33 research outputs found

    Fox-Fordyce disease

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    Fox-Fordyce hastalığı nadir görülen, sporadik, apokrin ter bezi retansiyonu sonucu oluşan, kaşıntılı, foliküler papüllerle karakterize bir dermatozdur. Patogenezindeki en önemli basamak apokrin ter bezi duktuslarının tıkanması ve rüptürüdür. Bu makalede, Fox-Fordyce tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuş ve literatür ışığında klinikopatolojik özellikleri tartışılmıştır.Fox-Fordyce disease is a rare and sporadic cutaneous disorder characterized by pruritic follicular papules as a result of apocrine sweat retention. The most important step in the pathogenesis of the disease is the keratinious obstruction and rupture of apocrine ducts. Herein we report a typical case of Fox-Fordyce disease and discuss the clinicopathological features of the disorder in view of the medical literature

    Primary low grade myxoid liposarcoma of the ovary: A case report and review of literature

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    A 20-year-old female patient presented with the complaint of pelvic pain. Radiological studies showed a cystic mass in the left ovary. Histological examination revealed a myxoid tumor with a chicken wire-like, thin vascularization. The diagnos

    Epithelial cytoplasmic changes in endometrial hyperplasias (Metaplasia)

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    AMAÇ:"Endometriyumun epitelyal sitoplazmik değişiklikleri (metaplaziler)" (EESD) genellikle hiperöstrojenik klinik durumlarda ortaya çıkan bir grup lezyonu tanımlar. EESD'ler prognostik öneme sahip olmamalarına rağmen yanlış tanılara neden olabilirler. Bu çalışmanın amacı endometrial hiperplazilerde EESD'lerin sıklığının ve öneminin araştırılmasıdır. YÖNTEM: Johannes Gutenberg Üniversitesi (Mainz -Almanya) Patoloji Enstitütüsü ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı arşivlerinden derlenen endometrial hiperplazi tanısı almış 27 olguya ait 23 adet küretaj ve 7 adet histerektomi materyali iki patolog tarafından yeniden değerlendirildi. SONUÇLAR: Olguların, 12'si kompleks atipili, 7'si kompleks atipisiz, 8'i basit atipisiz hiperplazi tanılarını almıştı. Toplam 17 olguda metaplastik değişiklik saptandı. Olguların 8'inde fokal silyalı, 4'ünde yüzey sinsityal, 1'inde skuamoz ve 1'inde müsinöz değişiklik izlendi. Üç olguda silyalıyüzey sinsityal değişiklik, yüzey sinsityaleosinofilik değişiklik, skuamozsilyaiı değişiklik birlikteliği görüldü. YORUM: Bu çalışmada, EESD'lerin endometrial hiperplazilerde beklediğimizden sık görüldüğünü saptadık. Ayrıca bu lezyonların, deneyimsiz gözlemcilerde önemli tanısal sorunlara yol açabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.PURPOSE: "Endometrial epithelial cytoplasmic changes" (EECC) describe a group of lesions, which are found generally in hyperestrogenic clinical conditions. Although EECC are not important in prognosis, they might cause misdiagnosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and importance of EECC's in endometrial hyperplasias. METHODS: Twenty three curettage and 7 hysterectomy specimens from 27 cases which were diagnosed as endometrial hyperplasias were collected from the archives of Johannes Gutanberg University (Mainz-Germany) and Kırıkkale University Pathology Departments, and they were reevaluated by two pathologists. RESULTS: Twelve cases were complex hyperplasias with atypia, 7 were complex hyperplasias without atypia and the remaining were simple hyperplasias without atypia. We have observed metaplasia in 17 cases; 8 cases had ciliary metaplasia, 4 had surface syncytial changes,1 had squamous and 1 had mucinous metaplasia. Three cases had associated metaplasias: One had syncytial plus ciliary changes, and each one of the remaining cases had syncytial plus eosinophilic and squamous plus ciliary changes. CONCLUSION: In this study, we determined that EECC are relatively more common morphologic aspects observed in hyperpiasias than we had excepted. We also think that these lesions may cause some important diagnostic problem for the inexperienced observers

    Melanom dışı deri kanserlerinde metastaz baskılayıcı genler ve proteinler

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    Cataloged from PDF version of thesisIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 89-107).Thesis (Ph. D.): Bilkent University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2014.Skin cancers are the most common cancer in human population. They are practically divided into two major group; melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). NMSC often refers to two common neoplasms; cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC). BCCs are slow growing, malignant, significantly invasive but rarely metastasizing carcinomas. cSCCs are the malignant tumor of keratinocytes with significant squamous differentiation. In contrast to BCCs, SCCs have significant metastatic capacity. Metastasis is a complex multistep process and strictly positively or negatively controlled by tens of genes or proteins. Besides supporting genes, a group of gene, called metastasis suppressor genes (MSG), slow or inhibit metastasis without significantly affecting tumorigenicity. The aim of this study was to find out distribution and importance of the seven selected metastasis suppressor gene/proteins including NM23-H1, NDRG1, Ecadherin, RHOGDI2 (ARHGDIB), CD82/KAI1, MKK4, and AKAP12 in NMSC. Ninety six BCCs, 32 cSCCs, 6 in-situ SCCs, two cell lines (HaCaT, A-431) were included for immunohistochemistry study. Eleven BCCs, 8 normal skin adjacent to the BCCs, 3 normal skin frozen tissue, and, two cell lines were inserted for qRT-PCR studies. Promoter methylations of CD82/KAI1 and MKK4 genes were analyzed in 7 tumors and 5 normal tissue samples by bisulfite sequencing method. In immunohistochemistry study, NM23-H1 was protected in NMSC. Similarly, relatively preserved cytoplasmic expressions of NDRG1 were also detected. AKAP12 and RHOGDI2 were decreased in both tumor groups. However, CD82/KAI1 downregulation was only detected in BCCs. E-Cadherin was relatively protected in BCCs but significant lost was seen in cSCCs. Cytoplasmic positivity of MKK4 was more pronounced in cSCC when compared to BCCs. Immunohistochemical study of cell lines showed similar finding as in seen cSCC. In qRT-PCR study, we found significant upregulation of NM23-H1 (1.4 fold; p=0.032) and downregulation of AKAP12 (-1.2 fold; p=0.006) when BCC was compared to normal skin. NDRG1 showed significantly higher levels (2.2 fold, p=0.001) in BCC when compared to the skin adjacent to the BCC. MKK4 (-2.1-fold, P=0.001), ARHGDIB (RHOGDI2) (-4.7-fold, P=0.001), CD82/KAI1 (-2.4-fold, P=0.001) and AKAP12 (-9.7-fold, P=0.001) were downregulated but NDRG1 (34.4-fold, p=0.001) was upregulated in A-431 cell line when compared to HaCaT. CD82/KAI and MKK4 promoters were heavily unmethylated in BCCs and normal skin. In conclusion, we have demonstrated differential expression patterns for the seven MSPs in NMSCs. In SCCs, the MSG expression signature is similar but not identical to BCCs. The preserved levels of NM23-H1 and NDRG1 may contribute to the nonmetastatic features of NMSC.by Önder BozdoğanPh.D

    Familial urticaria pigmentosa

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    Urtikarya pigmentoza, dermiste mast hücresi infiltrasyonu ile karakterize, nadir görülen bir deri hastalığıdır. Genelde sporadik olarak görülmektedir, ancak ailesel olgular da bildirilmektedir. Burada bir anne ve kızında eş zamanda görülen bir urtikarya pigmentoza olgusu sunulmakta, hastalığın olası genetik geçişi tartışılmaktadır.Urticaria pigmentosa is a rare dermatological disease, characterized by dense mast cell infiltration in dermis. The disease is generally sporadic but there are rare reports of familial cases in the medical literature. Herein we report urticaria pigmentosa in a mother and her daughter and we discuss the probable hereditary transmission pattern of the disease

    Rare Localizations of Basal Cell Carcinoma: Lower Lip and Popliteal Area

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    Bu yazıda alt dudak ve popliteal bölgede bazal hücreli karsinoma (BHK) tespit edilen iki olguyu sunduk. Kliniğimize 45 yaşında alt dudakta iyileşmeyen yarası olan ve 38 yaşında popliteal deri üzerinde iyileşmeyen yarası olan iki erkek hasta başvurdu. Öykülerinde güneşe maruz kalma ve travma olmayan her bir olgudan biyopsi alındı. Sonuç BHK olarak raporlandı. BHK genellikle baş ve boyun bölgesinde gözlenir, fakat ayrıca alt dudak ve alt ekstremite gibi nadir alanlarda da yerleşebilir. Bu öngörülemeyen alanlar tümör cerrahisi açısından akılda tutulmalıdırlarIn this report, we describe two cases of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), one of them is on the lower lip and the other is on the popliteal area. A 45-year-old male patient with an unhealed wound on the lower lip and a 38-year-old male patient with an unhealed wound over the popliteal skin were admitted to our clinic. There was no sun exposure and trauma in their medical history. A biopsy was taken from each case. The results were BCC in two patients. BCC is usually seen in the head and neck regions, but it may be also localized in rare areas such as the lower lip and lower extremity. These unpredictable areas should be considered for tumor surger

    Hypoxic Gene Signature of Primary and Metastatic Melanoma Cell Lines: Focusing on HIF-1? and NDRG-1

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    Background: Hypoxia is an important microenvironmental factor significantly affecting tumor proliferation and progression. The importance of hypoxia is, however, not well known in oncogenesis of malignant melanoma. Aims: To evaluate the difference of hypoxic gene expression signatures in primary melanoma cell lines and metastatic melanoma cell lines and to find the expression changes of hypoxia-related genes in primary melanoma cell lines at experimental hypoxic conditions Study Design: Cell study. Methods: The mRNA expression levels of hypoxia-related genes in primary melanoma cell lines and metastatic melanoma cell lines and at experimental hypoxic conditions in primary melanoma cell lines were evaluated by using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Depending on the experimental data, we focused on two genes/proteins, the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 beta and the N-myc downstream regulated gene-1. The expression levels of the two proteins were investigated by immunohistochemistry methods in 16 primary and metastatic melanomas, 10 intradermal nevi, and a commercial tissue array comprised of 208 cores including 192 primary and metastatic malignant melanomas. Results: The real-time polymerase chain reaction study showed that hypoxic gene expression signature was different between metastatic melanoma cell lines and primary melanoma cell lines. Hypoxic experimental conditions significantly affected the hypoxic gene expression signature. In immunohistochemical study, N-myc downstream regulated gene-1 expression was found to be lower in primary cutaneous melanoma compared to in intradermal nevi (p=0.001). In contrast, the cytoplasmic expression of hypoxiainducible factor-1 beta was higher in primary cutaneous melanoma than in intradermal nevi (p=0.001). We also detected medium/strong significant correlations between the two proteins studied in the study groups. Conclusion: Hypoxic response consists of closely related proteins in more complex pathways. These findings will shed light on hypoxic processes in melanoma and unlock a Pandora’s box for development of new therapeutic strategies

    Schwannoma of the Lower Eyelid in a 13-Year-Old Girl

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    WOS: 000262734100015PubMed: 19273927A 13-year-old girl presented with a history of a slowly enlarging, mobile, right lower eyelid mass of 2 years' duration. Excisional biopsy revealed the characteristic histopathologic features of a schwannoma. After complete excision, there was no recurrence at 1-year follow-up. Schwannoma is a rare eyelid tumor, appearing sporadically and in a solitary form, which should be considered in the differential diagnosis of eyelid tumors in children

    Structural and tensile characteristics of reduced graphene oxide/poly (vinyl alcohol) composite films: Influence of ultraviolet irradiation

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    The influence of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the structural and uniaxial tensile characteristics of reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composite films produced by using various contents (0-10 wt%) of rGO obtained by a microwave-assisted reduction process was investigated. With increasing rGO content, significant reinforcing effects of the rGO sheets were seen on the tensile characteristics of the unirradiated rGO/PVA composite films, that is, increases in the stiffness and rigidity and decreases in the strain at break values. After UV exposure times from minutes up to 1 hour, for all the rGO contents, the rGO/PVA composite films had improved tensile strength and modulus values as well as considerable improvement in the stress-strain behavior in spite of great decreases in the strain at break values. The structural changes responsible for the improvement in the tensile strength and Young's modulus of the rGO/PVA composite films were associated with the development of strong intermolecular interactions between the rGO sheets and the PVA polymer chains through the formation of hydrogen bonds. Deterioration of the mechanical characteristics, especially strain at break values, was mainly due to the photodegradation of the structural units induced by UV radiation leading to the formation of some free radicals caused by the chemical bond breakages in the polymer chains as well as the weakening of intermolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonds. Correlation between the changes in the tensile properties and the structure of the rGO/PVA composite films were sought by analyzing tensile testing, fourier transform infrared/attenuated total reflectance (FTIR/ATR), and UV-visible spectral results