189 research outputs found

    Uniform semiclassical trace formula for U(3) --> SO(3) symmetry breaking

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    We develop a uniform semiclassical trace formula for the density of states of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (HO), perturbed by a term r4\propto r^4. This term breaks the U(3) symmetry of the HO, resulting in a spherical system with SO(3) symmetry. We first treat the anharmonic term in semiclassical perturbation theory by integration of the action of the perturbed periodic HO orbits over the manifold C\mathbb{C}P2^2 which characterizes their 4-fold degeneracy. Then we obtain an analytical uniform trace formula which in the limit of strong perturbations (or high energy) asymptotically goes over into the correct trace formula of the full anharmonic system with SO(3) symmetry, and in the limit ϵ\epsilon (or energy) 0\to 0 restores the HO trace formula with U(3) symmetry. We demonstrate that the gross-shell structure of this anharmonically perturbed system is dominated by the two-fold degenerate diameter and circular orbits, and {\it not} by the orbits with the largest classical degeneracy, which are the three-fold degenerate tori with rational ratios ωr:ωϕ=N:M\omega_r:\omega_\phi=N:M of radial and angular frequencies. The same holds also for the limit of a purely quartic spherical potential V(r)r4V(r)\propto r^4.Comment: LaTeX (revtex4), 26pp., 5 figures, 1 table; final version to be published in J. Phys. A (without appendices C and D

    Semiclassical description of shell effects in finite fermion systems

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    A short survey of the semiclassical periodic orbit theory, initiated by M. Gutzwiller and generalized by many other authors, is given. Via so-called semiclassical trace formmulae, gross-shell effects in bound fermion systems can be interpreted in terms of a few periodic orbits of the corresponding classical systems. In integrable systems, these are usually the shortest members of the most degenerate families or orbits, but in some systems also less degenerate orbits can determine the gross-shell structure. Applications to nuclei, metal clusters, semiconductor nanostructures, and trapped dilute atom gases are discussed.Comment: LaTeX (revteX4) 6 pages; invited talk at Int. Conference "Finite Fermionic Systems: Nilsson Model 50 Years", Lund, Sweden, June 14-18, 200

    Bell's inequality for n spin-s particles

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    The Mermin-Klyshko inequality for n spin-1/2 particles and two dichotomic observables is generalized to n spin-s particles and two maximal observables. It is shown that some multiparty multilevel Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states [A. Cabello, Phys. Rev. A 63, 022104 (2001)] maximally violate this inequality for any s. For a fixed n, the magnitude of the violation is constant for any s, which provides a simple demonstration and generalizes the conclusion reached by Gisin and Peres for two spin-s particles in the singlet state [Phys. Lett. A 162, 15 (1992)]. For a fixed s, the violation grows exponentially with n, which provides a generalization to any s of Mermin's conclusion for n spin-1/2 particles [Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1838 (1990)].Comment: REVTeX4, 4 page

    Persistent currents in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of disorder

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    We examine bosonic atoms that are confined in a toroidal, quasi-one-dimensional trap, subjected to a random potential. The resulting inhomogeneous atomic density is smoothened for sufficiently strong, repulsive interatomic interactions. Statistical analysis of our simulations show that the gas supports persistent currents, which become more fragile due to the disorder.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, 3 figures, revised version, to appear in JLT

    Deltagande Forskning – Lärdomar, resultat och erfarenheter från Växthusgruppens arbete 1999–2000

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    Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL) vid SLU har initierat ett pionjärarbete att få igång deltagande forskning inom lantbrukssektorn i Sverige. I denna rapport beskrivs den läro- och förändringsprocess, de framgångar och svårigheter, som en av de grupper som ingår i CUL:s satsning genomgått och mött under sitt arbete med deltagande forskning. De resultat gruppens försök och praktiska arbete lett fram till presenteras också. Rapporten är skriven av gruppens facilitator (Karin Eksvärd) efter att ha samtalat med gruppmedlemmarna enskilt och tillsammans om deltagarnas åsikter kring gruppens arbete och arbetsformer. Några av gruppdeltagarnas åsikter och uttalanden finns inlagda som citat i rapporten. Deltagarna har även haft möjlighet att kommentera rapporten under dess framtagande. Gruppens arbete har möjliggjorts genom att rådgivarna har arrangerat gruppens möten som kurser inom miljöstödsprogrammet. Det har varit ett givande och lärorikt arbete som fortsätter att öka vårt kunnande om ekologisk tomatodling, oss själva som grupp och sättet att arbeta. Vi hoppas att denna rapport skall inspirera fler lantbrukare, rådgivare och forskare att i högre grad samverka med varandra och att på detta sätt vidareutveckla svenskt lantbruk

    Stability of persistent currents in a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a toroidal trap

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    Motivated by recent experiments in Bose-Einstein condensed atoms that have been confined in toroidal traps, we examine the stability of persistent currents in such systems. We investigate the extent that the stability of these currents may be tunable, and the possible difficulties in their creation and detection.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure