39 research outputs found

    The Determination of Planning Principles of Botanic Garden for Konya

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    Botanik bahçeleri araştırma, eğitim, rekreasyon ve özelliklede koruma konularında faaliyet gösteren kurumlardır. Araştırma Selçuk Üniversitesi kampüsü yanında İstanbul yolu üzerinde 580 da? lık alanda yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada etüd, veri toplama, sentez ve değerlendirme aşamalarından oluşan bir yöntem izlenmiştir. Alanın mevcut kullanım durumu, iklim, toprak, topografik ve jeolojik yapısı, bitki örtüsü, çevre analizleri ile belirlenmiştir. Planlamaya kaynak olması bakımından kentin sosyo-ekonomik yapısı da değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin yanı sıra konu hakkında literatür çalışmaları yapılmış botanik bahçeleri incelenerek Konya kenti için öneri botanik bahçesi oluşturulmuştur. Alan kullanım kararları getiren 1/1000 ölçekli avan proje hazırlanmıştır. Son olarak Konya kenti için bilim, araştırma, eğitim ve rekreaktif ihtiyaçlara cevap verecek potansiyele sahip botanik bahçesinin uygulamasına yönelik öneriler verilmiştir.The botanical gardens study the matters such as research, education, recreation and particularly protection. The study was carried out in a site of 250 da located Selçuk University near field, on left of İstanbul road. The method consisted of the phases survey, data acquisition synthesis and evaluation. Current usage, climate, soil, geological structure, vegetation and surrounding area analysis of the site were determined. Socio-cultural structure of the city was also considered in the view of being a source for planning. In addition to the obtained data, literature investigation of the subject was performed. And a proposal botanical garden for Konya city was designed with examining these botanical gardens. Draft diagram having site use decision and 1/1000 scale draft plan was prepared. At the end of the study, proposals for establishing a botanical garden having a potential to respond to searching, science, education and recreation demands of Konya cit


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    Karayolları insanoğlunun doğadaki yaşamı için yaptığı mühendislik yapılarından birisidir. İçinden geçtiği doğal kaynakları, kültürel ve tarihi güzellikleri belirli bir perspektifte sunmaktadır. Çalışma alanı Eğirdir çıkışında yer alan Dağ Komando Okulu ile Isparta Köy Hizmetleri İl Müdürlüğü arasında yaklaşık 32 km’lik bir güzergahtır. Araştırmada etüd, veri toplama, analiz, sentez ve değerlendirmeye dayalı peyzaj araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Isparta-Eğirdir karayolu Doğu Anadolu illerini Antalya ve Isparta’ya bağlayan güzergah üzerinde olması ve yerleşim alanlarının turistik olmasından dolayı önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bu yol güzergâhının çevre analizleri yapılmış ve hatalar tespit edilerek peyzaj planlama kriterlerine göre öneriler getirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Isparta-Eğirdir, karayolu, peyzaj planlama kriterleri

    The Evaluation of Playgrounds of Balikesir City

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    İyi tasarlanmış ve iyi yönetilen oyun alanlarında oynamak çocukta kendine güveni artırmakta, fiziksel birçok yetinin yanında dil, iletişim kurma, yüksek beyin fonksiyonları ve sosyal yetenekleri geliştirmektedir. Bu araştırma, Balıkesir kent merkezindeki çocuk oyun alanlarının bugünkü durumlarını araştırmak, yeterliliklerini belirlenmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada etüt, veri toplama, analiz ve sentez metodu kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kentte bulunan oyun alanları 42790 m2 alan geldiği ve kişi başına 0,18 m 2 alan düştüğü, Bayındırlık İskan Bakanlığının standartlarına göre kişi başına 1,32 m2 olmak üzere 321476 m2 oyun alanı açığı bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Mevcut oyun alanlarının sahip oldukları fiziki özellikler ile bitkisel ve yapısal tasarım açısından çocukların psikolojik, zihinsel fiziksel ve sosyal gelişimini desteklemede yetersiz kaldığı tespit edilmiş, bundan sonraki düzenlemeler için öneriler geliştirilmiştir.Playing in the playground, well-designed and administered, improves the children’s self-confidence, language, communication, high brain functions and social skills. The aim of this study was to determination competencies in terms of quantities and qualities, to investigate of children's playground in the city center of Balıkesir. In this research survey, data collection, analysis and synthesis method is used. The results displayed that existing playgrounds covered 42790 sq m, the per capita ratio is 0.18 sq m. There is 321476 sq m deficit and 1.32 sq m field need for per capita, according to Ministry of Public Works and Settlement standards. Physical attributes, planting and constructional design of existing playgrounds are not adequate to meet children’s physical, psychological, mental, and social development was determined. Some recommendations were made to develop current situation and for future planning

    Bibliometric analysis of global rabies research between 1992 -2022

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    Rabies is a deadly viral infection for which there is still no definitive cure. Many researchers are making publication on this subject. The current study used bibliometric techniques to examine the rabies literature and highlighted current rabies research trends as well as prospective future hotspots for rabies research. In this bibliometric study, all data were retrieved from the Web of Science Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) database on January 1, 2023, using the selected terms ("rabies virus" [MeSH Terms] OR "rabies virus" [Text Word] OR "rabies" [MeSH Terms] OR "rabies" [Text Word]) in the title field of the search engine. The search was further narrowed by the document type (article), language (English), and year of publication (1992–2022). According to the used search strategy, we reached a total of 5973 articles. The average number of citations per document was 21.3. Over 300 articles per year were published in the years 2020, 2021, 2019, 2018, and 2017. The rabies literature was written by authors from 158 different countries. The main countries with the highest number of articles on rabies were the USA, China, and France. Germany, India, Brazil, England, Japan, and Canada Research collaboration and cooperation between institutions and researchers in developing countries need to be supported by developed countries. The analysis provides information on the overall situation of rabies research worldwide. The analysis also provides a better understanding of the trends in rabies development over the past 30 years, which can serve as a scientific benchmark for subsequent studies

    Anthropometry of Male and Female Children in Crèches in Turkey

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    This paper presents the results of an anthropometrical survey conducted on male and female children aged 3, 4 and 5 years in Turkey. A set of 18 body dimensions was taken from 154 males and 132 females. It is considered that the 18 parameters are necessary for the design of school furniture, fittings and equipment in order to minimize musculoskeletal, visual and circulatory problems resulting from badly designed elements. This study identified significant gender differences in a set of 18 anthropometrical measures in this subject group

    The Effects of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Plasma (L-Prp) and Pure Platelet-Rich Plasma (P-Prp) in a Rat Endometriosis Model

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    Objective: We aimed to investigate the effect of platelet‑rich plasma (PRP) derivatives, which can be produced from the patient’s blood and have minimal side effects, on endometriosis.Methods: To our knowledge, this is the first study in the literature that studies the relationship between PRP and endometriosis. Endometriosis foci were created in the first operation. In the second operation (30th day), four groups were formed wherein group 1 (n = 8) was administered saline, group 2 (n = 7) leukocyte and platelet‑rich plasma (L‑PRP), group 3 (n = 8) pure platelet‑rich plasma (P‑PRP) and group 4 (n = 10) was used to obtain PRP. In the last operation (60th day), the endometriotic foci was measured and then excised.Findings: There was no statistically significant difference between the pre and post volumes of the endometriotic foci, between their volume differences, and volume difference rates (P > 0.05). However, it was observed that existing implant volumes in all groups decreased statistically significantly within their groups by the end of the experiment compared to the previous volumes (P < 0.05).Conclusion: When the implants were assessed through histopathological scoring in terms of edema, vascular congestion, inflammatory cell  infiltration, hemorrhage, epithelial line, and hemosiderin accumulation, and immunohistochemical staining was assessed in terms of VEGF, there was no significant difference in the comparison between the groups. Although L‑PRP and P‑PRP generated more reduction in the endometriosis foci, they did not create any statistical differences. Key words: L‑Prp; P‑Prp; VEGF; endometriosis

    Konya kenti yerleşim merkezindeki odunsu bitkiler üzerinde araştırmalar

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    86 SUMMARY Urban i sat ion, industrial i sat ion and population density cause an aspiration of the Nature in Turkey as it is hapenning in many countries all over the world. Some problems arise from the rupture of hurnanbeing from the Nature. In the artificial atmosphere of cities, green areas can counteract so many nesessities of the population. These areas ;rs consisted of trees, plant lets and profit of these plants can be held only when they are used correctly and in accardance with the aim. fit the same time, it is very important to select suitable.woody.--; plant, species on which they would grown. For this purpoje very few investigations have been made until now. However much at t ant i on has been paid on this subject in our country. In this study, the pravailing situations of green areas in the city center and also the situations of the use and development of woookj plants in Konya were examined. According to the cultural, social and economical situations of the research area, the green areas were classified into five groups as below; - Household gardens - Public parks - Resting parks - Children parks - Streets and open spaces - School gardens - Graveyards.87 The results were obteined from observations made in different parts. The type of green areas, position, altitude, the number of woody. plants species, the use and development situations of thel were determined. Unapropriate use of these plants and tehe required recommendadions were declared. About 1£Q.\fvutdy ; plants have been determined in the reseach area. It was concluded that these areas must be protected for switable plants and much more attention must be paid for survival of these kinds of plants in the city planning projects. Especially apropriate woooly plants must be chosen in accordance with the social and natural structure of the cities.6. ÖZEt Dünyanın pek çok kentinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de, kentleşme, sanayileşme ve nüfus artışı, kentlerde dolaya olan özlemi giderek çoğaltmaktadır. Doyurun bir parçası olan insanın, doğada.' kopması, baraber.de pekçok sorunu birlikte getirmektedir. Kentlerin yapay ortamında yeşil alanların toplumun birçok gereksinmesine önemli ölçüde olumlu yönde cevap verdiği tartışmasız bir gerçektir. Yeşil alanları oluşturan en önemli öğeler ise ağaç, ağaççık vs çalı formunda odunsu bitkilerdir. Odunsu bitkilerden beklenen olumlu yöndeki etkiler onların amaca uygun ve doğru olarak yetiştirilmesine bağlıdır. Bu meyanda kentlerde yetiştirilen odunsu bitkilerin yeşil alan türüne göre istenilen amaç doğrultusunda uygun yetişme ortamının hasırlanması ve tür seçimi konusu önem kapanmaktadır, ülkemizde, kentlerde odunsu bitkilerin kullanımıyla ilgili pek as çalışma yapılmıştır. Bununla beraber sanayileşmenin eşiğinde olan ülkemizde bu alandaki çalışmalar giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Konya kenti yerleşme merkezinde yeşil alanların bugünkü durumu, odunsu bitkilerin kullanım ve gelişme durumları araştırılmıştır.Araştırma alanının sosyo ekonomik ve kültürel durumu ila doğal yapısının değerlendirilmesi ışığında yeşil alanlar beş gruba ayrılmıştır? - Ev bahçeri. - Parklar - Dinlenme parkları - Çocuk bahçeleri - Yollar ve meydanlar87 The results were obteined from observations made in different parts. The type of green areas, position, altitude, the number of woody. plants species, the use and development situations of thel were determined. Unapropriate use of these plants and tehe required recommendadions were declared. About 1£Q.\fvutdy ; plants have been determined in the reseach area. It was concluded that these areas must be protected for switable plants and much more attention must be paid for survival of these kinds of plants in the city planning projects. Especially apropriate woooly plants must be chosen in accordance with the social and natural structure of the citie

    Evaluation of road traffic noise in terms of acoustic comfort on sidewalks at ring road of Konya-Istanbul, Turkey

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    Walking is an activity that can be easily done by many people in urban spaces even in short periods. The most common areas of walking in urban spaces are the sidewalks. In order for pedestrians to travel comfortably in these areas, acoustic comfort should be fulfilled. This study aims to seek an answer to the question of “Can accurate results be obtained by using an alternative method which is more efficient in terms of time, energy, and cost, in noise measurement studies?”. In this study, minimum and maximum noise measurements were made in three different time periods during the day on a part of D300 ring road in Selçuklu district, Konya province, Turkey. The obtained data were subjected to reliability analysis, unreliable data according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient were not included in the calculations. The reliable data were evaluated in terms of compliance status according to the “Assessment and Management Regulations of Environmental Noise”. As a result of this study, it was determined that even the recorded minimum noise values have a very high potential in terms of exceeding the limit values stated in the related regulations. The results of this study showed that more efficient results can be obtained in terms of time, energy, and cost by the way of short-term (momentary) measurements, compared to the long-term (time-weighted) noise measurements

    İzole Fare Fundus Şeritlerinde Karbakol Ile Hasıl Edilen Aktivite Üzerine Çeşitli Tedavi Sıvıların Etkileri

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    İzole Fare Fundus Şeritlerinde Karbakol Ile Hasıl Edilen Aktivite Üzerine Çeşitli Tedavi Sıvıların Etkiler

    Kurbağa Özafagus Şeritlerinde Elektriksel Olaral Hasıl Edilen Gevşetici Cevaplar Üzerinde Ilave Farmakolojik Çalışmalar

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    Kurbağa Özafagus Şeritlerinde Elektriksel Olaral Hasıl Edilen Gevşetici Cevaplar Üzerinde Ilave Farmakolojik Çalışmala