365 research outputs found

    Estudio de los principales métodos de evaluación del riesgo de incendio en un taller ferroviario

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    El objeto del presente estudio es analizar los principales métodos de evaluación de riesgo de incendio existentes sobre un establecimiento industrial singular; un taller de reparación de material ferroviario propiedad de Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, y elegir el más idóneo para el establecimiento. Según el REAL DECRETO 2267/2004, de 3 de diciembre por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de seguridad contra incendios en los establecimientos industriales, establece en su Artículo 1, como mínimo exigible, la posibilidad de aplicación, para casos particulares, de técnicas de seguridad equivalentes, según normas o guías de diseño de reconocido prestigio para la justificación de la soluciones técnicas de seguridad equivalente adoptadas, que deben aportar, al menos, un nivel de seguridad equivalente a la anterior. Esta aplicación de técnicas de seguridad equivalente deberá ser justificado debidamente por el proyectista y resueltas por el órgano competente de la comunidad autónoma

    Gravitating vortices, cosmic strings, and the Kähler--Yang--Mills equations

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    In this paper we construct new solutions of the K ahler{Yang{Mills equations, by applying dimensional reduction methods to the product of the complex projective line with a compact Riemann surface. The resulting equations, that we call gravitating vortex equations, describe abelian vortices on the Riemann surface with back reaction of the metric. As a particular case of these gravitating vortices on the Riemann sphere we nd solutions of the Einstein{Bogomol'nyi equations, which physically correspond to Nielsen{ Olesen cosmic strings in the Bogomol'nyi phase. We use this to provide a Geometric Invariant Theory interpretation of an existence result by Y. Yang for the Einstein{Bogomol'nyi equations, applying a criterion due to G. Sz ekelyhidi.Partially supported by the Spanish MINECO under the ICMAT Severo Ochoa grant No. SEV-2011- 0087, and under grant No. MTM2013-43963-P. The work of the second author has been partially supported by the Nigel Hitchin Laboratory under the ICMAT Severo Ochoa grant. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020-MSCA-IF-2014) under grant agreement No. 655162, and by the European Commission Marie Curie IRSES MODULI Programme PIRSES-GA-2013-612534.Peer reviewe

    Four new species of Chaetodermatidae (Mollusca, Caudofoveata) from bathyal bottoms of the NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Caudofoveata is a class of vermiform molluscs with bilateral symmetry and circular transverse section. There are at least 135 described species of Caudofoveata. Fourteen species have been reported from the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, four of which belong to the family Chaetodermatidae. Of these four species, three are endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and one to the NW Iberian Peninsula. The Chaetodermatidae specimens studied were collected off the NW Iberian Peninsula during several expeditions. Four new species of Caudofoveata are described from the NW Iberian Peninsula. They belong to the family Chaetodermatidae, one of them to the genus Chaetoderma and three to Falcidens. Chaetoderma galiciense sp. nov. has a body divided in 5 regions: anterior, neck, trunk, tail and tassel, each region is covered by typical sclerites. Falcidens urgorrii sp. nov. has a narrow body divided in four regions: anterior, neck, trunk and tassel, each region covered by typical sclerites, and a radula bears a pair of teeth and two pairs of lateral supports. Falcidens garcialvarezi sp. nov. has a body with four regions, each body region covered by characteristic sclerites. The radula bears a pair of falciform teeth, a long and narrow radular cone, a triangular central plate and a pair of lateral supports. Falcidens valdubrensis sp. nov. has a short body divided in four regions, each of which covered by characteristic sclerites; the radula bears two falciform teeth.The four new species described herein increase the number of known described species of Caudofoveata to 138. Thus, the Iberian Peninsula becomes one of the best known areas in the world. Also, the first species of the genus Chaetoderma from the Iberian Peninsula is described. This paper is registered in Zoobank under: http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:628A29EE-B45D-4D1A-8955-F84FEDAD9013This communication is a contribution to the following projects carried out by the Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: PGIDT01PXI20008PR, PGIDIT05PXIC20001P, PGIDIT07PXB000120PR, A Selva-08 and ForSaGal-09 (Xunta de Galicia, Regional Government); VEM2003-20070-C04-04, CGL2004-22429-E and CTM2004-00740 (MEC, Spanish Government)S

    Role of sulfites and 4-hexylresorcinol in microbial growth and melanosis prevention of deepwater pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) using a controlled atmosphere

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    A controlled atmosphere containing 48% CO2 and 7% O2 was used in association with refrigeration for storage of deepwater pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris). Shrimp were treated with two different concentrations of sodium metabisulfite or 4-hexylresorcinol and subjected to the controlled atmosphere immediately after capture onboard ship or on arrival in port. Total volatile basic nitrogen, total viable counts, enterobacteria, lactic acid bacteria, and luminescent bacteria were determined, and black spot progression was evaluated. The combined effect of controlled atmosphere and melanosis inhibitors was used to delay black spot development as compared to the shrimp stored in ice alone. Storage under the controlled atmosphere without ice limited microbiological quality, namely, total viable counts, but enterobacterial growth was lower.Peer Reviewe

    Effect of aging on the fracture characteristics and brittleness of a high-strength concrete

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    Results of notched beam (fracture) tests on a 60 MPa silica fume concrete at the ages of 4, 10, 31 and 232 days are presented. Fracture parameters at the different ages were obtained using the size effect and cohesive crack models, which indicate that the fracture resistance (toughness and energy) decreases and the brittleness increases with the age of the concrete. This trend is attributed to the increase in the strength of the hardened cement paste and the interfaces that leads to less bond cracking and more aggregate rupture, and consequently, to more brittle failure and lower toughening.Peer Reviewe

    Intraseason changes in vertical jumps of male professional basketball players

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    This study aimed to analyze basketball players’ jumping bhavior in the Squat Jump (SJ), Countermovement Jump (CMJ), and Free Arm Swing CMJ (CMJ Free) during a professional basketball season and check if it is modulated by the players’ specific playing position, the time played on court, and the different leagues. Fifty-three male professional basketball players were assessed in three different moments of the season through SJ, CMJ, and CMJ Free. Between the beginning of pre-season (1st assessment) and the second round of the season (3rd assessment), there was a strong increase in performance in the three jumps (SJ Height: 5.6%, η2P = 0.234, p = 0.007; CMJ Height: 5.1%, η2P = 0.177, p = 0.007; CMJ Free height: 4.11%, η2P = 0.142, p = 0.01). There was also a significantly large increase in SJ and CMJ between the 2nd and 3rd assessments and in the CMJ Free between the 1st and 2nd assessments. No significant interactions were found between jumping performance and the group factors (players’ specific playing position, time played on court, and league). In conclusion, SJ, CMJ, and CMJ Free performance strongly increases between 1st and 3rd assessment, without being influenced by the specific playing position or the minutes played per game

    Melanosis inhibition and SO2 residual levels in shrimps (Parapenaeus longirostris) after different sulfite-based treatments

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    The effectiveness of different sulfite-based treatments to prevent melanosis in fresh deepwater pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) was evaluated. Increasing the concentration of sulfites, different methods of application (immersion and dust) and synergy with other compounds, such as citric acid and chelants, were investigated. The level of SO2 residues in the muscle was determined in a selection of the most effective treatments. One-hour dip treatment with 50 g kg-1 sulfite, together with citric acid and chelants, was effective for melanosis prevention for at least one week. With this treatment, the statutory limit of 0.3 g kg -1 SO2 in edible part was not exceeded by the majority of samples analysed. © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry.Peer Reviewe

    Intrasession reliability of the tests to determine lateral asymmetry and performance in volleyball players

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    The development of lateral asymmetries in athletes could have an influence on performance or injuries. The aim of this study was to determine the within-day reliability of the symmetry tests and the performance tests, and explore the relationship between them. Eighteen male volleyball players (18.1 ± 2.1 years) participated in this study. Seven lateral symmetry assessments were used, namely: lateral symmetry through tensiomyography (LS), active knee extension (AKE), Y-balance test (YBT), muscular electrical activity in attack jump (MEA-AJ), single-leg squat jump (SLSJ), triple hop test for distance (THTD), and bilateral maximum repetition in leg press (1RMSL); and three volleyball performance tests, namely: the T-test, counter-movement jump (CMJ), and attack jump (AJ). Three in-day measurements were taken from each volleyball player after the recovery was completed. The reliability was calculated through the intraclass correlation coefficient and the coefficient of variation, and the relationship was calculated through Pearson’s bivariate correlation coefficient (p < 0.05). The results indicate that AKE, YBT, and LS are the symmetry tests with increased reproducibility. THTD correlates positively with the AKE test and 1RMSL test, and a greater symmetry in the YBT correlates with a greater performance in the CMJ and AJ performance tests. In conclusion, AKE, LS, and YBT are the best tests to determine, with reliability, the asymmetries in volleyball players, and a greater symmetry in the YBT seems to influence the height of bilateral vertical jump

    Multilevel Multiphase Feedforward Space-Vector Modulation Technique

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    Multiphase converters have been applied to an increasing number of industrial applications in recent years. On the other hand, multilevel converters have become a mature technology mainly in medium- and high-power applications. One of the problems of multilevel converters is the dc voltage unbalance of the dc bus. Depending on the loading conditions and the number of levels of the converter, oscillations appear in the dc voltages of the dc link. This paper presents a feedforward modulation technique for multilevel multiphase converters that reduces the distortion under balanced or unbalanced dc conditions. The proposed modulation method can be applied to any multilevel-converter topology with any number of levels and phases. Experimental results are shown in order to validate the proposed feedforward modulation technique.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2009-07004Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia TEC2007-6187