68 research outputs found

    Fotoğraf odaklı sistemlerin ilişkisel estetik bağlamında sanatta kullanımı

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    Bu çalışma, fotoğrafın bir iletişim aracı olarak, insanların gündelik yaşamlarına etkisini irdeleyen ve fotoğraf üzerinden ilişkisellikler kuran sanat yapıtlarını incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu doğrultuda, sanat eleştirmeni ve aynı zamanda bir kuramcı olan Nicolas Bourriaud İlişkisel Estetik isimli kitabı aracılığıyla sanat yapıtının nasıl bağlamlar kurabildiği tanımlanacaktır. Burada sanatsal fotoğrafın medya ve reklam yayın organları tarafından kullanım farkı, aynı zamanda bir sosyolog olan Ulus Baker’in “Medyaya Nasıl Direnilir” isimli metni ışığında açıklanacaktır. Baker metninde, medyanın kavranılamaz hale getirdiği “olay” kavramını medyanın tekelinden kurtararak düşünme mekanizmalarını harekete geçirecek sanatsal bir form önermiştir. Bu çalışmada önerilen bu forma yönelik sanatçıların “ilişkisel” çalışmaları vasıtasıyla fotoğraf üzerinden nasıl bir ilişki biçimi sunabildikleri tartışmanın ana eksenini oluşturacaktır

    Determination of the Considerations of the Farmers about Irrigation Organizations by Factor Analysis

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    In this study, the considerations of the farmers who were affiliated to the organizations undertakingthe irrigation administration in Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ and Çanakkale provinces about irrigationorganizations were analyzed. Within the scope of the study, surveys were conducted in 70 irrigation cooperatives,67 municipality and legal entities, 7 irrigation unions and 1 DSI irrigation organization. Total of 567, 113, 227and 7 surveys were conducted in the irrigation facilities administrated by irrigation cooperatives, irrigationunions, municipality and legal entities and DSI, respectively. Total of 301 surveys in 74 villages of 9 districts inEdirne, 168 surveys in 43 villages of 5 districts in Tekirdağ, 156 surveys in 36 villages of 4 districts in Kırklareliand 289 surveys in 69 villages of 11 districts in Çanakkale were conducted. The conclusions of the farmers wereevaluated by using five point likert scale. It was determined that the irrigation organizations did not notice thetraining of the farmers, did not include these trainings in their working schedules and similarly, they did notconduct studies aimed at the conscious and balanced use of the agricultural inputs. Factor analysis was used forthe evaluation of the considerations of the farmers about irrigation organizations. KMO and Barlett test statisticswas used in order to examine the convenience of the considerations to factor analysis and KMO value was foundas 0.891. According to factor analysis results, 13 variables were gathered in three factor groups named as“Administration”, “Ownership and Service” and “Consciousness Raising”

    Effect of Mitomycin - C and Triamcinolone on Preventing Urethral Strictures

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    Urethral stricture is a common disease with high recurrence rate. Several manipulations were defined to prevent the recurrence but the results were disappointing. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of triamcinolone and mitomycin-C on urethral stricture formation and their effect on inhibition of urethral fibrosis. A total of 24 New Zealand rabbits were divided into 3 groups. Urethras of rabbits were traumatized with pediatric resectoscope. Resection area was irrigated with 10mL saline, swapped with a cotton wool soaked with 0.5mg/mL MMC and injected by 40mg triamcinolone in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Retrograde urethrogram was performed at 28th day of procedure and the urethra was removed for histopathologic evaluation. There were significant differences in urethral diameters and in lumen reduction rate between the control and study groups (p< 0.001). Compared to control group, all treatment groups showed mild fibrosis, less collagen bundle irregularity, and lower numbers of fibroblasts (p= 0.003). The Tunnel assay showed that the number of apoptotic cells in the submucosal connective tissue was quantitatively higher in control groups (p= 0.034). In the view of efficacy and safety, MMC and triamcinolone have the potential to replace the use of stents, clean intermittent catheterization, or long term catheters following internal urethrotomy. There were no statistically significant differences between two agents in terms of preventing urethral stricture formation in the present study. Mitomycin C and triamcinolone decreased the recurrence rates of urethral stricture

    Okul yöneticilerinin eğitimde dönüştürücü liderlik özellikleri

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    Bu çalışmada lider ve yöneticilik ile ilgili olarak okul yöneticilerinin yönetim anlayışları, yönetim şekillerine bağlı gelişen olası sonuçlar ve dönüştürücü liderlik ele alınmaktadır. Günümüzde örgütlerin içinde bulunduğu hızlı dönüşüm ve teknolojik gelişmeler liderin örgüt başarısını önemli ölçüde etkileyen bir unsur olmasını sağlamıştır. Dolayısıyla modern liderlik anlayışları da liderin işbirlikçi, örgüt başarısını ve ortak hedefleri önceleyen bir anlayışı gerektirmektedir. Modern liderlik anlayışlarından dönüştürücü liderlik örgüte ilişkin görev ve hedef belirleme, personellerin bireysel çıkarlarından ziyade ortak faydalar sağlama gibi örgüt başarısını artırıcı etkiler doğurmaktadır. Bu çerçevede okul örgütünün liderleri olarak okul yöneticileri de personelin katılımcı, ortak hedeflere yönelmiş ve okul başarısını artırmayı hedefleyen, çalışma motivasyonuyla donatılmış kişiler olmasında katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada liderlik ve özellikle dönüştürücü liderlik ile ilgili kaynak taraması yapılmış ve bu amaçla literatürde yer alan kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan araştırma, öğretim liderliğinin önemini, öğretim liderliği ile öğrenci başarısı arasındaki temel ilişkiyi ve başarılı bir okul yönetiminin işbirlikçi uygulamalar üzerindeki gücünü vurgulamaktadır

    Attitudes and practices against COVID-19 vaccines in Turkiye

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    OBJECTIVE: Vaccination is the primary way to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine hesitancy and refusal are one of the most important challenges against to reach herd immunity. The aim of this study is to examine the reasons for not get-ting vaccinated and the attitudes toward vaccines by people in Turkiye, who were not vaccinated, even though a COVID-19 vaccine was available for them.METHODS: This cross-sectional study is conducted in Eyupsultan district of Istanbul. The study population is 12,540. A questionnaire consisted of three sections as sociodemographic characteristics, attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines, and Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale was used. Among the sample size, participation rate is 69.4%.RESULTS: About 50.2% of the participants (n=259) are male, 80.3% are married, 13.1% are university graduates, and 44.0% are working in a job. About 32.8% of the participants have COVID-19 history. About 34.4% of the participants stat-ed that they would be vaccinated against COVID-19. Although those who define themselves as vaccine refuser are 5.4%, those who still refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are 20.1%. In addition to this, those who are hesitant about COVID-19 vaccines are 45.6%. The most frequently preferred vaccine is comirnaty (41.7%). About 13.1% of the participants stated that "if we had a domestic COVID-19 vaccine, I would have it." The most common sources of information about vaccines are television with 78.4%, and health workers are in the last place with 14.7%. "Concerns about side effects" are the most frequently cited (85.9%) reason for not vaccinating. The mean score of the VAX scale is 42.34 +/- 10.93, and the "mistrust of vaccine benefit" is higher among primary school graduates than other educational status groups (p=0.001).CONCLUSION: Anti-vaccination attitudes have increased with the COVID-19 vaccines during pandemic. Our study is valu-able in terms of examining the reasons of individuals who have not gotten vaccinated even though they had no access prob-lems. Prominent concerns of the population should be approached seriously. Otherwise, vaccine hesitancy can be a decisive factor that would prevent the success of the struggle against pandemic

    Hypothyroidism in Children with Serous Otitis Media

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    Objective:In this study, we aimed to evaluate the co-existence and prevalence of hypothyroidism in patients with otitis media with effusion (OME) and to determine the possible relationship between OME and hypothyroidism.Methods:The subject group consisted of 46 paediatric patients (26 boys, 20 girls), ranging in age from 4 to 14 years (mean age±SD 7.78±2.86 years), who were treated in the department of otorhinolaryngology for OME; the control group composed of 30 healthy children (20 boys, 10 girls), ranging in age from 3 to 14 years (mean age±SD 7.20±2.86 years). Triiodothyronine (Free T3), thyroxin (free T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) values of 46 children who were treated for OME, in addition to 30 healthy children, were evaluated.Results:Seven patients (15.2%) in the OME group, and one patient (3.3%) in the control group had subclinical hypothyroidism marked only by serum TSH elevations. All of the children in this study, regardless of whether from the subject or control group, had normal serum free T3 and free T4 levels. There was no significant difference between subject and control groups (p>0.05).Conclusion:Although there was no statistically significant difference between subject and control groups in this study, further studies with larger patient groups are needed to investigate the role of hypothyroidism in the aetiology of OME

    CT-guided transthoracic biopsy: histopathologic results and complication rates

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to investigate the effectiveness and complications of transthoracic CT-guided biopsy techniques.METHODSA total of 94 CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic biopsy procedures performed in 85 patients were retrospectively evaluated. Core biopsy technique was used in 87 procedures and transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy was used in seven procedures.RESULTSDiagnostic results were achieved in 79 of 94 biopsy procedures. Pathology results were malignant in 54 patients, suspicious for malignancy in three patients, benign in five patients, and benign nonspecific in 17 patients. Specific diagnoses were obtained in 59 patients (62.8%) using core biopsy, but no specific diagnosis could be reached with transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Complications included pneumothorax in 27 patients (28.7%) and parenchymal hemorrhage during and after the procedure in eight patients (8.5%). CONCLUSIONSCT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy is a highly accurate procedure for histopathological diagnosis of thoracic masses. In addition, percutaneous transthoracic biopsy has an acceptably low complication rate and it reduces the need for more invasive surgical procedures

    In the Context of Mayy?f?riq?n’S Islamization Process and Muslim-Non-Muslim Relations: Silvan Chaldean Church Construction Example

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    DergiPark: 980745rumeliThe beginning of Islamic conquests, next to new settlements, allowed people of different cultures and religions to enter the rule of Muslims. One of the best examples of this is the experience of the region which is formerly known as Meyyâfârikîn and today as Silvan. Meyyâfârikîn, conquered during the reign of Hz. Omar, maintained its social, cultural, ethnic and religious wealth until the last years of the Ottoman Empire. Thus, non-Muslims living here have benefited from the tolerance of Muslims and lived their religion freely in places of worship. The persecution and violence in addition to religious and political pressures seen during the historical process in many societies except Islamic societies, were not applied to non-Muslims. In this article topics will be discussed about the construction process of Silvan Chaldean Church, which is one of the best examples of Islam and Muslims' tolerance towards non-Muslims and which was built in the last quarter of the 19th century. In the study, firstly, historical information about Meyyafarikin will be given, and then the construction of the church will be tried to be explained by making use of archive documents. The information obtained will be evaluated by considering it with a chronological approach.İslam fetihlerinin başlaması yeni yerleşim yerlerinin yanında farklı kültürden ve dinden olan insanların, Müslümanların yönetimine girmesini sağlamıştır. Bunun en güzel örneklerinden biri eski adı Meyyâfârikîn olan ve bugün Silvan olarak bilinen bölgenin yaşadığı tecrübedir. Hz. Ömer döneminde fethedilen Meyyâfârikîn, Osmanlı Devleti’nin son yıllarına kadar sosyal, kültürel, etnik ve dinsel zenginliğini korumuştur. Öyle ki, burada yaşayan gayrimüslimler Müslümanların hoş görüsünden istifade etmiş ve dinlerini ibadethanelerinde özgürce yaşamışlardır. Tarihi süreç içerisinde İslâm toplumları hariç pek çok toplumda görülen zulüm ve şiddetin yanında dini ve siyasi baskı, gayrimüslimlere uygulanmamıştır. İşte bu makalemizde, İslam’ın ve Müslümanların gayrimüslimlere hoşgörüsünün en güzel örneklerinden biri olan ve 19. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde inşa edilen Silvan Keldânî Kilisesi’nin inşa süreciyle ilgili konular üzerinde durulacaktır. Çalışmada ilk önce Meyyâfârikîn hakkında tarihsel bilgiler verilecek ardından kilisenin inşası, arşiv belgelerinden istifade edilerek izah edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Elde edilen bilgiler kronolojik bir yaklaşımla ele alınarak değerlendirmeye tabi tutulacaktır

    On solutions of some three dimensional difference equation systems

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    Tez No : 772028Bu çalışma 4 bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde fark denklemlerinin ortaya çıkışı ve önemi hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Ayrıca fark denklemleri ve fark denklem sistemleri ile ilgili temel tanım ve teoremlere yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde fark denklemleri ve fark denklem sistemleri ile ilgili literatürde yer alan çalışmalara değinilmiştir.This study consist of 4 sections. In the first section, information about the emergence and importance of difference equations is given. In addition, basic definitions and theorems about difference equations and systems of difference equation are given. In the second section, studies in the literature about difference equations and systems of difference equations are mentioned

    Determination of fatty acid compositions of some important almond (Prunus amygdalus L.) varieties selected from Tokat province and Eagean region of Turkey

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    This study was conducted to determine the fatty acid composition of Picantili, Ferraduel, Drake and Nonpareil commercial almond species (Prunus amygdalus L.) cultivated in Tokat province under dry conditions; of genotype ST-11 and YD-2 selected from Tokat region; and of 101-13, 300-1, 17-4 sweet almond species, selected from the Aegean region. The percentage and composition of the fatty acids of the samples were determined by gas chromatography. The amounts of oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid, respectively, were found to be higher than the other fatty acids in all genotypes. These fatty acids were similar in amounts and little change was observed between the genotypes. These values were determined to range from 57.46 to 68.65%, 11.77 to 25.15%, 5.06 to 7.26% and 1.26 to 2.41%, respectively. However, genotype 17-4 included more docosaheaenoic acid (DHA), pentadecanoic and nervonic acids than the other genotypes. According to these results, it can be suggested that the fatty acid composition of genotypes were not changed very significantly although there are some differences between samples as percentage. Genotype 17-4 is more heavily affected by dry climatic conditions than other genotypes