the most globalisedindustry of all.This study is performed as a pilot study to a larger project within theeconomics of maritime ergonomics. The aim of this thesis is to review themajor issues in the research of maritime ergonomics and how cost-benefit ofergonomics is calculated in other domains. Furthermore, the thesis also aims atinvestigate which ergonomic factors that are considered the most important bythe shipping industry itself and if the economics of ergonomics is calculated inthe Swedish shipping industry.The review of scientific literature on maritime ergonomics is divided into threeareas of interest: organisation and management, occupational health and safetyand psychosocial work environment. No studies were found on cost-benefitcalculations within shipping. There are however several methods for evaluationand calculation from other domains. The result of the nine qualitativeinterviews shows a predominant occupation in the area of organisation.Important factors mentioned in the interviews that are believed to affect safety,productivity and well-being include leadership and social skills,communication between and within the shorebased organisation and the vessel,as well as knowledge on several levels. A survey among ten Swedish shippingowners shows that beyond the costs of sick-leave, the shipowners do not on aregular basis calculate the costs and benefits of ergonomics.Further research includes a stakeholder analysis; defining the operativemeasurements of productivity, quality and effectiveness for a maritime setting;an accident analysis and the compilation of Best Practise within shipping.Specialister inom arbetsmiljöområdet är övertygade om att en bra arbetsmiljöockså är bra för ett företags ekonomi. Detta förhållande mellan arbetsmiljö ochekonomi har påvisats i flera studier inom olika branscher. Den här studienundersöker sambandet mellan en god arbetsmiljö och god ekonomi inomsjöfarten. Inom sjöfarten återfinns naturligtvis samma arbetsmiljöproblem somhos andra branscher men i det som kanske är den mest globaliserade branschenav alla finns det också en framträdande social och kulturell dimension iarbetsmiljön.Den här uppsatsen är utförd som en pilotstudie till ett större forskningsprojektinom sjöfart och arbetsmiljöekonomi. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersökainom vilka områden det forskas på inom sjöfartens arbetsmiljö samt attundersöka hur kostnadsnytta av arbetsmiljö beräknas. Dessutom ämnaruppsatsen undersöka vilka arbetsmiljöfaktorer som de olika sjöfartsaktörernasjälva anser vara de viktigaste och om branschen själv räknar på arbetsmiljönidag.Granskningen av den vetenskapliga litteraturen om sjöfartens arbetsmiljö äruppdelad i tre områden: organisation och ledarskap, hälsa och säkerhet, samtden psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Inga studier återfanns som berördearbetsmiljöekonomi inom sjöfarten. Det finns däremot ett flertal metoder ochmodeller för ekonomisk utvärdering och beräkning av arbetsmiljöåtgärder frånandra branscher. Resultatet av nio kvalitativa intervjuer visar fokus påorganisatoriska arbetsmiljöfaktorer. Viktiga faktorer som informanterna anserhar inverkan på säkerhet, arbetsmiljö och produktivitet inkluderar ledarskap;kommunikation ombord och mellan fartyg och landorganisation; och kunskappå olika nivåer. En undersökning hos tio svenska rederier visar att utöverkostnader för sjukfrånvaro räknar företagen inte regelbundet på kostnader ochvinster för arbetsmiljön.Förslag till framtida forskning inkluderar en intressentanalys, att definiera ochbeskriva de operativa rationalitetsmåtten produktivitet, kvalitet och effektivitetför sjöfarten, olycksfallsanalys och sammanställandet av exempel av ”BestPractise” inom sjöfarten

    Creating Clarity and Crew Courage : Preventive and Promotive Measures for a Maritime Industry Without Bullying and Harassment

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    Seafaring shares many characteristics with contemporary working life ashore. However, a major difference is that seafarers can spend up to 12 months aboard a ship that constitutes a work, living and recreational environment. Onboard work includes many stressors that can potentially contribute to workplace bullying and harassment, which in turn can affect safety critical operations. The aim of this study was to identify underlying causes in the organizational and social work environment that can cause workplace bullying and harassment at sea, and to suggest appropriate preventive and promotive strategies and measures. Data were collected mainly through World Cafe workshops with 56 participants from the Swedish maritime industry. Seafarer occupational health, safety, and wellbeing is largely determined by interdependent factors at micro, meso, and macro levels, where different stakeholders play various roles. Strategies and measures starting at the individual seafarer, and gradually expanding outwards toward the maritime industry are suggested. It is important that a victim of bullying or harassment receives adequate support. Creating crew courage enables employees to both recognize troubling situations and know how to act and respond to a situation. To bridge the gap between policy and practice, the legislative framework needs translating into practical procedures to make sense to the middle manager at the sharp end, with limited knowledge, time, resources, and decision latitude. Future research should evaluate the effectiveness of work environment interventions - what works, for whom, and under which circumstances