9 research outputs found

    Simplicity and maximal commutative subalgebras of twisted generalized Weyl algebras

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    In this paper we show that each non-zero ideal of a twisted generalized Weyl algebra (TGWA) AA intersects the centralizer of the distinguished subalgebra RR in AA non-trivially. We also provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the centralizer of RR in AA to be commutative, and give examples of TGWAs associated to symmetric Cartan matrices satisfying this condition. By imposing a certain finiteness condition on RR (weaker than Noetherianity) we are able to make an Ore localization which turns out to be useful when investigating simplicity of the TGWA. Under this mild assumption we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the simplicity of TGWAs. We describe how this is related to maximal commutativity of RR in AA and the (non-) existence of non-trivial Zn\Z^n-invariant ideals of RR. Our result is a generalization of the rank one case, obtained by D. A. Jordan in 1993. We illustrate our theorems by considering some special classes of TGWAs and providing concrete examples.Comment: 32 pages, no figures, minor improvements of the presentation of the materia

    The Ideal Intersection Property for Groupoid Graded Rings

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    We show that if a groupoid graded ring has a certain nonzero ideal property, then the commutant of the center of the principal component of the ring has the ideal intersection property, that is it intersects nontrivially every nonzero ideal of the ring. Furthermore, we show that for skew groupoid algebras with commutative principal component, the principal component is maximal commutative if and only if it has the ideal intersection property

    Skew Category Algebras Associated with Partially Defined Dynamical Systems

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    We introduce partially defined dynamical systems defined on a topological space. To each such system we associate a functor ss from a category GG to \Top^{\op} and show that it defines what we call a skew category algebra AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. We study the connection between topological freeness of ss and, on the one hand, ideal properties of AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G and, on the other hand, maximal commutativity of AA in AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. In particular, we show that if GG is a groupoid and for each e \in \ob(G) the group of all morphisms eee \rightarrow e is countable and the topological space s(e)s(e) is Tychonoff and Baire, then the following assertions are equivalent: (i) ss is topologically free; (ii) AA has the ideal intersection property, that is if II is a nonzero ideal of AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G, then IA{0}I \cap A \neq \{0\}; (iii) the ring AA is a maximal abelian complex subalgebra of AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. Thereby, we generalize a result by Svensson, Silvestrov and de Jeu from the additive group of integers to a large class of groupoids.Comment: 16 pages. This article is an improvement of, and hereby a replacement for, version 1 (arXiv:1006.4776v1) entitled "Category Dynamical Systems and Skew Category Algebras

    Commutants and Centers in a 6-Parameter Family of Quadratically Linked Quantum Plane Algebras

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    We consider a family of associative algebras, defined as the quotient of a free algebra with the ideal generated by a set of multi-parameter deformed commutation relations between four generators consisting of five quantum plane relations between pairs of generators and one sub-quadratic relation inter-linking all four generators. For generic parameter vectors, the center and the commutants of the two of the generators are described and conditions on the parameters for these commutants to be itself commutative or non-commutative are obtained

    Commutativity and ideals in category crossed products

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    In order to simultaneously generalize matrix rings and group graded crossed products, we introduce category crossed products. For such algebras we describe the centre and the commutant of the coefficient ring. We also investigate the connection between on the one hand maximal commutativity of the coefficient ring and on the other hand nonemptiness of intersections of the coefficient ring by nonzero two-sided ideals