27 research outputs found

    An analysis on the corrosion of a cultural heritage

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    Many historical landmarks and cultural heritage are being constantly destroyed through natural events and human actions. It is important to conduct corrosion analysis and two and three-dimension documentation studies to restore and transfer these landmarks to the new generations. It is particularly important to record, keep these historical heritages digitally and take precautions against the potential corrosion due to the wars, natural disasters and climatic factors that continue to the present. In this study, the corrosion in Çanlı Church (ÇanlıKilise) located in Akhisar village of the province of Aksaray in Turkey was determined and the reasons were examined. By using close-range photogrammetry method, three-dimension models and facade charts of three facades (North, West, South) of Çanlı Church have been acquired, as a result of measurements performed in four different times (2006, 2010, 2016, 2019). Overlapping all these charts in the same scale, the corrosions occurred on the facades of Çanlı Church have been examined. The meteorological data within the period when the measurements were performed were reviewed. As a result, corrosion on the North, West and South facades of Çanlı Church have been found at the level of 8%, 3%, 13% respectively. It was concluded that the storm has greater effect on the corrosion

    A geoengineering evaluation of antique underground rock settlements in frig (Phrygian) valley in the afyon-kütahya region of Turkey

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    In this study, the seismicity and state of stress of the region, climatic conditions in underground openings and their vicinity, short-termmechanical behaviour of the surrounding rocks, their index and mechanical properties were studied. Furthermore, the effect of water content and size of samples on mechanical properties were investigated. The outcomes of these studies are presented and dicussed in this article. This study is propably the first geo-engineering study of the underground settlements in Frig Valley and it is anticipated to initiate similar studies on this forgotten area of Turkey in future. © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London

    A geoengineering evaluation of antique underground rock settlements in Frig (Phrygian) Valley in the Afyon-Kütahya region of Turkey

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    In this study, the seismicity and state of stress of the region, climatic conditions in underground openings and their vicinity, short-term mechanical behaviour of the surrounding rocks, their index and mechanical properties were studied. Furthermore, the effect of water content and size of samples on mechanical properties were investigated. The outcomes of these studies are presented and dicussed in this article. This study is propably the first geo-engineering study of the underground settlements in Frig Valley and it is anticipated to initiate similar studies on this forgotten area of Turkey in future. © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, Londo

    Mekanik Bir Sarsma Masasıyla Elde Edilebilen Hareket Parametreleri ve Bir Uygulama

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    Bu çalışmada, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü bünyesinde tasarlanmış ve bir üretici firmaya yaptırılmış olan 1.5x1.0 m ebatlarındaki sarsma masası tanıtılmış ve üretilebilen hareket parametrelerine değinilmiştir. Farklı mühendislik amaçları doğrultusunda, depremlerin etkisiyle meydana gelen dinamik etkinin laboratuvar koşullarında modellenebilmesi için sarsma masaları kullanılmaktadır. Büyük boyutlu sarsma masaları, yüksek güç kapasiteli ve çok hızlı hareket edebilen hidrolik sistemlerle çalışmakta ve çok yüksek maliyetlere ulaşmaktadır. Bunun yanında küçük boyutlu ve üzerinde çeşitli model deneylerinin yapılabildiği ve farklı eğitim amaçları doğrultusunda kullanılabilen düşük maliyetli sarsma masaları yaygın olarak kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada tanıtılan tek yönlü, hareketini elektrik motorundan alan sarsma masası ile elde edilebilen, hız, ivme, frekans ve periyot değerlerine değinilmiştir. Örnek bir uygulama olarak laboratuvar koşullarında artan taban ivmesi etkisinde düzlemsel kayma yüzeyi içeren ve doğal malzeme ile oluşturulmuş bir bloğun kayma hareketi izlenmiştir. 3 farklı eğim miktarı için deney tekrarlanmıştır. Harekete neden olan kritik ivme deneysel olarak belirlenmiş ayrıca sayısal olarak hesaplanarak ölçülen ve hesaplanan değerler karşılaştırılmıştır

    Motion Parameters of a Mechanical Shaking Table and an Application

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    In this study, 1.5x1.0 m dimensioned shaking table which was designed and built by Geological Engineering Department of Pamukkale University Engineering Faculty is introduced and produced motion parameters are discussed. In order to determine the different engineering purposed model behaviors under earthquake induced dynamic loads, shaking tables are used in laboratory conditions. High power capacity and fast hydraulic systems are needed for large shaking table facilities and this makes them very expensive. However small scaled economical shaking tables are getting used in different purposes such as model tests and educational demonstrations. Velocity, acceleration, frequency and period values of this electric motor driven unidirectional shaking table which was introduced in this study were calculated. Finally as an example application, a block which is consisted of natural material and has a planar sliding surface, attached on shaking table and displacement of the block with increasing base acceleration was monitored. Critical acceleration for the sliding block was experimentally determined. Tests were repeated in three different slope angles. Displacements were also calculated and measured and calculated block displacement values were compared

    The numerical analyses of response and stability of stone masonary bridges in Aizonoi antique city in Kütahya province of Turkey

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    Aizonoi antique city was established by Phrygians and become a part of Roman Empire and then become of a part of Seljuk, later Ottoman Empire and finally Turkey. One can find traces of various civilizations. This city was the first to introduce the fundamentals of the modern stock exchange. This city was also the first city in the world to introduce the flood protection measures by constructing dams and embankment walls. In other words, it is the city of the birth of the hydraulic engineering of modern civil engineering. The city had three stone masonry bridges made of marble. Two of these three bridges are remaining and it is still used today. The bridges have been performed very well even under very heavy trucks of modern times. However, the traffic has been restricted to light vehicles such as cars and they are still in use. The authors have performed some site investigations and surveying of two remaining stone bridges. In this study, the response and stability of stone bridges are investigated using finite element method under various loading conditions. The authors describe the results of the investigations and analyses. This study also confirm why these stone bridges performed very well so far since their construction about 2000 years ago